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Virtual World Dynamics F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 15 1:40 pm)

Subject: Daz Studio bridge to VWD

MikeO ( ) posted Mon, 16 January 2017 at 7:04 PM

I am curious though. I was actually trying to test VWD and the Carrara Bridge using my figures as a static image. Meaning, at least for now, shouldn't the T-posed figure and the unconformed blouse still work? I have high suspicions now that the problem has to do with my models, especially considering the Daz models work just fine, but it would help to know what is tripping things up.

philemot ( ) posted Thu, 19 January 2017 at 3:21 AM

Writers_Block posted at 10:16AM Thu, 19 January 2017 - #4295255

MikeO posted at 9:38AM Mon, 16 January 2017 - #4295236

Debug-txt.jpg By the way, a glance at the debug text shows this curiousity. I'm not schooled in reading these reports, but maybe this is can offer a clue to what is going on.

Can you use content installed that you've got from Daz/Renderosity?

If so, that narrows it down; i've not yet had cause to go through the logs, but certainly 'trying to find...' looks interesting, but I don't know enough to offer constructive advice.

That's funny. It looks like the first letter of each object is missing. I'll check whether it's a debug error or if it's a real one. if real, it would explain why it doesn't work, although I don't have a clue why it does that specifically to you. Could you post a screen copy of you Carrara scene tree ?

MikeO ( ) posted Thu, 19 January 2017 at 10:33 AM

Greetings Philemot! Thanks for taking a look! Here's a look at the scene tree I last used. I've pared it down of all unnecessary items, excepting the lights so far. Originally, the objects were not triangulated, but I've tried it did trangulate them and they still won't List. Trying to think of other ways to try it. Thanks again! 😀SceneTree.jpg

MikeO ( ) posted Sun, 22 January 2017 at 3:20 PM

I tried different ways I think my Carrara objects might be different from, say, the Daz models. I tried taking out the Carrara-created morphs. I took out any Carrara creased edges. I triangulated the polys. I even took out the Carrara-created skeleton. But nothing, so far, seems to allow the Listing.

My models are extremely low-poly, so I really didn't expect them to drape the way I'd like right out of the box. But, I would think they should at least List.

I'll try to examine my scene further for anomalies.

Also, yes, the log does suggest the first letter of each of my models is being left off.

philemot ( ) posted Mon, 23 January 2017 at 6:32 AM

After staring at the obvious for several days, I eventually found the reason...

As a general rule, all objects in a Carrara hierarchy belong to a master object called "Universe". CaptureUniverse.PNG

In your case, the master object is called "Crystal". It's one character less than Universe, so the name lacks one character and is not resolved when VWD is asking for it.

I can read that from your log, but I'm completely unable to reproduce it. May I ask you how you created the scene in the first place ? From scratch, or imported from another product ? It's important for me because I'm very reluctant to release a fix I cannot test.

MikeO ( ) posted Mon, 23 January 2017 at 10:16 PM

Hmm... I created my Scene by clicking File>New, or Ctrl-N, and then clicking size I want in the Empty Scene panel that appears. And this is just what appears.



I don't think I've ever seen the "Universe" format appear in all the years I've been using Carrara using the default File>New. Nor would I know how to create it like that.

By the way, I'm using Carrara 8.1 Pro Build 19 (64 bit).

Thanks again for taking a look!

MikeO ( ) posted Mon, 23 January 2017 at 10:19 PM

I just opened my successful use of VWD and the Carrara bridge, and here is the Scene tree for it.


philemot ( ) posted Tue, 24 January 2017 at 2:15 AM

You can see the name of the top most scene object, not in the scene hierarchy on the right side, but in the sequencer tray in the bottom side. cap1.pngcap2.png

MikeO ( ) posted Tue, 24 January 2017 at 3:10 AM

My apologies! Didn't even think of looking over there. 😳


MikeO ( ) posted Tue, 24 January 2017 at 3:56 AM · edited Tue, 24 January 2017 at 3:57 AM

Not to confuse you more but, here is the scene tree from the file I posted last week (the one I posted earlier tonight was from a different file).


philemot ( ) posted Wed, 25 January 2017 at 2:50 AM

Thanks MikeO,

It's weird. I'll look into it

npayn ( ) posted Wed, 25 January 2017 at 5:49 AM

It would be good if the Daz Bridge could pick up the geometry of PROPs when the PROP is parented to a skeleton(or bone). The bridge currently only picks up PROPS if they are on the root or parented to other PROPs. Using code to move the PROP (e.g. used as a collision hull) to follow a node is not difficult but an extra step it would be nice to do without. Is it just that the bridge only looks for child "bones" when traversing the skeleton.

MikeO ( ) posted Thu, 26 January 2017 at 12:27 PM · edited Thu, 26 January 2017 at 12:35 PM

Well, surprise! I decided to move on, pending any further developments on my Listing problem. I took my full Carrara-rigged, lo-poly, Carrara-morphed, Carrara-everything, models-that-wouldn't-List and placed it in My Objects browser so I could use it in a scene I was creating. I loaded this model into my scene and proceeded to pose it with the skeleton and any morphs I could create on the fly.

And for no good reason except "why not?", I decided to try VWD again.

And... It Listed!!! 😄

Went back to the original model that wouldn't List, and it still won't List. Back to my scene and it still Lists. Yay!

But why the one won't List and the other will, I just can't figure. 😕

And, BTW, it worked wonderfully, even on my messy models. 😜

Now, I need to better learn how to operate VWD and the Carrara Bridge!

Thanks again, Philemot! It's a workaround, I suppose, but at least I got it working. If any other clues appear on this question, I'll post 'em.

itou31 ( ) posted Wed, 01 February 2017 at 9:21 AM

Hi Philemot, I just purchase the bridge to do some animations. Here are what I noticed for the moment:

  • When I use default animation transfer (that means Daz transfer a pose, VWD simulates, and then go for each frame), when I minimize Daz, the end result is disynchronized between simulation and animation.
  • the same way happened when I record the animation, to reuse later (keep same name object and same number of frame). I should not minimized daz.
  • animation transfer time is very long (I think that is due to daz to reapply morph/smooth modifier on the figure before sending to VWD). When I minimize daz, I get twice the performance but get issue of sync.
  • I could gain some 5-10% performance by make symbolic link of "Exchange" folder to a Ramdisk or fast SSD.
  • transfer back of morph is very long too (depending of complexity/resolution of object). So I use decimator before VWD.

Do you think there is a way to get better performance animation transfer in background, without letting daz redrawing the scene ? Or is there a setup viewport or settingin daz to speed up the process ?


philemot ( ) posted Thu, 02 February 2017 at 3:07 AM

itou31 posted at 9:59AM Thu, 02 February 2017 - #4296319

Hi Philemot, I just purchase the bridge to do some animations. Here are what I noticed for the moment:

  • When I use default animation transfer (that means Daz transfer a pose, VWD simulates, and then go for each frame), when I minimize Daz, the end result is disynchronized between simulation and animation.
  • the same way happened when I record the animation, to reuse later (keep same name object and same number of frame). I should not minimized daz.
  • animation transfer time is very long (I think that is due to daz to reapply morph/smooth modifier on the figure before sending to VWD). When I minimize daz, I get twice the performance but get issue of sync.
  • I could gain some 5-10% performance by make symbolic link of "Exchange" folder to a Ramdisk or fast SSD.
  • transfer back of morph is very long too (depending of complexity/resolution of object). So I use decimator before VWD.

Do you think there is a way to get better performance animation transfer in background, without letting daz redrawing the scene ? Or is there a setup viewport or settingin daz to speed up the process ?


Hi Itou31

Thank you very much for reporting those issues. I'll have a look into it and see what I can do, specifically for the sync issue while minimized. If I manage it, I can force the minimization to improve speed. Import/export of animation data has already been heavily optimized making it faster than the Poser or Carrara versions. I can have a look, but I don't think I can make a significant difference.

marble ( ) posted Fri, 03 February 2017 at 11:00 PM

Hi again,

I was involved in the early testing of the bridge but gave up because of various problems that were not being resolved. I read through this thread again recently and was under the impression that the Bridge is now working. However, one of my early problems was that the Scene Viewer display was corrupt. I posted screen shots (see early in this thread) and so did others but the following replies suggested that the problem is fixed.

I have just bought the official version of VWD and the Bridge and am really disappointed to see that the same old problem is still there. I have loaded several garments with a G3 Female and all display this way in the Scene Viewer.


marble ( ) posted Sat, 04 February 2017 at 1:59 AM · edited Sat, 04 February 2017 at 2:07 AM

I wondered whether it was due to a character I was using or the dress or something else so I tried it with a basic G3F, no morphs, standard skin, base resolution and no subD.

But no, I still get the same. I have a brand new NVidia 1070 GPU (whereas when I was testing last year I was using a NVidia 970). I use an Intel Skylake processor with 32GB RAM - here are the specs.

Intel Core i7 6700 Cores 4 Threads 8 Name Intel Core i7 6700 Code Name Skylake Package Socket 1151 LGA Technology 14nm Specification Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Manufacturer NVIDIA Model GeForce GTX 1070 Device ID 10DE-1B81 Revision A2 Subvendor ASUStek Computer Inc (1043) Current Performance Level Level 0 Current GPU Clock 139 MHz Current Memory Clock 405 MHz Current Shader Clock 405 MHz Technology 16 nm Bus Interface PCI Express x16 Temperature 35 °C Driver version BIOS Version


marble ( ) posted Sat, 04 February 2017 at 2:34 AM

More information that you might require:

VWD version is

Bridge version is

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sat, 04 February 2017 at 1:27 PM

Hello Marble,

The VWD version is not the right one. I think this error has been solved a long time ago. Can you download the latest version at Renderosity. The current version is VWDClothAndHair V1.0.408.2976.

If you have some problems, I can send you this version by email.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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marble ( ) posted Sat, 04 February 2017 at 1:30 PM · edited Sat, 04 February 2017 at 1:39 PM

I am going out in a few minutes but I'll try later. I don't understand - I bought this and downloaded from Renderosity a couple of days ago. Perhaps you should check with the store whether they have the correct version in their downloads?

Wait - you are right ... the version there now is different:

Screen Shot 2017-02-05 at 08.37.46.png

marble ( ) posted Sat, 04 February 2017 at 9:48 PM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 3:45AM Sun, 05 February 2017 - #4296588

Hello Marble,

The VWD version is not the right one. I think this error has been solved a long time ago. Can you download the latest version at Renderosity. The current version is VWDClothAndHair V1.0.408.2976.

If you have some problems, I can send you this version by email.

My apologies, and my mistake. Somehow, the script must have been starting the old (freebie) version and not the recent purchase. I searched my drive for any copy and folder and deleted them all, then I re-installed the newly purchased version and the version number is now correct. The display problem has not appeared on the few tests I have loaded so far.

Thanks again for pointing out the version mismatch.

itou31 ( ) posted Thu, 09 February 2017 at 7:17 AM

Hi Philippe/Gerald, is it possible to have 2 instances of bridge and vwd in the same PC to optimize time and CPU load. I can start 2 instance of DAZ (2 differents folders). VWD folder could be renamed as VWD and VWD2. But the path to VWD is stored somewhere and is used by the bridge script. As most of the time for my simulation, VWD process use only 40-50% of the CPU. Thanks

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Thu, 09 February 2017 at 3:48 PM

Hello itou31,

I never made this test. For me, there is not problem to have two instances of VWD, because all the folders used by the program are under the initial folder of the program.

VWD uses between 25% to 75% of the CPU, depending of the mesh to simulate and the interaction with the host. If you record the collision animation, the CPU level is really higher.

I will do some tests.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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itou31 ( ) posted Thu, 09 February 2017 at 5:02 PM

Thanks Gérald, just need now to resolve the path for daz bridge.

philemot ( ) posted Fri, 10 February 2017 at 3:54 AM

itou31 posted at 10:52AM Fri, 10 February 2017 - #4297031

Thanks Gérald, just need now to resolve the path for daz bridge.

The path is stored in Studio prefs. I'm not familiar enough with studio to know how to change it. As a workaround, you can force a new dialog by renaming the file in the current directory.

npayn ( ) posted Fri, 10 February 2017 at 4:21 AM

The path to VWD that the daz bridge uses is stored in the registry. DAZ / Studio4 (or Studio4PublicBuild) / VWD Bridge

Smaker1 ( ) posted Fri, 10 February 2017 at 9:41 AM


since my last complete re-install: I have the DS4 import object window which open twice when I select a clothe in VWD and I can't remember what's the option to prevent that in DS4

Can someone help me?


VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sat, 11 February 2017 at 6:42 AM


I know it is not the right place to ask this kind of question but I know there is a great competency in Daz Studio in this thread.

I want to make new videos showing the new functionnalities of VWD. I use Daz characters and Mixamo to import the animations The animations are very good but all my tries to import them in Poser or to convert them in Animate, gave bad results with many sliding for the feet.

My only problem is to correct the feet rotations and character Y position, but for all the animation.

Is there a function in Daz Studio that allows to do that? A bit like the Graph function in Poser which allows to select all the frames for an actor (left foot) and change the "Bend" parameter for all the animation.

Thank you for your help.

WimVDB just told me the documentation is quite finished. Currently, this documentation is Poser only. I suppose you would be interested to have informations for Carrara and Daz Studio. All your ideas will be very useful. Thank you by advance.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

Watch demo videos on Youtube

marble ( ) posted Sat, 11 February 2017 at 12:01 PM · edited Sat, 11 February 2017 at 12:01 PM

I don't do much animation but there is Keymate and Graphmate. Unfortunately, as with so many things with DAZ, there is little in the way of documentation. I'm not sure whether they will help much but here's a video to explain what they do.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sun, 12 February 2017 at 7:27 AM

Thank you marble.

In fact, I just tried to write my first script and script methods are easy to use.

A little script has solved my problem.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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wimvdb ( ) posted Mon, 13 February 2017 at 10:38 PM

The user guide is finished.

This is the content for the user guide:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Installing VWD Cloth and Hair

Chapter 3 - What you need to know

Chapter 4 - First Steps

Chapter 5 - Cloth simulation

Chapter 6 - Hair Simulation

Chapter 7 - Dynamic Deformation

Chapter 8 - Wind Force and Force Field simulations

Chapter 9 - Props and Vertices Interaction

Chapter 10 - Tools and Utilities

Chapter 11 - Best practices

Chapter 12 - Fundamentals

Chapter 13 - Shortcuts

Chapter 14 - Table Of Index

Almost all of it is VWD specific and independent of Poser or DS. I hope Philemot can add an appendix for DS and Carrara for the Install and Best Practices chapters where some application dependent issues are handled (Install, start VWD, morph brush, UI).

The guide covers the latest improvements to VWD, some of which you will like very much.

Leonides02 ( ) posted Sat, 11 March 2017 at 8:16 PM

This is great. Where do we find the user guide?

wimvdb ( ) posted Sat, 11 March 2017 at 8:36 PM

Leonides02 posted at 3:32AM Sun, 12 March 2017 - #4299172

This is great. Where do we find the user guide?

If you download the update for vwd from the Rendo store, you will get the new manual Just go to your account, select the item list, then search for VWD or sort on Updates and you will get a link to the updated files.

Leonides02 ( ) posted Sat, 11 March 2017 at 11:26 PM

Much appreciated. :)

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