This is for Andrea (durleybeachbum)
Okay, I started to draw Andrea's gorgeous Water lily (
here), but then I realized I'd never asked permission. Since theft is generally frowned upon, I figured, not a good thing to do. Besides, the drawing had nothing on Tara's and Helle's beautiful renditions, so I had even more of a reason to stop...
As I have no class, I took the pilfered drawing, postworked it, and stuck a flower shot OVER it---in honor of Andrea's constantly beautiful flower shots---and VOILA! A crazy little image. Then I made a montage. The result's below...
Next: What to say.
Ok, so I had this composition teacher who hadn't played serious piano in years. One day, he played a Chopin Waltz.
When he finished, he shook his head and muttered, "I shouldn't have played---it's been too long!"
But what WE heard was years of absorbing and making magic, and a performance that blew us away: He illuminated details we didn't know were there and presented that waltz to us on a golden platter with a "garnish" of sprinkled diamonds. Fact was, he'd made magic for so long, he couldn't avoid doing it if he tried.
Now Andrea hasn't been away from art: But in every other way she's that teacher. She moves her fingers and magic comes out. Andrea's gallery is magic to me.
Does she know how much we talk about her?
Examples: "Did you see Andrea's
doodle last night? I loved it!"
"I hope Andrea sees my latest---it's the kind of pic she does so well!"
"She has so much knowledge and background,
and she puts it all into her art!" And,
"You did it! Andrea loved your piece!"
(Am I exaggerating? Tell me I'm wrong...)
I worked with photographers in the ad business, and watched them photograph perfume: Those people were paid huuuuuge amounts for shots that weren't a
tenth as classy or creative as Andrea's perfume series.
Or her nursing home series (w/ her dogs): Humanity and touching love. Or her "random man" shots (and women): "I just point and shoot," she says; but we all know how intuitive and utterly fresh those shots are. (She makes magic even when she doesn't intend to.) Or her incredible dog shots---one of the best dog series ever: I send links to my animal-lover friends, and they love them.
And her "Flowers in the House," where she shows her uncanny ease for setting up and lighting shots. Or her wonderful explorations into "edge" work---I did a tad, here. Or her insect macros, or flower macros, or studies of tire marks and roadways, or her ongoing love affair with the infinite beauty of her surroundings: She's chronicled her landscape like a journalist, but given it to us like a magician. Can any of you disagree that her gallery's a big Party? A Street Fest for Artists? She grabs everything around her and does a gavotte, jitterbug and free-form dance, everyday---her gallery's about JOY. And when she paints and draws? Insight mixed with lifelong knowledge mixed with beauty, class and play. That, ladies and gentlemen, is special.
You are one loved artist, Andrea. You inspire us, dance, fly, explore and laugh; and people here love you, as do I. With enormous gratitude, I ask that the muses of eternal childhood remain blazing forever inside you! Have a wonderful day, o resident Muse, and Happy Birthday and many, many more! It's been a pleasure walking in your world...Mark
(Please zoom---it's big!)
Comments (12)
beau cadeau!
Wow, thus endeth the lesson:-) What a remarkable summary of Andrea's gallery. What a summary of the feelings about the artist and her work. I can't think of anything meaningful to add but I've sure enjoyed your bountiful description Mark and your joyous birthday art work...the action, the colors, the light, the life. Happy Birthday A!!!
Well, Mark, what an embarrassment to receive all this! Thankyou, my friend, for the words which are a humungous exaggeration BTW, but also for wonderful artwork which I LOVE! Something to treasure!
auntietk Online Now!
Wonderful! I love this progression, and your dedi for Andrea is just right. I know she protests, but honestly ... everything you said was true. She's an inspiration! The second panel is the one I keep coming back to. Little flecks of color have turned into birds, and flowers have become leaves and lichens. Seeing these progressive pieces from you is like using manual focus in an alternate reality. As the lens moves and the subject comes in and out of focus, something slightly different appears with each turn of the ring. What a joy to see your flights of focus! :)
Very cool work Mark. My fave is the 4th one which has taken on a life of its own. Happy birthday Andrea!
It's all about transitions; from reality to art and back again, a little changed for the better, we hope! To make art one must BE art. Your description is spot-on, Mark; and homage work is absolutely stunning. Honestly, this is what you should do for a "living"..."NOT" roast!
A sweet dedication and a well developed set of Manips my firnd I popped over to her galley and I understand what you mean by a party mark visiting her gallery theres just so much to see I am glad youpointed me in her diraection!!
I just love these progressions you do and this one's especially wonderful. Your dedi to Andrea is so right on, you just described her to a T, if anyone didn't know here, they could get a very clear picture of who she is by what you wrote. A perfect gift!! Happy Birthday, Andrea!!
A delightful and very creative photo series and B-Day dedi for Andrea. I love how it is all flowing from the lily, and the orb, which ties in so well with the spirit feeling of Andre's garden and photos. I've always enjoyed her gallery very much, as she has such an artistic eye in everything she sees and does. And the photos of her dogs are so fun. I also just love her Flowers In The House series. Hope she had a grand B-day.
Sorry I'm late on this, but had a real bad day yesterday, even deleted your ebot by accident. I have no proper analogy for these mind blowing concepts, Mark, except that they may be some kind of subatomic particles flowing through the blood stream of an extraterrestrial, and viewed through an electron microscope. Or maybe they're potpourri flowers viewed through an electron microscope. Or perhaps just a garden variety LSD trip. In any event, extremely colorful and textured in a myriad of ways. With the variety of art forms and photographs she posts on Renderosity, a very proper birthday dedication to Andrea, my friend.
excellent dedication
Well, what could say the isnt already said in here. I agree with it all and I find your dedication for Andrea most wonderful. :-))))