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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 11:01 am)

Subject: *in shock* This is an expensive hobby!

Lucy_Fur ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 4:17 PM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 12:00 PM

$530 - DAZ (starting from 4/2002 - not including prior purchase's done anonymously due to not remembering password) $646 - Renderosity (as far back as 11/2000) $103 - RDNA $53.85 - PoserPros $30 - Poserworld 3 month subscription about $40 - Poserstyle membership Totaling $1402 And this is just for FUN! I don't get paid to do anything w/Poser - I've never made any money directly from Poser. So......the madness continues... ;) I just bought 5 more items from DAZ just a lil bit ago L

Lucy_Fur ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 4:18 PM

And I'm sure there are many of you who have spent more than I ;)

vilters ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 4:41 PM

Thats the problem. Every new model kosts, and needs new clothes, new shoes, new.... I am afraid of Daz Studio too. The renderer for free is a nice offer, but, you pay for every plug in... every option. Its like you get the steering wheel of a car for free. Pay for the tires, pay for the engine, would like to close it with a door that you pay and then you don't even get the seats(unless you pay for them too)and so on.... In the end, after adding up, you could get a surprice. I see great renderings from after market models but stick to the standard figures as the P4-Lo, Posette and Judy ones using a lot of magnets to get them to my taste. And there is a lot of quality free stuff out there. Many thanks to all those hard workers. Just for fun or hobby, no doubt about it, it can get out of hand this way. Just my humble opinion. Tony

Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game Dev
"Do not drive faster then your angel can fly"!

igohigh ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 4:49 PM

With Posette, Eve4, Vicky, and now Vicky3; I can't even afford a girlfriend anymore ;*(

visque ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 5:24 PM

igohigh, what do you need with a girlfriend when you have those four?

Poppi ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 5:25 PM

see, guys...i'm cheap. i want to make all my own stuff...except for v2,v3, m2, m3...and, a few "must have" hairs. so, i don't much buy stuff made for poser....i buy the programs to make my, i've probably spent as much, (groan)more even than the rest of you. only difference is: i'm never quite satisfied with what i you all at least have some clothing for your vickis. me, i've got a harddrive full of wips.

Scarab ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 5:40 PM

Hey, we're the generation raised with Barbie and GI Joe...whadja expect? Scarab

SAMS3D ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 5:48 PM

WOW, that is all you have spent.....I am afraid to total my purchases, too frightening.....and I can tell you, what some people pay me for our models....that scares me too. Sharen LOL :-)

Scarab ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:05 PM

Well, then, consider this.... During the hours and hours you spend using Poser, you are not: ...taking drugs ...getting drunk ...looking at new cars ...selling your children for Superbowl tickets ...out in the "real world" where wearing the wrong necktie can "offend someone" and get you sued.. ...etc. ...etc. Taken in that light, Poser is a real bargain Scarab

Schlabber ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:13 PM

uh - oh ... I'ld better not recall WHAT I have all spend ... Gladly I'm also selling this and that CD ...

genny ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:27 PM

I won't dare to count up how much I have spent.........I really don't want to go into shock or have a heart attack! Genny

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:35 PM

Lemme see... I started with Poser 4(.03) and had to have the Pro Pack. Then I had to have Poser 5. Then M2, V2, V3, clothes, hair, accessories, funny looking animals, props, and so on. Then it was time to make my own models, so I had to have a 3D modeling program and UVMapper Pro. Settled on C4D R8 and Lightwave 7.5 for modeling. Had to have books also! So, what's the total so far? About seven gadgillion dollars! Or in the neighborhood of $5K to $7K in less than a year. ;) BYS

Poppi ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:51 PM

which do you like better, c4d, or lightwave? just an innocent isn't like i would put either on my wishlist, or anything? both those galleries have some real nice works. nevermind...i have an older copy of max that makes a great coaster....errrr...which DO you like best?

Poppi ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 6:57 PM

and, i can "write off" software.

Spit ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 7:01 PM

I've been buying since at least December of 1998. That's when Zygote's gremlin was offered for free...the first? of the weekly freebies. And I bought the texture map. That's the first thing I remember buying.

lalverson ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 7:22 PM

At last count I spen 5000 plus just here. but it's been about a year since i last did a count from this site the others are smaller but not much

fls13 ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 7:33 PM

Geez, I started in 3D with Blender, which is total freeware. I did spend about $100 on a couple books about the app, then I got Poser, which is cheap for what it does with character meshes. All told, I've spent less than $400 on a hobby that has kept me amused and made me some good friends, which you can't put a price tag on. It's been the cheapest hobby I've ever had. :O)

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 8:27 PM

I should have said that I do consider C4D and LW "collateral" damage on my credit card with respect to Poser. :) As for which I like best, that's difficult to answer. I use C4D most of the time, but you can bet that's only because I received and learned it first. Both have their strong and weak points. LW has fur/hair and HDRI builtin among other things, but is steeper to learn and master. C4D doesn't have these but is easy to learn and master. LW is more industry standard and has a large userbase whereas C4D is not as well known. BYS

MaterialForge ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 9:28 PM

I think caleb's probably got everyone beat. I'm in this thing for about two grand by now, what with building a hi-performance pc to handle it. And I haven't even started begging my wife for that 40" plasma screen yet... LOL!

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 9:49 PM

If we're going there ;0), I recently built a hi-perf system just for Poser 5 (et al) - P4 2.54GHz cpu 1.0GB PC2100 DDR memory (still trying to get 2GB - must be 2 1GB DIMMS - very expensive). 2 80GB 7200RPM 8MB cache WD drives + 30GB WD drive GeForce4 Ti4600 AGP and GeForce4 MX 420 PCI video cards (for dual monitors or more) Sony G520 21" Flat screen CRT Samsung SM763MB 17" Flat screen CRT Total: $2700+ (not including Sony DRU-500A DVD+/-R/RW) If it weren't for P5, I would have not upgraded. And I know there are those out there who make my system look slow and archaic!! Ummmmm. 40" plasma screen. :) BYS

Patricia ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 10:20 PM

My memory for numbers has always been awful and I've always hated it.....Until Poser came into my life! Now, I'm SO glad I can't recall how much I've spent so far..... ;) I got Poser 3 'free' on a magazine cover a year ago, and it's turned out to be the most costly free thing I've ever encountered. Within no time at all, I found myself having to have Vicki, and to use her I needed Poser 4 and a considerable upgrade, computer-wise....SO I got my new iMac, which I love, only to discover that Vicki now wanted clothes and jewelry and temples and hair and extensive plastic surgery---well, new characters and textures, actually---and since then, I've been broke! But I sure am having fun ;)

rdf ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 10:22 PM

Attached Link: click here or suffer the consequences

All this money for a mere hobby? My GOD, what is wrong with you people!!!!? Do something worthwhile with your life. Devote your time to helping children, the elderly, the abused, the wrongly accused, etc., etc., i.e., just generally making the world a better place ... And give the money to me! ;*)

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 11:01 PM

Patricia, Don't forget swords! Vicki wants temples and swords! :) BYS

EricofSD ( ) posted Mon, 17 February 2003 at 11:54 PM

Not only have I spent money at Daz and Osity, but I blew a few silvers updating my puter to take P5. Yup, expensive hobby, but I know of many other hobbies that cost way more and deliver less entertainment.

dewo ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:09 AM

Yeah. Is there anybody around, who can tell me, which hobby is not expensive??? - Picking your nose, maybe - if that's what you like to spend your free time doing. pick, pick...

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:23 AM

Unless you're like Willie Nelson and use one guitar forever, don't take guitar playing up as a hobby! G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) can lead to thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars spent on guitar equipment. I've spent about $20K on guitar stuff over the past four years (after coming back to electric after only playing classical for awhile), alot of it being sold to "upgrade" or just recoup finances. I don't regret it as I love to play and have just the equipment that I need, for now, until I see something better, or the next Musicians"Friend" arrives... Did I see a contract in the back of their catalog requiring signature in blood and exchange of soul. ;0) BYS

EricofSD ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:35 AM

I got ya all beat. I started with flying lessons when I was a kid. Put more into it when I decided to learn how to work on those things. When I look back on 4500 hours and 25 years maintenance, I must have spent more that 400k for tools and training over that period for a job that I was lucky to get which paid only 35k/year. So now I'm happy with a $100/mo budget. Its WAY cheaper than flying, and almost as fun. Now for some Top Ramen...Yum!

BeatYourSoul ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:39 AM

I considered taking flying lessons some time back, but the expense and lack of expenses at the time curtailed the endeavor. That is definitely an expensive hobby. Can we say "fuel costs"? :) Top Ramen...LOL BYS

PheonixRising ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:45 AM

Might I mention what a value and great long term savings a Platinum Club membership would be. LOl Okay running away now. Anton Daz3d Platinum Club My favoriate sayings of mine. :) "Art can offer you outlets to the exotic and extreeme, realize and visualize fantasies both surreal and profound, and ignite passions both fierce and consuming.... but it is not for the meek or the timid." "What is the price for peace of mind?" "You get what you pay for. You want free, then watch birds. :)"

-Anton, creator of ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

NEW The Poser FaceInterMixer

PheonixRising ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:46 AM

one more "Still cheaper than golf or a girlfriend"

-Anton, creator of ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

NEW The Poser FaceInterMixer

Norbert ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:56 AM

Yeah... But you can't wack Vicki with a golf club when she p!sses you off.

elgyfu ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 2:33 AM

Ah but, I think of the huge number of hours or pleasure I have had from this hobby. Last year I was very ill and very depressed because of it. Then I got a magazine with a free copy of Poser 3 on it. My husband brought me Poser 5 for christmas (wow was I thrilled!) and I am so happy with it. Yes I have also spent loads on this hobby. I don't smoke. drink, do drugs or gamble (Boring ain't I?) and so I don't begrudge a penny of it. Hobbies are about being happy - if they are not maknig you happy then stop. Poser has (kinda literally) saved my life, rediscovered latent artistic urges and given me cool street-cred at work after someone realised who I was and saw my erotic pictures on the web!!!!!!

Desdemmonna ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 5:15 AM

Hmmm...including all the other programs I've had my partner purchase for me to compliment Poser (Bryce, Rhino, etc)and handware components we've spent in excess of 10k on graphics stuff. On Poser sales alone merchants have divested us of 4kish :o) Too many good products...its hard to resist :p

Phantast ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 5:20 AM

Well, which is better: you spend you money on something that gives you pleasure or you leave it in the bank? Life's too short not to enjoy yourself when you can.

Little_Dragon ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 5:22 AM
  • picks up calculator, reconsiders, puts it away *

What I've spent on Poser is nothing compared to my DVD collection. I'm currently buying them faster than I can watch them.

Oooh, the Region 1 Nuku Nuku anime is finally available ....

  • wanders off *

PheonixRising ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 5:30 AM

Yeah I drop $3.00 a day on coffee. That's $90 a month. I think Poser as a hobby is worth $3.00 a day.

-Anton, creator of ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

NEW The Poser FaceInterMixer

Poppi ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 6:02 AM

Yeah I drop $3.00 a day on coffee. me too...$3.00 a day at LEAST...then, there's the pastries, cigarettes, and beer....yup, poser isn't any more expensive than my other vices.

MaterialForge ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 7:01 AM

Heh, heh. "You get what you pay for. You want free, then watch birds." I gotta use that one... BeatYourSoul - I hear ya, guitars are not cheap! And fx pedals, let's not even go there. IM me sometime, we gotta talk gear! Between Poser, the computers, and the studio, I could probably be driving a nice Viper by now. Sheesh. Glad I gave up golf.

grahamjames ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 9:48 AM

Scarab - you don't get drunk while playing with poser ? What about when you format your' hard drive and do a full re-install of all your' software, just to see if you can get Poser 5 running. I did a bottle of Bourbon while trying that and when Poser 5 still wouldn't run I didn't even care.

Spit ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 10:59 AM

I don't spend $3.00 a day on coffee. In fact I've cut out every single extra expense just so I can feed my Poser habit. LOL

KateTheShrew ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:26 PM

Ok, here's the total so far - just from Renderosity beginning 6/5/00 thru today - $6,917.28 I'm still in the process of sorting out and adding up the stuff from Commune, DAZ, RDNA, PP, ImaginationWorks, Renderotica, Animotions, Sams3d and BBay as well as my mesh factory membership, PWFW, Viewpoint and DataPump models, and software (which includes at least three game engine licenses). Ok, I used to have all this stuff at the tip of my fingers, but I'm working with a new accounting program so It'll be a while before I have it all "together" again. sigh Kate (who thinks this price tag may actually beat the cost of the Karaoke startup)

pigfish ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 12:46 PM

Norbert, that's what the animation feature is can whack Vicky with a 3d golf club. I'm sure there's one in my zillions of files. I can tell you that I've spent more total $$$ at DAZ since I bought the Platinum Club membership than I ever did before. "Gee, it's less than two bucks--I gotta have it!" Sound familiar to anyone? Of course, I literally have hundreds of Barbie dolls so I've been collecting virtual ones instead of vinyl ones the last couple of years. At least Vicky takes a lot less shelf space.

LaurieA ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 1:46 PM

LOL! I don't even want to try to do what you did Lucy_Fur - it'd be way too much of a shock to the system ;o). Suffice it to say that I've spent a small fortune on this Poser craze over the years, as well as all the associated stuff I bought on account of it (Bryce, Vue, etc.). Of course, the madness will continue (at least for me)'s one of the few things in life that really relaxes me and I can't put a price on that. I enjoy it too much :o). If I could only FIND half the stuff that I bought that I haphazzardly threw onto a cd - for instance, I KNOW I bought an item from Anton's from Bbay, some kind of changing hair that had just about every one of his hair objects included in it at the time (paid like 60 bucks for it). Think I can find it? I've been looking too ;o). It's things like that that make me feel bad, not the amount that I spent on it really. I have a lot of stuff that I paid for and lost and have no way of getting back. That's my only regret. And all I can contribute that to is plain being unorganized on my part. Did I say I love 3D? Basically, that's my point...LOL. Laurie P.S. If you are reading this Anton, maybe you could at least tell me what the name of the file was so that I can find's been driving me nuts! Gawd, I hope I didn't lose it :o(.

OpticalSingenoid ( ) posted Tue, 18 February 2003 at 7:51 PM

LoL, Little Dragon!! I started my DVD Collection way back when it was a 10 tittle section at BlockBuster... Now, i have over 300 titles, not including Box Sets... Region 1? Hey! I also get Region 2 & 6! That's how much i don't want to wait for certain titles! Before that, i was a Comic Collector(Around 12,000), kept 120 That i couldn't part with. Also was at 20+ Resin Statues(200 + Each). Kept only 5. Before that, Star trek & Star Wars Collectibles. Now, 3D is my main Hobby! 8,000 on Software, 4,000 on Models, 12,000 on CPUs(Macs & PCs). But, i make money off of it too! I don't sell models or such. i just make 3D Architectural repesentations for firms. Pays for about half of this Expensive, But Fun Hobby! And to me it's "Therapeutic". And i don't regret any of it! And i also share the Philosophy of "Enjoying my Money in the now...". :-) Marco[Who Freely admits his "addiction" to 3D!]

Schlabber ( ) posted Wed, 19 February 2003 at 4:05 AM

Marco ... Comics !!!! Hey - can I ask you to scan this and that issues from this and that special comic you might have ??

OpticalSingenoid ( ) posted Wed, 19 February 2003 at 7:13 AM

Hey! Schlabber! Sorry Mate! Forgot to Say Hello! Hello! Well, i had 12,000. Now, i have around 120-150 units left. I guess some of them are rare(They are mostly "Independant comics") like "Lady Death" "Nira-X", etc... What do you need? ahhhhh! Are you planning another amazing series of Poses for SuperHeroes?? Well, email me. I'll make a more complete list of i have left in my "treasure Chest"... :-) Marco

Schlabber ( ) posted Wed, 19 February 2003 at 10:41 AM

Marco ... Yes, will mail you later ... ********** Are you planning another amazing series of Poses for SuperHeroes?? ********** No, wrong - I'm not planing this - I'm allready making them :o) - mostly for the Version 2 Characters from DAZ Later on they'll be sorted out by characters - will mean special Catwoman, Spiderman, Wolverine etc ... poses Additional I'm currently making some new poses for V3 I call them Royeuristic-poses - 'cause they're done in Royo-style ... currently I'm messing around with this and that sword or other weapon :--) Well - I think when I have around 500 or more they'll hit the store ... - sorry, but I can't make everything for free ...

Viomar ( ) posted Wed, 19 February 2003 at 12:43 PM

WOw! Drooling already! :-) Awright! I'll then search for interesting poses in my comics! I don't have any Marvels or DC anymore. But, the basis for posing Heroes & Vilains is the same... Which reminds me! I'm currently doing "Ripclaw" from Cyberforce comics. search for "Ripclaw" in gallery... Coincidence? :-)) I'll talk to you later when i get home! Marco(At Work)

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