Fri, Feb 14, 9:32 AM CST

Heading Out

Vue Atmosphere/Mood posted on Mar 03, 2014
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Hi everybody, This image was created using Vue and Photoshop. It portrays a time of dirt, grime and industry. The kind of place I grew up in. Although there was always woods, lakes and streams available for adventure too. Industrial places often seemed as desolate as the rural ones in those days. People had jobs and were inside working. The streets were much quieter during the day than they are now. Industry truly happened rather than just be talked about in the "How we can save it by closing it" sort of way. I did this picture using VUE. See my web site HERE . I do an occasional Newsletter to keep people informed - There's a FREE model of a Mayan pyramid for every newsletter subscriber. There are pictures on my site that aren't see anywhere else. Details of my YOUTUBE CHANNEL are there too. This picture was produced using VUE and Photoshop. dmrc_enabled_wbtn.gif
This work is copyright and cannot be used for any purpose without written permission from Peter Hague Concept - Design - Art Direction. All my images have an embedded digital ID throughout, which cannot be removed, even from a cropped section, and is registered.

Comments (168)



5:24PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Very cool piece. I have never been to such a place, but it is fascinating.



5:25PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Gorgeous! Old-time feel.



5:33PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Nicely atmospheric, great job!



5:52PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Beautifully executed landscape that resonates with me as well. Although I am on the opposite side of the Atlantic, I can look outside my window to an old New England mill town in the valley below that resembles this scene, except the rail tracks are largely derelict, the mills quiet, and the smokestacks still. The air may be less polluted, the river runs cleaner, but something has been lost as well. An abandoned mill may make a picturesque backdrop, but the human energy and the dynamism that comes with producing something useful is mostly gone.



5:58PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Whoa. In two hours you have a page full of praise. Well deserved praise Another detailed and fitting image to depict by-gone times. Trains hold special fascination for me, especially old steam. I don't think in the USA we ever had boiler-side water tanks on our engines - maybe we were too profligate with our resources. I do like that the train is heading toward the left: into the past. Another fine visual clue you left for us. Dick..



5:59PM | Mon, 03 March 2014




6:06PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

A superb piece of art...early 1900's industrial UK..... would look right at home with any Terence Cuneo works!. That GWR pannier tank loco looks fab to.



6:11PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Very cool work.



6:36PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

My Jaw dropped to the floor when I saw this one. Now I need a new jaw thanks Peter.



7:02PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

this really stands out. wow!!



7:08PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Love trains and can immerse myself in the moodiness of this one.



7:09PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Delightfully Wonderful Work,



7:41PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

what a wonderfully grimy image!! so cool!!!


7:43PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

An amazing image of bygone days Peter, I'm guessing the tree huggers were not around in the steam era... :0)



7:48PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Absolutely marvelous, Peter!



8:33PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Absolutely gorgeous work, very realistic, superb work!



8:38PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

wow look like the industrial Revolutionary in full swing here . very well done



8:57PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Love it! Amazing work. ")



9:44PM | Mon, 03 March 2014




9:47PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Xcellent my friend !



10:22PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Another amazing artwork. :) Good to see you post again.



10:48PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

Very nostalgic.



11:59PM | Mon, 03 March 2014

wonderful realistic scene with fantastic atmosphere



12:21AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Very beautiful creation, beautiful atmosphere.


starship64 Online Now!

1:23AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Wonderful grungy scene. Great work!



5:52AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Terrific scene all around; love the low light angle and bronze tones; really conveys a sense of industrial grime. Fine models as well. Very nicely executed.



6:36AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Could be a cover for a steampunk novel,Peter.Exceptionally well done.



6:47AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Excellent Art work,Peter,love the atmosphere and coloring***



7:34AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

cool stuff,well done.



9:20AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Потрясающая красивая картина. Мне очень нравятся паровозы. Замечательная композиция. Браво!!!!

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