Fri, Feb 7, 12:36 PM CST

Another Anachronism Edited

DAZ|Studio Aviation posted on Dec 27, 2021
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Did a little editing to sort a few embarrassing and obvious mistakes that should have never been missed. Unbridled enthusiasm coupled with Impatience imitates ignorance. Reloading, correction and re-rendering took less than thirty seconds... It's been awhile since I posted anything so I digressed into the silly zone once again as the more serious scenes in progress (yes Molly that means yours) were trying my patience. In this little gem we have an early Iron Age Assyrian warrior banking left in his Sopwith Pup to check out something of interest in the modern city below. DryJack never disappoints - his Pup is quite faithful and detailed with logically sub-divided textures easily tweaked if so inclined - the cowl in particular shines up quite well and a little LIE dirt on the wheels adds a nice touch. Plane came in spot on with regards to scale in DAZ despite having been set up for Poser with wings in Measure Metrics at a little over 26' when the original aircraft spanned 26' 6". Render took about 14 seconds on the old 1080ti. Didn't even get a chance to refill my Captain Morgan before it popped... Hope everyone survived the first holiday session in health, happiness, peace and style...

Production Credits

Sopwith Pup
$12.00 USD

Comments (13)



8:35PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Avec ce rendu, aucun post-travail n'est nécessaire. Joyeux Noël à toi!

Most impressive scene!!!



8:42PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Merci RG!



8:47PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Well you sure can't beat a deal like that, my friend! You have really knocked this one way out of the ball park and had to dispatch the Sopwith Pup to try and catch it! LOL! A truly marvelous and wonderfully delightful work of art! Many fine praises and kudos from me to you on this one! And also, I want to wish you a very wonderful and Happy New Year filled with much joy and delight!!!!


10:25PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Thanks as always radar - this was a very easy-peasy scene and i highly recommend the pup as you have such a penchant for cool aircraft scenes. Was such an encouragement I started another little WIP...


8:57PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Beautiful aviation scene!


10:25PM | Mon, 27 December 2021

Thanks blue - had to get my silly part in but aircraft are always a treat!



1:20AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Looks very nice!

One or two remarks: you should turn off the "show ground" in the render settings, because there is a light shadow under the left lower wing, which looks like the wing touches the ground ß which in turn spoils the otherwise impressing image.

Another little correction: the ailerons should move exact the opposite way, when in a left bank (I know, this is knit picking and only visible to people who really fly them self in one or the other way) 😉


6:50AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Thanks Furnose - not nitpicking at all. I changed the bank and forgot to change the 'rons after changing the rudder and the pilot's head. The shadow i missed too - simply forgot to turn off ground. Lazy misses caused by late night rum induced enthusiasm and looking toward the next scene. I will edit as soon as I finish this comment.



1:40AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Excellent work my friend 👍🙋‍♂️


6:50AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Thanks Saby!



1:42AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Fantastic work!


6:51AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Thanks starship!



8:46AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

It's great but I'm not OK to fly with this guy...too cold !!! Where is it supposed to take place ?


11:51PM | Sun, 02 January 2022

These old birds were pretty drafty gaius, and those with rotary engines liked to spew castor oil about which could in turn prompt the pilots to spew biological waste from at least two orifices...

No historical setting in mind. Pups flew in the North during the Great War. I chose a modern HDRI that looked good. Had I sourced a good Flanders aerial overview, I'd have been compelled to find a correct RFC pilot instead of being a smart--s and crewing the Pup with a 3,000 year old Neo-Assyrian ground pounder...



8:51AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

I just got this model and seeing it in use inspires me to think about how I might use it. Thanks for sharing your work, as always.



9:01AM | Tue, 28 December 2021

My pleasure Molly. it's an easy asset to use especially for a Poser Gal. In a rush I forgot to reset the ailerons after reposing which still bugs the s--t outa me.

Pup entered service late in 1916. Steampunkish?



3:05PM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Excellent work.



3:10PM | Tue, 28 December 2021

Thanks x7 - almost let it get away from me :)



7:47AM | Wed, 29 December 2021

Beautiful work. my town is Lugo di Ravenna o Romagna. where Francesco Baracca was born, who gave the symbol of the prancing horse to Enzo Ferrari.


8:34AM | Wed, 29 December 2021

The north is beautiful country!



4:05AM | Sat, 15 January 2022

Wonderful aerial shot!


7:06AM | Sat, 15 January 2022

Thanks Cool - went together quickly - almost too quickly. Had to go back in and fix a couple boo-boos...

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