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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 11:01 am)

Subject: New Poll for those who are having no problems with Poser 5

sandoppe ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:18 PM · edited Tue, 03 December 2024 at 4:15 PM

This is only for those who can honestly say they are having no problems with Poser 5 since the last patch (SR2). The question: What type of computer system/specs do you have? Include OS, Ram, Processor speed. Also, do you use it for anything other than Poser? I don't think there are many people who aren't experiencing some problems, but I remember seeing a few that say they are having no problems at all. I think it would be interesting to know your specs and if this is a dedicated Poser computer or used for other stuff.

Niles ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:21 PM

No Problems? This will be a short Poll... maybe "fewer" problems :)

vilters ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:31 PM

I only do stills. Can not say i had a problem since sr2.1 AMD 1000 395 MB RAM ATI Video card Windows XP Home edition Direct X 9 Do a lot of things in random order, play games, watch TV via Hauppauge TV card, before , after or during Poser. Slow, OK, but no hang-ups or Blu screens Think I am one of the few.

Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game Dev
"Do not drive faster then your angel can fly"!

dialyn ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:31 PM

Well, I have almost no problems but I think I'm a Borg adjusting to Poser 5's needs rather than Poser 5 being perfect. You'll have to allow for those of us who have been assimilated.

sandoppe ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:32 PM will be intersting to see Niles :) I've heard a few make this claim to we'll see how many there are who are willing to share with the rest of us how they've managed to accomplish this feat!

saxon ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 3:59 PM

Making animations on P4 2.53ghz, 512 RAM, Windows XP, works perfectly....

visque ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 4:08 PM


I can honestly say the Poser has had no problems on this system. It seems rather stable.

2 Meg RAM
40 Meg HD
Video7 video card
Windows 3.1

It's only fallen off once... but I put it back and it's been perfect since.

(Apologies for the cavalier attitude, but if I couldn't laugh about it I'd be sobbing like a baby). I'm confident that SR3 will eliminate all my woes.

ablc ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 4:26 PM

No problems for me either 1) Laptop 520Mo, PIII 1.2Go, 30GoHD running XP 2) Main with 1.5Go Ram, PIV, XP doing animations with them. Actually 14 V3 in 1 scene and no problem on the second computer. Laurent

fretshredder ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 4:36 PM

Believe it or not I have not had many problems at all since SR2.1. Granted, I only do stills to date and have done nothing with the face room, and only toyed with the cloth/hair rooms. Other than that been rather stable considering its starting point :-) dual p4 2.4 GHz 2 GB PC2700 DDR RAM 200 GB HDD Matrox MAX 450 Vid card Windows XP Pro Also, I do a lot of programming and such on this machine

igohigh ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 5:15 PM

I can't really say I have had "problems" per say; occationaly it has fits opening the material lab but that seems to only happen if the texture file is located on C: (I have P4/P5 on D:) - aside from that it has actually shown me some improved performance such as not locking up Windoze when closing the app, even after several renderings (yes RayTrace is slower, but hey 'Nature of The Beast', it's still better than P4) Win98 SE 850MHz 512Ram 20/60Gig HD (12/34Gig free at present) 32Meg NVIDIA TNT2 M64 I have however only done stills so far (limited time lately) but I do pack my scenes a bit heavy. I close EVERYTHING when working with P4 but P5 seems better, I've even been on-line and ran music...but NOT when I hit Render

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 5:47 PM

fretshredder, a person after my own heart! A guitar player, programmer, 3D CGer with a very nice system. I'm afraid to ask what kind of guitar equipment you possess. :0) Mine is a comparatively quaint: P4 2.54GHz 1 GB PC2100 DDR RAM (working on 2 GB as we speak!) 190 GB HDD GeForce4 TI 4600 + GeForce4 MX 420 video cards Windows XP Pro, SP 1 Poser 5 SR1 runs rather nicely, but I don't push its limits (cloth room, hair room). Rendering does bury the needle on the CPU, which is a shame since LW and C4D don't. Poser 5 doesnot like StarDock's WindowBlinds (latest version). When I run P5 with 'blinds loaded, some of the 'accessory' windows are opened and not closable (Walk Designer, Python, Joint Parameters, varies). Poser 5 is the only application so far that has problems with this. BYS

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 5:50 PM

Errata: That shoulda been SR2.1. BYS

merknz ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 6:10 PM

No problems, Athelon 1800+ 1 gig RAM, Running XP of course I want the hair to work but I think thats beyond the scope of what your asking. I dont have hardware crashes under poser.

Little_Dragon ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 6:11 PM

I won't say that I'm having no problems, but they aren't much worse than what I've endured in Pro Pack.

Win98 First Edition (I know, I know ... I'll update any day now, I swear ....)
AMD Athlon XP 2000+

My last big animation project (640x480, 40+ seconds, ~1200 frames, raytraced shadows and refraction) was rendered in Poser 5 in a leisurely-paced four days, although I did most of the scene composing in Pro Pack beforehand.

Scarab ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 6:32 PM

No real probs since I installed the SR1...havent done SR2 yet. However, I have not really played with the material or cloth room much. Running Compaq 2.86 GHz with 1 Gb Ram and 120 Gb HD and WinXP As I stated in a much earlier thread, some problems seemed to clear up after I installed the SR1 for WinXP. Scarab

who3d ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 6:56 PM

No major problems here (blue screen? Poser5 has hidden "Pern" Easter Eggs? ). SR2.1 was a definate improvement with regard to stability, speed, AND features. Crashes...very rarerly do I resort to shutting down Poser 5, and that's usually because I reckon it can be faster than waiitng for "Cancel" to finish. Just today I encountered some "AVI files as background" problems tha tI didn't know about, and which are supposedly cured in SR3... but I'll install SR3 when my current jobs are finished. A little gaming, a little office application work, 2D painting, remote management of other computers, scanning, digital camera, watching DVD movies, writing my own DVD's (system backups as well as videos rendered in -tadaaaa - Poser 5 among other things). So not much, really. Pentium 2.4GHz 1.5GB PC2100 DDR SDRAM Windoze 2000 pro SR3 with lots of post-SR3 updates (waiting on SR4 now) 17" LCD flat panel display (really lovely except for the colour depth) 60GB hard drive Various Symantec utilities installed (E.G. Internet Security) Clock synch program, CleanSweep, MaxMem, oh - all sorts of rubbish running in the background. Shouldn't be allowed. Cheers, Cliff

MaterialForge ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 7:12 PM

Ok, I'm on a 2Ghz Intel P4 w/512MB RAM, 64MB nvidia GeForce 440MX, 80GB 7200rpm hard drive for the OS and all applications, and several other various 10GB and 20GB drives to render animation to, mostly 5400rpm drives. This is not only my Poser PC, but is also used in my recording studio - and there are a ton of applications and audio files. Mitsubishi Diamond Point NX85 18.1" flat-panel LCD. Also a few external USB drives for storage, and an iMation LS120 hi-capacity USB floppy. Audio cards include M-Audio's Delta 66 and Omni Studio, and various versions of SoundBlaster. (I tend to swap them a bit to test how my stuff sounds on various cards) CD's are a Teac 8x internal CD-RW, and a Yamaha 4416 External SCSI cd-rw. OS is Windows 2000 Professional with SP3, IE 5.50.4807.2300, w/128-bit encryption installed. Outlook 2000. I also run Zone Alarm, NAV, a dozen other things. I've even had Poser rendering in the background while recording a guitar track in Acid Pro 4. Don't ask how, I think I lucked out, but it didn't even hiccup. I defrag my hard drives every other day, and make sure to clean all temp files - between audio work, Poser, and web surfing it ends up being about 200-300 MB's after a couple of hours. I also reboot several times within a 5-6 hour work period. And if Poser starts running a little slow, I close it and reopen to give it a boost - lets it clear out all its temp files I guess. But yeah, I've had no issues. I really didn't have any with Poser straight out of the box back in September, either, other than the Materials Room. (I can't even remember that particular bug now). I usually work with Vicky 2 and Mike 2, mostly not loading more than 7-8 characters at a time. (FYI, I've also had Poser 5 run very good on my AMD K6-2 500Mhz with only 256MB RAM, and it did just fine under Win2k/SP3. Rendering wasn't fast, but I'm probably just spoiled now I think!) Hope this helps in your quest for info... -silver

Mike K ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 7:52 PM

Mines about a month old, Pentium 4 2.8 GHz, 1 gig ram, NVidia GeForce2 MX200 64 meg graphics card, HP DVD player, HP DVD burner, 2 80 gig drives (Poser 4 & 5 reside on one drive by themselves along with project files), USB scanner, USB printer, USB Iomega Zip drive, Wacom Intuos tablet (serial), running on Windows 2000 SR2 networked through router/switch with 2 other Win2000 PCs to cable modem. I've run Photoshop along with Poser 5 while doing textures and never had a problem. I don't do animations, and use Poser's renderer just to setup characters, clothing, and poses. I also run Bryce, Painter, Rhino 2.0, Cinema4D, Lightwave, and Microsoft Office on this machine along with miscellaneous utilities. Haven't encountered any problems yet. Only trouble I've had so far is with MAT files pointing to textures in the wrong place and it searches forever:) My runtime is over 15 gig and that's a lot of searching. I wish they'd add a cancel buttom to stop the search and manually browse to the texture. Hope this helps with your research, Mike K

evilded777 ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 9:30 PM

Seem to be abit of an odd ball here... very few problems, nothing that would make me want to chuck it across the room at least. I do stills, have played in the face room (I WISH I could get the hang of it), played in Hair (see face room). I do lots with my beast: web design, graphics, gaming, Office... started out of the box with sr1, added 2.1 some time later after figuring out the manual had a misprint. Dual Athlon 1600+ 512MB Pc2600 DDR RAM 2 very big drives (60 boot, 80 where Poser 4 and 5 live) GeForce 4 ti4600 (that was the one that cost nearly $400, right?) Running WinXP Pro (and I love it). e.d. PS sr3 seems pretty darn stable to me, and the face room is much more functional... though I still haven't got the hang of it.

abg24 ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:20 PM

Computer System: HP 8543c - bought the bloody thing at Wal-Mart. OS: Windows 98 SE Ram: 256 k Processor Speed: 466 MHz Intel Celeron Processor use it for anything other than Poser? 3d max 4, Bryce 5, Swish 2.0, truSpace, PhotoShop 7.0 & Painter 6

abg24 ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:23 PM

ooopps... I almost forgot. I have no problem with P5 on this machine.

EricofSD ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:51 PM

I'm on a 2.1 amd with a gig o ram and yada yada. P5 was relatively stable on win2k/fat32 since the basic version (got it on a pre-release purchase). Since sr2.1 its been just about perfect. Just loaded sr3. Seems to be slightly faster now. Only problem I have is V3 injection, still locks up.

Artalgo ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:52 PM

Haven't had any major problems with Poser 5, even before SR1 and SR2. It has been quite stable since SR2. I mostly do stills, occasional animations, use the hair and cloth rooms upon occasion. Haven't done much in the face room, aside from playing with it a little when I initially got P5. When I first got Poser 5 I was running a homebuilt machine with a Pentium 3, 800MHz, 80G harddrive, 768M RAM, and Windows ME OS. Have since upgraded to a new motherboard, Pentium 4, 2.4GHz and 1G RAM, everything else the same. And Poser 5 runs even better with the upgrade.

Little_Dragon ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:56 PM

Also, do you use it for anything other than Poser? Oops, forgot to mention that I do pretty much everything on this computer. Television, DVD, video editing, games, modeling, painting, Internet, etc.

fls13 ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:57 PM

Win 98 AMD Duron 650 MHZ 320 MB RAM

queri ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 10:59 PM

Pentium 4 2.4G with 2G memory. NVIdia GEforce2 card. Other than slow loading and slow transfer between anything and invisible block posing, I have only one problem. Randomly, but slightly more often when two or more figures are loaded or renders get over 4 or 5, the render just quits on texture loading or Object doing something or shadow map. Most often it's on texture loading. Ctl-alt-del and reboot used to fix this but it doesn't anymore. Now I have to physically lighten the scene. And I've given up doing V3 in groups of even 2. This is the only real bug I can think of, and it is not addressed by the new SR3. I do have 4 runtimes associated with p5 though I try to work out only 2 at a time. I have over 35G in runtimes. And it is a real bug-- the program is not really searching all those gigs for textures, I've left it for hours and once overnight. Just give me a cancel and let me find the damn things myself-- thats all I ask. Emily

Wavelet ( ) posted Thu, 08 May 2003 at 11:05 PM

No major problems at all except for the occasional MSVCRT.dll error when I go to close. I have been trying all the rooms! :) Downloading S3updater as i type. XP AMD 2000 30gig hdrive Geforce Mx graphics. Millenium

leather-guy ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 12:02 AM

No problems with P5 I've noted. P4 2.6G 1 Gig Ram 240 Gigs of HD (Poser on own 80-Gig) NVidia GeF2 XP Home (tweaked & optimized)

Valandar ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 12:39 AM

AMD Athlon 1600 256 MB RAM 20 gig HD, 8 gig free NVidia Riva TNT2 model 64 XP Pro (not very optimized). And I use it for Poser, gaming, 3DS Max and Rhino, word proccessing, web surfing, photoshop...

Remember, kids! Napalm is Nature's Toothpaste!

Puntomaus ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 2:42 AM

AMD Athlon XP2000 (1.6 Ghz) 1 Ghz MB RAM 80 Gig HD, 30 Gig free GeForce 4 TI 4200, 64 MB XP Pro I use mine for Poser, Bryce, Vue, Zbrush, PhotoImpact, games and whatever. I just have sometimes problems with global lighting,but I found out that those problems go away when I select each light and check raytrace shadows under properties. Then it's fast and won't render 345000 shadowmaps for minutes before it starts rendering the actual image.

Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian Assange

sabretalon ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 3:59 AM

I have an AMD 1800XP 2 gig DDR Ram Just ordered new graphics card a GLoria4 Quadro4 900XGL 128 DDR. 160 gig of hard disk space currently with 140 gig of free space. Use it for games, trying to learn modelling using Maya and 3d studio max 3. I teach people to use computers so I am developing new course materials etc.. Running poser 4 and 5 and still trying to learn. Spend most of the time going over the same sort of things to get a better understanding. No way near developing something I feel worthy enough to post. I have been playing in the hair room, seems logical and have produced adequate results. As far as stability is concerned, I have had it lock up on me when I attempted, in my experiments to do a portrait image and switching just about everything on in the renderer and setting an image size of 2000 x 2000 pixels at 600 dpi. Needless to say this caused me a few problems but other than that no problems worth mentioning.

raistlin12000 ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 8:10 AM

No problems since sr2.1 have not tried the new sr3 patch yet. I've upgraded my machine 3 times since Poser 5 came out have'nt had any problems on any of them.

original machine specs: (No Probs.) (retired MB Exploded)
P3 1Ghz 512 Megs Ram
Abit SA6R Motherboard
4 80 gig HDs
Pioneer Slot loading DVD-ROm 16X
Yahmaha 12x CDR 8x CDRW 24X read Cd-rom
Nvidia (Pny) Geforce 4 4600 TI 128 megs ram
SB Live! Plat. Sound Card
Win XP Home (NTFS Format)

2nd Machine specs: (No Probs.) (Now just used for games)
P4 3.06Ghz (Overclocked to 3.418Ghz) 1 Gig DDr 3500 Ram
ASUS P4G8X Motherboard
1 120 gig 4 80 gig HDs
Pioneer Slot loading DVD-ROm 16X
Liteon 52x CDR 24x CDRW 52x Read CD-Rom
ATI Radeon 9700Pro 128 megs ram (Catalyst 3.2 driver)
SB Audigy 2 Platinum Sound Card
Win XP Pro Sp1 (NTFS Format)

3rd Machine Specs: (No Probs) (Muti-Use Graphics Machine)
Dual Xeon 2.8Ghz
4 Gigs ECC DDR 3500 Ram (4 1 gig sticks)
Supermicro X5DAE Motherboard
3 200 Gig WD SE HD's
Pioneer Slot loading DVD-ROm 16X
Sony DVDRW Drive 4x DVD-R 2x DVD-RW 4x DVD+R 2.4x DVD+RW 24x CDR 10x CDRW 8x DVD-Rom Read 32x CD-Rom Read
SB Audigy 2 Platinum EX Sound Card
PNY Nvidia Geforce FX 5800 Ultra 128 megs ram Det.(43.51 driver)
HP Scanjet 4100c USB Scanner
Olympus P-400 USB(Continuous-Tone Dye Sublimation Printer)
Wacom Intuos USB 6x8 Tablet
1 40 Gig USB2 HD, 1 10 Gig USB2 HD & 1 200 Gig Firewire HD
Firewire webcam and Camcorder.
WinXP Pro SP1 (NTFS Format)

I have built and setup/installed all hardware/software for these machines also using the Gigabit ethernet cards in these machines networked to 4 other older( embassed to mention) Machines. I'm probably leaving out some junk on my Dual xeon machine believe me I have a ton of junk connected to it.

Lyrra ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 10:41 AM

AMD Athlon 256 MB RAM 111 gig HD, 90 gig free NVidia GForce 2 Win 98 - custom setup tweaked for maximum efficiency Poser 4 and 5 both work without unusual problems (they crash, and randomly eat their own young, but hey its Poser). I do not animate, and have only minimally used th hair room. Had some issues with hair, but resolved with reboot. I prefer to start 'fresh', to minimize lockups, so I usually reboot if I've been doing something else memory intensive like Photoshop. I can use Photoshop6 and Poser4/5 at the same time, along with UVmapper and MatPoseEdit and some other little things but I do that as little as possible.

praxis22 ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 12:04 PM

P4 2Ghz 1Gb PC2700DDR RAM 80Gb Drive, 20Gb Poser partition XP Pro Radeon 9700Pro SR2.1 Poser4 works, so does P5 after a fashion, what it won't do is work reliably when I swap .pz3 files between versions. Poses change abritrarily.... P5 is also a lot slower at rendering exactly the same scene, and it chokes, (some times crashes, sometimes locks) with more than 4 millenium characters in a scene. I Don't use any of the room save the pose room, and very occasionally the materials room. Running from a linked runtime, never tried V3.0, not using P4 lights. Not using P5 anynore either, come to that... :) I'll download SR3.0, but from the looks of it, it doesn't change that much. One wonders when service packs will stop requiring a re-install... later jb

sandoppe ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 1:56 PM

When I first started this post, I thought maybe there was a rhyme or reason to why some have good luck (or relatively good luck) with Poser 5 and others don't. I figured: "Must be an OS/Computer specs issue". But reading through these threads and then noting a post by a user at the SR3 post, it doesn't appear that it makes a damned bit of difference! The success or failure of use with this software appears to be total random where hardware and OS are concerned....although it is clear that the majority of those who actually posted here use some version of XP or Win 2000. I suspect that's because the NT based machines handle memory better than the 9x series. Also most of you have a lot of Ram and a large processor (much larger in both instances than the recommended amounts on the box!) Not sure video cards matter much with Poser 5. I don't believe the rendering engine uses hardware acceleration, does it??? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. A lot of you are using GE Force cards of one type or another, but not all of you. Queri's situation comes closest to mine in terms of issues, although her machine is a bit more robust than mine (1.7ghz processor, 512 mb ram, Pentium IV and XP Pro. NVIDIA GeForce 2MX 100/200 graphics card.) There also seems to be some commonality in the issues addressed, where "issues" do exist. The rendering, texture loading, slowness, etc. My problems have been very similar to those described here and like many of you, I take care to maintain the machine regularly and very carefully read the instructions before installing the patches. I've not had the install problems that I've read a lot of places (although I have not and probably will not, install SR3). Thanks to all who took the time to respond. Not sure what this all proves, but hopefully CL will read through it and learn a bit more about the common issues that those who have pretty good luck with Poser 5 (myself included, I guess), are having. Maybe that's where they need to start! :)

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 4:19 PM

No, nobody's render engine uses 'hardware acceleration'. :) What makes Poser 'different' is that it doesn't use hardware acceleration (ala OpenGL) for the work display (for speeding up mesh display, previewing textures, lights, etc.) like most other 3D CG apps. Poser uses only software-based viewing. I use GeForce cards because nVidia supports multi-monitors better and also directly supports stereoscopics. They are less expensive than professional cards (heck, I'm cheap), like the similar Quadros. Had no problems whatsoever installing SR3; no reinstall of Poser 5 required. Alternatively, some are experiencing problems. This is 'the Way' of software. BYS

who3d ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 4:25 PM

Forgot to mention that I'm using a GeForce 4 64MB card with TV-out, but... no, the program sadly doesn't use hardware acceleration at all. A problem which is a severe lack in any 3D program released since, oh, Windows NT 4 if not before. This , if nothing else, will be one reason that people flock to check out DAZ Studio - it's promise of a working environment at Poser4-or-better render quality. While posing. Including transparencies. But I digress... Don't forget that a lot of the "little or no problem" users not only have PC's designed to cope with Poser5's requirements (CPU, RAM by the giga-bucket) but also there is room for the program to have trained us. In other words, we know (to some degree or other) what's likely not to work, and so we don't do it. I have no statistics to back that up, and I know I tend to punish my machine when I have enough time to use it, but it's a thought to bear in mind. Certainly some who have long-standing gripes with the program are absolutely justified in having been plagued by quite easily repeatable issues. But for the less common problems... too many variables, methinks, to pin it down in one quick poll :( Cheers, Cliff

Kiera ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 4:53 PM

No problems here. P4 1.7 768MB RAM GeForce 2 Windows XP SP1 All XP graphical folderol disabled for Poser (and all other graphics applications) While I am running Poser, I generally have Painter or Photoshop open, a web browser, and 3 chat apps, and possibly a modeller (Rhino or Wings3D.) I regularly render 200MB+ scenes, but if I am using hair (rarely) I tend to get the hair worked out FIRST, then do all the texturing for the character later.

Tirjasdyn ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 6:03 PM

okay I'll bite. Note: I use Poser for stills. I've had no major problems since DAY ONE(I preordered even) I've had no problems at all since sr2.1 I uninstalled Poser 4 the day I got poser 5 and have NOT reinstalled it. I don't get the texture search problem and I have 12 runtimes, which during the course of one picture I got into all of them unless the figure specific ones are not needed(ie mike, vicky 3, koshini, aiko, milbaby). (see the meeting of the weird witch pic on my site if you would like to see a scene with all kinds of figures, hair room, and crap in it) (posting driver related items as well) Dell, upgraded to XP Home, fully updated(week before poser 5 arrived) 512mb of ram 1152x864 res nvidia 64mb video card 60mb hard drive hp laser 1200 printer wacom tablet ms optical trackball Sandisk external compact flash card drive Handspring hotlink cable I use this computer for every thing. Graphic design, poser, bryce, painting, internet, web design and programing, gaming, writing, world building, digital photo editing, dvd's, music, pda, dnd... I can be online, with mozilla opened, email, Palm, html kit, Painter(learning faze, I only got it a few week ago) or Corel(I prefer psp but that is on my sisters puter(25mi away) until next week when psp8 comes) or PSP8beta, poser5, acrobat reader and word(maybe access if I need to see my webpage defaults) and wsftp. Oops almost forgot Keynote. With all these programs I can run and render in production mode with p5. Since I am working on a webpage devoted to the material room this is such a must. I have had no problems with the face room or hair room. I am still learning the cloth room so I only play with it once a week, but otherwise no problems. I push the material room to all kinds of limits for fun(this is my favorite room) I suppose I'm lucky. I run defrag, the equivalent of scandisk, norton antivirus and spybotSD once a month at most. I don't get virus as much as spyware(not using outlook helps with that)


Kiera ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 7:05 PM

Yeah.. I guess I should note that I had very few problems with Poser 5 initial release and really none at all since SR 2.1. SR3 running with no problems, including hair. I do stills only, except for cloth and hair animations to pick the frame I like best to render. I uninstalled Poser 4 ProPack about 4 months ago, then reinstalled with no content "just in case." I haven't even opened it. I have 3 runtimes.. P5 and two linked.

sandoppe ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 7:11 PM

Amazing Tirjasdyn!! When you install product, do you rename or relocate any of the folders or do you put them in your runtimes exactly as extracted??? Just wondering if that accounts for why you're not having the "find texture" problem. I tend to move crap around, rename folders, etc. BTW: I pre-oredered and got PsP 8 last week :) Really nice!! JASC: now there's a software company that's got it's stuff together! Maybe the key for those replying is the term "no major problems". I think BeatYourSoul said something like "that's the way of software". Looks like we all have had some problems.....but view them as "minor".....maybe because we've learned to "cope with life" and the nuances and quirks of these programs and have a bit more patience than some others :) Oh...I've done my share of "bitching" about the program, but I can work with it. My biggest problem is being patient enough to wait for things to get done :)

Tirjasdyn ( ) posted Fri, 09 May 2003 at 8:05 PM

I rearrange everything(even geometery files, though they stay in the same directory, I move the directory), I've been neglecting older textures(from the p4 runtime) so I've been moving them around. I've never had the problem, if it has to pull up a window it does, I find it and from there on out fine. I rename files and folders usually it doesn't matter. When it does, poser hasn't locked up. I can cancel mid render too as well as use draft mode for previews. As for slowness, shrug, I use bryce, nothing, not even P5 is slower for rendering. But to get the nice renders for complex scenes you have to wait. True for any program. There are a few more things I thought of: I turn off visual styles in xp, that speeds everything up, not just poser. Side note, and new update just appeared..seems alot of the updates lately are concerned with people trying to access your computer remotely...seems those windows are wide open.. I forget the other two things(hazards of a two year old...tend to loose my train of thought) enh I post again If I remeber.. heh, I remebered one...I stay in a lower display style. two below textured, smooth shaded. Textured gets disconserting when you mess with material room enough. I can't remember if it speeds things up or not though...+6


queri ( ) posted Sat, 10 May 2003 at 1:22 PM

Tirjasdyn-- how large are your runtimes all together? And a big question, how exactly does one turn off the XP fancy graphics? Emily

mheldt ( ) posted Sat, 10 May 2003 at 10:01 PM

Intel P4-1.6GHz, 1GB DDR, 4GB Swap. Win2k Pro

Tirjasdyn ( ) posted Sat, 10 May 2003 at 10:24 PM

Emily, We did this before I think. About 7.5 gb all together. Poser4(contains vicky 1, 2, mil kids, and various 3rd party characters) Animals Mike Vicky 3 Scenes Milbaby Koshini Aiko c:/(this is a duplicate of the next one specifically for zipping files up, in xp to get clean runtime install it has to be directly under c:) Michelle(my stuff) Downloads Poser 5 To turn off fancy stuff: right click on desktop got to properties, go to appearance, chose windows classic. Next right click on start menu go to properties, choose start menu, then choose classic start menu(the best way to edit the classic is by draging and droping, and using the right click on the menu items) Try poser, go further only if you feel like it. Next right click on My Computer, go to properties, go to advanced, go to settings under performance, choose custom, uncheck till your hearts content.


queri ( ) posted Sun, 11 May 2003 at 2:18 AM

I think I see a trend-- I'm definetly going to return to Classic windows-- I'd already ditched my extra styes proggie and that helped. Tir, thanks for your patience, I'm not sure we did it right to the end-- I have 35G in my runtimes-- that's last I counted. Bound to be more now. Maybe counts for the slowness and the problem finding textures??? Or perhaps just eating the memory as I give textures a long leash when I wait. I suppose I should completely disconnect Sci-fi and urban from Fantasy. That would cut it in half. Some of Sci-fi is overlapping-- the new freebie bone hair is a big case in point. But I think I could get somewhere with a 16G runtime. Emily

jibrielson ( ) posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 6:26 PM

I have no prob after SR3 patch ,this prog work nicely when im surfing ,mixing audio in Cubase sx, playing with photoshop and standart theme for XP , maybe little slow time rendering cos my tiny RAM P4 2ghz 512 RDRAM 2 40gb HD Geforce4 64mb

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