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Unforseen results

Poser Science Fiction posted on Apr 08, 2022
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"Black Lilly" Mollus is pretty much your mad scientist and evil industrialist. She has been experimenting with humanoid AIs. As it turns out, AIs don't always want to play by the rules of their creator... "Black" Lilly is based on a villainess I sometimes play at River Heights in Second Life. Molly's art notes: Set up and rendered a few years back in Poser Pro Game Dev using the Firefly rendering engine. Both "Black Lilly" and her automaton are based on the venerable Victoria 4. The "Ex Machina" styled automaton is the work of Simon-3D. I have a lot of the content he has created and it's wonderful! :XD: I did some retexturing on the face and hands of my Robotrix and also changed it's shape a bit to make it sexier. This is the second of only two pictures I've done with this fine content. I must do more...

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Comments (16)



2:45PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Cool scene and creation : )


3:50PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Thank you! It's pretty good even though it's from a few years ago. I'd probably do it a bit differently now, zooming in more tightly on the conflict between the robotrix and "Black Lilly".




3:39PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Ah ha, now we get to see what happened just before the Robotrix escaped into the wonders of the natural world! That's the problem with giving AI's human traits. If we want them to be like us, we better be prepared for them to not like us! "Black Lilly" Mollus looks rather angry at this turn of events!

Can I just say, I LOVE the fact that you play a villainess named "Black Lilly" in Second Life? That almost makes me want to try Second Life, just to see you in action!


3:55PM | Fri, 08 April 2022


I'm glad you think my role play as a villainess in River Heights, the sim I helped build and maintain in Second Life, sounds like fun! It has been over the years and it's given me a lot of ideas and materials for my Poser stories and pictures. The place has a city, an jungle island and a number of science fiction sets including Star Trek style space craft. Second Life is fun and can be an amazing art tool (check out MadokaKawabata at Deviant Art; she's a friend who is also one of the best Second Life photographers I know). Sadly, I don't spend much time there these days but I've continued to pay the rent on River Heights and a few other sims I've contributed to.

I'm gearing up to tweak the textures on the robotrix and "Black Lilly" to make some newer pictures. I hope you'll enjoy them, too. =)




3:39PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Fine scene.


3:57PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Thank you, Mazzam. I'd do it in portrait aspect and closer to the figures in conflict if I did it again now but I thought even as it stands it would be interesting for my friends here to view.




4:02PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

That's an unfortunate turn of dose one escape the grip of a noncompliant AI...i see a mini story here...!! scene and characters lovely image and work... "Black Lilly"...what a great name...sounds like a marvel comic book character


4:40PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

In my mind, the Robotrix balks at killing "Black Lilly" even though she is physically stronger and has the upper hand here (see what I did there? XD). I did share my other picture of the Robotrix, after she has departed leaving a shaken but living AI creator. Actually, "Black Lilly" has driven a lot of stories in Second Life and I play the role as well as the role of her very good and sweet twin sister, Alice, who happens to be a super human on the side of all that is good. I don't know that is really a story for the Marvel Comic universe but it has given me a lot of fun in my own little "Mollyverse". Perhaps I will share more of these sisters and their clashes. XD

Thanks for the comment, DG. I always enjoy hearing from you.




4:34PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Yes, you should so more of these. It's always good to see V4 characters still used. All my female characters are based on V4/Girl 4.


4:42PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Thanks for your vote, my dear. The beauty of Poser is that all my legacy stuff renders well with very few tweaks. Perhaps I will not only share some of my better renderings from years past but also feature these characters in some newer renders.




5:46PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Excellent sci-i image, very frankenstein meets the matrix, well done!


9:37PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Thank you! Even though it's a few years old I think it held up well enough to share. =)




8:02PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Well done, this is cool sci-fi. A rebel of an AI would be very dangerous, indeed.


9:38PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Thank you! I really appreciate your comment! =)




11:24PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

actions can backfire with less than desirable results. superb sci-fi art/lighting


8:06AM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Thank you for such a lovely comment. I think I might be able to do these characters a bit more justice now but this picture held up pretty well over the years and seemed worth sharing.



11:48PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Wonderful sci-fi render!


8:07AM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Thank you! I appreciate your comment! =)




11:52PM | Fri, 08 April 2022

Superb Sci-Fi scene, glamorous characters and yet, pretty tough story. The AI will definitely choose what's best for it to thrive and for sure will have no mercy and will be way too fast and efficient in achieving it's goals.
Great composition and message, exquisite Artwork. I love it!


8:05AM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Thank you, Marius. It's a pretty old picture and story but I thought it held up well enough to share here. =)




10:54AM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Never a bad idea to share old stuff - sometimes it can lead to reinvigorating them, or serving as a base for something new. Great as always.


9:35PM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Thanks, JD. I'm done with reworking the textures on the robotrix and am working with "Black Lilly" now. I think I will be doing some more with them in the near future.



11:47AM | Sat, 09 April 2022

never heard of story Black Lilly, but sure really enjoy this superb sci fi work Molly. you rock! and thanks for sharing your fine work.


9:37PM | Sat, 09 April 2022

I would be surprised if you know of "Black Lilly" Mollus unless you hang out in River Heights in Second Life or have been following me at Deviant Art. I would claim her as an original character of mine although I used V4 and some other content to bring her to life.

Thanks for the comment, Steve! <3




6:44PM | Sat, 09 April 2022

This is marvelous! Such tension! Wonderful lighting. Well done!


9:38PM | Sat, 09 April 2022

Thanks, Annie. I think I could do it a hair better now, but I thought this was good enough to share and as I update the characters I thought these older pictures would serve as an introduction. =)



2:35PM | Mon, 11 April 2022

Looks like the tables have turned and Black Lilly got more than she bargained for from the A.I. android ;)


9:53PM | Mon, 11 April 2022

Yes, that's exactly what's going on. I have no idea why it never occurs to mad scientists that their creations might not share their interests. XD

Thanks for taking a moment, my dear! =)




3:06PM | Mon, 11 April 2022

Reminds me of the recent short series I saw on YouTube, Detroit becoming human, or something like that! Elon Musk is worried this might be the outcome for humanity as well! But he is trying to get ahead of the problem and hopefully build androids that would kill us! A marvelous image here! Great posing and dramatic situation! At least for now, I see no blood but there is still the possibility of broken neck or strangulation! What an image! Very well done! Bravo!


9:51PM | Mon, 11 April 2022

Thanks, Rad. I try not to get bloody or bruised even though some of the violence in my pictures might do that to a real human being. If our future is in the hands of Elon Musk... 0.0

I always look forward to hearing from you, Rad. =)




1:18AM | Wed, 20 April 2022

Great scifi characters and scene


6:34AM | Wed, 20 April 2022

Thank you for the kind words! I always appreciate hearing from you. =)


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