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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 06 4:35 pm)

Subject: No Public Hair!!

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:37 AM · edited Thu, 06 February 2025 at 7:21 AM

LoL! Take a look at the V3 No gen publicity! This beauty comes with No nipples and NO public hair (nor private hair neither!) and for the academic ? whats that supposed to mean!_ now I now they live a sheltered existence but....

jval ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:48 AM

...whats that supposed to mean! It means that DAZ is giving people a choice. I fail to see why this should be a problem or elicit any comment other than a compliment to DAZ for accomodating various people's needs and tastes. Denigrating other people's sensibilities is no different than the foolishness that insists one put pants on a dog before walking it in public. It's just the flip side of a counterfeit coin. - Jack

Mosca ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:58 AM

"Denigrating other people's sensibilities is no different than the foolishness that insists one put pants on a dog before walking it in public." How dare you denigrate my sensibilities. As a person who puts pants on my dog, my cat and my table legs (I'm thinking of putting pants on my pants, as a matter of fact), I object to your characterization. Have you no sensitivity?

Gorodin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:58 AM

I think Noggin was making fun of the typo, not the sensibilities.

Gorodin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:59 AM

uh-oh... does anyone else smell smoke?

Gorodin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 10:59 AM


LaurieA ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:06 AM


jval ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:14 AM

ohhh... I thought he meant v3 was wearing a head scarf... Mosca- I used to have sensitivity but I started to become sensitive about it so... - Jack

Penguinisto ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:17 AM

"whats that supposed to mean!" It means that kids can render human meshes too. I'll pass word along about the typo. /P

mabfairyqueen ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:20 AM

hehe I agree with jval on this one. I was just talking to the daz crew the other day and their goal is to provide as many options as possible to a variety of consumers. The version of Vicki with no nipples, pube hair, etc, would be appropriate for highschool art classes, for example. The way they have it set up, you can get exactly what you want and skip what you don't need. I think it's a great value and well thought out setup. It's different, yes, but true advancements usually are. I won't be on the internet again for probably a few days, so don't be surprised if I'm not exactly following this thread. I'm in provo utah right now visiting my sister.

Luthoricas ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:22 AM

Hmm. Daz's site is really slow... must be everybody surfing over there to check things out. So I haven't had a chance to see the new V3 other than what's been posted here at 'rosity.

Gorodin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:22 AM

I thought the "no gen." option wass pretty clever myself. I would feel better about letting my school-aged relatives use the app now...

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:31 AM

te he_ thanks Gorodin you spotted it!! You knew I was too Jack_you tease!! I still haven't stopped laughing about the mimic ready vulval morphs!!! Now don't distract me I'm off to get my downloads (including hirsute hip)Those academics can go fry! (but I'm glad DAZ have given them the choice_ really!

jval ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:42 AM

...You knew I was too Jack_you tease!! Thank you for the opportunity to save face. However, I read too quickly and missed it- took you seriously. Still, I truly believe that pants on dogs is just too, too absurd. Given their habit of marking territory it seems that skirts would be far more practical. - Jack

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 12:06 PM

Ha ! that's ok Jack_ I think we Brits sometimes underestimate how difficult it is for you folks across the pond (big assumption here!) to catch our tone. Happens the other way too! I'm with you on the pants on dogs but gotta support Mosca here on the table legs_no territorial issues there I think. You've guessed I can't get on to that DAZ server_ I hope they will allow me to extend the 48h download window.

quixote ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 2:36 PM

Everybody knows academics have no... well, go to hit the books...

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

Simderella ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 3:05 PM

ummm why is exactley shouldn't children see those parts of a woman (and she's not a real person either)... i have to say i hate the fact that nipples and private parts are seen as 'rude' or 'pornographic'... they are parts of a womans body, just as much as her elbow.. I do however understand why kids shouldn;t see pornographic images, but saying a model with out genitalia is safe for kids, is like saying those parts of a womans body are 'dirty'. and i'm afraid i take offense at that! just my two cents worth (or pence since i'm english)... :) -=SimderZ=-

My Gallery

Gorodin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 3:12 PM

Sim, I agree with you, but I have to respect the rights of other people to raise their own children as they see fit... well, okay, maybe "respect" isn't the right word here... :-P I am comfortable with kids seeing naked humans in a non-sexual context, but I aplaud DAZ for accomodating those people who are not comfortable with the human form.

xoconostle ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 3:55 PM

While my parents taught that the human form with all its peculiarities, naugthy bits, and certain hairy areas was a God-given creation of great beauty and marvelous complexity, I have to recognize that not all people, particularly not all parents want to expose their children to all of life's facts all at once. Different strokes for different folks, as it were. My guess is that this is exactly what DAZ was thinking. "Choice." Imagine if they only issued V3 maps with no nipples or pube hair? Then there would be much louder howls of derision. I don't have the impression that DAZ employees live a particularly sheltered existence. I think that gets said a lot just because they're in Utah. I have known some very earthy real-world people from Salt Lake City, in spite of its curfews and porn bans and huge LDS population and such. Just a thought.

Simderella ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 4:39 PM

I do agree with all those points of view... I just jump on my 'goddess power' high horse and galloped off... hehehe So accept my appologies if any offense was given... hugz -=SimderZ=-

My Gallery

Mosca ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 4:57 PM

Hell, I agree with you 100%, Sim--I grew up in a house FULL of art books, and by the age of 8 had been dragged through every room of every major art museum in Europe. If the anti-nudity whackos had a leg to stand on, I should be crazy for fat girls now (nothing wrong with 'em, mind you--just not a fetish for me). The truth is elsewhere--kids are just curious; it's adults who get ashamed, embarrassed and put out by nudity.

Penguinisto ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:21 PM

I always find it funny that at the mere mention of the fact taht there is a no-gen version of something, everyone feels obligated to tell the world how enlightened they are... Every male reading this would have killed for a Vicky-with-vagina mesh to manipulate and render with back when they were teenagers (and don't you even frigging THINK of lying about it.) Now, given this very obvious fact, what do you think would happen to the career of any teacher or principal when a parent inevitably discovers their little johnny rendering pure erotica on the family computer, and the kid (naturally) defends his actions by claiming that the school supplied him with the mesh and the proggie? Verily I say unto you, the percentage of parents who would be understanding of little johnny's habit and just deal with it quietly at home can be counted in roughly a single digit. The rest of the parents will go ballistic, and proceed to obliterate the school principal's answering machine with demands for the art teacher's head on a platter. At least with the no-gen version of Vicky, the school can reply that they had nothing to do with johnny's little masturbatory adventures... As a teacher, I couldn't care less what a parent thinks about sex, or how they teach the facts of life to their kids. That's their problem, and waxing superior over parenting methods won't help the poor art instructor's job prospects any... one parent's "open-mindedness" is another parent's "borderline paedophilia"... No judgements from me, but that's just how it is, and parents can be Hell on Earth when it comes to getting their way, epsecially if they're loud enough about it at the school board meetings. In either case, it ain't my problem, since I have no children. My problem is in convincing the schools that Poser is a valuable thing towards introducing children to the wonderful world of CG art, and I can't very well do that if every manjack in the forums are demanding that all versions of Vicky come with a set of fully morphable beefcurtains and a set of pubes that come in forty different shapes and sizes. HTH from a teaching perspective, /P

PJF ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:34 PM

If you think people must be utterly pathetic and contemptible to believe that nipples and pubic hair, etc, are 'naughty'; then you should commend DAZ for exploiting those weak minds. ;-)

Mosca ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:34 PM

Manjack? Hey, no arguments from me re the school thing; you gotta do what you gotta do (don't worry, we'll thoroughly corrupt the kiddies when they come see us at the college level). I'm talking about the nitwit parents. And God, yes, where was Poser when I was seventeen? I could've saved myself a hell of a lot of trouble...

Mosca ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:36 PM

Bingo, PJF. Got no problem with DAZ selling whatever they want to sell--more power to 'em. I'm just amused by them sometimes.

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:41 PM

I'm chuffed (English circa 1985 for rather pleased) and rather heartened that my silly snipe at a simple typo has produced such a reasoned and sensible debate! And Gorodin thought he could smell smoke!

PJF ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:42 PM

Penguinisto wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> ...and the kid (naturally) defends his actions by claiming that the school supplied him with the mesh and the proggie? <<<<<<<<<<<<< Wow, all those spurting cock pics furtively scribbled on school blackboards with school chalk; all those litigation possibilities... It's the artist, not the, er, tool. ;-)

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 5:48 PM

oops cross posted 23-27_ and now it looks like I'm being sarcastic! You've just gotta be sooooo careful.

Penguinisto ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 6:31 PM

"It's the artist, not the, er, tool." Indeed - but try explaining that to the parents, esp. when they have a program to point to. With mere chalk and pencils, they have a harder time blaming the faculty, since those are rather common items in a school. However, with a full-blown render and .obj files including said cock stored on school servers at the teacher's behest, it's rather tough to tell the school board "err, not our fault, guv - he posed it all by himself..." If/when I have kids, they'll be taight about what sex is and about the human body when I determine they are mature enough to deal with the information. Most parents feel the same way, and since kids all have different ages at which this maturity happens... well, you can see the nightmare that would ensue if we were to short-circuit the process any. As a secondary/undergrad-level instructor (teaching students from 16 years and older), I could probably get away with having a 'full-featured' Vicky in an art class (err, I would also have to teach art instead of Comp. Sci as well.) OTOH, lower-secondary and junior-high teachers (kids 12-16 years old) would get fired in a heartbeat if they went about flashing an anotomically correct Vicky or Mike (and in the case of 12-year-olds, s/he would prolly get prosecuted). /P

PJF ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 6:45 PM

I wonder, if I fire off another cheap shot, can I get Penguinisto to deliver another essay on the difficulties of dealing with sexual/social mores in relation to the field of public education? ;-)

Mosca ( ) posted Fri, 20 December 2002 at 11:45 PM

Maybe. Go for it!

Penguinisto ( ) posted Sat, 21 December 2002 at 9:07 AM

Prolly not - depends on my level of boredom; I was in mid-render at the time. /P

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