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Subject: The poor mans take... (What happened to the OT forum?)

MatCreator ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 5:16 AM · edited Thu, 25 July 2024 at 11:37 PM

Attached Link:


OK people, Ill admit... I dont make "billions" off sales from my products like some of you guys may think :)

Mind you, not that I need to explain or justify myself, my methods or practices, my reasons or my actions and/or my beliefs, Ill do so so that we have a better understanding of how I operate...

I use a Yahoo/Geocities account for pretty much everything I do with regards to "MatCreator"... My email account, my website, yahoo groups, all that "neat and keen "stuff"... I dont or never have had a "problem" with Yahoo, as I have heard so many people claim. Its free, and as far as I am concerned and for my own personal needs, simply put "it gets the job done", and I am and have been OK with it.

As Ive said before on many occassions, I truly enjoy making "stuff" for all you guys. I remember when I began this "journey" I was truly dependant on the help, advice and knowledge of other members of the graphics community, and of course, the presets they shared. The information and files they freely passed were of great help, and in that, I pleased to be able to give back to the community...

In that, I dont feel its right for people to expect or obligate others to incur expen$e$ in order to share files or information...

"Never look a gifthorse in the mouth"

Even better...

"Take what you can and RUN... RUN REAL FAST!!!" :P

C'mon folks... Youd think some people have never seen a someone with a geocities website before... Yea, its hard getting stuff on the 1st few days, DUH :P Maybe I should make crappy stuff so that no one wanted it and you could access my site easier. Maybe I should mass mail everyone in the graphics community with the files. Maybe I should shove these files right up some of ye.............. Maybe I should get off my duff, put in a few extra hours at work and pay for hosting right?!?

Hey, Im a sick man. I have this Italian disease you see. "Myfundsarelow". Do a Google search...

(((Its real funny when you say it fast :P)))

Heck, they "make money" at these sites, and they cant host the free stuff we have (just ask ClintH the multi-billionaire)... Remember, Im just one of the little guys. A pee-on. A nobody... Look at my gallery... No ones there :P Add a free item at Geocities and I become Public Enemy Number One... Thats not nice!

Dont get me wrong, I do appreciate the handful of fans that will take time from their daily activities in order to write me an email telling me how I suck, how I should pay for hosting, can you send me the files (which, I DO DO at times mind you!!! Out of "kindness") and my all time favorite was when someone took their time from their busy schedule to write me about how they "didnt" want my stuff... Exqueeze me?!? Yea folks, its getting pretty bad... Im getting more emails about my site/freebies than comments in my gallery :P

Be kind, Rewind! John 3:16!! Carpe Diem! Dont tip my cow!!!

A little patience, goes a long way folks... The files are there, and will be there (well, unless something "uncool" happens :P). You can always come back to access the files at another time... I dont think that thats asking too much. For "FREE" stuff...

Besides, Im saving all my earnings to generate an evil army of sheep clones w/ lazer beam eyes to take over the world... Im not about to go squandering my earnings on hosting when I have that In the works :P

Hey, thats my bit for today... Peace and cheese grease folks :)

There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those that can count, and those that can't..

IO4 ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 9:08 AM

I can't believe people have the nerve to write to you and complain about stuff you have so kindly gone out of your way to provide for nothing for others! I'm sure though there are many others who do love your freebies, but just don't get round to thanking you, and I for one think you have a very interesting and creative gallery😄 Don't let ignorance stop you doing what you love.

Beginners tutorials for Bryce

Bryce Arena

CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 9:17 AM

Yeah, don't let the naysayers get you down. They're like little, yappy dogs that don't understand anything but barking at the world. I couldn't begin to list all of the kind folks who have made it possible for me to make and enjoy 3D art. The programmers who write a lot of the free software I use, the artists who create free content for me to use, the great folks here at R'osity that provide a place for me to show off the little things I make and that give me an opportunity to interact with other wonderful people, and all the other artists that are willing to take the time to share their experience, insights, and suggestions. Most of the good people are quiet, that's all. But I feel confident we're in the majority. 😄

Keep the faith, and keep your chin up. Being creative and sharing that gift with the world is right at the top of the list of good things to do in this life, IMO. Let the dogs yap, and pay 'em no mind.

Captain Jack

MatCreator ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 2:23 PM

Thanks all, I truly appreciate the support :)

I didnt want to come off as griping (yea right :P) but rather than just state the problem, Id like to point out the solution...

In my opinion, it is just as easy to email the sharer personally and privately if you feel there is something wrong w/ the site and/or download... I think it is "rather tacky" to post such remarks publicly and associate them w/ the item in question... I consider it heckling, rude, and distasteful... I am not one who is only seeking praise in his work, constructive criticism is always welcome, but "Can't download any of your items ! Change the host !!!" and the like is neither constructive nor criticism... And man, the emails!!! Im so amazed that people take time to write stuff like that!

Ill also admit I am wrong in thinking that everyone should know what and how a Geocities website works, and for that, again I apologize. Still, I dont think it necessary to announce that something is wrong w/ the site... That can be said in private, out of courtesy... Just think......

"Hey wife, you have a piece of broccolli stuck between your teeth!"

"Hey Chuck, whats that hanging under your nose!"

"Fran, your slip is showing!!!"

Not denying that the people dont need to be made aware of the situation, put youre not going to shout these things out in a crowd or around people... And what people are telling me in private is seriously of a differnt nature... These, are the idiots of society for sure.....

Dont want to make a big issue of this... Want to keep it short and simple... Just please email me privately if you think something is wrong. Im a nice guy, no need for drama.

There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those that can count, and those that can't..

Star4mation ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 2:43 PM

There's some ungreatful buggers out there!! If it werent for the likes of you giving away quality items (Yes Quality! just cos it's free dont mean it aint good stuff) I'd still be drawing in the sand with a stick!!! Like you I have that terrable Italian desese onlly a more chronic version "Myfundsarenil" If I put all my disposable income into a beggers bowl he'd call me a skinflint!!! LOL

Long live freebee creators however they get their freebees to us (I''ve not had any probs with Geocities your stuff has always been available to download first visit for me) 

Good on ya Mate :)

If it ain't free, I can't afford it.

Giolon ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 11:22 PM

I feel that one of the best decisions I've made for myself in the past year was purchaing my own webspace.  I found a provider with an incredible deal compared to most of what I'd seen out there: for less than $7 a month I have: 5GB of space, 400GB of transfer (that's like...nearly unlimited), my own domain name, and tons of extra support for running galleries, content management systems, and if I even desired, stores.

Ok, I'm starting to sound like a shill here, but honestly I'm not.  That's why I haven't mentioned who my webhost is (though if you ask, I'll certainly tell you).  I searched for a few weeks and I found many, MANY webhosts that cost up to double with only a fraction the storage and bandwidth limits (500MB space and 20GB of transfer for $15/month? no thanks).

You may think "man these people are ungrateful asses!", but don't you ever think they may have have at least some validity to their complaints about unavailability?  Don't you ever feel frustrated that you cannot rely on your content to be available and ready to go for all who want it?  I know that I did when I was in a similar situation with the high resolution images I wanted to provide to my fans.

Now, by no means am I saying you're wrong, or that you yourself don't have a point.  I'm just trying to come out and say that I was able to make myself and my fans (and my family) happier by spending an extremely reasonably small amount of money to ensure the stability of my gallery.  You might consider that for yourself.


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Tue, 24 October 2006 at 11:51 PM · edited Tue, 24 October 2006 at 11:51 PM

Quote - I found a provider with an incredible deal compared to most of what I'd seen out there: for less than $7 a month I have: 5GB of space, 400GB of transfer (that's like...nearly unlimited), my own domain name, and tons of extra support for running galleries, content management systems, and if I even desired, stores.

:ohmy: Id be interested in that myself Giolon


Renderosity Community Admin

MatCreator ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 4:20 AM

Honestly, people only go to my site for free things... I dont want to pay for hosting to make things easier for people just to come and download... That may sound cruel, callous, and make me look like a cheap @$$ sob miser mean grumpy old man, but free for you also means free for me (actually, if you think of the time, effort and energy I put into my products, I am already "losing")...

I am a real nice guy, but I am also a starving artist :P

Also, my "actual" items are hosted for free, no worries of bandwidth limits and such... My site goes down when a rush of 500 or so people are trying to access the same page at once... Seriously, its only like the first few days when its bad, but in these past few days, Ive recieved many nasty emails and negative posts associated w/ my stuff...

The message reads for visitors to come back... Thats really not asking too much. Id think people would want to to make sure they get the item. Not to mention that each and every time someone has asked me to mail them the file I have... When I started telling people I was running a HotLine server, it shifts to, "are you going to access my files", "am I going to get a virus", "is this really free"... Seems like no matter how you try to offer stuff, youll always find that handful that make you sick of being nice :)

But hey, Im "open" to ideas and new things... So who is that host you speak of?!?

There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those that can count, and those that can't..

KarenJ ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 6:24 AM

Attached Link: 1and1 Hosting

MatCreator, does your ISP give free hosting? Many ISPs give you a small amount of hosting space with your account. It's not huge but probably more than Geocities, especially as you're only talking about page views - your actual freebie files are hosted elsewhere, aren't they?

Alternatively there are a lot of good, cheap hosts out there. I host with 1and1 on their "business" level, but they do a "beginner" package for £2.34 a month (about $4.50 I think) which has these features:

  • 8 pages free WebsiteBuilder
  • 250 MB web space
  • 20 IMAP/POP3 accounts
  • 3 GB monthly traffic

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

Giolon ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 11:37 AM

Ok, I honestly never expected that I'd receive so many PMs!  But in the interest of letting people get the info easily: my current host is on the basic plan.  I've had them for about 6 months and couldn't be more pleased.

I didn't want to come in here and be like "OMG go use these guys!" for fear of looking like a corporate plant.  I swear, I'm not getting paid. ;)~  If anyone has recommendations for a host w/ an even better deal, hey, do share!


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 12:07 PM

beware of vendors offering huge amounts of transfer (bandwidth) per month. in my experience it's always bait-n-switch. in reality, the most free transfer they can afford is less than 3 GB per month per customer. they will quickly come up with hidden fees and charges if ya exceed that.

Giolon ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 12:11 PM

I regularly use 40GB+ bandwidth per month, and there have been none of these hidden fees you speak of.  It's all been on the up and up and exactly as the contract stated.


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 1:41 PM

maybe you missed the keyword "free" in my message, gio. if yer payin for it, they can afford more transfer, particularly downloads. I daresay ya must upload alotta freebies if yer doin' 40 GB per month.

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Wed, 25 October 2006 at 10:19 PM

Whoa! Thanks for sharing that info Giolon! Guess i know where Im headed 😉


Renderosity Community Admin

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 10:59 AM

Well, after talking with them via live chat this morning {Lunarpages} I was hooked and ready to send off my first payment come the 1st...however, I decided to call them as well, and at the end of the call, I was told that I had to send in the payment for the entire year...that I would not be able to pay by the month as some hosts allow...that kind of shot it for me :sad:...I read the entire website, and I never expected to be told didnt say that anywhere....maybe Im just dumb or something LOL, never did the whole host thing with my own domain...ahh well, live and learn I guess 😄

Thanks for the heads up tho anyways Giolon, its a very nice package, unfortunately I cant afford that much at one time right now.


Renderosity Community Admin

Giolon ( ) posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 11:49 AM

That's too bad, js2. :(  If you find something that works out super well for you, I'm sure the community will want you to share!


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 12:28 PM

Oh and share I will 😉
I have been looking at this stuff and its hard to find just what you brain is melting :lol:


Renderosity Community Admin

Acadia ( ) posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 6:21 PM · edited Thu, 26 October 2006 at 6:25 PM

Attached Link: 1 and 1

I use 1&1.   For $3.74 per month I get the following plus more. For the Home package you can pay in 2 installments (1 every 6 months):

Web Space: 100 GB

Monthly Transfer Volume: 1,000 GB

FTP Accounts : 10

E-mail Account : 1,000

Mailbox space: 2 GB

E-mail Aliases : 2,000


and tons more......

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Giolon ( ) posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 6:41 PM

Interestingly...Lunarpages upgraded their Basic Plan today to:

35GB Storage
800GB of Transfer / month

For the same price as about excessive limits!

1and1's deal looks great and at a reasonable level of transfer/storage too!  It wasn't that good back when I signed up for Lunarpages 6 months ago.  I remember looking at them as a candidate for me. :)


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Fri, 27 October 2006 at 5:01 AM · edited Fri, 27 October 2006 at 5:08 AM

Attached Link:

Ok gang, told ya Id share if I found something ~hehe~ I think this one covers almost everything...The plan Im getting is the 'All in One' package.

It includes some of the stuff below, but there is alot more you can see at the link.

What I am going to be spending is $26.43 every 3 months. Since Im not getting a 1 or 2 yr plan, I have to buy my domain and that is only $11.95 for one year. {they have one for less than $3.00 per year, but I dont want that one.}

Roughly $8.81 per month for the whole shebang...not too bad. Might be a bit more per month, but at least I can pay it in increments so that helps me.

My total startup is going to be $38.38 and they take Paypal, CC and online checks, {also reg. checks}

Also you can get private domain registration at any time ;)

Setup Fee: Normally $20 is now Free
Quarterly $8.81/mo. -10% discount
Semi-Annual $8.32/mo. -15% discount
Annual $7.83/mo. -20% discount
2 Year $6.85/mo. -30% discount

5,000 MB Disk storage space
50 GB Monthly (~5,000,000 hits) Data Transfer{can add 10GB extra for $2.50 per month} Wow I dont think I will get that many hits per month :lol:
Unlimited Virtual Websites per account
1000 Pop-3 email accounts {Each with 100MB quota}

Website Management Tools {Too many to list here}
Website Design Tools {Design Pal, Site Builder, Unlimited FTP Etc..}

Domain options {several}
Host Unlimited Virtual Websites per account
Free Domain with purchase of 1 or 2 year package}

Unlimited Domain Parking

Unlimited SubDomains

Ecommerce Website Hosting

Website Marketing
Marketing tools
Search engine submissions

Forums etc...


Renderosity Community Admin

Seliah ( ) posted Sat, 28 October 2006 at 8:04 PM · edited Sat, 28 October 2006 at 8:07 PM


Speaking as someone who DOES have a few things in the Freebies section, here...

Yahoo and Geocities, while I never really had any 'problems' with them, the MOMENT you put a freebie up, you ARE going to 'go down'. Instantly.

I have my own webspace. For me, it's not a problem to pay for it, it has a huge amount of storage and bandwidth, ftp, forums, etc, pretty much anything I want. But I don't use it just for my poser website, it gets used to host up my various sig graphics for forums-related roleplaying that I do elsewhere. So, for me, it's a cost yes, to pay for it like I do... but the result is that when I put freebies up, I don't go over bandwidth.

Now, on the flip side : anyone who sends a note or pm complaining loudly and obnoxiously about the site being down should be told to stuff it where the sun don't shine, in my not so humble opinion. Yes, they have a point in that when you put a freebie up, it SHOULD BE AVAILABLE reliably. I understand that. However, it took me three years before I even bothered to purchase proper web space.

  • Not everyone has the money to pay for web space.
  • However, if you don't, the fact IS GOING TO BE that WHENEVER you add a new download, your bandwidth usage WILL spike for about the first week after, and you WILL likely see your freebie webspace temporarily shut down due to going over bandwidth.
  • The individual using said webspace should not be surprised when it happens.
  • The people downloading from said webspace should not be surprised when it happens.

And yes it is a 'when' not an 'if', because especially on R'osity, the folks are notorious for downloading like there's no tomorrow to get all of the new freebies into their HDs and they give very little care for the bandwidth it uses on the part of the creator - until the site is down and they can't get that freebie that they want. THEN they either accept it and wait patiently for it to come back up, or they complain. If they complain in a civil manner to me, I've been known to even email my freebies to them - AS LONG AS THEY ARE CIVIL!!

If you complain to me and insult me or curse me out or are in general rude and obnoxious then nope, I'll simply tell you to wait for the space to go back up and let it rot at that.

For what it's worth - that's my take on it. If all you have th desire or the funds for, is the free Yahoo space, that's cool. You make do with what you CAN. Those of us who ARENT "TOP SELLERS" generally don't or won't have paid-for webspace unless there's an extraneous reason for us to do so. shrugs

People will deal with it. Everyone does. It's only a matter of HOW they deal with it that makes the issue 'unbearable' or 'not bearable at all.'

Personally, as long as they are civil emails or pms sent to me, I will bend over backwards to help them get the item they want. But if they are rude little sob's then they can rot for all I care.

'Nuff said, signing off. ; )

~ Seliah
Childe of Fyre

svdl ( ) posted Sun, 29 October 2006 at 2:58 AM

My personal experience with free hosting sites is rather bad. I've tried them for hosting my freebies, and invariably the site got shut down within a day. Not temporarily but permanently.

That's why I stick to hosting my freebies on my own home server, which is always on. No traffic limit. No storage limit (well, up to the  size of the disks, that is, but we're talking dozens of gigabytes here). The only downside is the speed - I'm on DSL with 700 Kbit/sec upstream speed, which means the downloads are not fast.

I'm working on a Web interface for freebie providers. I expect to finish it around the Christmas holidays. When it's done, you can sign up and upload your freebies, I'll host them for free. No advertisements, no fees, hidden or otherwise, no limits. A few restrictions will apply: I will ONLY host freebies, no commercial items, and warez will not be tolerated.

The pen is mightier than the sword. But if you literally want to have some impact, use a typewriter

My gallery   My freestuff

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