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Subject: Surrounded by TiTs (the thread)

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3_Bad_Mice ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 11:38 AM · edited Sun, 06 October 2024 at 11:13 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity

I noticed there are alot of tits on here, thumbnails i mean :)
was just having another childish moan because i uploaded a image yesterday, quite proud of it so far's not finished yet..  it has had 32 views :)
I couldn't help but notice tho, i was Surrounded By Boobs (thumbnails). they all got 100's of viewings. I notice that alot really, nothing against nakedness i am newish to art but i know nudity & art have been together since the year dot. Sex defenatly sells, everywhere you go (public places) you only have to wait a matter of a short time & boobs will pop out at you... TV Ads Magazines Posters etc, anyway i just posted a topless render that i put together in seconds & already it has had 32views, my other pics i have spent yonks on & still adding more, just saying,
YOU Men Don't Realise How Lucky You Are ;) not everyday you see a dick :)  
imagine that eh ? replace sexy models with dicks :) = Bankrupcy lol
anyway just thought i'd say coz i felt chatty.

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 11:47 AM

This discussion is almost as old as time, too. 😄

One question that often seems to get asked: Is an image of a naked woman art? A question that's almost as important is: Are the people hittin' the pics looking for art? My guess is, usually Yes to the former (reflects my personal views on naked women) and No to the latter (reflects my views on those of us with Y chromosomes). :biggrin:

Doc000 ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 1:35 PM

If I do an image with nudity, it'll usually hit at least a hundred views in a matter of hours.  My non-nude images will be lucky to hit a hunred views after a week (don't even get me started on comments on nude vs. non-nude images).  If I do a string of boobie pics in a row, I'll usually get at least 1 person add me to their favorites.  I don't think I've ever had anyone add me as a favorite artist as a result of non-boobie pics.  Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against nudity in art.  I enjoy it from time to time.  But people who obviously render nothing but nudes because they know it'll get them views, comments, and recognized on the idiotic art charts...I can't really stand it.

That's just something you have to deal with at this website.  Renderosity isn't about art and's about how many nude images an "artist" can crank out. Unfortunately, Rendo has the largest viewer base out of several various digital art websites, so an artist has to put up with the BS or risk posting on websites where no one will see their work. 

It sucks, but that's the way it is.

bazze ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 1:47 PM

don't get me wrong.. I do like boobs and ass in real life but the number of for example so called "light study" post inte the poser and photo galleries is a bit pathetic.

TerraDreamer ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 2:22 PM

Around these parts, it's called Tits for Hits :)

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 2:23 PM

one of the reasons this site is so popular is the many poser renders of nude broads. it's one of the few places on the web where teenage boys can legally view free nudie pix. :lol: unfortunately it prepares them rather poorly for real life, in which women age and wear clothes, light casts shadows, nostrils don't glow, nobody uses swords, no dragons, etc. ad infinitum. :lol:

bazze ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 2:29 PM

Quote - , nostrils don't glow, nobody uses swords, no dragons, etc. ad infinitum. :lol:

Hahaha! Right on!!!

gillbrooks ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 3:15 PM

Who sez there are no dragons eh?  Ya just not lookin in the right places.



MikeJ ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 4:56 PM

LOL, Miss Nancy!
I'm gonna steal that statement of yours for the next time this subject comes up. I'll be sure to give you credit though. ;)

mrsparky ( ) posted Sat, 16 December 2006 at 5:50 PM

Attached Link:


It's true. If you want good stats here you gotta go for the large T*ts route, espically on the thumbnail. Bit of carefull cropping and making the title suggestive, you have a winner. 

My last gallery got some of the best views ever because of that  trick - which was kinda mean of me really as theres no nudity at all in the large image:)

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

kawecki ( ) posted Sun, 17 December 2006 at 12:56 AM

Renderosity is hungry!!!, one more try:

Damn!!!!, Renderosity ate my post again!!!!
Here it is again:

Quote - YOU Men Don't Realise How Lucky You Are ;) not everyday you see a dick :) 

We always see one and is everyday within an interval of some hours. If we drink more the interval is shorter.

You are not alone with your frustration. Even I, that make booby pics that can achive 300 or 400 views, I came from a site, defunct today, where I achieved more than 1,000 views in only one day!!!!

Stupidity also evolves!

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Sun, 17 December 2006 at 7:03 PM

A quote that kinda sums up how it works:

     And, fellas, you know what I mean. You know... once you've seen one woman naked... you pretty much wanna see 'em all naked.
**          -- Ron White**

dlblue ( ) posted Mon, 18 December 2006 at 8:32 PM

OK< in this idea of thinking, WHAt exactly constitutes nudity? would bodypaint be considered nudity? Second skins? How about a person made of GLASS? I just had an item flagged for nudity, she was freraking glass for crying out loud.! Pele 2006

Giolon ( ) posted Mon, 18 December 2006 at 8:44 PM

Given the option, "surrounded by tits" is my preferred state of being. ;)


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

kawecki ( ) posted Mon, 18 December 2006 at 8:46 PM

Well nudity means a person that have no clothes. A second skin is not a cloth, it's only a skin so the person is nude. If you make a person of glass, again glass is not a cloth, then is nude again.
Now if she is wearing only a hat, or some shoes, she is not nude!

Stupidity also evolves!

3_Bad_Mice ( ) posted Wed, 20 December 2006 at 6:53 PM

lol :) my frustration is over :) tits for hits :) i'll remeber that when i need a viewings boost, thanx for the replies & merry christmas to you all xXx

OK< in this idea of thinking, WHAt exactly constitutes nudity? would bodypaint be considered nudity? Second skins? How about a person made of GLASS? I just had an item flagged for nudity, she was freraking glass for crying out loud.! Pele 2006

if you can see the bits it's naked ;)   bits...  hmmm wonder what artists call the bits ?

& 1 more thing this one makes me laugh :) how come the naked pics with super big unreal boobs are more popular than the normal size boobs ???

it's one of the few places on the web where teenage boys can legally view free nudie pix.
unfortunately it prepares them rather poorly for real life, in which women age and wear clothes,

the excitment must be that much, that bigger = better lol :) i moth got to get my chimney swept  ;)

kawecki ( ) posted Thu, 21 December 2006 at 12:37 AM

" it's one of the few places on the web where teenage boys can legally view free nudie pix."
For real people the web is full of open and free images available to be seen by anyone, but if you turn to 3d rendered images the number of sites is not big and Renderosity is one of them.
With rendered images the size is only function of the dial setting and is only limited when the mesh begins to break creating black rendered polygons.

Stupidity also evolves!

paradigm ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 11:41 AM

I think it is a basic instinct dating back to pre-history:- bigger boobs=increased fertility=more attractive. The same principle applies to child-bearing hips.
Of course these days many men prefer smaller women too.

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 12:43 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity

There are some anthropological schools of thought which say that as our primate ancestors evolved to use an upright walking posture, over the knuckle dragging method used previously, our sexual engagements (no snickering there in the back; this is science) began to evolve from a posterior entry position (I said, no snickering) to a frontal, face to face position. These anthropologists suspect that male attraction for large teats (all right, knock it off!) comes from a displaced recognition of the female buttocks (that's it... see me after class!) being presented as an indication of her willingness to have sex.

And yes, I spelled teat correctly. "Tit" is a phonetic slang spelling, "breast" can apply to male or female bodies, and "mammary" is a sub-surface gland. "Knockers", "jugs", "melons", "boobs", "hooters", "bosoms", "crease creatures", "deltoid drawers", "bust", "monkey lumps", "globes", "tatas", "dodongoes", "torpedoes", "mounds", "melons", "jigglies", "stacks", "bouncers", "breasticles", and "latter lickable ladyparts", are all, equally, unacceptable.

So there. :tt2:

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 2:45 PM

thx fr the clarification, jack. those theories largely derive from desmond morris, by the way. I won't post the freudian analysis here, as it always freaks out folks to the max. :lol:

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 3:48 PM

Quote - I won't post the freudian analysis here, as it always freaks out folks to the max. :lol:

Of course, sometimes, getting a little freaked out can be a good thing... :biggrin:

paradigm ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 5:00 PM

Is that the one where Freud states that the male infants first object of desire is the female breast,
and that desire continues into adulthood?
 That doesn't take into account that female infants also suckle on the breast.
I've never been a big fan of Freud.

dlblue ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 6:01 PM

freud hated his mother LOL. that's why almost all of his observations center around mothers and sex. wait, doesn't that mean Freud wanted, NAH couldn't be LOL. I'm tired and have no clue why i wrothe this. maybe someone will get a chuckle or groan out of it!

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 7:46 PM

yeah, ya see what I mean. mentioning freud is like mentioning folks have warts or big noses. they just don't wanna hear about it :lol:

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 8:36 PM

Wow, and I've always had the highest level of respect for Austrian coke-heads with cigar fetishes... 😉 :biggrin:

dlblue ( ) posted Fri, 22 December 2006 at 9:20 PM

hey! I have a big nose. I also like breasts and I'm a woma. Wonder if there is a connection> But there's something about a guy with a big nose that's sexy for some reason. probably the urge to suck.

I did NOT just write that!

thundering1 ( ) posted Tue, 26 December 2006 at 10:53 PM

I did NOT just write that!

LMAO! (there've been many funny parts in this thread folks - I'm not forgetting them!)

Freud also did his own personal ongoing experiment (if I remember my history correct) - he withheld from having sex with his wife. They just didn't have any (MY wife would have divorced me - actually probably killed me with something heavy and blunt!). Oddly, ALL his theories around peoples problems became revolved around SOME notion of sex... Well, if that's all you think about out of frustration...

Onto the initial notion of the thread:

Some people just want their images seen by hundreds - if not thousands - of people, regardless of what it is. You're right - sex sells. So those with the T&A will have the higher hits because Capt'nJack is exactly right - the people clicking on it are NOT looking for "art".

Part of my gallery is just me goofing off for fun, experimenting, creating an image that I think might look cool and wanna see if I can pull it off, or posting part of a project I'm currently working on (there are a few mattes in there). I also use it as an online viewing source for what I can do for someone needing a digital artist - I'm not alone here! And those of us using the site for those purposes don't care if all we'll amass is a whopping 42 views.

They just want the attention and satisfaction of seeing an enormous number of views of their image.

And @ Paradigm:
The same principle applies to child-bearing hips.
Of course these days many men prefer smaller women too.

Not nearly as many as you might think (me likes curves, and they don't come on skinny women!). The guys who prefer "smaller women" are merely the most vocal (like the folks who complain about something - people who are fine with it don't care - and don't feel the need to speak up - so you never hear their opinions), or in charge of photo editing for magazines - so they're the only voices you "hear".

-Lew ;-)

3_Bad_Mice ( ) posted Wed, 27 December 2006 at 10:21 AM

so there ^^    :tt2:   lol
ps Happy New Year & All The Best xXx

paradigm ( ) posted Wed, 27 December 2006 at 4:56 PM

You're absolutely right  thundering 1, the evidence speaks for itself:- views for big titted renders =751, views for small (or modest ) tits =45.
That's it! all my renders from now on will include humonguos tits! (even the landscapes!)

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Wed, 27 December 2006 at 6:07 PM

Quote - all my renders from now on will include humonguos tits! (even the landscapes!)

So you'll be making mountains out of molehills? {sorry, couldn't resist} snickers


Renderosity Community Admin

thundering1 ( ) posted Wed, 27 December 2006 at 6:43 PM

I meant curves on the body - not mounds on the chest - though I wouldn't dream of arguing about liking them, too...
Yeah... I'm a guy... I'd apologize, but I was born that way... ;-)

(Frasier - "I don't make the rules, Ros. I just enjoy them.")

paradigm ( ) posted Thu, 28 December 2006 at 4:38 PM

Quote- " So you'll be making mountains out of molehills? {sorry, couldn't resist} snickers"

You may giggle jumpstartme2, but I'm already hard at work on my new project :  "View of Nipple peak from Hugebreast hill" .  I fully expect at least 500 views on the first day, plus if I add a cool background by prog or someone, that will guarantee another 50+ views, no problem.

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Thu, 28 December 2006 at 11:51 PM

Quote - "View of Nipple peak from Hugebreast hill"



Renderosity Community Admin

JohnDelaquiox ( ) posted Wed, 24 January 2007 at 4:05 PM

Every one who saids tits count for hits are full of it. And I have noticed most people saying that tits count for hits hardly comment on any images in the gallery.

This is my most popular image as of yet.

before it there was this one, one of my very  first posts in the gallery

sure she was nude but that is not what people were paying attention too

the renders I and many people look at least are the ones with large breast. I saw its not the quantity of comments or views but the quality.

this is why I am either getting banned from the site or just straight yo leaving.

awayne2 ( ) posted Thu, 01 February 2007 at 8:26 PM

Just thinking out loud. Humans are the only species on the planet that wears clothing. If humans did not ever wear clothing, would there still be a such thing as Porn?

kawecki ( ) posted Thu, 01 February 2007 at 9:08 PM

I agree, cat females shalt be dressed and all her eight nipples covered.

Stupidity also evolves!

hewee ( ) posted Thu, 01 February 2007 at 11:35 PM

Humans are the only species on the planet that can sew. :tongue2: :tongue2:
But I bet your right there would be less porn.

Argon18 ( ) posted Fri, 02 February 2007 at 3:00 PM

Well the cliche of the "Tits get the Hits" has been made moot now, what excuse are they going to use next to complain about some images getting more views than others now that it has been eliminated?

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bonestructure ( ) posted Sat, 03 February 2007 at 11:15 PM

"light casts shadows, nostrils don't glow, nobody uses swords, no dragons, etc. ad infinitum."

Actually, ever heard of the society for creative anachronism, or been to a rennaisence faire? They use swords. And I know a guy here in Texas that makes some of the most beautiful fantasy swords I've ever seen in my life. And a LOT of knife companies offer swords. Not to mention the martial artists studying the use of the samurai sword.

By the way, not ALL of us men admire large boobs. Some of us simply don't find them attractive and think the perfect size breast just fits inside an old fashioned champagne glass. We also tend to like asian women a lot. Coincidence? I think not.

The man had a point, too. Tits are not supposed to be shown in thumbnails.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

bonestructure ( ) posted Sat, 03 February 2007 at 11:17 PM

"Just thinking out loud. Humans are the only species on the planet that wears clothing. If humans did not ever wear clothing, would there still be a such thing as Porn?"

Sure, women in clothes would be the new porn. A woman dressed in a cover everything 1890s dress would be HOT.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

Argon18 ( ) posted Sat, 03 February 2007 at 11:23 PM

I'm betting the next excuse will be the old standby of "the cliques and friends viewing and commenting on only their friends" which will be the rallying cry of those who are going to complain that some get more hits than others.

What is Render going to do to rectifiy those complaints the way they changed the thumbnails?

Click to get a printed and bound copy plus T-shirts, mugs and hats

bonestructure ( ) posted Sat, 03 February 2007 at 11:40 PM

Why does anyone care how many views they get? Okay, I know it can be frustrating to bust your ass and get like 2 comments. But if that upsets you, why are you an artist? If you believe you're good, aside from constructive criticism, why do other's opinions matter to you. The only person you have to please is you. If I was sensitive to being ignored I wouldn't be a writer and artist.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

thundering1 ( ) posted Sun, 04 February 2007 at 8:51 AM

The only person you have to please is you. If I was sensitive to being ignored I wouldn't be a writer and artist.

Bingo! I don't care if only 6 people view something I did - I don't view the Galleries as a "pay attention to me!" but just as an outlet for my creative juices. The number of people who view it isn't my driving force.

Argon18 ( ) posted Sun, 04 February 2007 at 11:23 AM

But a lot do care or there wouldn't be complaints about it right? Just like a lot complained that "The Tits get the Hits" since they were able to force their opinions on others about the thumbnails they'll probably think they can do it again about the cliques and friends commenting on friends with no regard to merit.

Click to get a printed and bound copy plus T-shirts, mugs and hats

QUEST-CHRONICLER ( ) posted Mon, 12 February 2007 at 8:09 PM

Nudity is an easy way to get attention and internet traffic to any particular website, blog, or forum. Many artists know this & use that fact to get more visitors & more "hits."

Some artists themselves, just like to make images that involve naked females, for whatever personally reason. It can obviously lead to atrracting viewers, interested in that sort of subject matter, to come over & look at their pictures. That also diverts more attention their way, also generating more "hits" in the process.

Good artwork, whether it's done in 2D or 3D, pretty much speaks for itself. People interested in these images, will go & admire them, anyway. It doesn't always have to involve nudity or big boobs to be appreciated ( though personally, I do like both :thumbupboth: ) .

bonestructure ( ) posted Mon, 12 February 2007 at 8:56 PM


It's shameful. Shameful I tell ya...

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Mon, 12 February 2007 at 10:51 PM

Quote - I noticed there are alot of tits on here, thumbnails i mean :)
was just having another childish moan because i uploaded a image yesterday, quite proud of it so far's not finished yet..  it has had 32 views :)
I couldn't help but notice tho, i was Surrounded By Boobs (thumbnails). they all got 100's of viewings. I notice that alot really, nothing against nakedness i am newish to art but i know nudity & art have been together since the year dot. Sex defenatly sells, everywhere you go (public places) you only have to wait a matter of a short time & boobs will pop out at you... TV Ads Magazines Posters etc, anyway i just posted a topless render that i put together in seconds & already it has had 32views, my other pics i have spent yonks on & still adding more, just saying,
YOU Men Don't Realise How Lucky You Are ;) not everyday you see a dick :)  
imagine that eh ? replace sexy models with dicks :) = Bankrupcy lol
anyway just thought i'd say coz i felt chatty.


If you're rendering to get the most views, then unless your very good..... you will have to render nudes for what ever reason. If however you are creating images to express yourself through your art, then render/draw/paint what trips your trigger and views be damned. I wouldnt judge myself by how many views a piece gets. But if thats your deal, and you can't stand competing against nude renders, then this isn't the place to post your work.

Argon18 ( ) posted Mon, 12 February 2007 at 11:36 PM

Very good doesn't seem to be any factor here. Unless you give any comment other than "Nicely Done!" or "Cool Image!" you're considered a troll. It all depends on how popular and how much you give others glowing praise, that's how much you'll get on yours back. It doesn't really matter what the image is on it's own here. If you're not willing to play that game this isn't the place to post your work.

Click to get a printed and bound copy plus T-shirts, mugs and hats

kawecki ( ) posted Mon, 12 February 2007 at 11:41 PM

And don't forget to render some shadows, if not you're damned!

Stupidity also evolves!

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Tue, 13 February 2007 at 1:05 PM

I don't know Argon, For example....Hobbit does some killer work, but isn't into the boob fest type renders. His work gets all kinds of attention because it's excellent not because of nudity. Now that IS a rare occurance her at Rosity I'll admit but it's not unheard of.

chimera46 ( ) posted Sun, 18 February 2007 at 3:22 PM

Looks like I missed out on this debate, but I'll throw in my two cents anways. Yes, tits can get you more hits, but there's more to it than that. With poser (or any other 3d program), rendering nudes is EASY because all you have to do is load the base figure and then just render away. It takes less memory, time and effort to render a nude vicky on a plain background than to add an outfit, scenery, good lighting, etc.

This is opposed to nude modeling in real life, where you must first convince someone to take off their clothes. If I had to say to someone "please take off your clothes and hold this sword and go stand in that temple set I built while I snap some photos", well my gallery here would be slightly smaller to say the least...

This is also opposed to drawing or painting nude art, where one first needs to know how to draw or paint. In poser you need to download/make the right figures and then turn the right dials. The basic nude figure with roughly human proportions is already made for you.

In short then, the tools that are primarily used to make rendered images of people around here (poser) lends itself to making nude images more easily than any other kind of image. Thus, I do not finding surprising that there's a lot of nudes around here. As for why it's mainly female nudity, I don't know why, but I'm not complaining...

Anyways that's my two-cents, aside from that, there's nothing more I could add that hasn't already been said.

The strong do as they can while the weak do as they must.

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