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Subject: PF / PFS

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Thu, 08 March 2007 at 3:04 AM · edited Tue, 22 October 2024 at 7:43 AM

A great majority of persons work their photographs or their styles of drawing with Photoshop, However, some people work with a program call photoFitre / Photofilter Studio and I would like to know if you would have think of opening a forum for these persons, where we could exchange some tutorials, links and helps...


StaceyG ( ) posted Thu, 08 March 2007 at 9:20 AM

Hi Val,

If we get enough member interest we certainly will do that:)  I'll check around and see..


Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Thu, 08 March 2007 at 11:13 AM

Ok, I'm go to ask at the member to using this program 😄

three_grrr ( ) posted Sat, 10 March 2007 at 9:49 PM

I would be interested in such a forum. I wouldn't have much to contribute, but I would love to learn more about it. I use it for certain things, and like it, better then PSP for some things. I only have PF, not PFS.

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Sat, 10 March 2007 at 10:14 PM

three_grrr, is the same but with a little more possibility con pfs... but the turotial is the same 😄

claude19 ( ) posted Sun, 11 March 2007 at 6:49 AM · edited Sun, 11 March 2007 at 6:50 AM

It seems to to me interessant that tools like PhotFiltre, PhotoFiltreStudio, Gimp, Alien LAb, can have their forum... that would take part in the blooming of the creativity of each one, with the improvement of research. The basic software, POSER, VUE, BRICE, DAZ... are amply documented on our Renderosity site but also elsewhere. The software about which I speak which does not replace the creativity of the artist, are represented little on the Web... It is as that that I discovered that the inventor of Apophysis exposed on this site ! Merci for your attention which I know in alarm. My best feelings. CLAUDE19

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Sun, 11 March 2007 at 6:55 AM

I agree with you Claude and thanks my friend 😄

Gog ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 5:30 AM

Must admit I use GIMP a lot and would appreciate somewhere to talk about it, I tand to look at photoshop / PSP tutorials and try and apply them in the GIMP, but I think a GIMP forum may not get much traffic?


Toolset: Blender, GIMP, Indigo Render, LuxRender, TopMod, Knotplot, Ivy Gen, Plant Studio.

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 5:35 AM

It's not photoshop wnat some member, but photofilter, but well, gimp is too some program use other... and one can use with photofilter too

X-PaX ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 6:08 AM

Wouldn't be the topic  "2d Grafics" the right place for this?
I think to open a new forum especially for one grafic application would be to difficult.

So maybe we should use the "2d Grafics" topic for this and name the application within the title?
F. e. "[PhotoFiltre] A short tutorial"



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Laelia ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 7:24 AM

Ta question était pourtant claire : un espace forum pour ceux qui veulent échanger leurs
connaissances sur l'utilisation de photofiltre et photofilter studio
Je ne vois pas pourquoi certains se questionnent sur l'opportunité ou la primauté d'échanger
sur d'autres logiciels ? qu'ils créent ( s'il n'existe pas) ou se connectent à ( s'il existe) l'espace
forum d'autre (s) logiciel(s) ...!
J'ai découvert photofiltre  sur le conseil de Loloe et m'y suis formée de façon autodidacte
quand photoshop ( toujours appris en autodidacte ) me paraissait soit trop compliqué, soit
moins rapide à m'apporter une fonctionnalité sur une de mes photos soit à retoucher, soit
seulement à encadrer. Photofiltre m'apporte autant de satisfaction que photoshop.
Enfin, il y a une quinzaine de jours, pour aider ma fille dans l'utilisation de photofiltre
qu'elle découvrait, je lui ai envoyé un lien de tutoriels expliqués sur le blog d'une dessinatrice :


C'est en français désolée  On pourra en trouver d'autres

ET mes excuses si j'ai répondu en français
Je tâcherai de faire anglais / français la prochaine fois

q:)  Bonne journée

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 8:20 AM

X-Pax : In the world we can see a very big number of program, and yes, all these programs can be interesting , but photofiltre don't work only the 2d graphism, it's too a very good program for to work the picture, or make movie sequences. One tutorial for only Photofilre it's so hard to make, and if you surf in the web, sometime, can be look forum special for this program because the possibility of to work with it is very impressiv.

Laelia: merci pour ton support ma belle, même en français j'ai compris LOL :)

sirvictor ( ) posted Mon, 12 March 2007 at 9:25 PM

I would like to be a part

Corwin13 ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 4:27 AM

Completely ok to see a column PhotoFiltre and PhotoFiltre Studio  in this forum. II shall try to participate in it in my best.

Tout à fait d'accord pour voir une rubrique PhotoFiltre et PhotoFiltre Studio dans ce forum. J'essayerai d'y participer à la hauteur de mes faibles moyens (notamment en anglais... merci les traducteurs automatiques)

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 4:33 AM

corwin 13, si tu as des problèmes pour le language, tu sais que tu peux compter sur moi :) et si tu as  le navigateur Firefox, tu peux toujours de mettre un addon qui s'appele Im translator (c'est gratuit et vraiment util ) Merci 😄

X-PaX ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 5:08 AM

So if we became a new forum category for PhotoFiltre please let us talk in english so that everybody can understand what is talking about.



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Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 5:40 AM

Yes X-pax, I understand you but you need to understand something you too my dear friend. All the people don't speak english and sometimes it's very hard for someones. I make all traduction in spanish, french, portuguais and sometime in italian and a little english... And you know, my english is not very good... But, beleive me, i make all traduction necesary for you if it's necesary 😄

Laelia ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 6:04 AM · edited Tue, 13 March 2007 at 6:08 AM

@ X-pax,
You're right and I apologize
Yesterday I gave a little link on a french website, a woman drawer gives tutorials for the
very beginers in Phf .
I said that we could all find others in english and more developped

So, no one asked for help in photofiltre and I have a question :
When,  a pic I have postworked with photofilter, I open it with photoshop : the levels, contrasts,
colors are very differents.. So that makes me wonder if I did good levels with photofiltre ..?
Could someone  give me an advice ?

Pour l'instant, personne n'a demandé d'aide sur photofiltre et j'ai une question :
Quand, après avoir travaillé une de mes photos avec photofiltre, je l'ouvre avec Photoshop :
les niveaux, les contrastes et les couleurs sont très différents... Donc j'ai tout le temps
un doute sur le travail fait avec photofiltre ... Quelqu'un aurait-il un avis à me donner ?

PS : Pourquoi   Why  j'ouvre avec photoshop après I open with Photoshop after :
To use some framing filters I don't get in photofiltre .. Pour utiliser des filtres d'encadrement
que je n'ai pas dans photofiltre

Thanks for your answer  Merci de votre réponse

q:) Magali

claude19 ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 6:30 AM

Il y a un an j'ai eu en test 30 jours Corel Photoshop Pro. Je manipule beaucoup les couleurs, via plusieurs logiciels comme Gim, PhotoImpact12 (qui sait faire des cadres), Ktaza, AlienLab, PhotoFiltre. Je n'ai jeamias eu le problème que vous soulevez. Mon hypothèse est que vous passez de couleurs RVB à des couleurs INDEXEES, et vous essayer aussi le chemin inverse. L'avantage du RVB (rouge vert bleu) est que les fréquences des couleurs sont INTERNATIONALES, donc sont des fréquences standards repérées par des 'étiquettes' alphabétique. Donc pour moi, le problème des couleurs indexées, me semble venir du fait que qui dit indexe dit table de correspondance...et parfois certaines valeurs peuvent manquer. En plus dans PhotoFiltre que j'utilise depuis 2003, si vos couleurs RVB reviennent en couleurs indéxées, le logiciel PhotoFiltre aura des fonctionnalités bloquées, telle le pot de peinture avec choix de couleurs. Aujourd'hui je suis incompétent sur PhotoFiltreStudio . CLAUDE19

One year ago I had in test 30 days Corel Photoshop Pro. I handle much the colors, via several software like Gim, PhotoImpact12 (which can make executives), Ktaza, AlienLab, PhotoFiltre. I do not have jeamias have the problem which you raise. My assumption is that you pass from colors RVB to colors INDEXEES, and to also test you the opposite way. The advantage of the RVB (red blue green) is that the frequencies of the colors are INTERNATIONAL, therefore are frequencies standards located by ' étiquettes' alphabetical. Thus for me, the problem of the indexed colors, seems me to come owing to the fact that which says indexes known as table of correspondence... and sometimes certain values can miss. In more in PhotoFiltre that I use since 2003, if your colors RVB return indéxées colors, the PhotoFiltre software will have blocked functionalities, the such pot of painting with choice of colors. Today I am inefficient on PhotoFiltreStudio. CLAUDE19

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 6:37 AM

ça depend comment tu travailles ta photo, si tu le fais directement avec la touche contrast dans la barre d'état ou si tu passes par la fonction lumière/contrast. Celà depend aussi de la qualité de ton image à la base et le nombre de couleur que tu travailles. Ensuite, il y a des pluggin qui sont gratuit qui peuvent amélioré cette  option comme "AAA multi-filter".. Je ne peux pas le chercher maintenant parce que je dois partir bosser .... Ensuite, quand tu donnes un contrast il faut que tu diminus un peu la couleur et ensuite je te conseille de repasser les couleurs avec réglages/ teintes et saturation et que tu joue avec le bleu or cyan ou vert, celà depend aussi de ta photo...

Depend how you work your photograph, if you make it directly with the contrast key in the state bar or if you cross light / contrast by function. Depend too of the quality of your picture on the and the number of colours . There is pluggin free can ameliorated this option as " AAA multi-filter ".. I cannot search it now because I must to go in my work.... When you give a contrast it is necessary you diminus colour a little and then I recommend you to iron colours with regulatings / shades and saturation and play with the blue or cyan or green, depend your image...

Bisous / hugs

Laelia ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 6:58 AM

@ Claude
Merci pour toutes ces explications
Non je ne change rien en RVB, certes photoshop me demande s' il doit modifier automatiquement en ouvrant et je répond non, laisser l'original tel que

Thanks for explanations. I don't change the RVB ... when opening a pic worked with Pf , in
a photoshop window..if photoshop "asked if it has" to convert i answer to let in original work

I hope all understand my english " in live" without translator !!!!  LOL !!

Laelia ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 7:05 AM

@ Valou

oui j'ai plein de sites avec des filtres gratos à télécharger
mais certains sont supers pour photoshop et pas utilisables dans pf et
inversement !!! * sniffff*
Que ce soit dans l'un ou l'autre, je travaille toujours les niveaux et les courbes
moi même " presque" au millimètre ... tu imagines le temps que j'y passe !!

yes I got many free filters and brushes, but somes I like only work with photoshop
or only with pf !! sniffff

I use to do the level and contrast postwork quite by milimeter myself, not in automatic

Travaille bien  Buen trabajo hermanita !!


Laelia ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 7:19 AM

AAA multi-filter, here a first link  i find


So I have to work too !!

Bye  Have a great day !!

X-PaX ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 10:36 AM

I've downloaded PhotoFiltre now and I will give it a try if I've time.

Hmmm. I see the first question about this tool here.
Wouldn't it be better to wait until StaceyG will give some feedback?



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Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Tue, 13 March 2007 at 1:46 PM

Laelia @ : il y a au moins un 80% de pluggin de photoshop en .8bf adaptable avec photofiltre-studio mais pas tous. Et pour mettre du temps sur une photo, m'en parle même pas que je suis en train de faire toutes la prochaine campagne publicitaire de ma boîte  et sont 250 photos LOL...

There are 80% photoshop pluggin acceptable for PFS but not all. For to take time, don't say me that, because I make since few time all the publicity of for my work and I have 250 photographs LOL ...

Celtic_Lass ( ) posted Sat, 17 March 2007 at 1:51 AM

I love these programs and yes it would be most beneficial to have a thread for it I think!  Great idea!

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Sat, 17 March 2007 at 3:27 AM

You too ??? You use this program ? Excellentttttttttttttttttttt
I think there are more people but perhaps, all don't see this thread :lol:

Thanks dear Lisa

DJB ( ) posted Sat, 17 March 2007 at 3:45 AM

I just got a trial version of it, and am going to experiment a lot with it. Seems to have a good interface, and is  similar to  PSP8.
With plug ins I am sure it could be a very decent program that would draw a lot of interest here.
Being that it can  support 8 languages is an advantage in this community too.

"The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions."

Valerie-Ducom ( ) posted Sat, 17 March 2007 at 7:08 AM · edited Sat, 17 March 2007 at 7:12 AM

Yes Douglas, you have reason, and the pluggins from photoshop can be acceptable in PFS but only in PFS not in PF (the free version)... The interface is a little similary too in both.
You can have more language, not only 8... (sorry Doug LOL)
For to know more about this program, you can dowload the free version😄here 😄 in the section download and after you can have proper language like :

If you have some problems with it , or if you have suggestions about Photofiltre, you have always this e-mail address.


Celtic_Lass ( ) posted Sat, 17 March 2007 at 2:31 PM

I love this program so this kind of topic would be most helpful yes
thank you for starting it up!

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