Waiting for... by rajib
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Hi There =) !
Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.
Hope you all like the render !
Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done.
My previous render - "Another base found"
Click the thumbnail to view it.
Enjoy =) !
Story / Description :
The story continues from the last render....
As we continued to monitor what the people in the airplane where talking about, the deep earth scanning results were ready and Miho moved that data to the holographic console. The conversation we had heard from the airplane was correct. There where huge deposits of minerals and ores underneath the town. Potentially worth billions of dollars and for that poor country it would be an amazing find. But the Corporation wanted to steal all that from that hidden base with a underground mining tunnel dug from the underground base inside the hill to under the city. Currently this tunnel had not yet reached the town area otherwise it would have shown up in the deep earth scan. Miho tasked even more of her specialized satellites to start scanning the area between the town and the hills. Now we waited for the result of this additional scan as well as continued to wait for the airplane we were tracking to land..
Miho ask me to armor up. With so called killer robots in play, Miho said I should not take any chance. She was indestructible but I was not. The wolf said he wanted to go too but Miho said it was too dangerous for him and there was no armor for him yet. The wolf was not happy. He felt it was his job to protect Miho who to him was the queen of the jungle and all animals. He came over and lied down at Miho's feet. He really wanted to go with us but Miho was right, this time it was too dangerous. We did not know what kind of killer robots the Corporation had created and did not know their capabilities.
While we waited, I put on the armor and we started discussing our plan of attack. We needed to wait for the airplane so that we could track the people in them to the hidden entrance of the base in the hills. We also discussed how we would inform the government of country that there was huge amount of natural resources that they could use to better the lives of their countrymen. We needed to ensure it actually got used for the good of that country and not just used to fill the pockets of a few corrupt officials / ministers.
The airplane was nearing the town. We eagerly waited for it to land. But instead of landing we saw it slowing down and then heard the voice of the senior person in the airplane - "Put on you parachute, we are going to jump", the other one said "Yes Sir"... We thought they would land, but guess not. Well, we will just have to track the two of them from the point they jumped out of the airplane to the point they disappeared into the hill.
The story will continue form the next render...
About this render :
Well, I just wanted to do another render of Miho in her base. So this time I changed the elements being displayed in the holographic console, posed Miho as though she was telling me about the ores and minerals that the deep earth scanning bots had found. This time I put "me" in the room so that one could see Miho was talking to me.
I changed the lighting a bit. The room overall is darker but the holographic elements appear a lot brighter and I like that. It makes the scene look interesting.
I moved the wolf near Miho's feet and adjusted the chair position a bit. Other than that it is more or less what I used for my last render.
I did do a custom morph in ZBrush to push in her right thigh where it presses on the console. Also created custom morph on the hair to drape it more naturally and remove some distortions. And also did a custom morph on the top to drape it better too.
I do feel Miho looks even more beautiful in this one =). Btw. the thumbnail and the title does give a very different impression of the image one is about to see... Just having a little bit of fun =).

Comments (59)
Fabulous image and story!
Me I hope! Delightful job on this my friend.
Wonderful image my friend :)
great work
Oh, be still, my beating heart! Just have her stay in that position until I finish this cuppa coffee - and get another one.. Miho looks fantastic as ever, and I love the progression of the story. Another outstanding page, and render, my friend! Epic!
Looks good!
this story is getting very intense and exciting and the artwork is top-notch
Fabulous one. outstanding and seductive pose of Miho ... can't understand why the wolf looks kind of bored, anyway ,,, gorgeous scene !
Jumping is more fun right? Miho must do like me and work around her dog - my dog loves to be in the way lol!!! Fantastic scene and continuation of story!!!
Wonderful work
The genetic engineers who designed Miho should be rewarded. Give them anything they want.
Nice work. I like the wolf!
LUV everything about this story and images your done..Top work my friend. cheers
What a great job !!
Some wolves get all the luck.
Great scene. ^^
beautiful image and sexy character
Another awesome continuation!!
Brilliant & wonderfully done!!!!
cool job........love the doggy
Great character and render!
Great image.
Very very nice!!!
Wonderfully done:))*****