Sat, Feb 8, 3:37 PM CST


Poser Fantasy posted on Aug 10, 2012
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“And I looked, and behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death” ~The Book of Revelation, 6:8 Do not fear Death, as she dances toward you. Though Death has traditionally been depicted in the Tarot as a reaper of souls, her presence actually foretells change. If we ponder death, we can see that, in time, all of us change from living beings to... something else. Life is all about impermanence. Death is simply the most dramatic example of this. As time steadily marches forward, each one of our fleeting moments brings us something new, and each one ushers out the one it replaced. As we move through time, we can either resist the inevitable changes -- seek to create permanence -- or we can bend to them. As none of us can escape death, neither can we escape the change which is constantly occurring. Denying death's existence does not prevent its occurrence. This lesson is valuable, as it pertains to all forms of change. Accepting life's shifting currents with grace and flexibility will always be less painful than ineffectively trying to stall their flow. Rendered in Poser Pro 2012, postwork in CS6. This was a 1-shot render! Those are rare for me. The only postwork is the DOF blur (added using the z-depth image from PPro) and the one halo/sparklie behind her head.) Non-Rendo Production Credits: Body Jewels and Masquerade's Eve (Aery Soul) Millennium Horse (DAZ3D) The Art of Dance - Ballet V4 - Performance Romance Tutu (Littlefox) Calliope (Thorne, Sarsa, Mada) Fall from Grace (DirtyFairy, Sarsa) CWRW Pro Textures for the Mil Horse (CWRW) Wynter Hair (AprilYSH) Nightbird Jewels (Valea)

Production Credits

Comments (11)



1:27AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Wow. That's amazing. Great: POV, model pose and expression, atmosphere. Bravo



2:12AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Stunning render.



3:15AM | Fri, 10 August 2012




5:09AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

So beautiful!!!!



9:21AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Excellent work.



9:57AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Deliciously morbid! Fantastic detail!



10:09AM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Very nice !!



4:06PM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Your art-work is so nice. I thank you for your masterpiece. 5+!



7:31PM | Fri, 10 August 2012

Excellent work.



2:16PM | Sat, 11 August 2012



Gogger Online Now!

11:34PM | Wed, 05 September 2012

I really like this one A LOT! Excellent work on everything, but I especially like the eyes. Respect.

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