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Subject: Seig Heil Renderosity?

Luna ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 6:50 PM · edited Thu, 06 February 2025 at 7:58 PM

What's Up With The Little "Goon Squad" Suddenly Consisting Of JeffH, ScottA, Virus, Wallflower, And a Few Others Who Seem To Be Jumping All Over And Trying To Discredit Anyone That Speaks Out Against Rosity? Damage Control? You Want Us To Stay Around With Jerks Like THIS In Control? No Way! Jeff Was Removed Before, And Now Due To Default You Take Him Back? And Virus? Come On, He's Been Spouting His Toxin For Years. I Guess That's What It's Down To Here Though Huh? How Dare We Speak Our Minds Without Getting Jumped By The "Goons" And "Thugs". Now It's Like The Mafia LOL. Good Riddance.

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:33 PM

You must pray for try to not let me enter into your cells!!! But resistance is futile sooner or latter there will be always a Virus inside your body.

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:35 PM

Guess Again Virus. Yur Nothing But a Puppet Poser Who Can't Even Form Coherant Sentences. Smirk If You Want To Talk Virii....I'm Better Than You Will Ever be.

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:39 PM

Please call the marines!!!! O mejor dicho pudes meterte el dedo por el culo.

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:48 PM

Awww Swearing In Spanish? That's Mature Virus. Kuta Bare Bakayado. Anata Ga Zen Zen Baka Tare! That's Japanese. Any Other Attempts To Look Smart?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:50 PM

By The Way.....I Learned Japanese. I Imagine Spanish Is Your Native Toungue. Smile

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 7:57 PM

JAJAJAJAJJAJA That's your best shoot? Swering in Japanese is a great challenge. LOL Considering that Japanese has a lot of swering words. LOL After this pitfull demostration I feel simpathy for ya. Forgiveme please. You will have to try harder if you really want to insult me. Shaloom

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:12 PM

ROFLMAO Japanese Has A Lot Of Swearing Words? Are You Really This Stupid? Spanish Has a Helluva Lot More Than Japanese Does. And Here....Let Me Help You...It's Not "Oh Common" It's Oh, Come On Man I Don't HAVE TO Insult You...You Do It To Yourself Bwahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaah

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:21 PM

Who is the stupid if you are not able to understand pure fine sarcasm? I guess there is not need to explain it further. But oh well you want to think that you beat me, do it LOL. That's the best method to calm down retards acording with modern psychology. Ok I give up, You Won LOL Have a nice day.

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:28 PM

LOL When You Prove You Can Speak Correctly I Will Give You The Credit. The End

Trimax ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:32 PM

Shut the fuck up Driv that Man has more integrity in his little finger then you'll ever have!!! and it's MUHAHAHAHAHAH get it right idiot

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:33 PM

It is common for me to deal with assholes like you everyday. LOL So, no credit need it. The full 25" credit is all yours.

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:36 PM

Well Damn Trimax.....I Used To Have Respect For You. Thanks For The Unwarranted Attack. Apparently You Signed Up For The Labotomized Moderator Gestapo Too Huh? Integrity? I Don't Believe Either Of You Know What The Word Means. Perhaps You Should Look It Up. Speaking Of Little.....Go Back Where You Were Hiding Play With Yourself Some More

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:46 PM

The Defense Rest your honor!

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

Trimax ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:47 PM

all i see is a little boy behind text thats right little boy!!

Virus ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:49 PM

Trimax: Leave the little bastard alone, he has a lot of things to learn after today's lesson. He don't deserves even the efford. Best Regardings Virus

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 8:55 PM

Come ON, folks, this is total waste of energy and effort! I believe that this site's fate is pretty much sealed by what's happened, and this type of fighting is going to do none of us any good. Finger-pointing is best left to petty bureaucrats who excel at the mediocre. We are ARTISTS, after all. The despicable behavior of some people should not be allowed to "poison the waters of creativity". Enough!

DRIV ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 9:04 PM

Fair Said Octavio...And True. I'll Say That Debate Is An Art Form, However They Would Not Understand The Concept. I'll Withdraw, After All, Banning Doesn't Work All That Well Here. Besides, When It's 2, 3, or 4 Against One....Things Are Pretty Apparent. Let The Gestapo Rule The Ruins They Created. Peace Out

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 9:14 PM

Debate, sure, Driv... it helps get things done. But I will say that when someone stomps another's opinion because they don't like what's being said, it speaks loads for the ones doing the stomping, and little against the "stompee". The only difference between the behavior I see here and, say, Idi Amin, Hitler, Saddam Hussien, etc. is that (thank God) no one's getting killed. But the mindset -- the ATTITUDE -- is EXACTLY the same. It's sad, it's pathetic, and it's childish. We live in a world of differences. THAT's what makes it so great. To deny those differences exhibits a pronounced abscence of emotional and intellectual development. (peace right back to you)

Scarab ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 9:51 PM

No attack is intended in this, Driv....just an observation....but if spanish is virus's first language...then it stands to reason he must have learned english as a second....and I'll bet his english is better than your or my japanese combined..... Gozaimasu Scarab chan

Spanfarkle ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 9:56 PM

Excuse me! Sorry!! I was looking for the mens room, but it looks like I made a wrong turn somewhere. alien.gif

bast ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:03 PM

...who lost family in the holocaust, I find this thread very very offensive.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:07 PM

SO DID I. If you find this offensive...TOO BAD.

Spanfarkle ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:17 PM

Nothing worse than a pissing contest amongst little boy's who have just found it.(Or are still looking)IMHO.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:22 PM

This is unbelievable. I've probably got jeans older than you are. Even when one is trying to be objective and reasonable there's STILL someone around to jump up one's ass. Unbelievable. I don't need this crap. If I wanted to argue, I'd still be married. I'm done here.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:23 PM

This is unbelievable. I've probably got jeans older than you are. Even when one is trying to be objective and reasonable there's STILL someone around to jump up one's ass. Unbelievable. I don't need this crap. If I wanted to argue, I'd still be married. I'm done here.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:23 PM

This is unbelievable. I've probably got jeans older than you are. Even when one is trying to be objective and reasonable there's STILL someone around to jump up one's ass. Unbelievable. I don't need this crap. If I wanted to argue, I'd still be married. I'm done here.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:24 PM

This is unbelievable. I've probably got jeans older than you are. Even when one is trying to be objective and reasonable there's STILL someone around to jump up one's ass. Unbelievable. I don't need this crap. If I wanted to argue, I'd still be married. I'm done here.

Octavio1 ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:25 PM

This is unbelievable. I've probably got jeans older than you are. Even when one is trying to be objective and reasonable there's STILL someone around to jump up one's ass. Unbelievable. I don't need this crap. If I wanted to argue, I'd still be married. I'm done here.

skee ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:31 PM

Sad that we can not learn from the past and that we can not teach those that have all the answers. We have taught our children well. skee

NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large
number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Spanfarkle ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 10:55 PM

You've got that right my friend!

Crescent ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 11:15 PM

Virus and JeffH have been around for a long while and have contributed a lot to the 3D community. Regardless of your feelings in the Edgenet/Jack&Ed issue, there's no reason to take your feelings out on them. Moderators are needed for this site. Personal feelings on the possible split aside, I'm glad to see people step up to help those remaining on the forum, especially those who've contributed so much in the past.

Shay Kit Gurl ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 11:32 PM

If this site were Hitler's Germany then I wouldn't be reading these threads. It would be deleted and you would be banned. Nothing has changed so far. People are still freely speaking their minds. Other members are "free" to speak for against if they chose. What has changed? What is your complaint? You have something personal against the people here, or those who are trying to help? Then I have a solution for you, don't come to the site. Your problem will be solved. When people aren't free to express themselves, even a**holes, then I'll join you. For now don't expect a pat you on the back for every opinion you spout. There will always be an opposing view. It never was like that before the change and I hope it won't be like that afterwards. If you want a one-sided, no oppossing view site; or you want to control the opinions, thoughts and minds of the people, then get your own Radio station.

Shay Kit Gurl ( ) posted Mon, 18 September 2000 at 11:39 PM

My reply was directed at Luna & DRIV

Ironbear ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 5:11 AM

Don't despair completely Luna, we did gain FastTraxx at least... Hmmm. Dont know if that quite balances out. And I agree with ABUU: Virus etc, you're going to be a moderator? And you get into a mispelled schoolyard name calling contest with someone? Boy, that's mature, impartial, sane and adult behavior if I ever saw any... Here's a buck. Go buy yerself some class.

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

  • Monkeysmell

Shay Kit Gurl ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 6:16 AM

I just read on the News forum that DRIV and Luna are the same person. DRIV, speaking in the third person complains Luna has been banned, but not true according to George Deep After this was revealed, I notice by the times of the post DRIV & Luna stop responding to this thread. Interesting, if this is true. Think about it. Weird sh*t.

Schlabber ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 7:08 AM

First: It is spelled "Sieg Heil" Second: Mentioning Holocost in threats is a way that should not be used Third: Don't blame all Germans for the thing only a few had done (don't mean the Holocost - mean the Edgenet thing). Fourth: I must read a lot of threats to answere in more details - I'll contact Rena, Steve and of course Jack for that - then I'll give my comment for this in fully details

Doom Dancer ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 8:59 AM

Umm...I have no "sides" here but, based upon what I have seen I find it hard to swallow how quickly the quality of moderation has fallen. The first stone was cast by a hopeful moderator? I would not go so far as to call this fascisim but, it is definately schoolyard bully tactics.

bergerac ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 9:06 AM

Okay. This one definitely gets my vote for the most delightfully idiotic thread of the moment. Well done!

WallFlower ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 9:36 AM

Dear, dear Luna, Based upon one small confrontation, you would so easily sign me up for moderator status. Put quite simply, I would not want a mod status here at I do not agree with Edgenet's pratices. I also seem to understand that those now in those positions are going to have their hands quite full. I wish them all Luck ahead in the challenges that they will face. Now, as for your personal vendetta against me, I see only one post that I've ever responded to during all of this uproar (you know the one of which I speak). T'is funny how you accuse me of bashing, but cannot in fact take a look at yourself. That was bascially the bottom line of my responses. sighs softly I encourage you to go through your threads again, and see who is being confrontational, (not just the thread I replied to). OH! and Luna... =o) Life is just to precious towaste on this crap. Lighten up and enjoy yourself

Octavio1 ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 10:15 AM

This one is for BAST: One last thought before I split for good: When someone gets in an uproar when even Hitler's name is mentioned, it's apparent to me that that person is going around LOOKING to be offended and WANTS to have something to complain about. Why is it that anyone who lost family (as I did) feel themselves to be the only person on the damn planet with this issue to contend with? I'll bet you fall down on sidewalks just so you can sue the building it borders. I find your comment completely unnaceptable, self-centered, and idiotic. I had tried reason and objective observation, but debating with individuals who cannot interpret the content of a message in the same light is a waste of time. So go WHINE elsewhere. What a bunch of snivelers!

bonestructure ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 12:54 PM

if it acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist, and looks like a fascist, it probably is afascist. I'm out of here. edgenet has made it impossible for anyone with any morals, ethics, talent or conscience to stay here. It breaks my heart, but I have to fo the right thing and be able to look at myself in the mirror

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

Grook ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 8:23 PM

Is Virus really a moderator here? I would fire him immediatly for such an attitude. How completly unproffesional and childish. Isn't "Virus" with the same group of people that most the Poser community has rejected because of their immature attitude? I see then that Edgenet had to search the dark alley's for the 3d homeless after they totally destroyed this community with their greed. Now we have people like "Virus" (please think up a nick that every 16 year old hasn't already chosen) and JeffH plucking their harps and singing their terrible songs as Rome burns. They only pave the way for Jack and Ed to march in and take everything away.

Grook ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 8:30 PM

And one more thing...this "I've been in the 3d community since the Earth was created" crap needs to stop. Many of us such as myself have been here a long f** ing time and have seen nothing of great value come from either JeffH or Virus other then destructive attitudes towards this community. When either of them contribute as Traveler or PhilC etc. have contributed , then they can speak in such a manner. Until then, they are nothing but vindictive and immature little leaches in my eyes.

Ironbear ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 8:40 PM

Heck, I've been doing 3D & CG since 1995, being called a newbie just be cause I only joined Renderosity in May 2000 is kind of amusing. Especially for a place that as I understand it, didn't exist a year and a half to two years ago. If I'd been online before, I'd prolly be an oldie and moldy myself.

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

  • Monkeysmell

Ironbear ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 8:57 PM

By the way... I have no problem with JeffH. As far as I can see, he's never been less than direct and as reasonably polite as the circumstances allowed. In the one exhange I had with him, even though I was fairly angry and well in to jerk mode... He handled the exchange with what I thought was a fair amount of professionalism and reasonableness, considering the ramapant tempers and attitudes raging at the time. He stated at the time that what he wants to do is work with the poser folks, and I havent yet seen any contraindications of that. Kudos. Kudos to any of us who just want to try and do some 3D work in the midst of all this. And a pox on those who just want to bicker and flame. I would not want to be a new moderator stuck in this position to the current situation. You couldnt pay me enough. I have a certain amount of respect for the folks like FastTraxx, Bloodsong, and Jeff who are willing to tackle the job and try to do business without getting drawn into all of the petty BS floating about. Can you just imagine the amount of flak they must be recieving right now? Very few of us would put up with it, Know I wouldn't. The ones who are mods and are seeing this as an opprutunity to sharpen axes and bury knives in backs will weed themselves out as soon as the current crisis is past and theres no more interest in flames and bickering... The rest of us that stay will look around, heave a sigh of relief, shake our heads and go back to trying to do some art, help out the newer folks and do what we came here for. I hope I didn't annoy any one too badly with that, but then again, if I did... too flippin bad. Get a life.

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

  • Monkeysmell

Spanfarkle ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 9:26 PM

I agree with IronBear.I have been in Graphic Arts since before the dawn of computers in this industry. Hell, I remember setting type from a California Job Case with a composing stick.Running a letterpress, offset press, doing intaglio printing, way before the advent of Mac's, PC's, Linux, Unix,etc.I happen to enjoy what has come about nowadays, and it REALLY looks like nothing but a pissing contest lately.Although I am not someone that has produced any work that would be recognized, I am and always will be a Graphic Artist.I love my work and I am always willing to learn something more useful. Good-Bye For now,I really hope some individuals are able to straighten out their problems and resolve their internal conflicts. Time to get back to learning something new. Spanfarkle(;>) alien.gif

Ironbear ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 9:35 PM

Thanks Spanfarkle... when the ebot went off I was afraid it was someone flaming me here... Later on friend.

"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"

  • Monkeysmell

Spanfarkle ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2000 at 9:58 PM

No Problem. 3.gif

JeffH ( ) posted Wed, 20 September 2000 at 2:37 AM

Grook, I don't think you know Virus or me very well at all. Virus is the founder of the Propsguild. He gives so much of himself to the community it's amazing. Can you tell us what you have done? -Jeff H.

Scarab ( ) posted Wed, 20 September 2000 at 2:55 AM

I can do a cartwheel and I say my prayers every night.....can I be in the club too? Scarab

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