Fri, Feb 14, 2:40 PM CST

Heading Out

Vue Atmosphere/Mood posted on Mar 03, 2014
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Hi everybody, This image was created using Vue and Photoshop. It portrays a time of dirt, grime and industry. The kind of place I grew up in. Although there was always woods, lakes and streams available for adventure too. Industrial places often seemed as desolate as the rural ones in those days. People had jobs and were inside working. The streets were much quieter during the day than they are now. Industry truly happened rather than just be talked about in the "How we can save it by closing it" sort of way. I did this picture using VUE. See my web site HERE . I do an occasional Newsletter to keep people informed - There's a FREE model of a Mayan pyramid for every newsletter subscriber. There are pictures on my site that aren't see anywhere else. Details of my YOUTUBE CHANNEL are there too. This picture was produced using VUE and Photoshop. dmrc_enabled_wbtn.gif
This work is copyright and cannot be used for any purpose without written permission from Peter Hague Concept - Design - Art Direction. All my images have an embedded digital ID throughout, which cannot be removed, even from a cropped section, and is registered.

Comments (168)



2:22AM | Mon, 08 September 2014

Fabulous done as usual my friend!!!Bravissimo!:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



3:57PM | Mon, 08 September 2014

Excellent work!



2:44AM | Tue, 09 September 2014

Your work is outstanding as your website is. I think a lot of people should take a look there... I take a deep bow.



8:41PM | Tue, 09 September 2014

The atmo there is a its top. Your comment "How we can save it by closing it" open minds to too many thoughts in whichwe can get lost...


8:42AM | Wed, 10 September 2014

Fantastic scene! Really takes one back to a time as you described, for all the dirt and grime, the sense of comforting reality made it seem more solid than today, somehow. A welcome break from the idealized cottage scenes one usually sees as nostalgia art.



10:50PM | Wed, 10 September 2014

Really a good work> Bravo!



9:42AM | Fri, 12 September 2014

Impressive creation!



2:12PM | Sun, 14 September 2014

It must take you a weeks to read all these comments all your scenes are magnificent! thank you for taking the time to comment on my latest work I an honored.



4:49PM | Fri, 19 September 2014

I came to take a trip through your gallery, and fell in love with this! Stunning imagery.


Wolfenshire Online Now!

3:45PM | Sun, 21 September 2014

wow.... this is amazing, and I love trains. The scene is just wicked cool.



7:21AM | Tue, 23 September 2014

I can almost smell the hot coal and oil in this image. Spent a lot of time this Summer chasing steam trains, so nice to see a render on this subject.



7:04AM | Wed, 15 October 2014

Amazing work: My beloved son Steve would have loved this one a lot, he was an engine driver to and he died in a train crash on the luxemburgish/french border in 2006!



2:39PM | Wed, 15 October 2014

Really a beautiful model locomotive! The textures and the lighting of the scene are excellent. Very creative work. Congratulations ...



3:50AM | Fri, 17 October 2014




10:15AM | Sun, 19 October 2014

Fantastic Job!


Black Rain

3:51PM | Sun, 19 October 2014

wonder full work :) your attention to details always surprise !!!



1:50AM | Sat, 08 November 2014

Excellent use of Vue and PS! Great details and very moody atmo ^_^



4:41AM | Sat, 20 December 2014

great work on this one my friend big hug

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