Sat, Feb 8, 7:31 PM CST

Heading Out

Vue Atmosphere/Mood posted on Mar 03, 2014
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Hi everybody, This image was created using Vue and Photoshop. It portrays a time of dirt, grime and industry. The kind of place I grew up in. Although there was always woods, lakes and streams available for adventure too. Industrial places often seemed as desolate as the rural ones in those days. People had jobs and were inside working. The streets were much quieter during the day than they are now. Industry truly happened rather than just be talked about in the "How we can save it by closing it" sort of way. I did this picture using VUE. See my web site HERE . I do an occasional Newsletter to keep people informed - There's a FREE model of a Mayan pyramid for every newsletter subscriber. There are pictures on my site that aren't see anywhere else. Details of my YOUTUBE CHANNEL are there too. This picture was produced using VUE and Photoshop. dmrc_enabled_wbtn.gif
This work is copyright and cannot be used for any purpose without written permission from Peter Hague Concept - Design - Art Direction. All my images have an embedded digital ID throughout, which cannot be removed, even from a cropped section, and is registered.

Comments (168)



10:03AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Excellent work!



10:06AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Splendid atmosphere and composition of icons +5 from doarte's MADHOUSE



10:07AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Great job



10:12AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Impressive image, love the lighting!



10:23AM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Excellent work!



12:47PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

fantastic looking image great work on the steam



12:48PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Your usual...................great job! The age of steam and the industrial revolution well portrayed!



1:00PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Woow!!Extraordinária obra meu amigo o trem é fantástico a composição é impressionante parece real,incrível iluminação.+++++++++++5



2:01PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

AWESOME as Always "E". Great work :)



2:04PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Wonderful - the steam, smoke and dirt really comes across. Odd that you can be nostalgic for such scenes, but I can certainly empathise!



5:08PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Same here Pete at Tyseley Shed in Brum eh,great scene.



6:31PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Excellent :)



7:01PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Wonderful work!



7:10PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Truly amazing image. Beautifully done!!



9:03PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

A world and scene of great qualities ((5++)



9:53PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

Great pic. Pete. You have brought to life the dust and grim of a by gone era with the flair of all your pics. Hope spring is on it's way and you didn't get hit with those floods I saw on T.V.



9:58PM | Tue, 04 March 2014

A most excellent and finely detailed image! Fantastic work!



12:37AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Wonderful image! I like the atmosphere (as long as I don't have to grow up in it).



1:06AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Great and very reality artwork! Bravo!



1:39AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

It's really fascinating what you create with VUE. This picture is perfect again, in every way. Excellent work!!



1:50AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Very impressive work. Aloha



2:30AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Fantastic image of an urban landscape at the period of the industrial revolution, very realistic decor and atmo, truly great work!



3:54AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Excellent creation, dear Peter. Hugs. Di. xx



4:09AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Stunning scene, very well done!



6:15AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Choo choo train...I'd like to take a ride to go far far away from the stupidity of men ! Superb image, bravo.



7:52AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Fantastic! Such rich detail I can just hear that heavy roar of the engine!



8:18AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

this picture is Worth a zoom, excellent settings for the steam smoke and excellent texturing. I like the lighting too.



8:28AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

Fantastic Work and a bautiful Train Image****



8:43AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

This goes back to the day when grimey smokestacks where the sign of a prosperous community.Fine work on this old engine.



9:11AM | Wed, 05 March 2014

love trains and this is really nice work! I live in a junction and hear trains all the time!

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