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Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 02 9:25 am)

Subject: Dawn's Impact on the Poserverse.

EClark1894 ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 5:42 PM · edited Wed, 02 October 2024 at 10:20 PM

I ask this here because both DAZ and Hivewire would be too biased one way or the other. It's been a little over three months since Dawn's arrival in the Poserverse and I'd like to know everyone's opinion of the impact she's had on the Poserverse?

Has she succeeded in mending some fences or merely widened the gulf? Is she the white knight that Poser users were looking for, or has she just become another figure that's out there until the next one comes along?

I'm looking for honest critiques, not criticisms so let's keep personal attacks to ourselves. If someone says something you don't like, just ignore it and let the mods deal with it.

willyb53 ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 5:49 PM

As for the Daz/Poser, I have no idea.

As a figure, because of PP2014 and the texture transfer utility, she has overcome the biggest hurdles a new figure faces.  I have multiple textures available (and will transfer more as needed).  Clothing, using WW and PP2014, is plentiful.  I finall worked out a consistant method of converting shoes.

Any new projects I start will use her unless it requires something that is only available for V4.  Dawn poses more easily, and has lower overhead than V4.


People that know everything by definition can not learn anything

ssgbryan ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 6:32 PM

Dawn can't "mend fences".  Only DAZ can do that, and they have made it quite clear that they have no intention of doing so.  It is what it is.

I don't view Dawn as a white knight - I view it as another character. I am just as likely to use Dawn as I would V4, or Sydney, or Miki (any of them).

I am cannibalizing my V4 content with Texture Transformer, Wardrobe Wizard, and Xdresser, but I have been doing that for all of my characters ever since Wardrobe Wizard was first unleashed.

I like the fact that Dawn was built for Poser 9+.  I'll like her even better once Hivewire3d get off their asses and release the morph pack they have been working on.  They also need to get cracking on Dawn's male counterpart, Dusk.

I'll love her forever, if we can get the vendors to get off the "whites only" kick and if they will let the Poser 4 paradigm go.

That may be a bridge too far however........

LaurieA ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 6:54 PM

I think it's too soon for Dawn to have an impact on the Poserverse. I think she made a ripple rather than the splash everyone was hoping for ;). Even with that said, and even with her faults, I still like her and the way she bends, even if some areas could use some heavy tweaking ;). But I guess that's what version 2 is for. LOL

I too would like to see a male counterpart, a VERY decent morph package and morphs for other races. Lot of white people in the Poserverse...the real world is a little more diverse than that ;).


willyb53 ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 7:05 PM

Yep, Caucasion/Asian/African is definatly not enough.  would like to see american indian, mediteranian/semite etc.



People that know everything by definition can not learn anything

TrekkieGrrrl ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 8:33 PM

Well I just looked at a new item at the MPO and thought "too bad it isn't for Dawn" - and held up buying it. So Dawn HAS an impact. Whether it's large as a tsunami or just a ripple in the pond.. only time will tell. 

I'vew bought more for Dawn since she came out than I'd bought for v4 in the past years. But I have no idea whether I'm the oddball r the Trendsetter here :)

I do like Dawn and one of the things I like qabout her is that she's and attempt to bridge the gap between Poser and DS. That, on its own, ought to be applauded!

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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

RedPhantom ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 8:39 PM
Site Admin

While truly mending fences would need SM and Daz to work together to make things truly compatible in both programs, I think the progress that vendors and users can make is being made. I see a number of people who are learning to use their non-favorite program (whether DS or Poser) in order to provide content for Dawn to everybody. And while there is still Poser only or DA only content and there are those who complain that their program is being neglected seemingly each time content that works in only one program comes out, I see a lot of cooperation happening.

Will she replace the current go to model? Time will tell. Likely they will share the lime light.

I think things will pick up someonce the morph pack comes out. 3 months for content maker isn't a whole lot of time. Assuming a product a week, you'd still only get 12 items and where people are learning new programs to support, that slows things down. The morph pack probably wasn't started until the figure was released 2 months ago. It seemed like the spent another week or so fielding problems so it's not a big suprise that the morphs aren't available yet.

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Sa_raneth ( ) posted Sat, 19 October 2013 at 9:15 PM

dont know  bout  the  fence  mending    but  i do  like  Dawn  she  works  nicely  and  poses  great

not  into  daz  so  no  comment  on  that

-Timberwolf- ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 3:52 AM

Much harder now to find content for my favorite Figures since Dawn is out. All vendors seem to focus on Dawn. Good for her fans , very bad for me. I had several attemps to become "friends" with Dawn, but no way. She looks way to much old DAZ-2001 to me. Her Head, hips and Leg shapes could be something like a Victoria 2.5 .  I like the torso grouping, but cutting her Head in two is a  no go sacrileg.

toastie ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 8:07 AM

Can't say I've noticed much of an impact at all. Yes, there is some stuff for Dawn here and at RDNA, but there doesn't seem to be any decline in new stuff for V4, so I have no idea if she's cutting into V4's market share at all. I don't use her, I have exactly the same amount of interest in Dawn as I have in Genesis.

So far as mending bridges goes..... no idea either. I've never understood the desperate need some people have to be able to use Genesis in Poser anyway. Surely if you're that desperate to use Genesis then use DS? Otherwise stick with other figures in Poser. It just all seems to be about wanting to play with the new shiny to me.

vilters ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 8:24 AM

An admirable effort, but the hype is almost over.

When will "new" creators start to understand ; "End User friendly"? "Error free"?

When will they understand that to beat the existing? The "new" has to be better?

When will they understand that polygon flow has to follow body muscle topology? => Probably the most important factor.

When will they learn that more (polygons) is not a subsitute to quality? => Probably the second most important factor.

That you have to make the figure "popular" bofore you can start to make money. => Management mistake.

If you want to make money but "forget" to make your figure popular first, forget end user friendly, and forget error free, you are : "Just the next one".

Nothing more, nothing less. => Management error.

A "hype" like this has a life span of 3 months.

We are getting close to the end.

Hope it was worth it.

Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game Dev
"Do not drive faster then your angel can fly"!

dirtrider00 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 10:57 AM

Hey guys and girls! Don't post much. More of the lurker type. Don't know if I represent more of the average user or not. I have been using Poser since version 6 and have bought every version since. Currently using PP2014. Read alot of sci-fi/fantasy/horror as a kid and loved the cover art on front of the paperbacks. Poser turned into my way of sort of mimmicking those covers to use as backgrounds for my computer. Yippy!

Reality sets in. I work 50 hour weeks. Gotta couple dogs I take care of. Everyday chores on top of my other hobbies..running, mountainbiking, and throw in some dirtbiking for good measure. I'm not looking for the "make art button" but I also don't really have time to learn all the in's and out's of the 3D universe yet. Hopefully once I retire in a few years I'll have time to learn more. As of now I have to rely on the content creators and sights like Rendo to to get that content. LOL, I'm basically the load, pose, hit render, oops that sucked, change some settings, do again till I get something somewhat viewable.

Back on subject...Most of my money is tied up into V4. I'd love to have something like genesis in poser but not going through the bells and whistles to get her into it. I like Dawn and like the way she bends but until I see some more official support for her(facial morphs, body morphs, etc.) I'll probably stick to V4. Just too time consuming trying to convert clothing and such for her right now. I'm lazy! Basically I'm just really waiting for that poser only figure that will do what genesis does in Daz but that is made for poser.

LOL...too much? Think this is only my second post in umpteen years. :)

EClark1894 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 11:49 AM

In my opinion, you may never get to see that Genesis like Figure in Poser, and if you do it will most likely be a third Party that makes the figure. I've never used Dawn, although I do have her (just haven't unzipped her yet to play with). But I think Dawn has potential. V4 is on life support right now. Not enough people use Genesis in Poser to make it a factor, and let's face it, unless SM does some radical paradigm shifting in their thinking, their focus will remain on software development and not on content development.

RawArt ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 12:17 PM

Dawn has made an impact, how much is up to personal opinion.

Unlike other dedicated releases for poser figures, I think Dawn should have a much longer life span, simply because of the people that are behind her. But I think her potential has not even been close to have been reached at this point.

She will have a much slower grownt than any daz figures, simply because of the size of the team working on her. HW3d is a smaller company than DAZ, so it will take time before we see her fully fleshed out.

As for mending of fences. I think that simply depends on what you want mended.

DAZ and Smith micro have different goals in how they grow. DAZ makes money from content, and SM from the software (yeah, there is content paradice...but come on..really?). So as such DAZ is looking for ways to make the content better and better and building the technology to ensure that will happen.
The type of content that will work for poser quality products is a market that is already saturated. So they are finding ways of being able to make products that go beyond that level and give customers even more bang for their buck.

Because of this, the technology will continue to move in two different directions. That type of thing will probably never be mended.

Poser and DAZ are seperate entities, and they will only continue to drift apart as time goes on, and no amount of screaming for mending of fences will change that.  DAZ has no control over what tech poser wants to put into their software, but they know what they need for the future growth of their figures, so that is where they will grow.

Zev0 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:23 PM · edited Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:27 PM

Dawn will have a place in peoples runtimes. However she will never reach V4 and Genesis status. That in reality is asking too much. If you are happy using her then great, but V4 is not going anywhere, not anytime soon for Poser users. Also the hype has settled a bit and recently more V4 items have been released than Dawn. Looks to me the initial flood was just launch hype and most vendors just tried her out, but since then have returned to V4. Maybe in time she will get somewhere, but by then it might be to late. One thing Hivewire should have had ready on release date was her "morph ++" pack. Not much can be done with her until it comes out. Sure there are alternative sets, but an official one is always needed to showcase a figures flexability. Also that way Vendors who create dialled characters have an official pack to create characters from. She will always be an alternative, but not a replacement. She does not pack enough punch at this stage to do so unfortunately.

My Renderosity Store

EClark1894 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:34 PM

Following up on what Rawn said, right now, when I see Dawn, I'm thinking  Vicky 1, just weightmapped and better looking.

Zev0 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:56 PM · edited Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:57 PM

I see more V3 similarities than V1.

My Renderosity Store

dirtrider00 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 1:59 PM

EC.... Totally agree with you. I've been browsing the Rendo poser forums since poser 6. Just never got into the posting before so forgive my non forum skills. I've just noticed, specially the last few years that in general I see the same names posting in most of the forum subjects/titles. I actually feel I know most of you despite the fact I don't post much. The reason I posted was simply because I kinda feel like I may be more of what the average poser user is ( no scientific data to back that up). :)  Load, setup scene, render. Now as far as Dawn goes I was just as excited about her release as everyone else was. Bought quite abit of stuff for her too. As for now though I've gone back to V4 and her various versions of fixes and weightmapping.

LaurieA ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 2:27 PM

Yeah, she feels more V3 to me than anything as well ;)


-Timberwolf- ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 2:41 PM

 I'd rather aggree with that V1 comparison . :)

toastie ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 2:58 PM

Quote - I see more V3 similarities than V1.

Same here. She looks like V3 to me.

JoePublic ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 3:38 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity



I made this Dawn doppelganger using V3WM before she was actually released.

Took me about 15 minutes using only V3's native bodymorphs and some scaling.


mrsparky ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 3:42 PM

Recently made a freebie for dawn and was a bit worried saying the name over at daz might break their rules. So labeled it for all figures and turned out they are cool, they have no issues with anyone talking about dawn now. So the fence mending stuff seems kinda academic. Of more interest was the actual reaction from everyone. I figured based on the talk of dawn, and limited number of freebies for her, it might be a popular item. Yet when comparing the view counts, download tracks, and overall interest from daz fans easily outstripped that from dawn fans. After using the figure think one reason why might be dawn isn't a straight "out of the box" figure. It needs a twiddle to use unlike V3. Being P9+ only as well makes it harder to use in other renderers. Don't get me wrong it's nice, and I'll probably use it again. But only when I've got time to play around, just not as an everyday item. So maybe thats what other artists are finding.

Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.

LaurieA ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 4:44 PM

Holy cow JP that's incredible. LOL

FWIW...I never minded V3...still don't. I think in some ways she's much better than V4, and I still use her. Other's mileage may vary. LOL


EClark1894 ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 5:09 PM

Quote - Yeah, she feels more V3 to me than anything as well ;)


I was looking more at her potential for growth than actual similarities in looks. I actually took some time for me to actually abandon Posette and move on to Vicki1.  And even though I finally did, they upgraded to V2. But I'm looking at the growth from V1 to V4, and that's the potential I see in Dawn.

aeilkema ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 5:53 PM

As with all the other hypes, this one didn't live too long either and couldn't stand up to it's promises. Why? She's way to Dazzy..... looks way too much like the V's and imo that's not a good thing at all. I looked at here, played with here a little while and then found no reason at all to abandon my V3/V4 figures. in other words, in just a few weeks Dawn has become one of the many redundant poser figures in my runtime and I'm afraid that's the case for a lot of poser users.

I think we hoped for a genesis figure for poser and we got another version of Vicky instead. Dawn feels like going back in time, as if she was released years ago, like something from the past that has been updated with a few new gimmicks, she's almost like V3.2, somewhere stuck between V3 and V4, but more closer to V3 then V4. At any rate she is too close to them to really make an impact. She's not unique at all, she doesn't stand out in the poser crowd at all. She's just another figure we all like for a season and then the we all go back to what we're used to.

As for mending bridges between DS and Poser, Dawn was never made to do that and she cannot do that..... those bridges have been burned a long time ago by DAZ and SM and no third party is ever going to fix them.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

nobodyinparticular ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 7:01 PM

I think I see a more vendors slowly trying out Genesis than Dawn. Not a flood of desertions, just a kind of a gradual drift. Daz is giving the software and basic figures away, and people are trying it out.

I suspect a number of vendors are tired of cranking out another V4 thing. I know I was getting tired of seeing them. That, more than anything, was the reason for the initial enthusiasm for Dawn.

As for Dawn not being perfect. The last version of Victoria was 4.2. And there still was a cottage industry in "fixes" long after she was retired. Maybe an improved Dawn will spark continued interest. I bought a number of items for her. But my interests are in the newer Poser characters, and Genesis. Have to draw the budget line somewhere.

Of course, the 800 pound gorilla in the room is the economy. Who has a lot of spending money these days? That has put a crimp in a lot of things. Market place, vendors, customers. And apparently will continue to do so.

WandW ( ) posted Sun, 20 October 2013 at 8:06 PM

Quote - One thing Hivewire should have had ready on release date was her "morph ++" pack. Not much can be done with her until it comes out. Sure there are alternative sets, but an official one is always needed to showcase a figures flexability. Also that way Vendors who create dialled characters have an official pack to create characters from. She will always be an alternative, but not a replacement. She does not pack enough punch at this stage to do so unfortunately.


Indeed; a big problem for me is the lack of expression morphs compared to V4 and earlier DAZ figures.  Even Antonia is better equipped with expressions...


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“I could buy better software, but then I'd have to be an artist and what's the point of that?"
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hornet3d ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 4:34 AM

Quote - Hey guys and girls! Don't post much. More of the lurker type. Don't know if I represent more of the average user or not. I have been using Poser since version 6 and have bought every version since. Currently using PP2014. Read alot of sci-fi/fantasy/horror as a kid and loved the cover art on front of the paperbacks. Poser turned into my way of sort of mimmicking those covers to use as backgrounds for my computer. Yippy!

Reality sets in. I work 50 hour weeks. Gotta couple dogs I take care of. Everyday chores on top of my other hobbies..running, mountainbiking, and throw in some dirtbiking for good measure. I'm not looking for the "make art button" but I also don't really have time to learn all the in's and out's of the 3D universe yet. Hopefully once I retire in a few years I'll have time to learn more. As of now I have to rely on the content creators and sights like Rendo to to get that content. LOL, I'm basically the load, pose, hit render, oops that sucked, change some settings, do again till I get something somewhat viewable.

Back on subject...Most of my money is tied up into V4. I'd love to have something like genesis in poser but not going through the bells and whistles to get her into it. I like Dawn and like the way she bends but until I see some more official support for her(facial morphs, body morphs, etc.) I'll probably stick to V4. Just too time consuming trying to convert clothing and such for her right now. I'm lazy! Basically I'm just really waiting for that poser only figure that will do what genesis does in Daz but that is made for poser.

LOL...too much? Think this is only my second post in umpteen years. :)


I think I have a similar background to you dirtrider00, at least in regards to Poser and I tend to use it in the same way.  I have Dawn and have played around but have reverted to V4WM as it was too much work to use Dawn and the end result was really V4WM with limitation in my eyes.  I am tracking Dawn though and might give her another try when there are some decent morphs available.

I wouldn't bank on doing more when you retire either, I did so about two months ago and I find I have less time for Poser not more.  Mind you I did rehome an abandodned Lurcher at the same time so that is where a big chunk of time went.   Early days yet and I might get better organised and find more time for Poser, by which time Dawn may have grown into something more adaptable.



I use Poser 13 on Windows 11 - For Scene set up I use a Geekcom A5 -  Ryzen 9 5900HX, with 64 gig ram and 3 TB  storage, mini PC with final rendering done on normal sized desktop using an AMD Ryzen Threadipper 1950X CPU, Corsair Hydro H100i CPU cooler, 3XS EVGA GTX 1080i SC with 11g Ram, 4 X 16gig Corsair DDR4 Ram and a Corsair RM 100 PSU .   The desktop is in a remote location with rendering done via Queue Manager which gives me a clearer desktop and quieter computer room.

Die_Salzsau ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 5:36 AM

Quote - Following up on what Rawn said, right now, when I see Dawn, I'm thinking  Vicky 1, just weightmapped and better looking.


100% ACK

MistyLaraCarrara ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 8:18 AM

Dawn hasn't impacted me at all, really.  
the last figure to psyche me up was Miki3, but she's kinda stuck in one character type.

i like poser and ds, on the same fence here.  Poser is my primary, cuz i learned it first.

the G2 idea of different heads on the same body rig seemed a good idea, too bad they seem to have given up on fixing the issues with them.

Don't need another supermodel figure.  would like some imperfect characters.

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Glitterati3D ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 10:22 AM

I don't see any impact at all, frankly.

First, we're almost 90 days out from release and still no "morphs ++" which means Dawn is static and hardly usable for me.  I don't like her appearance, nor do I like lots of her body parts - oh, those shoulders and that joker smile!!!!!!!!  Ack!

But, one huge impact she DID have is busting the "lots of vendor support and lots of products available on day one for success" myth.  No other figure has EVER had the kind of support Dawn got, and she's STILL a bust; has YET to de-throne V4.

And, quite frankly, I don't USE V4, so there's certainly no "favortism" here towards Vicky.

Zev0 ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 10:30 AM · edited Mon, 21 October 2013 at 10:35 AM


well then....But I think the real killer is the lack of morphs from the get go. Content can only do so much, but if for an unusable figure (dawns current state in terms of flexability), wont really change the outcome. The one does impact the other.

My Renderosity Store

fonpaolo ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 11:12 AM

As others have said, Dawn is interesting, but without a complete set of morphs, expressions and so on, she'll be just another figure.

Tessalynne ( ) posted Mon, 21 October 2013 at 4:37 PM

I wouldn't dream of trying to speak to her impact beyond my own personal experiences.  I spent most of the last 2 1/2 years jumping around between Miki 3 and 4, Alyson 2, Antonia and MyMichelle.  I found things to like about all of them, but I found a major stumbling block for all of them, a real lack of content.  I prefer buying my content as opposed to trying to make it myself and each month I would click away from stores with either minimal purchases or no purchases.  It wasn't fun anymore, when Alyson's 2nd Halloween and Christmas rolled around and I still didn't have either a zombie or any angel poses for her, well disappointment didn't begin to cover it.  So this past Spring I closed Poser and quit trying to shop or bothering with rendering.


Dawn has changed that for me.  She is easy to use and the appearance of content has been reasonable for a figure that didn't come from Daz, I can only hope it continues so that I continue to have a reason to browse the shops.  As has been mentioned before, more morphs and expressions would be nice, but you know, I have Dawn's Starter Morphs, Mec4D's Morphologia, Rawn's Mini Morphs, Trekkie's 130, I13's Real Details, Lyrra's Shape of... I don't find her all that lacking in Morphs for as little time as she has been out and am willing to be patient for more.  And because there has been more produced for her, I've found that her content prices have stayed in line with other marketplace content, so I haven't had the unending pay lots more for a lot less that all the other figures I used suffered from.  I've spent a fraction of what I did on each of the other figures I used and already have way more to work with.


So, for me she is a success and I hope to see her flourish.  Of course only time will tell, one can't force vendors or freebie providers to support a figure.  :)

false1 ( ) posted Tue, 22 October 2013 at 12:05 PM

Quote -
Dawn has changed that for me.  She is easy to use and the appearance of content has been reasonable for a figure that didn't come from Daz, I can only hope it continues so that I continue to have a reason to browse the shops.  As has been mentioned before, more morphs and expressions would be nice, but you know, I have Dawn's Starter Morphs, Mec4D's Morphologia, Rawn's Mini Morphs, Trekkie's 130, I13's Real Details, Lyrra's Shape of... I don't find her all that lacking in Morphs for as little time as she has been out and am willing to be patient for more.  And because there has been more produced for her, I've found that her content prices have stayed in line with other marketplace content, so I haven't had the unending pay lots more for a lot less that all the other figures I used suffered from.  I've spent a fraction of what I did on each of the other figures I used and already have way more to work with.

how do you like Trekkies 130 and Mec4d's morphs? I'm particularly interested in Mec4d. Do you have any renders posted using them.


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paganeagle2001 ( ) posted Tue, 22 October 2013 at 12:41 PM

As with anything, we have to wait for products to appear, it's always been that way.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Who honors those we love for the very life we live?, Who sends monsters to kill us?, and at the same time sings that we will never die., Who teaches us whats real?, and how to laugh at lies?, Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?, Who chains us?, and Who holds the key that can set us free... It's You!, You have all the weapons you need., Now Fight!

jancory ( ) posted Tue, 22 October 2013 at 1:22 PM


haven't got Mec's morphs yet but Trekkie's are fun; i've been able to get a lot of unique faces from them.

lost in the wilderness

Poser 13, Poser11,  Win7Pro 64, now with 24GB ram

ooh! i guess i can add my new render(only) machine!  Win11, I7, RTX 3060 12GB

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Darboshanski ( ) posted Tue, 22 October 2013 at 2:09 PM · edited Tue, 22 October 2013 at 2:13 PM

I like Dawn a lot however, the lack of a morph ++ pack and content has slowed me down. It would be great to see a Dawn 2.0 as I feel the figure has huge potential hivewire now needs to unlock it.

As far as any gulf jumping I get the feeling that poser users are like old people too set in their ways. Anything new is bad and disturbs the force cuz it ain't like the old days. Or like indigenous people fearful of a camera because their souls will be trapped in a "box" if a picture is snapped. Then of course the old no matter what comes out it ain't good enough, "I'd complain if they hung me with a new rope" sort of thing.

For now though V4 is queen of my runtimes because she works in Poser where as one needs to jump through hoops to get Genesis even close and watching SM and Daz throw tantrums like members of our Congress. Jumping through hoops is something I like to see cute little dogs do at the circus not in my 3D app. I want to enjoy my 3D sessions not hate them or not have fun with them. I used to be like many poserites taking things way too serious posting on forums about how my ulcer is kicking up or I am loosing sleep over the latest 3D chick in town or app. We get what we get from the creators as it seems they know what is good for us. :)

Edited to add: Trekkie's morph pack for Dawn ain't too shabby they work really well!! ;)


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Dale B ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 7:34 AM

Might want to modify that to 'some' Poser users, PA....... ;P 


You know, it's really simple. Dawn is a figure. -A- figure. Not -THE- figure. That was the DAZ trope, and frankly, good riddance. Right up to the g-thing, the whole community was bound to P4 level functionality. Now we aren't. A hefty chunk of the community is still bound to it, either by refusal to or inability to upgrade; those that aren't seem to be expanding their horizons. There have been more new figures fielded in the past year than in the 3 years before it. Which is a good thing. More and more of them are coming out with 'P9 and above only' warnings. Which is equally a good thing, as more advanced tech tends to give more options and better results. More and more external render options, giving higher quality output. If they put ragdoll in the bullet engine next go around, then you have a good, basic animation assisting physics setup (I still want my IK pinning and unpinning capability, though).  My figure spending has cut waaaaay back, and most sales now are props and architectual sets and vehicles. A few basic clothing sets and some time with transmaps and texuring can turn those basics into a lot more. There is no 'one mesh to rule them all'...simply because any mesh that could 'do anything needed' would be so resource intensive, it would kill most computers. Keeping up with so many figures is about as simple as herding cats on speed, but the options you get make it worth it IMHO.....

false1 ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 7:45 AM

Quote - haven't got Mec's morphs yet but Trekkie's are fun; i've been able to get a lot of unique faces from them.

Those are some unique and interesting faces. They look like real people. Good job.


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jancory ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 10:28 AM


lost in the wilderness

Poser 13, Poser11,  Win7Pro 64, now with 24GB ram

ooh! i guess i can add my new render(only) machine!  Win11, I7, RTX 3060 12GB

 My Freebies

false1 ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 12:22 PM · edited Wed, 23 October 2013 at 12:24 PM

I think it's too early to talk about Dawn's impact. Three months is not enough for a third party figure to make a dent. Some people are even talking about "knocking Vicky off her throne". Not going to happen soon and it's an unreasonable expectation. The lack of morphs, as mentioned above, is a serious hindrance though. As is the fact that people with older versions of Poser can't even use her. And let's be realistic, Poser users are the main market for a modern figure. Consider as well that no software lasts forever. Even Windows XP will eventually be replaced. At some point, and especially for new users, the thought of loading up on V4 fixes and workarounds will become illogical when the industry has moved forward.

I don't use Dawn much as yet because of the morph thing and the fact that I have certain clothing needs that probably won't be addressed any time soon. WW can address some of that but not all. But I will support Dawn as much as my wallet can stand because I feel the need to invest in Dawn and Hivewire3d's future. Keep in mind the amazing figure capabilities that will be possible 2, 3, 5 years from now and the fact that Daz will not be bringing any of that goodness to Poser. Keep in mind that nobody's even talking about bringing out weight mapped M4, K4 or even animal figures. Those figures are important to me. Right now Dawn and HiveWire3d are the Poser user's last, best hope for a modern family of well supported figures.

Keep the faith


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LaurieA ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 1:37 PM

Hopefully all the figures we used to have - in either separate figures, or morphs :). I want man and woman, I want older teens and younger teens, I want preschoolers and I want baby. LOL Not too much to ask considering it's what we used to have ;).


randym77 ( ) posted Wed, 23 October 2013 at 2:42 PM

Like Trekkie, I'm spending more on Dawn than any other figure now. 

I still use V3 and V4, but I'm not going to pay full price for stuff for them.  Prime or PC pricing, I might buy it.  If it's more than that, nope.  I will shell out for Dawn. 

helgas ( ) posted Thu, 24 October 2013 at 12:19 PM

I downloaded Dawn and was less than impressed. Her eyelashes are scary. Her wide shoulders look really bad in a forward bend. I put her next to the lovely V4.2 and after deleting Dawn from my Runtime I felt nothing but relieve. Why bother with all the conversions and fixes - she too is less than perfect. Why spent money on her? The outcome is always inferior. She simply looks like everything that we had before only a little less desireable.

With DAZs history the morphs++ may come any time soooon or may remain a promise until the next Dawn is released. This of course would be terrible for all the customers who have invested a lot of money in the new figure because Dawn 2 will not fit into anything Dawn 1 is wearing. Of course there will be more conversion options available. 

I am still hoping for something new and exciting to emerge. I am ready for it and I am willing to spend the money. Can DAZ live up to such a challenge or will we get just another Vicky in disguise? 

nobodyinparticular ( ) posted Thu, 24 October 2013 at 12:24 PM

My frustration with Poser is the "one trick pony" approach to content. A vast majority of content providers focus on one figure. Was V4 now Dawn. Maybe someone else next week. But heaven forbid more than one. There are a number of good figures. Wouldn't know it by the stores.

Thank you, EClarke for your support of Rex and Roxie. You, Poserworld, and 3Dream are almost the total support for them. A few other items, nothing more.

Shame that we now have a couple of decent figures in Poser, and almost no one notices, or cares. Makes Genesis more inviting every day. Which is where I've been spending more of my time and money. Just venting. Sorry.

EClark1894 ( ) posted Thu, 24 October 2013 at 10:16 PM

I've never actually posted on HiveWire's forum, but has anyone asked them when and if Dawn gets a morph package?

RorrKonn ( ) posted Fri, 25 October 2013 at 1:13 AM

I'll use any and all CGI App's.

I have V1 ,V3,V4,V5

Can't remember V2's topology

Dawn was modeled in the same style that V1 and V3 was

Dawn has better topology flow then V1 and a lower polycount then V3.

We would consider Dawn a game mesh and not a SubD mesh cause she has Tri's.
But you can still SubD her.
Quads n Tri's are a thing to Main App's that uses Poser fussion.
& is not anatomically correct

But HiveWire Knows DAZ RULES ,DAZ Studio & Poser with out question.

Don't have V6 but V4's morph ++ can't even come close to V5's morphs.
So for HiveWire to compete against V5.thay would half to make there own HiveWire version of DAZ Studio.
So at best Dawn could attempted to take V4's decade old Poser thrown.

How practical is it to compete with a decade old tech like V4 ?
Wasn't V4 and sony 3 released about the same time ?
Any one competing with any other Sony 3 gaming company ?

Isn't Sony 4 being released Nov 15 ?

Then again when you see Sony 4's graphics ya might not wonder why Dawn's
Modeled the way she is.

Smithmicro does more then just Poser
Maybe HiveWire does also

Think there's more $$$ in DAZ Poser or Games ?



The Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
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Gator762 ( ) posted Fri, 25 October 2013 at 3:54 PM

Quote - An admirable effort, but the hype is almost over.

When will "new" creators start to understand ; "End User friendly"? "Error free"?

When will they understand that to beat the existing? The "new" has to be better?

When will they understand that polygon flow has to follow body muscle topology? => Probably the most important factor.

When will they learn that more (polygons) is not a subsitute to quality? => Probably the second most important factor.

That you have to make the figure "popular" bofore you can start to make money. => Management mistake.

If you want to make money but "forget" to make your figure popular first, forget end user friendly, and forget error free, you are : "Just the next one".

Nothing more, nothing less. => Management error.

A "hype" like this has a life span of 3 months.

We are getting close to the end.

Hope it was worth it.


For me, Dawn has been a slightly negative impact.  I've seen a few products that I liked but were Dawn only.  Fortunately for me, it appears most vendors seem to be more focused on V4.

Dawn has been a very meh release.  As Vilters points out, the polygon flow following muscle topology is a biggie.


IMHO, they've missed a few major things to be the revolutionary model they hyped it to be.

1 - Bending issues.  She's better than stock V4, but inferior to V4 with many of the fixes out for her. 

2 - Morphs.  Stock Dawn is attractive, but some of her character morphs are downright ugly.  It seems that the facial morphs support for her must not be that great.  Also a bit too manly.  There are many supermodel-attractive V4 characters out there, but no Dawn characters that even come close.


The market can come out with all the Dawn clothing & content that they want, but if those two primary issues aren't addressed, there's no point in me looking at it.

ssgbryan ( ) posted Fri, 25 October 2013 at 10:35 PM

Quote - Might want to modify that to 'some' Poser users, PA....... ;P 


You know, it's really simple. Dawn is a figure. -A- figure. Not -THE- figure. That was the DAZ trope, and frankly, good riddance. Right up to the g-thing, the whole community was bound to P4 level functionality. Now we aren't. A hefty chunk of the community is still bound to it, either by refusal to or inability to upgrade; those that aren't seem to be expanding their horizons. There have been more new figures fielded in the past year than in the 3 years before it. Which is a good thing. More and more of them are coming out with 'P9 and above only' warnings. Which is equally a good thing, as more advanced tech tends to give more options and better results. More and more external render options, giving higher quality output. If they put ragdoll in the bullet engine next go around, then you have a good, basic animation assisting physics setup (I still want my IK pinning and unpinning capability, though).  My figure spending has cut waaaaay back, and most sales now are props and architectual sets and vehicles. A few basic clothing sets and some time with transmaps and texuring can turn those basics into a lot more. There is no 'one mesh to rule them all'...simply because any mesh that could 'do anything needed' would be so resource intensive, it would kill most computers. Keeping up with so many figures is about as simple as herding cats on speed, but the options you get make it worth it IMHO.....

If you look, vendors are still bound to P4 - I have bought a number of items that I have bought for figures that were designed for P9 or later and they are still built with Poser 4 compatibility in mind.  In 2013, I should not be dealing with .pz2 materials, nor should I be dealing with .rsr files.  Nor should I be dealing with baked in specularity, yet here we are. 

My solution to this is pretty simple.  When I buy a product that has these types of defects (and yes, that is what they are), it is noted in my review of the product along with the docking of stars.  Have .pz2 MATs but not .mc6 materials, minus 1 star.  Using DOS or OS7 naming conventions in 2013, minus 1 star.  Using naming conventions that do not allow me to use Poser's search function, minus 1 star.  Using numbers in place of colors for materials, minus 1 star. 

I am sure the 2nd & 3rd rate vendors will whine about this (like they whine about everything else), but at some point, we have to let Poser 4 and the 20th century go.

I am hoping vendors grasp the concept that making their products harder to use means that I am less likely to buy their products in the future. My definition of "harder to use" is having to fix all of the defects I have listed above.  It may be a bridge too far however.

As far as buying habits, I agree with an earlier poster, I only purchase V4 products that are priced at Prime (or there abouts - I will go to $5, with a few exceptions).  As far as clothing for Dawn, I can only buy what is available.  If vendors don't want to make content for Dawn, they won't be seeing my money.  I have the fitting room and Lyrra's Dawn Fitting Room Magnets (Which rocks by the way - best 5.95 you will ever spend on content for Dawn.)

I have been sharing clothing content between figures since Wardrobe Wizard came out back in the Poser 6 timeframe.  With the release of Texture Transformer, I can now share V4 skins with Dawn (with more figure conversions on the way).

As far as Dawn's impact on the Poserverse, Hivewire3d screwed the pooch by not having the morph packs ready to go on day one.  Which is the same problem we have had for the past few new figures.  You would think that supposedly smart people like the Hivewire3d folks would have made that connection, but I think that when they left DAZ, they brought along a copy of DAZ's institutional arrogance with them to the new organization.

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