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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 21 2:40 am)

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Subject: The Official PoseMagic Diary

nickedshield ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 11:26 PM

I'm about to throw a fly in the ointment: Expressions, how will you handle V3NG's 200+ facial morphs and expressions, or other pre-loaded figures, Aiko, Hiro come to mind. Thought I better bring that up before you got too deeply involved in your coding.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 11:43 PM

Nicked, I can't possibly support everything ;) There are no intentions of supporting facial morphs that have nothing to do with expressive behaviour, and I've never been all that impressed with other people's ideas of expressions such as the ones that come with NG, they are always a little too extreme/comical/not what I would have in mind. The keyword here is "Stock" As I begin to add compatibility with non-DAZ unimesh figures, what we're going to have is supplemental injection files. The Prop should remain the same. You'll see. The first order of non-dazzy business is Apollo, since so many people have been concerned about how PoseMagic works with him. As for Update 3, the focus is finalizing absolutely everything I can do for V3, S3, Aiko, Hiro, David, Mike3, the Lauras and the Lukes and the P5 Alien-Pod people like Judy and the Guy, whatever his name is. Once all that is in place, I'm going to start looking into "3rd Party" -WTB

nickedshield ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 12:33 AM

I wasn't critisizing, just courious on how you would be able to handle them all. It would be one big job. BTW, I'm still having a lot of fun with this:) Especially since the hand problem was resolved.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 1:01 AM

I can't see ever NOT having PoseMagic loaded. Seriously. Unless of course whoever owns poser takes the whole concept and lifts it for P7. Or, P7 somehow completely rewrites how files are handled and manipulated. Of course, if it isn't as easy as PoseMagic, I think I'll stick to P6 ;) -WTB

BastBlack ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 11:37 AM

Dizzi, Got PoseMagic2Pose installed and working on 1.4.1. But I was a little confused by how PoseMagic2Pose works. I guess you have to save a PZ3 with the pose in it, right? I made a pose that combines a library pose and PoseMagic settings. Saved the pz3. Then opened in PoseMagic2Pose. It took awhile for it open, but once it did the other options became available (like which figure and save). Not sure how to choose where to save the pose, so it landed in the same folder that holds PoseMagic2Pose. I did two versions of the save: one with pose, and one with morphs and extras. That's all I time to test for. Will check tonight to see if the new pose PZ2s work. Thanks! bB

Dizzi ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 4:46 PM

Thanks for testing, BastBlack. Beta 7 of PM2P is available now and i also updated the usage instructions.

nruddock ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 8:01 PM

"I can't seem to link IK on and off to dials."

Check the Poser Technical forum, you've got scripts ;)

BastBlack ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 8:35 PM


Thanks, Dizzi. I'll try the new one and read the directions. ;) I looked at what I did this morning. Everything looks good. Only one glitch I found, -- hand poses. I think this has to do with ERC. I attached a quick render of the converted and applied pose. I think the hand had used the Grasp dial. bB

Photopium ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 9:05 PM

BastBlack - Open the Prop in text pad under edit, go to replace replace all "static 1" with "static 0" That should clear up the grasp issue -WTB

BastBlack ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 9:31 PM

I'm not sure I follow. What prop? The original PoseMagic prop? The prop inside the PZ3 file (which was used to create the PoseMagic2Pose file? Or open the converted PoseMagic2Pose PZ2 file to edit? bB

Photopium ( ) posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 10:00 PM
  1. The prop inside of Props folder, the original 2. Follow above in textpad 3. ressave over old 4. In poser, select flawed Prop. Hit ctrl-C to copy parameter dials. 5. Delete flawed prop. 6. re-load fixed prop. 7. Select it, hit ctrl-v to continue working on pose That should fix current and future problems with grasp. -WTB

Dizzi ( ) posted Wed, 04 January 2006 at 3:38 AM

Oh, i broke that static fix i included with the animation support again ;-) I'll fix that when i'm home. (Who knows when the PoseMagic update for that gets through the rendo queue.)

Photopium ( ) posted Wed, 04 January 2006 at 1:03 PM

Had a great day of coding yesterday. Update 1 should hit anytime now and update 2 will go on the queue a very short time after that, so a week or so from whenever 1 makes it. Update 2 is very thorough and complete for Millenial figures. Any updates after that might be bundled as expansion packs for specific Characters with their own wacky idiosyncrisies. Good lord, I can't spell today. Bad news though that will probably slow me down a lot: I seem to have somehow broken my right elbow without even recalling any painful incident that might have caused such a thing. My arm has been kind of hurting for a couple of days and last night it took itself up a notch and kept me up all night tossing and turning. The elbow is swollen and I went to the ER this morning to get it checked out. They of course told me nothing, put me in a sling, gave me darvosets and wrote me off to a Orthopedic Surgeon, saying that they could not see around my swollen Pad on the elbow to determine if anything was broken or not. To make matters worse, I had to take one of my two cats to the Humane Society today, I just couldn't live with him anymore. He was always a loud cat and he always disrupted my sleep (or prevented it) with yowling all over the house. Since I have moved into my current location with a new roomate, I no longer have only myself to think of and last night was the clincher when I noticed that RM was up at 3:30 in the morning, unable to get back to sleep largely due to said Cat. He's the sort of guy who loves the cat and wouldn't ask for me to get rid of it to preserve his own health and sanity, so I had to decide to do what needed to be done. I really hope that update is available for y'all today, as a bit of good news would be really welcome at this point :S -WTB

nickedshield ( ) posted Wed, 04 January 2006 at 2:42 PM

Hope nothing is too serious with elbow. I don't know what is worse, a yowling cat at 3.30 or a loud barking dog. At least the neighbor's dog finally died, old age.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Wed, 04 January 2006 at 11:16 PM

go to your account where your downloads are stored and the update should be in place

pokeydots ( ) posted Wed, 04 January 2006 at 11:22 PM

Got the update Thanks ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 11:53 AM

Attached Link:

This zulu character has really attempted to trash PoseMagic in the Poser Forum.

noggin ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 12:48 PM

William, sounds to me your elbow is a victim of too much PoseMagic tweaking!! Try Olecranon bursitis in your google!_ see if it fits the bill! I too got the update_thanks. As a purely dispassionate customer I can certainly state that this product is not just glorified (or inferior) IK! Although the tecnology may not be this, it seems to me that what it does is provide a reasonably universal Easi-pose like function to Poser humanoid figures. William has seemly programmed in anatomically proportionate movement patterns across two or more joint sets to enable easier and anatomically plausible posing. I think the leap of brilliance is creating a system that allows all this to be accessed from a single set of nested parameter dials that can be applied over multiple figure types. It's a simple idea but often the best ones are! As a content developer/ merchant I'm jealous_because I think it results from a good lateral thinking brain and I wish William great success with it. I wouldn't mind betting that you'll find this type of function in the next version of Poser and/or D/S. Of course the programme won't produce Firebirdz quality poses (get real folks!) but it is a great way of starting before the fine tweaking begins!

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 12:58 PM

Firebirdz, eh? lol you've layed down the gauntlet I'm going to investigate and see what I can do with PM to produce Firebirdz quality poses :D -WTB, who will first look into Olecranon bursitis before going for the challenge

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 1:01 PM

Noggin do you mind if I cut/paste your text into the other thread where PoseMagic is under attack?

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 1:09 PM

That's gotta be it. At least it's not broken then, phew. Hopefully I can return to work quickly! Amazing how much it hurts, it really does feel like a break. Thanks for the tip, Dr. Noggin! -WTB

nickedshield ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 1:23 PM

Bill, As I mentioned earlier I can be rough on software and so far, ouside of the one glitch I mentioned and you fixed, I haven't seen anything really to grumble about, especially with the new version out. One point, I don't care who makes a pose, it usually requires some minor tweaking to fit the concept. PS I have been a dancer so I know who my body can and cannot bend:)

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 1:48 PM

The challenge, indirectly made, is to use PoseMagic to create Firebirdz quality poses. I completely agree that Firebirdz sets the quality standard in posing. For the first experiment, I will apply a firebirdz pose and use pose magic to restore Inna here to her default zeroed position. I have selected this Firebirdz pose. I have 2:48 on the clock

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 1:58 PM


Ug, problems uploading to thread

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:05 PM

okay, by 3:04 I've ironed out the figure with PoseMagic, just a couple of finer tuned things that I could adjust. Now I will zero out the figure and reverse all settings on PoseMagic and see how close we get

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:14 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity


Okay, by this process I almost got there.

Circumvent ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:16 PM

William I went to my downloads and the link wasn't there. Am I going to the right place for the new updates? TIA. Adrian

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:21 PM


Now, without reverse engineering, I will attempt to duplicate the firebirdz pose of the figure on the right using only posemagic

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:24 PM

anon, hmm, I have no idea. I think you should ask in the marketplace support forum what's going on. Others are getting it sucessfully, you might have a glitch or something. -WTB

noggin ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:37 PM

Bloody Hell William the Bloody_ it was not a challenge!!! Rest that elbow now!!!! I'll post in the thread_ it would be more appropriate I think!

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:47 PM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity


Thanks for posting to the other thread that great testimonial. Don't worry about the elbow, I go tomorrow to get it looked into by an Ortho-Surgeon. It doesn't hurt quite as badly today, or the meds are just working better, not sure which. I gotta keep myself entertained, so the "challenge" has been very fun. Here are the side-by-sides of PoseMagic versus Firebirdz! without reverse engineering, just eyeballing it. Note with Universal Magic Mags in place, I was able to ammend my pose with natural breast fall and movement. I think I like mine just a little better than the firebirdz :)

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 2:51 PM

25 minutes between posts, and that's with alternating from answering IM's, reading email responses on threads and so forth. Probably 10 minutes of actual posing to match Firebirdz! results. I'd say you can truly achieve just about anything with PoseMagic! -WTB

Dizzi ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 5:06 PM · edited Thu, 05 January 2006 at 5:09 PM

Beta 8 of PM2P is available now. Probably the last beta. Message edited on: 01/05/2006 17:09

blonderella ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 11:05 PM

wow WTB, her uhhh, sweater kittens look SO realistic in that pose, how incredible! I think that's the most realistic I've ever seen them look on a Poser model...OUTSTANDING! ;D~ Karen

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Photopium ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 11:26 PM

lol thanks :)

blonderella ( ) posted Thu, 05 January 2006 at 11:34 PM · edited Thu, 05 January 2006 at 11:36 PM

and hey, WTB...I do like yours WAY more than Firebirdz! really, I've been staring at the poses (and the sweater kittens...hehehe) on and off for 20 minutes now, and I hafta say that you kicked @ss on that one! hey, it's not every day you see realism like that on virtual boobies LOLOL ;P yes I'm a girl, but I just cant get over it! hehehe

Message edited on: 01/05/2006 23:36

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Photopium ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 1:33 AM

All I have to do is rewrite the readme. Here's what's new: Split Controls on limbs (ie one leg to front, one leg back) Cleaner files (You won't notice this unless you're on P4 or Pro pack. More Logical Group Trees IK specific dials for feet and hands. (Note, failed to make a Turn IK on/off dial, you still have to do that manually) JCM adjustments for all millenial figures. M3 Genital support Added Glute and bicep flex dials and a couple other morph slaves that might be useful in animation or eliminaing bad joint effects. Added Hiro/Aiko Expression control For Poser 4 and Pro Pack users: Added HideAll/ShowAll/Show X poses so you can trim down your PoseMagic interface for less scrolling through such a long list. Turn on only what you need when you need it. Finally, custom expressions as discussed in post 36 in this thread. I believe this makes PoseMagic complete, and adding much more would start to make it overbearing and memory consuming. Of course I'll keep my ear to the ground for suggestions. -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 1:34 AM

Aww crap, ya know, I forgot to think about Don, Judy, and the P5 kids. That'll be update 3 down the pike. -WTB

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 5:39 AM


Hi er hail, er whatever. I have tried for days to make a motorcycle pose using standard poser and never got this close. I really really love pose magic, and only used it for the first time on this pose and it took me less than thirty minutes. Now I have a question. (probably not really related to posemagic). The motorcycle (daz hog) is a separate figure, and the steering wheel with turn dial is a separate body part. Is it possible to keep the hands on the steering when I turn the steering? What do you think would be the best/easiest way to do this. Love esther ps I noticed her feet but I will have some boots on her in the final pics.


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

Photopium ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 8:02 AM

I recommend using the TorsoTwist dial when you turn the steering.

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 8:07 AM

Wwhen I turn the steering her hands are stuck onto the handlebars but her butt comes off. Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

nickedshield ( ) posted Fri, 06 January 2006 at 8:28 AM

""For Poser 4 and Pro Pack users: Added HideAll/ShowAll/Show X poses so you can trim down your PoseMagic interface for less scrolling through such a long list. Turn on only what you need when you need it."" Very cool:) I was just about to ask about that and you beat me to it.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

nickedshield ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 8:39 PM

WTB. Using PPP, version 3 is not ready for prime time yet. I haven't gone through all of the dials but quiet a few of the arm, shoulder, collar functions are not working.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 8:41 PM

Hmmm, strange... Will get on this -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 9:12 PM

Okay, I don't have PPP but on P6 everything works. Everything is basically coded the same, so no reason that some things would work and others not on PPP. Couple of possible solutions leap to mind: How's your memory? Did you delete any pre-existing posemagic props from your scene? If everything is cool and you're still having problems, please tell me what figure you're using etc. Thanks -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 9:16 PM

I had a report about show/hide elements not working. On P6, everything works and I don't know about P4 or pro pack but sometimes I have to go to something else then come back to the thing I'm changing before the changes appear. This was notorious in P5 but is a little better in p6.

Circumvent ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 11:53 PM · edited Sun, 08 January 2006 at 11:55 PM

I got the update you sent via E Mail. I'm kind of confused with the First figure and the Second figure and Third figure feature. For example I've applied it to the MIL 3 baby and when I do, the expressions don't work but some of the other features work great. I don't know if im doing something wrong or it doesn't work with that particular model. Let me know what I'm doing wrong. Otherwise I think the updates are awesome. Adrian

Message edited on: 01/08/2006 23:55

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 08 January 2006 at 11:59 PM

first second and third are for multiple figures. Let's say I've got V3, M3 and the baby I want PoseMagic for all three (naturally) so I'll do V3 first and load First Figure PoseMagic on her. Then I'll select M3 and apply 2nd to him, and 3rd to the baby When I do this, i'm injecting the pz2 to the right character, respectively. Ya know, I haven't checked the baby and it's expressions. I think I just assumed they'd be the same for the most part. I will look into that. -WTB

Circumvent ( ) posted Mon, 09 January 2006 at 12:10 AM

William Thanks for the response. I am still working with it as we speak. Adrian

Photopium ( ) posted Mon, 09 January 2006 at 12:12 AM

You're very welcome! Okay, I've tested the baby and expressions and all are fine, so I think that perhaps it was the uncertainty with the first, second, third thing that may be causing a hang-up. If you're doing a multi-figure scene, make sure the Baby has it's own chain of PoseMagic otherwise it will cross-talk and get all goofy with any other PoseMagics with the same first, second or third designation. Hope that helps!

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