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Subject: Merchants beng banned headsup!!

thebert ( ) posted Sat, 02 November 2002 at 10:44 PM

Jack I agree 110% that this is TIM. thebert ps. I know want you try to say.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Goldfire ( ) posted Sat, 02 November 2002 at 10:48 PM

Sorry, Trav, I agree with thebert. I will not give bondware another dime, even indirectly, until Tim sees sense. Maybe this will shock him into realize what a hornet's nest he's stirred up. Or maybe not. Up to you, Tim. You're losing a lot of merchants and, more importantly, customers over this. Is it really worth it? Losing RDNA will hurt even more than losing R'osity; I have a LOT of RDNA stuff on my wishlist, but, sorry, Trav and Syyd. There are malls I don't shop at, either, because of lousy tricks they pulled. I'm sure there are some great merchants that lose out, but they need to talk to their mall management and get them to see sense.

Goldfire ( ) posted Sat, 02 November 2002 at 10:52 PM

Jack, looks like my fingers can't type tonight either ; ) Second sentance of first paragraph should have read' "Maybe that will shock him into realIZING what a hornet's nest he's stirred up."

Traveler ( ) posted Sat, 02 November 2002 at 11:33 PM

I am not going to contiue to debate this because you guys have made up your mind, and I am totally ok with that. Just keep in mind that by boycotting DNA you are hurting us far more then anyone else (about 99% us and 1% "them"). I am kinda saddened by that, but like all of the other storms I have seen blow across this community, I will get over it and will still be standing on the other side handing out freebies. -Trav

Ironbear ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 12:56 AM

Actually Trav, I mentioned RDNA in this at least once, so kind of helped kick this off - belatedly, my apologies.

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

  • Monkeysmell

Stormrage ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:19 AM

I think it is really stupid to go after Runtime DNA when they aren't the one's involved. Hurting them WILL NOT hurt Tim or edgenet

Lapis ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:21 AM

I agree.

thebert ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:46 AM

I think you go after any business that does business with Tim. I'm write a letter to CL to ask for my menoy on the broken program Poser 5 and this action that is going on here. If they has any to do with it, Poser is going in the trash. So my decision is not to do business with anyone that has any business relationship with TIM. If they want me back they need to cut TIM out. What TIM has done is wrong and they need to step up to the plate too. Sitting on the side line and doing nothing is just help him. If you have RDNA, Dark Whipser, Billy-T and other leave and Renderosity will be out of business. I'm pitching and are the big guys going to hit it out or strikeout

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Poppi ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 4:45 AM

what was done to the merchants was done HERE. why punish RDNA? so far, that site has been great. and, regardless of whether or not you shop there, they still will have to pay for their Bondware until their contract runs out.

Eowyn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 5:18 AM

As much as all this is pissing me off, I would never go and boycott RDNA over this. I have so much respect for those people and there's no reason to punish them (actually, that should be us since I'm a mod there :) for this mess. I hope you guys won't do that either...

Lapis ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 5:24 AM

Eowyn, I agree 100%. I think that feeling spreads throughout the community so no worries. Have you heard how Sydd's doing lately. Is she feeling better yet.

Eowyn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 5:39 AM

I haven't talked to her lately, only seen her post in the forums I'm afraid.. but she seems to be up to her ears in work :)

bijouchat ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 6:53 AM

sounds like R'osity needed two forums here, one for discussing design and strategy of the MP - limited to Admins and some moderators of R'osity - and another forum for general vendor support. Instead of making a new forum for said purpose no 1, I guess someone thought... why not just banish some people from the vendor forum where they need to get support and faqs on being a merchant here? And cut off some vendors from getting support. And like, cause a huge PR disaster? Instead of doing the easier thing and like... do a little bit of work and open a new forum... :-/ What is a competing brokerage anyway - most of the top vendors have their own sites too. So what. A boutique with your own stuff isn't a brokerage, and hey, some of those boutiques have items that have trouble being sold here. my opinion - if you write it in an email or a forum its not going to be a secret anyway. SOMEbody is going to flap their trap and use copy and paste to their advantage. So what was the point of this PR disaster other than to cause a big brouhaha?

Flaxynn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:08 AM

I see this thread's been toodling along under it's own steam all night and not once has the viper that started it crawled out from under his rock and made a statement.... I really do have one other thing to drag behind me when I leave---MY WALLET. Of course that could lead to this site not having a free membership.....or is that what the viper was after all along???

Goldfire ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:11 AM

thebert, I don't see that going after CL will do anything. They have enough problems of their own right now without worrying about Tim's. A couple people I really respect have contacted me privately, besides folks like IB commenting publicly. You're right, this is Tim's problem, not RDNA's. And I do really like Syyd and Traveler. Colm I don't know as well, but I've heard good things about him as well. It's not fair to punish them for Tim's grossly unfair policy decisions.

dialyn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:38 AM

What would be the point of anyone trying to speak on behalf of the administration? No one here wants to hear anything but the sound of their own voice. What's the point of destroying the Renderosity site? don't hurt anyone as much as you hurt the members and the other merchants. And typical mob mentality, you start attacking other sites that have nothing to do with the initial problem. No one seems to be trying to solve any problems here (if there are, those voices have been buried)...looks like the game is to just make some kind of statement that has to do more with personalities that resolving issues. It's really embarressing to see adults on both sides act so badly and irrationally. I'm not defending the decisions made by administration (I will never understand the issues because what I am reading is all accusations)...but I bet anything that there might have been a chance to work to make positive changes if everyone hadn't been in such a hurry to form a lynch mob. So sad. And now it's almost impossible to sort out the truth of the matter. So very sad.

bijouchat ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:40 AM

If it goes to being a pay membership here, you can almost write the epitaph for the site. It thrives on the traffic - you need people to browse the store in order to buy. That definitely would be biting the hand that feeds you. I just hope someone wakes up today and finds some common sense. Common sense seems not so common right now. Banning people isn't going to help anyone - they just come back under new nicknames and cause all kinds of problems. I'd rather have the usual suspects posting as who I know them by, than chasing them, playing a game of hide and seek. (bijou has been there and knows this from experience...) Goldfire - thanks. Yeah, RuntimeDNA isn't responsible for this one, neither is Curious Labs for that matter. Best not to punish either.

bijouchat ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:58 AM

I didn't accuse anyone Dialyn. I see you're accusing people though. I've seen the posts from R'osity staff about this (its been reposted at several other sites - all unaffliated with each other - which leads me to think the reposts are true)... I feel I can give my unbiased opinion on this after reading the fallout. I'm not a rahrah person for any Poser site. I'm not a vendor here or anywhere else. (right now, that might change in the future)I've contributed to some products for sale in the MP here though, from which I do not make a dime from. Just helping a friend that helped me. I'm a member of Renderosity for 2 years, and I am a regular customer of the Marketplace here. (as my credit card and bank account will attest) I even resigned the one moderator position I had at, so I have more time for my important non-poser work and poser projects alike. (moderation was sucking away all my time) The only Poser site that has a art gallery from me is hosted here at Renderosity. I speak my mind, from bitter experience of 8 years of managing websites and working online. Folks here can take the advice I've learned or leave it, its just my observations. I have no real right to express them here though - there is no such thing as free speech on a private website. But Renderosity has provided a forum that is moderated in a fairly liberal fashion, and I take the opportunity to simply speak my mind. As most of the people in this thread are doing, both pro and con. I think Renderosity has a right to have a forum dealing with their Marketplace strategies that is free of their competitors - they should have simply gone about this a different way than they did. The way they did it has caused a huge war, which isn't good for Renderosity or anyone else here. My 2 cents worth, and probably not even worth that.

Flaxynn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 10:01 AM

I've been Flaxynn as long as I've been here. Tim doesn't have to chase me down to find me. I am just a little fishy and I know he can flush me whenever he gets tired of feeding me and use my bowl for a planter. I have seen a lot of the shit-storms that fly around here and just put up my umbrella most of the time, but this one.... Awe- fuggeddaboudit................I'm pissing on a forestfire.

dialyn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 10:12 AM

Yes, well, that's the answer. Start throwing accusations at me when the issue is elsewhere. I thought it was important that you all realize that to an outside observer, these thread appears differently than it does to you on the inside. I am not part of the marketplace, never will be; and all I come to Renderosity for is a place to hang my non-artistic graphics, buy a few items for my hobby, and try to enjoy some conversation with people who hold the same interest. The best part of this site (the fun and the information sharing) is increasingly getting chased off this site by people tearing into each other....and it's not all due to the administrators. But it is easier to attack me than take any responsibility, isn't it? Because there is always two or more sides to any stories and I'm not convinced I've got very much of the truth here. I was so disguested yesterday that I turned off my computer and went out into the real world. This would be a good day to do the same. I believe it is important to you. Just don't assume it is very important to me other than to see a site I enjoyed getting flushed for the sake of stubbornness on both sides. Oh, yes, I know you completely read over the fact that I said there is probably truth on both sides. Arguments, battles, war are two way affairs. My point was only that there is no point in anyone from the "other side" posting because the mentality of this thread is an attack mode, not a listening mode. Do read back through the thread and figure out why I think that. Good bye all. Have a wonderful Sunday. I will because I'm turning off this forum now. Take care.

bijouchat ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 10:33 AM

Dialyn - take care, I'll put on a violin concerto for you :) I read every post, and then some on the other sites too. I'm being very very fair, and I actually do support Renderosity's original reasoning - I just disagree about their implementations. Flaxlynn... I've been bijouchat as long as I've been here too. Somebody took the bijou name (that never uses it) before I got here. So I don't have it here. Sigh. I'd probably PAY someone here at R'osity to let me have that name. HINT HINT!! ;-) Most other sites, you can look me up as bijou though :) I agree about the forest fires... you know what? They happen everywhere unfortunately - everywhere you have a forum and lots of people - will always be a fight somewhere.

thebert ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 10:54 AM

TIM is the one that said the if the merchant that owner RDNA will not be banned becuase they has a business relationship. So be a mercahnt is not a business relationship to TIM. Him the one that made them a part of this. Now CL is one of business, we all need to address this to. If CL know that they parnter is doing this to old parnters just maybe they will not doing business. I will email all company that sell software here. That if they are doing business with TIM, they will not get my business. If everyone did the same thing that feel my way than they may rethink the parntership. The only way to fight this is at him pocket book!!!

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

c1rcle ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 12:52 PM

I saw this thread 2 days ago but decided to stay out for a while to see what developed. It seems to me that any merchant who decides to go somewhere else will soon be replaced so Renderosity will still have merchants BUT the quality items will be harder to replace. Most of the merchants who are leaving have worked at this for years & this is really going to hurt Renderosity especially when people like me who aren't merchants yet decide to start selling elsewhere instead of coming here. I've read this whole thread & right now the decision doesn't affect the ordinary merchants here but how long till it does? How long till someone decides it's a good idea to force people to make freestuff exclusive to Renderosity? I realise there are a lot of items already exclusive but would you want to be limited to only providing your freebies here?

bijouchat ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 12:54 PM

If you are a merchant here on Renderosity, you should be in the merchants forum. If you don't have a store here, then you shouldn't have access. Simple 'nuff for me. :) If Renderosity needs a forum for MP strategy, they shouldn't be discussing it in a merchant's forum in the first place. Merchants forum should just be for merchants that sell here. They shouldn't know sensitive information about this website. Tell a phone, tell a vendor, tell everybody in poserland, you know? And my feeling is, certain persons were using R'osity's forums for their own advertising purposes, and these are some of the loudest screams you hear in this thread. Well... as cynical as this sounds - this isn't against Renderosity TOS. So they weren't breaking the rules. But I sympathise with Renderosity's annoyance at this. They should change the TOS, IMHO. Nuff said from me. Hope someone actually listens, but doubt they will.

hmatienzo ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 1:59 PM

I wonder... does CL -really- want to be associated with these backstabbers? Remember when DAZ dropped the pfo? CL really needs to wake up and smell the sewer that's spilling out here.

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

pam ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:02 PM

hmm Wasn't there a big letter writing campaign to DAZ back then? It worked wonders, if I recall.

pam ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:05 PM

Scratch the above idea though, I doubt it would be of any use.

Lapis ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 2:09 PM

Its worth a try but in this case it might fall on deaf ears. I think the growth chart that someone's following for their business growth, is being held upside down. That would explain things.

lesbentley ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 7:36 PM

It's sad to see Rosity shooting itself in the foot like this.

Is this the beginning of the end for Rosity? I hope not, but I fear that it is, unless the administration admit their mistake, apologise, and invite the banned members back to the merchant forum.

At the moment Rosity has a leading position, but with the talent and content leaving in droves, and so much bad feeling being generated, it can't be long before some other site steps into the gap, IMHO Rosity should act decisively, and start mending fences before it's too late.

Quagnon ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 8:17 PM

I've stayed out of this so far, even in the vendors forum, because I'm entirely sick of the bullsh*t politics here at Renderosity, but I had to jump in here. Boycotting RuntimeDNA because you're pissed and Bondware's big cheesehead... sorry, head cheese... doesn't make any sense. That's kind of like boycotting WalMart because they use Microsoft Money to do their accounting and you're pissed at Bill Gates.

Stormrage ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 8:28 PM

here here Quagnon. Entirely right!

MoxieGraphix ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 8:29 PM

Amen Quagnon!

thebert ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:08 PM

Let see if I got its. It's ok for a females Org. to boycot Coke-Cola or IBM for sponsing the Masters. But it not ok to boycot a web site that is host by and pays for sotware to a ass. I sick of all the BS that flying around here. I'll not purchasing for anybody that is in business with the ass. If that DAZ or CL and even RDNA anyone. Tim is gone "I'll be back" If we want to stop TIM, we run a week boycot of any purcahsing, posting, or anything at Renderosity

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:26 PM

I am just wondering if the damage IS actually repairable, to be honest. I am fairly certain that this isn't the first time that Merchants and Customers here have been frustrated and flowed with the tides of change... I am more inclined to believe that this is the final straw that broke the camel's back... And even if Tim was to change policy back, how many vendors/Merchants would return only to have something like this occur again down the road... Allot that I am seeing here posted is the lack of trust in the owner of this place (TIM) and once that trust is removed or damaged, it will take quite some time before Merchants or some Customers begin to trust enough to even come back... Maybe the damage is way beyond repair now... :o( Jack

pam ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:37 PM

Jack wrote "And even if Tim was to change policy back.." Jack, it will not happen (my opinion of course). Those who have been here for ages have seen bad ideas rammed down throats before, but have you ever seen Tim change a policy back once he has stated it? I have not, but if he has I am sure someone will correct me :-)

Quagnon ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 9:38 PM

I didn't say it wasn't "all right" I just said I didn't agree with your reasoning. Clearly you can make your own decision and I honestly don't care what you decide to do, but if you can post your opinion, I can do the same. I'm also not saying I disagree with your opinion of the situation -- I've been following this since it first popped up on the merchant's forum and I certainly disagree with the policy. Does it affect me? No. Does it affect friends of mine? Only one, as far as I know, but he doesn't even sell his stuff at this point. This next part is directed at everyone, not just "thebert." I think non-merchants have the wrong impression about the opposition to this policy. In fact, I think Tim himself has the wrong impression about the opposition to this policy. See, the thing is, merchants (who are, judging by the posts in the vendor forum, overwhelmingly opposed) are upset about three main points: 1. In the merchant agreement we all had to digitally "sign" in order to sell items at Renderosity, it clearly states that merchants selling items in the Renderosity Marketplace have access to e-commerce tools, vendor forum and vendor chat. With the exception of the banners and sales functions, all of the tools/chat are available only through links located in the vendor forum. In other words, so-called "competing merchants" will have access to very few of the tools and features every other merchant has access to. This handicaps their ability to promote, maintain and improve their storefront. 2. By removing access to the vendor forum, Renderosity is preventing these merchants from being made aware of important policy changes/rules changes before they are implimented. In some cases, this isn't a big deal, but in other cases, it could significantly delay release of products, should submission requirements be changed, or it could render products entirely unviable in the marketplace, yet the merchant would only find this out when submitting. A change in how front page articles and banners are used? The merchant may never know, unless they have a friend who has access to the merchant forum. Changes were made to how front page articles and banner ads were displayed just last month, as announced in the vendor forum, but even though the changes have been effected, I have yet to see any announcement outside the vendor forum. 3. Perhaps the most upsetting to most of us, this policy was originally presented by Tim as an opportunity for the merchants to help with policy -- kind of "you're our partners in this venbture, so we'd like your opinions and feedback on this policy so we can help grow the community." Then, when the response was by and large negative, we were told, essentially "we're doing it anyway, so be quiet already." I have only been a merchant here since August, but this is already the third time I have witnessed this approach being taken to policy changes. How much of a partner am I in any venture in which my opinion is discounting without consideration? Do the merchants have no say whatsoever in the policies of this site, regardless of the fact that we are the ones who help fund it? Merchants who are in the top ten total sales have spoken out against it and been shrugged off and people like me who are something like 500 out of 700-something have also been shrugged off. It's an issue of trust and respect, and with their response to our concerns and objections, Renderosity... actually, I have to say Tim, not Renderosity... have violated that trust and shown very little respect to the people who give half their profits to this site. Again, my opinion. I'm sure others disagree in whole or in part -- I'm just calling it as I see it.

Flaxynn ( ) posted Sun, 03 November 2002 at 10:33 PM

Thank You Quagnon! I wasn't going to post any more on the subject, but your delightful and clear statement of the facts as I saw them made me feel less like I was pounding my widdle fists on the ground for no reason. The only thing I can see that should sadden all of us now is that the main entity that should be reading/listening to these posts - isn't. Even though some of us are not merchants, this breech of faith and trust affects anyone who ever spent a dime in the marketplace.

Dark_Whisper ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 12:43 AM

OK - I've been trying to keep out of this, but I feel that there are a couple of things I need to say seeing as I've been directly challenged (several times) to leave Renderosity: 1. The new policy DOES NOT affect people who are not exclusive at Renderosity. It ONLY affects people who are running their own brokerage businesses, as well as selling at Renderosity. Let's face it - we're not talking 500 merchants here... more like 20. 2. Renderosity is a business, and a business is nothing without money. I see many people saying things like "it's all about the money". Yeah? big wow... let me see you run a business without money! Even some people who own brokerage site sell their own products elsewhere... why? Because they need money to pay for bandwidth, to run their site. Business is about money. 3. I have also seen many calls for the big merchants to pack up and leave - the old "that'll show them attitude". Not all 3D merchants can use the over-used "screw you guys, I'm taking my marketplace items and leaving". Even though Renderosity has a couple of policies that I don't personally agree with - they have the membership, and thus the customer base to make me a success. To me they are a business partner, and I will be the first to admit that without Renderosity - I would be nothing in the 3D merchanting world. It is NOT the other way round. True - Renderosity makes a bit of money from me, but quite frankly I benefit far more from them then they do from me. I (like Renderosity) am running a business. That business needs money: I need money to pay for my own site, my home, my car, my food, etc. I cannot afford to make any decisions based on my emotions. Any big decisions need to be thought through very carefully (and in my case some serious prayer is involved). 4. I have also seen many "I'll never buy at Renderosity again" type posts. OK - thats your decision, but remember who you're really hurting. You're hurting the individual merchants far more than your hurting Renderosity. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could not survive if I were to move all my items to Daz, PoserPros, or even my own site. So until there is another Broking company out there that can offer me a similar income as Renderosity - I would be killing my own business to move. Do what you decide is right, but don't expect everyone to follow your challenge - there is a much bigger picture out there. Let me finish by stating that I did not agree with the way Tim asked for feedback about the policy change, only to do it anyway. This was obviously a business move that was decided on before the original post, and so I think it should have been more along the lines of his second post. I do however see the business sense in this decision, and respect that because I am a business partner, I will have to accept this new policy. Regards, d

MoxieGraphix ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 12:55 AM

I think each merchant has to decide for themselves what is best for them in the long run. While I agree with part of what you say D, I don't agree with everything. At least two of the merchants who asked in this forum because they were locked out of the merchant forum. They were locked out of the merchant forum because they run or own sites that broker other merchants (many of whom sell here as well). I'm sorry but that's just plain silly. These people have made Renderosity money. Renderosity was very happy to take their cut of the sales but they did not think it was alright to allow these merchants the same access to resources as everyone else. And now when this new policy is being questioned, answers are not being given. In fact, legitimate questions are being ignored and those who disagree are accused of not having Renderosity's best interests at heart. I can also say without a doubt that at least one in particular has not done what was implied (publically bashing Renderosity and/or divulging secrets on their message boards) and has never had anything but the communities best interests at heart. Besides, if these people wanted to hurt Renderosity would it not hurt THEM in return? Tell me what hurts the community more - treating all merchants equally, regardless of any outside affiliations or singling out a very select few with discriminatory policy? I can tell you what my answer is.

MoxieGraphix ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 12:57 AM

Erg, I must be more tired than I thought. "At least two of the merchants who asked in this forum because they were locked out of the merchant forum." Should read "At least two of the merchants who asked in this forum for their stores to be closed did so because they were locked out of the merchant forum."

thebert ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 1:35 AM

Quagnon - "Does it affect me? No. Does it affect friends of mine? Only one, as far as I know, but he doesn't even sell his stuff at this point." It did not affect me or any of my freinds. But as a merchant here too, I think its wrong to single out person and banned them for the tools they need. So beside closing my store and small one at that. I've decide to do all I can to make it hell for Tim and the only thing I can fight with is my purchases. Dark_Whisper - I know it all about money and all business need it. But sometime you have to draw a line in the sand and say no more. This is my line. As a customer of yours, I'm sorry to say if you selling something here only, I will not purchase it. I can only fight with what say you said "MONEY". But I'll tell you this if you sale to other site too. I'll be purchasing "I'll be back"

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Dark_Whisper ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 1:53 AM

thebert - That's your decision, and I respect it. It's a pity to lose you as a potential customer, but you gotta do what you gotta do. No hard feelings here. d

leather-guy ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 3:10 AM
Online Now!

I've been a member for a year or more. In that time I've bought literally hundreds of products here. I've made a lot of friends among the membership. Some were also merchants here, some became merchants after being members a while. I've sometimes bought products of marginal interest to me, because I wanted to encourage a new merchant that I'd corresponded with or enjoyed their free contributions as they developed their talents. I've even been a beta tester for new products on a number of occasions. I can see the work that so many put into their products, and I'd hate to see the satisfaction and pleasure they get from an occasional sale cut off. I honestly don't envision many of the merchants here making vast sums of money - just enough to cover some of their own purchases. (Talking about the "average" merchant, not the few "superstars" we all recognize:-) As I understand it, the merchants get 50% or so from their sales, from the remainder, site upkeep, salaries, etc for Renderosity comes off the top. I wasn't aware the site was owned by an individual, but I don't think they pocket much out any sale after all this is taken out. Regardless of the upshot of this situation, I don't want to penalize the vendors who lack the talent, time, or resources to setup & maintain a commercial site of their own, and also scramble for enough visitors to their site to make a few sales. I plan on continuing to visit the Renderosity MarketPlace and support and encourage the merchants and artists here, and likewise the merchants at the other sites whose creations I've come to enjoy so much (when there's a product I want, if I happen to discover they sell it also on the artist's own site, and they accept credit cards, I nearly always prefer buying it direct, anyway, so they get the bigger slice of the pie). I wish to goodness-gosh this whole situation hadn't occurred, but it's nothing I haven't seen occur several times both online and in the real world. Sometime it blows over, sometimes not. In the end, I prefer to concentrate on the people/friends/members rather than the contention - It's just words on a screen - goes away when I throw the switch. If this has a point, I guess it's this; I sincerely wish prosperity & success to all the merchants both here and elsewhere, and the same just as sincerely to the staff & employees of Renderosity who've given me help & advice so often... ...Don't think my words will change anyone's views, but I (uncharacteristically) felt compelled to post them. Cheers, all! Jerry B

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 3:29 AM

Dark Whisper, No offense, but how can you consider yourself a "partner" to a company that doesn't listen to you input? Allot of the merchants that are pulling out and the customers going somewhere else is going to effect your business and sales. It might not now, but it may later down the road. I left as a merchant long before this, I left after the policy change regarding character/product names. Opinions asked for, despite the overwhemling replies to leave it as was, it was still changed. That isn't partnership, where I come from that's call "stroking your d*ck" to make you feel like your opinion counts. Either way, Renderosity's current move is discriminating and it restricts trade for those affected and breaks the contract that those merchants had with Renderosity. You don't have to leave and can stay, there is nothing wrong with that and at this point it doesn't affect you... but what if a company was to approach you (say DAZ) to do work for them and because of your affliation with them, could be viewed as a "competitor" and next thing you know, you become restricted here as well. I know the money you make here is good, heck, I made decent sales here, and I know what it is like to not have that money. But you've stated you don't agree with it, you don't like the way it was done... but because it doesn't really affect you right now, you aren't going to do anything about it. If you don't stand up and help to work and change this now or how can you ever expect support from others if and when it does? When will your "partnership" be taken seriously if not now?? Please don't think that I don't respect your choice, understand it or mean to offend you. Heck, you don't have to even answer me. You have to do what you think is right and I respect whatever decision you make. :o) Jack

kayjay97 ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 3:34 AM


In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

Dark_Whisper ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 4:06 AM

Jack - Here is why I call Renderosity a Business Partner: Renderosity offers me a service: they host my files, they handle the online payments, they advertise for me, etc. I pay Renderosity for that service by giving them a percentage of my sales. Without me, Renderosity gets no money from Dark_Whisper products. Without Renderosity, I get no money from Dark_Whisper products. my mind that's a business relationship. <<>> The first part of this comment is not true. If you reread my comment, you will see that I felt it was handled unprofessionally, and I stand by that statement. There have been other similar situations where I felt Renderosity handled it wrong too - you get my 100% agreement there. If a business decision has already been made, asking for feedback was not required. However that being said - I also understand that it was a decision that made business sense to Renderosity. And for that reason, I should respect it, or terminate the business agreement. I also already sell at Daz, but if they were to ask me to work for them, then I'd have to weigh up their offer against what I have now - simple. I did not post to become part of any flame-fest. I merely stated my position for the people who have contacted me insinuating that if I don't leave Renderosity - I'm not standing up for the community. That is unfair, and narrow-minded. d

Mehndi ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 8:22 AM

{{{{the3dwizard: I am not sure what casued this move.}}}} This move was caused by the fact that Tim Choate, whether with Steve Coopers approval and instigation or without it, has chosen to instigate and put into motion events that would cause competitive brokerage owners from not being able to be a part of Content Paradise. He evidently fears we will evaluate it's success or lack thereof, as merchants, from the inside, and perhaps even join into Content Paradise at a later date for our own sites. I find it interesting that someone who is an admin on this site has deleted my above post where I answered both ScottA and Sharon. Kendra, in post #17 above refers to it for those of you who doubt it was ever posted, or deleted. (BTW if anyone has a copy of this thread before my post was deleted, could you please do me a favour and email it to me at In my now deleted post I stated my lifetime gross sales on this site, which shows my level of "entitlement" to access to all priveledges as a merchant, including a forum I hardly ever visited and used, The Merchants Forum. But whether I chose to visit the forum often or not, speak very often or not, the point remains that it was my right to be able to do so. Since this is my OWN information it is my right to reveal it publically, and deleting my post to hide it merely demonstrates what the rest of you have coming down the pike for you if you stay here. Silencing of you by force if they suddenly decide they do not like your politics. Sales Summary for All Sales Number of Sales - 832 Gross Revenue - $20,627.40 Tim Choate and JeffH are further justifying their conduct to the merchants in the merchants forum by making posts claiming that I have been a disruption to the Merchants forum. In fact, I am a silent member most of the time. I take it very seriously that I am "Mehndi". I choose to NOT speak most of the time, since my words cause things to happen in this community. I take a totally neutral stance on most things. The extent of my posts in the merchants forum has been to bookmark threads that interest me so I will get the ebots, or ask the occasional question of Clint to clarify something. If ClintH will speak out and take an honest stance he can verify that. At no time have I used the Merchants forum for any agenda as Tim Choate is claiming, and I have in fact done my level best to avoid doing just that. As to Tim Choate's further claims that ideas were being stolen from the Merchants forum, and ScottA's claim that it is merely there for those interested in Marketplace User Interface Design, in both cases they are lying. Not that Scott is probably much aware that he is though, since he is merely reporting what his "friends" want him to say in blind faith in them, having not sold items, so not ever had access so far as I know to be able to even know what goes on in there. The truth is that no "ideas" about design actually have gone on in there since I left as an Store Admin for Renderosity. All that has happened in that year is that Clint, or Tammy sometimes post a policy change that is about to take place, ask for input and votes, then do it anyway irregardless of the outcome of the discussion and votes. These changes always impact individual sales negatively, as all merchants who have been here for a protracted period of time can attest to. I would be a fool to copy even one of these ideas. God forbid I should place such a burden on my precious merchant talent on PoserPros. And lastly but not least. I am not sure who is pressuring Dark Whisper to pull his items from Renderosity Marketplace, nor if any other of my staff are being pressured (I certainly hope they are not), but I would like to say that I do not appreciate it if they are. We have chosen on purpose amongst ourselves in PoserPros to NOT talk on these events in our Moderator forums, choosing to make it a taboo topic. There is not one single post in our moderator forum discussing these matters, nor have I in any way indicated my own feelings to my staff on any of these matters. My staff WILL make up their own minds on all things as I expect them to do, as free individuals. Please do not pressure my staff, no matter how well you mean it. I do appreciate your show of support and loyalty and sympathy, but I cannot have my staff feel pressured. I hope you understand.

3-DArena ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 8:26 AM

Firstly I'd like to say that no-one should take it upon themselves to try to force other merchant's to leave - that's as unfair and prejudicial as what 'rosity has done here. For those who think this is a sound decision you are overlooking a little soomething - it isn't just other broker owners who will be locked out of that forum - it will also be those who don't follow the pack. Anyone 'rosity feels is "disturbing" the forum or making it difficult for them to enact new policy runs the risk of being locked out - they stated that. Furthermore - I was locked out of the forum while my business partner was not, and he even requested his store to be closed and it isn't yet. There are others still in the forum who own brokerage sites and they have not been removed either. They have not hidden that fact and indeed have mentioned it there - but still they have access - kind of puts a dent in the whole idea of it being about those who own a brokerage......

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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Flaxynn ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 11:14 AM

This all makes an evil kind of sense now. Refer to post #77 above. It's one of the seven deadly sins. There's a book on the subject, perhaps someone should read it........

thebert ( ) posted Mon, 04 November 2002 at 11:23 AM


The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

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