Sun, Feb 9, 5:59 PM CST

Looking sexy !

DAZ|Studio Portraits posted on Jun 16, 2017
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.

What a pain in the rear it was !

I will continue the story about Miho attacking the second hidden lab of the evil corporation over the weekend. I had a major disaster on my hands with some software upgrades I did on my main render PC last week after posting my last render. I generally have a simple rule when installing software - take backup and never install more than one software at a time. But I broke my rule and paid for it heavily. It started with a security product with Ransomware protection I had installed and then immediately had upgraded my nvidia graphics driver. I launched Daz Studio and got a blue screen within seconds. PC rebooted, then I logged in and started DAZ Studio again and again got a blue screen. The PC rebooted again. Now I thought either the Ransomware protection was interfering with the DAZ Studio (I had added all the DAZ Studio content folders and all Miho related folder under the Ransomware protection) or I had somehow corrupted my SSD drive or the DAZ Content DB. So I did a reset of the content DB and tired to re-import and process all the meta data. That again resulted in a Blue Screen. Now I was worried. If I lost the disk, I would loose all my work on Miho. That is something I could not bear to think about. So after the reboot, I ran a check on the disk, it showed no errors. This time I did not start DAZ Studio and waited to see if anything happened or if I get the blue screen again. And soon enough, both my monitors kept going dark every minute or so but no blue screens. This made me curious and I looked at the Event Viewer and immediately knew the problem. It was the graphics driver. It had a lot of 'hung' and 'recovered' messages regarding it in the event viewer. Every time it hung, it hung the system and the screens went dark. But if DAZ Studio was running Octane was accessing the graphics card and when the driver hung, Octane could not access the card and that resulted it a critical timeout which caused the blue screen. So I uninstalled the latest driver and installed the older version I was using previously. Now the PC was once more stable. But my content library was more of less gone. I tried to load a scene with Miho, I got everything are 'missing or not found'. I had no choice but to reinstall the huge number of items I had in my content library. That took days. And after that was done, I loaded Miho and got all sorts of distortion on her eye lashes. Something was wrong. Then I saw the DAZ Studio 4.9.4 in the DIM, installed it, same problem. Uninstalled that version and again installed it, same problem. So again reset the content DB and I also removed the DAZ DSON cache folder and again had to wait for days for all the items to download and install. I really do not understand why DAZ cannot use the already downloaded package to install the item. Anyway, finally this time everything installed properly and I was able to render Miho properly. That was yesterday night. Hence my absence from Renderosity for the past week and a half. Btw. Do not install version 382.53 of the Nvidia driver if you have the Titan X (Maxwell ). I can't say whether it will be stable on other cards.

About this render :

For today I am just posting a render of Miho I was doing in parallel to the story renders. I actually have been working on Miho's teeth, eye textures and also eyebrows. They all had problems and I had been resolving them in parallel to my renders for the latest story line. I will do a close up of her eyes soon.
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. My previous render - "Never underestimate a girl" 144abd9361ba4d4c89e77f02d0ac47a4_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (46)



1:35PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Ein sehr schöner Render



1:51PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

I had a Titan X (Maxwell chip) and had the same black out problems, since the computer was 6 months old I sent back to manufacturer as I could not resolve. Manufacture told me they could not replace as Maxwell chip was not made anymore but they would replace with a 1080 with new pascal chip. I did a test render remotely while it was at factory but it would not work. I tried to contact DAZ and Poser to find out why but of course their customer service is almost nonexistent, you have to email and wait. As the manufacturer was pushing to send back the computer , I reached out to Nvidia, I got a stupid Tech who told me that only their Quandro cards supported Iray, so I ended up spending thousands more to get their newest P5000 card , which had to be special ordered so no refunds. I got the P5000 only to find out it barely worked with DAZ render times were 10x longer and would not work with Poser 11. Poser said they were working to fix it, but DAZ informed me that they had no intention of ever supporting such an advanced card at this time. They recommended I buy Octane. I purchased Octane after using their demo only to find out Octance for DAZ has a lot of problems with certain materials like water or liquids, and generally does not come out as good as Iray, not to mention it does not use any DAZ lights. Supposedly has a daytime light but can never get a blue sky, nor does it appear to save in a format that would allow me to layer a sky. I found out of course after my computer was mailed back to me that DAZ has beta renderer for the Pascal card in the 1080. Every upgrade in for DAZ and Nvidia has just made all my problems worse, and that is why I have basically given up, so it could have been worse. I know someday the programs will catchy up but I am old and in poor health so I will likely never see the day. I am happy you got your problems fixed.



2:05PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

nice work



2:35PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Superb work!!



2:42PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Yes indeed she is!



2:43PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

sorry about your problems. I spent part of yesterday searching my registry for traces of goo------ browser to be rid I hope of some adware hiding. Norton's power eraser did not pick it up, nor Malwarebytes

very good portrait. at least she is happy



3:18PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Glad you made it, rajib !! A good lesson for all of us. Backup, backup, backup !!



3:46PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

very pretty! So sorry you had issues!



4:08PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Indeed, sexy.



4:15PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Stunning portrait :)



4:23PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Yes she is!



4:44PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Glad you sorted out your issues with your pc I have a Titan graphics card its runing 382.33 with no problems so i think i will leave it well alone ! Excellent portrait any way



5:27PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Sorry to hear of your probs glad you got some kind of solution. PC problems are all consuming and you just have to get them sorted regardless how long it takes. You did Top notch work on Miho she llooks so sexy lovely work Rajib have great weekend my friend!!



5:29PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Sorry to hear about all the troubles, having to reinstall not only Studio, but all content is an endless task indeed Oo (on my last PC, I made a clone of the previous runtime/libraries Hd, because of that ^^. Saved at least 2 weeks). As for video driver and Daz updates, honestly I didn't update mine for ages :) , it works in such a miraculous way like I have them now - never crashing, never anytning weird that happens - that I will keep that Ds/Nvidia drvier combo as long as I can lol. Btw, dedicated ransomware protection ? Just saying, but this is probably overkill ;) , an up-to-date windows, a good firewall, AV, and some HIPS if you're really paranoid, and you're good to go, believe me ;) .

Nice render btw ;)


5:35PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Gorgeous render of Miho! Sorry to hear about your PC problems - glad you were able to sort them out.



7:49PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Beautiful portrait!



7:54PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Too sexy for her shirt! Computer issues are the pits, hope you get it worked out, but this render is delightful.



8:21PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

technology is truly a fickle creature lol



10:08PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Great portrait of Miho! She's looking fine as ever. hope all your computer problems are solved now



10:34PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Oh, my beating heart!! I just want to reach out and give her a big hug - even though she could easily break both my arms and beat me with them! LOL Ye gods is she gorgeous! My monitor is turning into a puddle of molten goo right now..

I feel your pain, bro. I've just now got this collection of persnickety technology working together and pretty smoothly for a change. It's a love/hate relationship with these bloody machines..

I've been burned too many times by errant hard drives... Now I have all my Poser runtimes backed up on 4 separate drives. I use a program called AllWaySync (it's about 26 bucks and worth three times the price) to back up and synchronize my runtimes, and other stuff I don't want to lose.

Glad you got everything back in order!



11:59PM | Fri, 16 June 2017

Sorry for your PC problems and thank you for the warning! Also glad you could work through them OK and Miho is back 😄 What version of Windows are you running, I'm on win 7 still.



12:24AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

An Amazing portrait!!!!!!!!👏👍💯🙋‍♂️



12:50AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

wonderful portrait of this beautiful girl:))*****



12:51AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

Keep working with the Quadro Card I think once you find the right use for it with DAZ you will be very happy with the results, but glad you are up and running again!!! Excellent work!!!😄



1:31AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

She's certainly looking sexy!

I'm glad you were able to get your computer working again. That sounds like a horrible experience.



6:26AM | Sat, 17 June 2017
Tara-Well Done.jpg


7:30AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

Beautifully done!



8:27AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

Outstanding Work,



8:39AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

I love Dinhi very much ! she is very sensual and attractive !!! what a special beauty !!!



9:20AM | Sat, 17 June 2017

Really gorgeous

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