Mating matter by busi2ness
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I am back on safer soil with animal captures after the grunge fun. Thanks goodness you say! :P
A pair of mating lions up close. The male is a gorgeous white lion, while the female is of normal coloring. Look close, she is still covered in blood from her last meal and the male is not taking any chances. Mating lionesses are aggressive towards the male in between mating and would attack for no apparent reason. Sounds familiar in human behavior? Hehe. On this particular day we had been lulled into believing it's quite safe but the next moment the female charged at us and one of the Renderosity photographers with me, almost peed her pants. It was the first time in her life she experienced the sheer volume of a growling lion. She was appalled by the strong odor emanating from her gaping mouth, I had my doubts as to the origin though. I am being silly, I know...Â
Comments (57)
Superb capture Piet! :)
Well, lucky for him he can communicate with such a feisty lady! Covered with blood, eh? Yeah... I'd take my time, too. lol. What a wonderful opportunity for you both!! Also, To hear that sound....ROOOWWWRRR!
Excellent capture and quite a different pose than I normally see of lions.
beautiful cats and shot!
Please, tell me you discovered this picture was on your camera when you went back to recover it.
Gorgeous animals!
This is an incredible capture, you are an amazing photographer.
Awesome capture!! And I agree with you as to how their tendencies are so familiar with ours! In your pic one can clearly see the male asserting himself, and the female in a bit of a more submissive posture, albeit with claws and big pointy teeth. This is much akin to our dating and attraction roles as a relationship is just generally just starting out. Ok, if I were charged by a lion,..or lioness, especially one with claws and big pointy teeth, I can pretty much guarantee you I would be wetting myself too! Which is mainly why I wear depends. This is an amazing capture!! I've never seen a white lion before, and am really glad you did all the up close and personal work for us. There is one incredible difference between the species, at least as far as the mating ritual is concerned. It appears as though the lions are only aggressive between bouts, where as with humans, you might see more of this, having interrupted them during.
Outstanding capture of wild animal behavior Piet! I know even common house cats act much the same way, but the fierceness and wildness of this scene are most impressive!!
What a seriously amazing and dangerous looking shot! You can just feel the hormones a going. I am glad that both of you came out safely. These animals look incredibly muscular and I love the look on their faces. Gorgeous shot!
Great capture Piet!
Excellent capture!!
Wonderful capture Oom Piet.
great image Piet My friend well done
Wow! Fantastic stuff here! That female lion looks quite playful, actually. Amazing she got aggressive right afterwards. What a cool shot!
What an outstanding photo and lions!
This is so striking...Hugs
I am woman I am strong lol What a great photo and yes sireeeee I would be a scary cat and a human run would not be enough lol::
Ooh lala..A awesome image. I think the blood would scare him off lol.
Ha Ha .. your comments really make me giggle today! Aside from your delightful commentary, your photo work is astounding. I would have insisted on using the Hubble Telescope to get this close up, grins.
Wow~ Scarily wonderful! Fantastic capture.
exceptional pose and wild life capture!
It's perfect my friend!
'Mating lionesses are aggressive towards the male in between mating and would attack for no apparent reason'!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet that lion and I have a great deal in common. ;)
Excellent capture!!!
Wonderful capture Piet and great description!