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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 25 1:55 am)

Subject: Looking for epic looking M4 fantasy armor / battle suit

Rhiana ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:13 PM · edited Wed, 25 September 2024 at 3:30 AM

I hope I am right here with this question... and no one is going to flame me for asking that here.

Where can I find really good looking serious non-skimpy fantasy armor and robes for M4?

Armor like you see in computer games like in Skyrim (Daedric Armor, Dragon Bone Armor, Thalmor Robe e.g.) or any Animé Game that doesn't exaggerate armor size...

I skimmed through almost all "known/popular" 3D Poser content selling shops and got some armor stuff and such. Xurge, Daz3D, Rendo, RDNA, PoserAddicts, ContentParadise and so on...

But I noticed that there is not really much for M4 (I got pretty much all fantasy stuff you can have for M4 and it's almost nothing compared to what there is for V4... that's another thing that peeves me - why is there so much less fantasy stuff for M4 than for V4...)

And most of that armor is either skimpy Barbarian style, or just clunky, or is not really good for combat scenes due limited movement morphs ... so in short -  nothing too epic with the woaaah effect :-/ like Aery Soul used to produce for V4... just as an e.g. I wish they had also done some M4 stuff sigh

So, is there any other hidden small shop like Xurge3D or someone like Aery Soul / AlphaSeed doing M4 stuff that also doesn't depend on dynamic clothing, Genesis or weightmapping?

As Background Info:

I prefer to work with M4 and V4 since they still work nicely in Carrara 8 Pro (which is pretty much compatible with Poser content). So Genesis, weightmapped and dynamic cloth stuff are useless for me.

I am a mere hobbyist, so modelling and rigging my own stuff is out of the question due massive lack of time. I am already happy when I find time work on my scenes.



ghostman ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:20 PM · edited Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:21 PM

Attached Link: Xurge3D

Check out this place.

Edit: Ops. Missed that you already checked Xurge.


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Rhiana ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:22 PM · edited Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:26 PM

Thanks, but I already have everything fantasy-like from his site for M4 :-/ otherwise I wouldn't ask.

This is really what wonders me... why is there so little for M4? and why are there so very very very very few cool and detailed armor stuffs like one can find in Games.

I think the most popular gaming robe/armor re-done for poser was the Assassin's Creed Robe. But that was it more or less.

I tried rigging Skyrim Armor to M4... I even picked the armor apart, so I could comform single pieces... no chance. (as I said, I am a mere hobbyist and the utmost modelling I do is more of manipulation of existing meshes in Zbrush or Carrara..)

willyb53 ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:35 PM

You check DAZ?



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Rhiana ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:45 PM · edited Tue, 09 April 2013 at 2:46 PM

Jup, as I said, I checked so pretty much any popular shop and have almost all fantasy stuff you can have for M4. And most of this only has surface details, no real mesh details like nice pauldrons or cool barbs or barbed bracers and and and.

I am looking for stuff like this:

Concept Art:

InGame Skyrim:

Or a nice robe:

Or like this (ok this is just  Art but you get the Idea what i am looking for)


LaurieA ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 7:33 PM

There is so little for M4 because nearly everyone uses V4 and it doesn't sell. It doesn't sell, it doesn't get made. Xurge is one of the few that still will make it.


Coleman ( ) posted Tue, 09 April 2013 at 7:49 PM


This armor by Swidhelm is really good. You can hide the armor parts and just use it as a casual attire set as well

I'd be interested in the kinds of armor you're looking for as well. Most suits like that I see are 3dsmax characters. Not sure if it's because of the difficulty to rig such extravagant apparel or what

Rhiana ( ) posted Wed, 10 April 2013 at 5:20 AM · edited Wed, 10 April 2013 at 5:25 AM

My guess (just a guess!) would be that many of those people who make a living with modelling clothes don't play computer/console games and so they never probably get any ideas or inspiration from that area.

I know from Alpha Seed and Xurge (from their website profile) that they are gamers and it shows in their models. But AS only makes V4 stuff... and I got all fantasy armor stuff from Xurge. Warmonger and Warlord for M4 would be cool... but you can forget about converting M3 stuff to M4 as soon as it is about Torso armor :-/ tried that, and failed. (Wardrobe Wizard and such)

I cannot believe that M4 stuff wouldn't have sold well back then and that I am one of the very few who would have bought. The world doesn't consists of female characters only... and without some guys it's boring. Plus, even with Genesis  around, I haven't really seen any wicked looking armor that comes even a little close to stuff you see in Games.

Where I am back to my guess, that many professional clothing/armor modeller don't play any Fantasy Games and aren't aware of the really wicked pieces out there

And well, looking at Alpha Seed and PowerAge his armor stuff, which also looks complex and detailed mesh-wise (sadly almost all for female only) it shows to me that it would be possible to rig game-like armor stuff to M4 and V4 ^^

Tracesl ( ) posted Wed, 10 April 2013 at 6:37 AM · edited Wed, 10 April 2013 at 6:41 AM

You know, you could always email Xurge or Powerage or and ask if they would design something along those lines. 

 Xurges already looks like the robe in your above post.


Rhiana ( ) posted Wed, 10 April 2013 at 6:57 AM · edited Wed, 10 April 2013 at 6:58 AM

In fact, I just asked at Xurge3D today if they could make some of the old M3 stuff also available for M4 (like Warmonger, Dragonlord and so on)


And yep, I got that one too blush

I already also try to do a frankenstein technique in Carrara, piecing together various armor pieces (via mesh manipulation, not just hiding) to get something new. But that does only work to a certain level.

Even tried that with exported meshes from Games - but those sadly are not really useful for someone like me since I am not really a modeller or rigger. (tried rigging, but that whole morph and whatnot business just eats too much time I do not have - even if I wish to have that knowledge how it works and so on - even when using donors it doesn't work).

AmbientShade ( ) posted Wed, 10 April 2013 at 10:53 AM · edited Wed, 10 April 2013 at 11:00 AM

The general assumption is that male clothes/accessories don't sell, so as long as that keeps getting bantered about, it will continue to be the norm. Yet there is a constant flow of requests for more male clothing, here and on other sites. Problem is a lot of the clothing available is just poorly crafted and rushed through, so no one buys it, so the vendors don't make more. Just a viscious cycle. Add to that, most of the male figures available are extremely awkward looking, including M4, and difficult to morph them into something more attractive. So the add-ons available are limited, and finding real quality among what is available is that much more difficult.

Plus females are generally easier to work with because they don't have all the muscularity and contours to deal with when building add-on content for them - from morphs to clothing - so its easier to make a plain female model more attractive with less work involved. 


Its also a lot more difficult to rig full body armor so that it bends and moves correctly with the body. Skimpy impractical V4 armor is easier because you don't have all the pieces covering joints that you have to figure out how to make them bend while still looking like inflexible metal, since its pretty much just slutwear with a metal sheen. Trying to build a full suit of authentic platemail however, is a much bigger challenge. And since the general notion is that it won't sell anyway, most just see it as a waste of time and energy.



Rhiana ( ) posted Wed, 10 April 2013 at 12:14 PM · edited Wed, 10 April 2013 at 12:20 PM

That's really sad :( 

M4 is not really that bad to work with.  I actually find him much better to work with than with V4 ;) no boobs and booty getting in the way.

I find it rather unnerving to do frankenstein-armor stuff so I have something that looks at least a little different.

One of my attempts with M4... have to add, this only worked so well because Carrara allows me to manipulate meshes (unlike poser or daz), and I do not shy back from using ZBrush to get what I want out of M4 …maybe that's the problem...

Most only use the puppet houses and expect one click solutions... well even AS clothes required some serious morphing and adjusting... almost none of the AS stuff fits my female chars without investing some time... My females tend to be toned and slightly muscular.

What could make the rigging somewhat easier..creating single pieces as AS does.

Gloves Left, Right extra... same for boots, arms, chest, neck and head...

That should eliminate the problem with the joints and bending... someone in heavy spiky armor can't dance about like a ballarina anyway ;)

And well M4 can result some very handsome guys. All they lack are some great awesome epic clothing or armor. Just check at DevArt under the 3D corner.

Well, don't think it's going to change :( Seeing all those skimpy dressed males at DevArt... it shows that there is not much else left to do with them than PinUps....


wolf359 ( ) posted Thu, 11 April 2013 at 8:55 AM

"Add to that, most of the male figures available are extremely awkward looking, including M4, and difficult to morph them into something more attractive. So the add-ons available are limited, and finding real quality among what is available is that much more difficult.

Plus females are generally easier to work with because they don't have all the muscularity and contours to deal with when building add**-on content for them - from morphs to clothing**

Just My opinion But it seems it would be easier to just Make&rig standalone medium res poser figures like the ones the OP linked to than some complex conformers for M4/V4

Considering such Armor would have very limited uses for most people  

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Rhiana ( ) posted Thu, 11 April 2013 at 10:14 AM



The images I have posted were just "ideas / examples" since something like that most likely would catch interest...

I can tell from the FanArt community, that many who can't draw their fantasy into existence, rely on 3D Stuff like Poser and DazStudio (or like me Carrara) to make their ideas visible.

That kind of community shouldn't be underestimated as potential customer for armor and clothes that look at least somewhat like the stuff they know from games and movies.

Assassins Creed, Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind, Dungeons & Dragons has a quite large Fan Community ... and not forgetting Manga/Anime stuff. Not all Manga/Anime is about slutwear ;-) just to name a few.

That Fantasy Rogue Robe from Xurge 3D was quite popular even if it was not really good when you did jumping and swooping combat poses... but that's because of the lack of movement morphs and because that robe had only two pieces instead of three or more. I guess when redone for M4 or Genesis Aery Soul style - it could become epic!

Now my question:
What do you mean by limited uses to most people?

I have seen so many people posting their Daz / Poser stuff at Deviant Art and there are plenty of battle, parading and whatnot epic fantasy stuff among there that's not about half-naked sexy posing smoochies.

I think those could be quite well some customers for male armor, too, that looks more than just smooth and "normal". sings The internet may have ben born because of pOrn (old WoW Insider) ;-) but not everyone wants to do "only" images of that kind.


Besides - if armor was done more like Alpha Seed / Aery Soul does it ( single pieces instead of just two or three body-part pieces) - the useability would be much better and bending wouldn't be such a problem either - and you can mix and match that stuff nicely with other armor pieces.

AS has been so far the only one doing armor this way... (sadly only for V4) **and it has been very very successful and people buy it even if it costs a good deal of money... **

But as I said before, even with Genesis which is more or less a unisex thing in many cases, there hasn't been done anything really "epic"yet... all just the same smooth leather armor, smooth plate mail, skimpwear and so on...

Which strengthens my feeling that many armor and clothing vendors don't play Games and aren't aware of the source of inspiration and the potential of the Poser using FanBase who loves nothing more than creating FanArt with appropiate and "as similar looking stuff as possible) ;-) just check DevArt in the 3D Section for various games and their characters.







ghostship2 ( ) posted Sun, 14 April 2013 at 4:18 PM


have you looked into Michael 3? he has a ton of stuff and this has to be the most bada** armor I have seen. you might even be able to convert some of it with Wardrobe Wizard....while we are taking about wizards...they have a great wizard robe at Daz as well. (both from daz)

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Rhiana ( ) posted Mon, 15 April 2013 at 9:13 AM

Looks really nice. Thank you. I will look that one up for sure :)

I got myself Crossdresser (Morphs and Licenses) recently, to convert some of the M3 clothes I have.

If that one works nice, I will buy the M3 fantasy stuff from Xurge, too. Got no feedback if they intend (or are willing) to make the M3 armor also M4 useable.

After my exam and study stress I also intend to check on some "clothing" tutorials offered at Smith Micro where they focus mainly on turning modelled armor/clothes into comforming ones.

Maybe then I can also use exported Models from Games, after I picked them apart into single pieces for easier "comforming" and use.

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