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113 comments found!
When you 'weld' items some of the verts become shared, and those shared verts are allocated to one of the groups (the parent I think) If it didn't do this, then for things like full-body-morphs, you would get the verts of seams between groups being morphed twice, which makes an unseemly mess :) Haven't encountered the rendering faults you mention for welding body parts to more than one other part. This was standard practise in older Poser models. If you look at some of the cr2's for version 2 models for example, you will see that the collars are welded to the chest, neck, and each other. Since the designers did this them selves, you would think they would have made it work :) Maybe they had problems themselves though, which is why the newer models don't do such things.
Thread: Adding extra named cameras to Poser! | Forum: Poser Technical
It's a pz3 - been meaning to try it in a cr2, but forgot until you mentioned it just now :) They are there in the pz3, and come in properly if you start a new scene with it. Only if you import it so as to modify the existing scene that you get the problem. Did try immediately saving it back out again and checked the results hoping they were just hidden as you mention, but it only had the two. Course, that was about the 43rd time I'd tried 'some' idea, so don't quote me on that :)
Thread: Adding extra named cameras to Poser! | Forum: Poser Technical
Attached Link: http://www.meshtools3d.com/
Oops! I was so busy eye-balling for spelling mistakes In forgot to check if the url made it :)Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Sorry for my terrible spelling there! I should know better than to start typing up answers before I've had at least one morning coffee :) Just wanted to quickly ask if you were using Bryce for the rendering and you exported it from that program? One of the cases I had of it not showing up was from a Bryce export, and it was quite a ways off the screen. The other thing that Bryce did was to create a number of two-sided polygons and this resulted in a few error messages during the import. It also had an adverse effect on the subdivision once you did get it into view. Not sure what Bryce uses these two-sided polygons for, but it was suggested they might have something to do with the texturing. So just curious if that's what happened, and thought I'd briefly mention it for any one else reading this thread.
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Hi Timoteo1: Soulhuntre is correct in that you can't just create a new obj and have morph dials from the previous model work - Poser just can't figure out the differences. So to get the morph targets to work with the higher resolution version you need to convert them as well. If the morph dials were created using magnets, then they can be re-created on the new figure using the same magnets. If they just came in a cr2 then you need to export them, convert them to the higher resolution, and then reload them as morph dials in Poser. I AM definately working on that exact tutorial, and it will be the first Advanced Tutorial released. In the meantime, email me and I can get you all the info I already have, and will go through process with you to get it working. Not sure which model you were trying, but if it's Posette I can get also get you the current beta version of her cr2 with all the standard morph dials (and some extra ones,) converted. As for not being able to import something, that would be very strange ndeed. I have yet to find anything Poser could produce that HiRes wouldn't import, and that includes those little tree/hair things Poser makes. Although it won't display or convert them to rel polygons just yet, but trust me that it does know they are there :) The only times that it appeared HiRes didn't import them properly was when they were accidentally exported at either a size much larger than the Poser norm, or offset some distance from the center. The same thing has happened to me a lot in Poser when importing 3DS models, since they can be all sorts of sizes, and it seems like a lot of those people don't like to create them in the middle of the scene :) So it looks like it didn't import them, but they are actually just way to be or off screen So please email me direct and I can get the whole thing solved for you. dke@sk.sympatico.ca Bruce ps: One other thing I just realized late last night as a possible morph conversion assistant, is that Tailor program. I havn't wanted to talk it up to much since I was working on exactly the same type of thing with my DMesh program, and so was a little annoyed when he beat me to the market with it :) So I put that portion on hold for a while and went with this HiRes rogram instead. But he did honestly beat me up to bat first, and from some of the comments I've read it would seem quite a few people have it, but not sure if you do. This is not an endorsement for the program since I don't have it myself, but just a possible suggestion if you do have that program.
Thread: Life, the universe, and yrot. | Forum: Poser Technical
Cool! Do I get a ribbon :) or a popsicle or something :) Actually I'm just happy to have had something to say that didn't get an answer like "Well, duuhhh!" :) Haven't been at it as long as you expert types, so I usually just try to keep my head down and not make any blatantly rediculous comments. But I'll check my brain and see if there's anything else worthwhile in there I haven't mentioned :)
Thread: Life, the universe, and yrot. | Forum: Poser Technical
Well here's some exact code from the MOR/PZ2 file for the Mohawk II addon. This kills and hides a morph channel. As I mentioned, I don't think you need the first "Hidden 1" line, and I think you could likely leave out the keys section as well and then you wouldn't be resetting the dial values. And probably the "interpStyleLocked 0" line too :) You can definately leave things out if you want. targetGeom RoundCrown { hidden 1 keys { static 0 k 0 0 } interpStyleLocked 0 indexes 0 numbDeltas 50000 deltas { } hidden 1 }
Thread: Life, the universe, and yrot. | Forum: Poser Technical
ahhhh.... wellll... :) Would appear I did it both ways :) Some places I moved it, and in some others I have it in both places. So I'm not to sure if the ones with two copies have a reason, or are just like that because I hadn't gotten around to removing the first one. :) I was mucking about with creating MOR/Pose files, and for the ones that were removing the Morph deltas, I wanted to hide the dial at the same time. So if you place a Hidden 1 line after the closing brackets for the deltas section, it will hide them. The one above doesn't seem to matter if you have a deltas section in the channel, which is why I came to the conclusion that the deltas section forces hidden to be false. Perhaps due to some internal code(s) that need it not to be hidden to load/build the morph delta list? Not sure what moving them will mean for future versions, or even the ProPack, but in general it doesn't seem to matter a lot what order things are in. Course, someone could point me out completely wrong on that issue, but... :)
Thread: Life, the universe, and yrot. | Forum: Poser Technical
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Hi lmckenzie For the blown elbow thing, it wont really 'fix' it. The subdivision process will start with the poly's where they are, so it wont do any collision testing to fix those up. It will make the seam a lot smoother, but in general it would be better to have a joint controlled morph that compensated for the way Poser bends it. Fortunately that's another project that I'm part way into :) So will get posted to the web site once it's cleaned up enough. Instructions and a mini-tutorial about converting the cr2's is almost ready, and the coming week is scheduled exclusively to adding some of these advanced uses information. The selective subdivision (by groups, materials, or manually selecting polygons,) is one of the main enhancements for the version II release. I don't want to start yapping about version II just 3 days after the version I release :) but it is being actively developed. Likely there will be a interim version 1.5 release, that will be an upgrade to add some of these most-requested features. In the meantime, you can still do your chest-only example simply by exporting just that part. Since you're going to export it to do the subdivision anyways, just uncheck all the parts that you don't need the high-resolution for. You're correct to assume that you would convert all the morphs to obj's, increase their resolution, and then load them back in. It's more tedious than difficult, but fortunately you only ever have to do it once. Better, only one person has to do it once, assuming they are willing to share the converted cr2 with others. And if I'm that one person, I can guarantee that it will be freely available :) So don't waste your time doing Posette, since the Hi-Res version of her will show up on the web site in the very near future. As for having it do the whole thing automatically, that is also something 'planned' for version two. It will require reading/parsing cr2's/pp2's/hr2's/etc, and I'm not sure exactly what difficulties I may encounter, but it is certainly something that is being actively pursued. Especially since I'm the one doing many of the cr2 conversions, so am intimately familiar with how nice it would be to have it all happen at the click of a button instead :) So it's very high on my own personal wish-list, and I have a great deal of pull with myself on getting it included :)
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Well, there's two main ways to use it to enhance Poser scenes, and specifically regarding Poser figures and/or props. The quick, easy, and painless way, is just to create your scene in the normal way using the normal resolution figures and props. Once the scene is laid out nicely, the figures and poses tweaked, and all the texture, bump, and trans maps tested, then you can use HiRes as a last-second tweak before your final render. At that point, just export any foreground figures or props, or anything that is close enough to the camera for the resolution of the item to be noticeable, and then convert just these temporary objs to a higher resolution. Finally, hide the original item in Poser, import the new Hi-Res version, set the texture information, and go have a coffee while the final render runs :) For a quick example/results of doing this, have a peek at the second set of images in the Hi-Res Gallery: About The galleries a little sparse at the moment, but I've been answering people's questions instead of rendering pictures :) This approach has several advantages to it: 1) It's quick, easy, and painless 2) You can use exactly the same scene creation process you do now 3) You do the scene creation using the standard low(er) resolution models, so it's obviously faster than it would be if you were using high-resolution models throughout the whole process 4) You don't need to muck about converting cr2's to reference higher resolution objs and morph targets 5) You only convert those exact items that are close enough to the camera for it to be required. 6) You only need enough free disk space to store a few high-resolution models at a time, and only temporarily. 7) You don't need any in-depth, technical knowledge of Poser cr2's/pp2's/pz2's/etc. All you need to know is how to export, import, and apply textures. So even the newest user can use this approach and get the full benefits. 8) It's quick, easy, and painless :) This is actually how I use it most of the time. The Hi-Res conversion really is quick and easy: a) Click the Import Toolbar Button b) Click the Subdivide Toolbar Button c) Maybe Click the Subdivide Toolbar Button again or a few more times d) Click the Export Toolbar Button I suppose if you had a busted clicker-finger it could be painful, but it's usually not. :) Whew! You'd think I was writting a long-winded tutorial here :) Mind if I use your question as an entry in the FAQ? It's a pretty good question, and even one I have a decent answer to :) The second method is to go whole-hog and convert the figure/prop/etc into a clickable Poser object, and then you can use that throughout the whole process. Converting them isn't that complicated, but it can get a bit tedious. Doing it does have some significant advantages though: 1) You only ever have to do it once for any figure or prop. In fact there's a good chance that you wont even have to do it. I've already created the Hi-Res cr2 for Posette, and once I get it cleaned up a bit, will be posting that as a free dl on the website. You will still need the program to create the initial high-resolution version of the orginal obj, but given you have that, I will be posting whatever cr2 conversions I get time to do, and if other user's want to share or swap their own high-resolution cr2's/etc. that would reduce the overall effort on any individual person. 2) The higher resolution version offers some significant opportunities for adding much more detailed and realistic morph targets. For example, adding individual ribs to the standard resolution models is virtually impossible due to the large polygons, but if you double the polygon density then it becomes much more feasible. 3) If you are doing a lot of animations then this is probably the way to go. You definately don't want to stop between every frame and do the conversion, so the time invested in doing the conversion would be well spent. Well I hope I haven't bored you :) and/or put anybody to sleep. I can just hear somebody thinking "(scroll, scroll, scroll)... When DOES this answer end?!"
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
My appologies to this forum and all it's user's for posting this inappropriate message thread. I just realized/found out about the new(ish) Product Showcase forum, and after a bit of asking around realized it was totally inappropriate to have posted this thread here. I will contact the moderator's poste-haste and ask them to move this thread to the proper forum, or at the very least to remove. Again, my sincerest appologies. I appreciate the fact that that no one took occassion to yell at me for my bad behaviour :) Although a 'gentle' poke in the ribs would have been OK :)
Thread: This really made me laugh | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
That's a bit scary! I'm going to go teach my youngest to type now. Looks like she could have a career as a "Lurnen Buk" author before she even starts school.
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Well I don't have the several thousands of dollars to have copies of all those apps :) so I can't do an in-depth analysis of the differences between what Hi-Res does and how those apps handle subdivision surfaces. I haven't seen the latest Truespace, and Max is WAY out of my price range, but from what I understand of the Lightwave implementation it's fairly decent. On the other hand, some of the other mid-range apps don't support subdivision surfaces at all, so for those cases the $30.00 (or $22.50 at the current sale price,) is a fairly cheap alternative. Hi-Res supports three different subdivision methods: the standard Catmull-Clark method for quad-based meshes; the Loop method for triangle based models; and a proprietary SurfaceCurvature method. So you can check if the above apps support the first two methods. I can guarantee that NONE of the apps support the SurfaceCurvature subdivision method, since I invented that one myself :) It's not as mathematically concise as the other two official methods, but it does have it's uses. So it may be useful if only for that method, even if you want to just consider it a toy. For that matter, the last time I bought a toy for one of my kids it cost me more than $30.00 :) The best bet would be to go to the site and download the demo version. Then you can try it out exactly and see if there is any extra features that would make it a worthwhile investment for you. I can also guarantee that version II of the program will have a number of Poser-specific features that these other apps do not, and all version I user's will get a very good deal on the upgrade. Guess I'm starting to sound like one of those evangelists for those high-end apps :) so I better stop there. I will be posting up a feature list for version II, (and a user wish list page,) in the next couple weeks, but since it just came out today, I'd like to hold off until enough people have tried it to even have a wish list :) (The link to the site to download the demo is up in the first message to this thread.)
Thread: Hi-Res subdivision software - Demo Available | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
hmmm. Just tried it myself and had no problem, so perhaps it's something to do with the routing connections. The demo zip is less than a meg so can easily email it. Will message you with my email address, (or you can just grab it off the website,) and you can let me know where to send it.
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Thread: Poser bug report: a bug in welding and morph targets | Forum: Poser Technical