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Subject: Poser Peacock

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:27 AM · edited Mon, 10 February 2025 at 1:02 PM


Following on from a 'wishlist' thread over in the Poser forum, hope its ok to post a 'teaser' image. I'm in the final stages of completing a Peacock/Peahen model set. The Peacock has a fully poseable tail fan (master dial on hip section) fully poseable body neck feet and legs.There are two high resolution texture and transparency sets to give a model of the Indian blue peacock and his equivalent 'hen'. I'm keen to add in a few other easi-pose features in the feet (all being well)which will take a little longer and then it'll need a final test-phase. The bad news??! It may only be available at DAZ_haven't decided yet..There's quite a bit more work in this model so it may retail at slightly more than my usual price (yet to be decided!)

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:28 AM


Here's a back view of the male with his tail laid flat

SAMS3D ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:29 AM

WOW this is beautiful....Sharen

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:29 AM

All I can say is, "wow." Wonderful detail....I am glad you are making a "couple." I don't know what I would do with a peacock, but I suddenly have an urge to have one in my collection. :)

Orio ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:39 AM

I have been waiting for a long time for a peacock! And yours is really beautiful. Please consider the following animals for future projects (I have submitted those to other modelers/companies that make animals time ago, but to no result): - GOOSE (with neck and spout morph to allow adjustments to match species variations for different geese species) - DUCK, THAT CAN SPREAD WINGS FOR FLIGHT (the available ducks can not spread wings) - CHICKEN - DONKEY (there's a morph for the horse available, but I would love a "real" donkey with all the species characteristics) - TURKEY I think it's amazing how many little yard or farm animals exist for Poser. There's a lot of exotic ones, but who needs 50 variations of a gazelle or exotic birds anyway? I think a lot of people in Vue and Bryce does a lot of normal country scenes that need poseable country animals. Oh and if in the free time you could make a decent Poser CAT, it wouldn't hurt - the one that is in Poser 4 is just little more than a joke. :-)

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 7:45 AM

And how about the babies? Chicks? Ducklings? Goslings? They look very different from the adults. I agree. I still can't figure out (whining again) why there would be a market for a mosquito and not for a nice looking cat. Which reminds me, are there any realistic rabbits out there?

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:00 AM


Thanks everyone! Here's a pic that I just render in my lunch hour of the peahen. Orio I couldn't agree more with you about the common or garden animals (that's why I like Vista's sets) I have a chicken head half built (sounds like a voodoo project) but am waiting for delivery of a book called 'Amazing chickens' before I go much further. I think my next bird project is likely however to be a swan_ we've got a family on the river at the bottom of the garden so lots of opportunity for me to get good texture photos and detail for the model_ and there's not a really good high rez model available for Poser (as far as I'm aware) Wing spreading poses (sorry!) quite a few modelling difficulties. I havn't done it with the Peacock (how often do you see a peacock fly?), but I think the solution is to have two seperate models with seperate wing meshes_I tried it with my Flamingo model but if I'm honest it didn't work so well there. Goose is a good one_ as with some simple morphs and different texture sets you could have quite a good range of species. The Cat ! ah well_ I dunno.. I love cats but they're so amorphous and bendy/floppy..I gotta agree the Poser cat doesn't have essence of cat!

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:16 AM

An after thought/comment to Dialyn! "I don't know what I would do with a peacock" I have to say that ALL temple scenes with naked Victoria should have a peacock included for completeness! Parkland/garden scenes/Palaces/moody pre-raphaelite pining lovers should always have a peacock for company. LoL :-) Could this be a new Poser genre?!

davidm ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:18 AM

WOW! The peacock is absolutely SUPERB!! Dave :-)

Traveler ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:24 AM

Awsome!!!!!!! Might I add: Crow/Raven and Dove to the wishlist, LOL

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:25 AM

I have resisted doing a naked Vicky in the temple, but I would consider doing a peacock in the temple. Actually I was thinking what a nice touch the peacocks will be with art deco type of settings. Classic! Maybe we should have a peacock challenge. ;)

judith ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 9:39 AM

Fantastic!! Ditto on the dove!

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Niles ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 10:06 AM

This a MUST have, looks great.

LadyJaiven ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 10:40 AM

I'm with Traveler on the dove... and yes, a cat would be nice :) And a raven!!!!!!

Orio ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 10:43 AM

Nigel, I agree that Vista Internet Products are excellent! I have bought many of their models, both Debra's and Lyne's. There's some models like Debra's calf with Lyne's textures that are just stunning, amongst the best Poser animals out there. Yet lately they seem to have slowed down the production of "yard" animals in favor of the more exotic. Which I love to see, but I personally have no much use for, so i usually don't buy them. It's a bit like with your insects, they look fantastic, but they don't fit my picture subjects. I asked VIP time ago a similar wish list to the one I posted here, but so far they took different choices. One thing I'd like from them: they already have a duck set, that is nice (especially for the textures) but not as great as their latest productions. I wish they could make an upgrade to it with improvements on the head and neck areas, and additions such as spread wings. I hope that sooner or later someone listens to my wish lists! :-)

Orio ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 11:05 AM

Dialyn: I'm with you on the cat (meaow!). I personally think the cat is the most incomprehensible "black hole" and the biggest missed chance of Poser modelers! I think a good cat could sell almost as much as Victoria or Mike. It would sell like hot cakes! How no one of the most known companies or modelers (DAZ, Anton, Vista, Dacort, etc.) never made one in three years, since the ugly P4 cat came out? This I can't understand! With so many good modelers out there, no one that realized the commerce potential of a cat model! Maybe Nigel is right and modelers are "scared" by the cat's "floppiness". But maybe this should be a good challenge for modelers! and anyway... ANY cat, even if not perfect, would be an improvement over the Poser cat!

Orio ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 11:16 AM

Nigel your third picture looks a lot like the female of the peacock. Yours is going to be a terrific set! As for peacock pictures: peacock is perfect for any turn-of-the century, art nouveau pictures! Peacock is featured on most liberty style decorations. I live in a city that has a lot of liberty age buildings so I have a lot of peacocks decoration available. Last time I was in London I visited a terrific big house called "Peacock's house". It is a Liberty style building with decorations by Morris. The Peacock is the "leitmotiv" and it's present everywhere! Also the peacock in the history of art is a symbol of God and of the eternal life, and sometimes of rebirth. So plenty of uses for Nigel's peacock!

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 11:19 AM

My cats would like it known that they aren't floppy. Well, not too floppy. Okay, one is floppy and the other isn't. ;) Which is the problem with cats...they move in such extraordinary ways that its probably hard to capture in modeling, but, good grief, a decent texture should be possible (actually I've seen some nice textures....Neftis has a nice looking Siamese, and I'm sure there are others. I'd like a longer haired white and orange tabby (the floppy one) is pretty fluffy. By the way, I just found out Lyne may have a llama/alpaca on her list of animals "to do." Not very close to the top but she has plans to work on one.

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 11:22 AM

Just an OT note about peacocks...I went on a tour of wineries once and I noticed that there were peacocks at each one of them. Now that may have just been there area where I was (or I had sampled too many grape products) but I thought it was interesting that there seemed to be an association between peacocks and winderies. Which makes me think....has anyone created a winery??? I don't been just bottles and barrels, but the whole deal? Guess I need to start a new thread for that.

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 11:59 AM

Good old Lynne_ that takes one off my list! (which is waayy too long anyway_and you guys here have made it even longer) How to prioritise???? Its interesting what you all say about the Poser cat. As a modeller, there's a couple of reasons I reckon no-ones been brave enough to attempt it_ firstly there's something intangible about cats_they are so familiar a part of our lives that it would take a particularly skillful modeller to capture that essence of cat (Its a bit like the human face_we know instinctivly when its wrong_anyone see that Sony add with the distorted girls face? And you know what we all feel about P5 Judy_she's an alien..why? Its because there's something not quite right). The poser cat is the same_ its just somehow 'wrong'i think its the face shape actually. I think another reason is that us modellers are artists too just got a bit side tracked in to modelling_ as an artist ones hates to rehash old stuff_likes to push the boundaries and "boldly go...etc" There's also the fear factor. We know the poser cat is a joke..just think of the humiliation in the forums..."have you seen Noggin's poser cat?_what a joke..and we thought the Poser cat was bad_it looks like its been cross bred with an Aardvark,or possibly Lynne's Lama.And you can bet there'll be some pretty vocal cat lovers out there (I know I'm one!)You're safe with a peacock! Still you guys are making me think..not because I want to make the cat that makes a mint..just sort of wondering whether to pick up the guantlet.......?

dialyn ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 12:20 PM

LOL! It was too easy to imagine a cross between Noggin's cat and Lynne's llama just then. :) The essence of the cat is how mysteriously they work their magic in domestic life while keeping the essence of being a wild thing. Dogs sacrificed their wild ways to be part of human life; but cats have not. You are right, though, there is something wrong the proportions of the cat's head in the Poser version. I am one of the two people who is not unhappy with poor Judy (I've seen some very nice graphics using her where she looks quite lovely) so I'm no judge. And the peacocks are gorgeous and I am happy anticipating them for the time being. Them and my llama. ;)

genny ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 3:53 PM

Yes, we would all love to see a "decent" cat, but if and when we do.............what-ever you render, using the cat, would be "judged" much more harshly then would the poor ole poser cat would ever be. I don't think I would want to be one who is in the "LimeLite" on that is why no one has done it, as of now? genny

genny ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 3:56 PM

Oh.......BTW..........I love your Peacock, and will probaly buy it as soon as I get my "priorties" straight! What do I really want? what do I really need? what the hell am I doing? LOL! genny

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 4:41 PM

I just noticed Debra Ross is on the P5 Flash screen as a CL content provider_ do you think she's working on those widely wished and predicted new Poser animals_ p'raps there's a new cat? wooo woooo!

Blazerwiccan ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 5:55 PM

Wow Wow Wow!! Looks wonderful.

Lyne ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 6:22 PM

Noggin your peacock is spactacular!! WOW! I have not been that brave to deal with it's tail! :D I do plan on flying ducks and upgrading my birds, but I am so "birded out" from requested birds that I have promised myself to get back to mammals... not sure what yet...need a rest after set of Chickens I just completed! We have peacocks all around California, they would be a very beautiful addition to any outdoor area from a zoo to a farm and beyond! Nice job!! I look forward to yours being in the store! Lyne

Life Requires Assembly and we all know how THAT goes!

dragongirl ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:32 PM

It's wonderful! And your pose looks very much like a peacock moves. Yes, lots of uses for peacocks - and doves and crows and ravens and pigeons. :-) Great stuff. -dg

bknoh ( ) posted Tue, 05 November 2002 at 8:32 PM

OH MY! My, my, my. Lovely peacock! You have done an amazing job with this. You know what would be a realllly nice addition (like this isn't enough already)...a peacock feather? You could have it lying on the ground by the birds...or in your naked Vicky's hand. My kingdom for a fluffy orange cat or a poodle. Brycetech's is close, but I want more. My 4 cats will gladly pose for kitty treats. Diane

noggin ( ) posted Wed, 06 November 2002 at 1:56 AM

Chickens Lyne??!!! well done ..when where which? I have chickens on my to do list (one half done) _can't promise I won't complete it as I love them so_but maybe I can do something different to you_don't want to compete with you (your too good!) PS my next project's a swan. Hows your llama coming along?

Momcat ( ) posted Wed, 06 November 2002 at 5:01 AM

This is gorgeous! Re: The cat: Besides the obvious alien look to its face, it doesn't move properly. The joints all need to be reworked, and I think one or two may even be missing. Another thing that would be a must have on my list would be a decent dog, both large and small breed types

sparrowheart ( ) posted Wed, 06 November 2002 at 8:31 AM

What Momcat said!

_dodger ( ) posted Fri, 08 November 2002 at 6:46 PM


'it looks like its been cross bred with an Aardvark' I got one of those... Well, sorta...

_dodger ( ) posted Fri, 08 November 2002 at 6:48 PM

The reason no one has done a proper cat is simple. You can't get one to sit still long enough to draw on the patch edges, of course. I'd like to add that no one's done a dragon with legs that don't look goofy either. Ever wonder why? Most fantasy artists use cats' legs as the basis for their dragon legs, modified to fit on the serpentine bulge of a dragon torso. The problem with cats is pretty much the legs.

_dodger ( ) posted Fri, 08 November 2002 at 6:49 PM

And of course, if you made one, you'd be finishing up and setting the joint limits, then look over and see the cat proving you wrong.

noggin ( ) posted Thu, 28 November 2002 at 3:21 AM

Attached Link:

Hi again all_ just to let you know the Peacocks just gone up on DAZ today at 30% off introductory offer! A new image on this fresh thread.

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