The eyes of Nepal ... by KarmaSong
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The news of yesterday's earthquake in Nepal came as a terrible shock. It was my very first day off for this Springtime holiday and I had promised myself not to be connected through tv, radio or the internet. When I eventually checked my cellphone's texts, a friend of mine had written that the village of Laprak, whose schools and education had been then almost entirely built and sponsored by the association I have a membership in, was now a heap of rubble...
I've also heard about the devastation in Kathmandu, and the temples and monuments partly or entirely destroyed in the historical heart of the city.Some Nepali friends of mine don't have any more homes in Kathmandu, any more houses they had built through hard work and dedication for the love of their country, so as to show to us Westerners the real soul of Nepal, not just the trekking business or post-hippy scarves, incense sticks and necklaces as some others do.
I took this photo of the dome of the Bodnath stupa in Kathmandu, which is one of the two greatest Buddhist monasteries and pilgrimage sites in the capital city, back in 2001.I just pray God that this invaluable and spiritual landmark is still on its feet.The USA, France, Norway, Israel and many other countries are now on their way for humanitarian action and rescue operations in Nepal.
Have a nice week-end, and please, help Nepal, in your prayers and actions too...
Comments (26)
A beautiful prayer to be close to those suffering people !!
Très jolie photo et très bel hommage !
Que dire?! Je suis de tout coeur avec le peuple népalais et j'imagine leur détresse, comme si la pauvreté des gens de ce peuple ne suffisait pas, il faut encore ajouter une catastrophe naturelle ! Je suis heureuse d'apprendre que la communauté internationale envoie de l'aide au Népal : c'est le moins que l'on puisse faire pour cette nation meurtrie. J'imagine que c'est encore plus difficile pour toi d'apprendre ces terribles nouvelles car tu connais personnellement ce peuple dont tu m'as si souvent vanté la gentillesse, la qualité d'accueil et la spiritualité... Superbe photo pour accompagner tes propos ! Je crois bien que c'est le dome d'une stupa la plus connue au monde ! Bises et bon courage au peuple népalais !
Lovely thoughts my friend
Un terrible évènement pour ce pays de haute spiritualité. Comme toujours dans ces catastrophes, c'est une bonne chose que la collectivité humaine aide par différents moyens. Superbe image et excellent appel pour ces populations.
C'est un grand malheur qui touche ce pays bouddhiste, et ta photo est un très bel hommage à sa population, espèrons que des survivants pourront encore être sauvés.......
Congratulation to 100th. Keep in memory for all people!
Jean-Luc, allow me to say that my heart goes out to all the people who lost their homes and family members in this great tragedy. The most important thing we can do is to help out any in need and keep all of them in our prayers during this time.
Most devastating, these earthquakes and other natural disasters around the globe. We sick humans are being taught lessons that we refuse to learn, I think. I really am sad to hear of another devastation especially to such an old and noble country. I will of course keep them in my thoughts and prayers. Your photo reveals the beauty of their culture. I pray you wish for the continued presence of this monument to what is good in humanity survived the chaos!
Amazing capture and dedication my friend. God bless.
What a terrible disaster. I feel so sorry for the people there. Great shot and very nice dedication.
Merveilleuse capture mon ami et fabuleux hommage à tous ces pauvres gens !!!
such a beautifu structure. I know people here from Nepal. nature can be wondrous or very destructive
yes this is sad. at lest it happen when winter is not so bad there. if it happen in the coldest months people will be freezing to death. very lovely photo
Heart and soul goes out to all dear, Jean_Luc. God bless all. Blessed be Di. xx
On ne peut qu'éprouver une immense tristesse devant cette catastrophe dont on ne mesure pas encore l'étendue. Tu as dû être touché fortement, toi qui y es allé et qui en a rapporté de superbes photos, comme celle-ci.
Excellent capture and great dedication!!
Nice shot Jean Luc and lovely dedication to people who live in a dangerous side of this planet :((((
La 1ère fois que j'ai découvert ce 'drôle' de temple, c'était dans Little Buddha il me semble. Je n'aurais pas pensé que les temples puissent s'écrouler, alors que souvent ce sont les bâtiments qui résistent dans les séismes quand tout le reste fait défaut à la population. Sans compter les nombreux villages qui ont subit les dévastations à l'extérieur de Katmandou. La population paye un lourd tribu, et pourtant à la télé on ne cesse de s'apitoyer sur les touristes dont personne n'a de nouvelles. Je m'inquiète davantage pour les Népalais et les personnes venues de l'étranger pour les aider.
it is so heartbreaking and terrible what happened, an earthquake of this size, with all the devastation and all the people affected is a great sorrow,my heart and soul goes out to all....wonderful capture and dedication***
wonderful tribute
interesting find and funny cature! but your text is so very sad! ;o)
Still a great shock, Jean-Luc! I continue keeping all the people of this country in my prayers and my heart goes out to all that are suffering and for all the others, that are not anymore between us. So sad, this disasters...i wish that the survivors have the needed help to go through this terrible times. Your photo is marvelous and it is a wonderful tribute to this country and to all that are suffering.
Excellent photo! Very impressive architecture!
I remember seeing that fascinating work of architecture in books. The earthquake was not only unfortunate but wholly unexpected for me -- I seriously never expected there would be earthquakes in a place like Nepal. (And from what I read, Nepal hasn't had an earthquake for centuries.) I've donated some money, though not much, being very poor myself. Guess all one can say for sure regarding this tragedy is: sh*t happens. Can only hope the survivors will recover soon and rebuild their fair country...