Tue, Feb 11, 7:12 AM CST

30 Pieces ~ The Price of Blood

Photography Cultural and Spiritual Art posted on Apr 14, 2008
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#4 in the theatrical shots I took. Here, Judas agrees on 30 pieces of silver. These youngsters amaze me every year with the journey they take and the emotion they put into this production. Thanks for viewing and any comments you wish to make. Jodie

Comments (18)



3:45PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

i think its great when kids put themselfs into projects instead of walking the streets ,gives them a sense of purpose .excellent shot jodie :o) mick



3:48PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

Wonderfull POV for this superb thatral capture Jodie!


3:49PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

Very nice stage shot! They do look like they are very involed in the characters and story line.



3:54PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

Excellent. Nice lighting and a good angle on this stage shot. nice work.



5:02PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

Beautiful image! ROBY ;o)



5:19PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

nice capture...



5:59PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

real cool shot



6:15PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

Great imagery and colors. The cast looks great!



6:47PM | Mon, 14 April 2008

The performers are well situated in this stellar stage capture, Jodie.



2:40AM | Tue, 15 April 2008

Nice image and presentation, very expressive faces, the cast looks great, bravo !


3:43AM | Tue, 15 April 2008

A terrific shot (and some wonderful comments)! It really is theatrical. Full-size a must see! Your main character—I assume Judas (center)—is caught with the saturated lighting of a highlighted player. He stands out brilliantly, especially in front of the red backdrop which makes him stand out even more. (And their shadows!) But you have the motion: the line of arms going from viewer's right, right through Judas and into the person he's touching. Whoosh! Very much like the wonderful Renaissance paintings of these scenes. And the cloistered lighting of the theater, how the actors/actresses stand out larger than life in that intense 'theater glow'; and even that woman in the upper left who's staring at something else, as good scene-actors should (ie, taking our eyes into places beyond the stage). Theater photography is tough: Even the best newspapers don't get it right—they either get too much light or too little. It's a tight little cauldron of a world, and I love how you've captured it in this series. I love to see you delve into these worlds, and find the lightning in them. I really loved this!



5:03AM | Tue, 15 April 2008

Excellent stage shot Jodie! xx



4:52PM | Tue, 15 April 2008

Very beautiful and very nice photo!



7:34PM | Tue, 15 April 2008

I love the animation and movement of the hand, it puts the action right there in the middle. Well done Jodie.



8:25PM | Thu, 17 April 2008

a very well done image... the scene rocks



7:20PM | Sun, 20 April 2008

A superb capture of the performers ! Ana



7:34PM | Sat, 26 April 2008

This is a superb capture. I'm drawn most to the actual drama implied in the image. Of course the story is well known, at least in Western circles, but what brings an added touch of intensity to this is the varied expressions on the faces of the actors, and their various points of focus. You've caught the guard in the background, looking resolute and bored, rather like a guard. The onlookers get equally intense focus, bringing the whole scene into a great level of lively variation. Added to this is the sense of motion, the blur of a hand, and the colors. Fantastic work



8:04AM | Sat, 17 May 2008

Perfectly composed and well lit! Which is always difficult in a theater scene. Excellent!

1 81 0

Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.6
ModelNIKON D70
Shutter Speed10/200
Focal Length112

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