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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 11 2:52 am)

Subject: Antonia - Opinions?

SaintFox ( ) posted Wed, 18 August 2010 at 6:10 PM

No ebots again....

first: Winkewinke xuu4u!!!! Das sind super Posen, da ein fantastischer Ausgangspunkt für weitere Experimente.

And BlueEcho: The Tony Polygon character comes with some lights fot both versions, VSS (slightly dimmed) and "classic" material system. Maybe these are of help for you.

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

Faery_Light ( ) posted Wed, 18 August 2010 at 6:48 PM
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Sf, I did decide to use the lights that came with your tex set.
I used light #3 with AO and got beautiful results. :)
Later tonight I will post the image in my gallery here.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Faery_Light ( ) posted Wed, 18 August 2010 at 11:37 PM
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Looks like it will be tomorrow before I can upload that image.
My hands and arms are really bad tonight.
Hurts to even type a bit.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

odf ( ) posted Wed, 18 August 2010 at 11:39 PM
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Sorry if I haven't been around much lately. I've got sidetracked by another Poser-related project. But I haven't forgotten about Antonia, I promised.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.

masha ( ) posted Thu, 19 August 2010 at 1:47 AM

Think we'd harass you no end if you did  odf   ;)   All the ppl who have contributed in some way would feel pretty let down too I'd guess,  though  a break with something new to challenge you  is probably  refreshenating.

I just wish Phantom3D would have had as many contributors of knowledgable  ppl to his marvelous  Brad project  aside from a bunch of us us ooh-ing and ahh-ing.   He seems to be taking an extended break from it all for now too.

Exciting as the Lux project is, (very). Antonia is getting moody at being shunted aside.
You do know about women being scorned and all that? :)

masha ( ) posted Thu, 19 August 2010 at 1:55 AM

Winkewinke xuu4u!!!!   I love that winkewinke bit SaintFox :)  Don't know what it means but it sounds like what I would say too.

Thanks for the poses xuu4, they look great and terrifically well balanced. Did you use ref pics for them, or are they some kind of motion caps?   Gonna try them out after this. :) 
So long.

xuu4u ( ) posted Thu, 19 August 2010 at 9:47 AM · edited Thu, 19 August 2010 at 10:01 AM

Quote -
Thanks for the poses xuu4, they look great and terrifically well balanced. Did you use ref pics for them, or are they some kind of motion caps?   Gonna try them out after this. :) 
So long.

Glad to hear that people like the pose package.

As mentioned in the Readme File, the inspiration for this poses are taken from
Adam Thwaites - Snakegirl for V4 (commercial product i bougth at his site)
and some of Adams free Poses for V4.

Loaded V4 , applied adams poses to V4, placed Antonia beside her and started posing
Antonia like V4 with my Interpretations.

After i  was satisfied with basic look, i created a promo scene , to verify the look and
do the fine-tuning. (For creating the pose thumbs too).
Besides that i checked all Posefiles for correctness (Centered, Correct on Floor, Body-Angle) ...
The Last Step before packing was to check every pose file with D3D's PoserFileEditor ,
and  adjusting  the Poser Version Number to 6, so People Using P6 or P7 dont get that annoying Version Dialog.

Quite a peace of work for a little pose package, but in first
its real fun to work with Antonia and in second a good way to give something back
to this nice community.

masha ( ) posted Thu, 19 August 2010 at 6:17 PM

And this nice community surely appreciates it too.:)  Thanks for the detailed explain, gives good insight to how to re-create and adapt existing poses for Antonia as well  as how to package well.  Fine work indeed.

proxi ( ) posted Sat, 28 August 2010 at 4:11 AM

Best rigged model for poser i ever seen.

Head morph for Antonia low resolution version. Just load *.obj as morph target.

SaintFox ( ) posted Mon, 30 August 2010 at 12:49 PM

LOL @ masha:  This is "Winkewinke"

...and now I very much hope that I will get ebots again when someone posts here!!!

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

Rogerbee1 ( ) posted Mon, 30 August 2010 at 1:07 PM

Got one when you did, LOL!


SaintFox ( ) posted Mon, 30 August 2010 at 3:53 PM

Me too, me too!!!!
And now I will stop hi-jacking this thread!

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

edgeverse ( ) posted Mon, 30 August 2010 at 4:08 PM

Looking awesome so far.

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

proxi ( ) posted Wed, 01 September 2010 at 2:50 AM

I remap UV Antonia low resolution. New UV useful for Zbrush and other paint application.

Use with UVMapper - 

cyberscape ( ) posted Thu, 09 September 2010 at 10:32 PM


I'm finally getting around to playing with Poser and Antonia again. Just bumping the thread and...

Antonia wants to know....


AMD FX-9590 4.7ghz 8-core, 32gb of RAM, Win7 64bit, nVidia GeForce GTX 760

PoserPro2012, Photoshop CS4 and Magix Music Maker


...and when the day is dawning...I have to say goodbye...a last look back into...your broken eyes.

masha ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 12:29 AM

Just popped in and was going to thank you proxi, but hotfile  gave this msg:

"This file is either removed due to copyright claim or is deleted by the uploader."

Maybe someone has already put it into Antonia's download page tho - going to check.

Nope, can't see it there. ;(

cyberscape  we're just waiting for that no-goodnik odf  to spend himself on that Luxpose thing and return. :)

odf ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 12:51 AM
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-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.

Faery_Light ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 1:15 AM
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Just popping in to see if there's anything happening. :)

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

odf ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 5:41 AM
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Content Advisory! This message contains nudity


Well, Antonia got a bit bored with the same old Firefly routine every time, so I promised to show her other renderers. We'll be back soon.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.

proxi ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 7:05 AM

Reupload + add new version UV with biger head area and separate map for brows-lashes opacity.

proxi ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 7:20 AM


masha ( ) posted Fri, 10 September 2010 at 5:17 PM

That worked, thanks for sharing proxi :)

Odf, Antonia's expression seems a tad sceptical to me.  :)   It's that soon word.

Realistic lighting of Lux will be a great boon but I'm going to hang out till the coming GPU  version will make animation feasible.
Great works in progress. :)

lesbentley ( ) posted Mon, 13 September 2010 at 12:48 AM

Hi all,

Just setting a bookmark so I don't loose track of things.

SaintFox ( ) posted Thu, 16 September 2010 at 12:55 PM

Me too 😉

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

odf ( ) posted Thu, 16 September 2010 at 6:51 PM
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Hi folks,

I've actually done a little bit of work on Antonia the other day and merged the last little JP fixes into the master file. The one big thing that's missing now is to write an automatic checker to go through the CR2 and look for any asymmetries and other inconsistencies.

I'll be going to Germany next week, and might end up spending a lot of time at my mother's place in desperate need of some way to pass the time. So it's possible I'll have a go at that task there and then.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.

Bejaymac ( ) posted Thu, 23 September 2010 at 9:19 AM

I don't suppose someone's done a no gen morph for Antonia yet, cyberscape's 2nd skin swimsuit's are nice but that 'cameltoe' is too much 🤤

Cage ( ) posted Thu, 23 September 2010 at 3:34 PM


Here's the morph I've been using for a spandex effect on Antonia's hip2 actor.  It's perhaps not the best morph possible, unfortunately.  It smooths out the genital crease and, to a lesser extent, the buttock crease.  There is some disagreement between this morph and the thigh bend JCMs, which I couldn't figure out how to fix.  As a result, deep leg bends can still result in some degree of a "cameltoe" effect.

The attachment is a .zip file posted as .txt, containing the .obj for the morph.


Cage can be an opinionated jerk who posts without thinking.  He apologizes for this.  He's honestly not trying to be a turkeyhead.

Cage had some freebies, compatible with Poser 11 and below.  His Python scripts were saved at, along with the rest of the Morphography site, where they were hosted.

odf ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 5:25 AM
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This is tricky stuff because we're trying to influence subtle details very close to the rotation axes for the thighs. I think any morph that changes the shape of this area in a significant way would have to come with it's own set of JCMs on top of the existing ones.

If I started a new figure from scratch, I'd probably make her all smooth and low-poly between the legs for the initial rigging and try to find some smart way of adding all the detail later on. It's a real pain to keep all those polygons under control while making JCMs, and that's with Antonia being fairly low-poly and having rather stylized labia to begin with.

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.

Bejaymac ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 7:15 AM

Serious subject first- odf the mouth template (new mapping) you include with Antonia doesn't fit her, somewhere during it's creation it's gotten skewed and a little distorted, which means cyberscape's texture (and anyone elses that used it) doesn't fit, SaintFox's fits but I think she made her own templates back at the start.

Thanks Cage, not exactly what I was looking for though, something more along the lines of odf's genpatch where the gen crease has been pushed out flush with the rest of the area. You see I want to keep Antonia the shape she is but apply a morph to the skinsuit I've made* out of & for her. In DS cyberscape's 2nd skin swimsuits don't work very well, especially the ones with reflection maps, so by applying them to the skinsuit, adding the transmap and a little displacement and I get a conforming swimsuit that sticks to her no matter what pose she's in.

  • odf did the making I just removed stuff from a copy of Antonia's cr2 :biggrin:

Faery_Light ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 11:46 AM
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Now that Bejaymac has brought up about the tongue map, I checked it out.

My Nicol texture looks great until I show her tongue out and teeth close up, then the mismatch shows.

I made the teeth, tongue and gums with the previous maps and it does not match up so I'll re-do them.
And I will check to see if there are any problems after I edit it.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

edgeverse ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 12:05 PM

Thanks cage, the morph works good.

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

Faery_Light ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 1:51 PM
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Hmm, I just used the current APG mouth map to do the texture, it is messed up.
I'll post an image or two later.
The texture is okay using the previous mouth mapping except for seams under the tongue.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

Cage ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 2:20 PM

Quote - This is tricky stuff because we're trying to influence subtle details very close to the rotation axes for the thighs. I think any morph that changes the shape of this area in a significant way would have to come with it's own set of JCMs on top of the existing ones.

I'm not sure how one would go about making those JCMs.  😊  I guess this would be a good chance to experiment with colorcurvature's morph loader script.

It is a very tricky area, but it handles much, much better than on other figures.  :D

Quote - Thanks Cage, not exactly what I was looking for though, something more along the lines of odf's genpatch where the gen crease has been pushed out flush with the rest of the area.

I guess I don't understand what you need.  😕  I assumed the no-gen morph could be applied to the suit figure, which is what I've done with the second skin-type catsuit I use with the Batgirl character in my sigline.  If you need to offset the suit from the skin, there are some normals-inflating morphs on the Batgirl suit which create such an offset.


Cage can be an opinionated jerk who posts without thinking.  He apologizes for this.  He's honestly not trying to be a turkeyhead.

Cage had some freebies, compatible with Poser 11 and below.  His Python scripts were saved at, along with the rest of the Morphography site, where they were hosted.

Faery_Light ( ) posted Fri, 24 September 2010 at 4:03 PM
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Finished correcting the seam errors on the tongue for Nicol. I would not have noticed if the issue of the mapping hadn't been brought up. :)

Here is an image of what happens when you apply the textures from the previous Antonia versions mapping.
And my corrected texture with the current mapping.

Possibly the Geometry Switcher set could be used to correct this.

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)

EClark1894 ( ) posted Sun, 26 September 2010 at 2:07 PM · edited Sun, 26 September 2010 at 2:13 PM

I like her. She's really easy to pose. Spent most of the weekend doing some poses for the full figure and her hands.

No morphs yet for close the eye or opening the mouth?

And the crotch area or hip deformed during one extreme pose.

I'm about to upload the Poses to my site. Will edit when I'm done.

Posted: the link is:

edgeverse ( ) posted Sun, 26 September 2010 at 2:33 PM

EClark, I just downloaded and tried your poser and hand pose set for Antonia. They work flawlessly. Thank you so much. You should see about having this set hosted at her resource site.

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

EClark1894 ( ) posted Mon, 27 September 2010 at 9:43 AM

Thanks Edge. Glad they work for you. As for hosting on another site. They want 'em, they got 'em. I'm thinking about doing some eye poses next. I'll see how that works later. Problem is, I can't do any expressions or close her eyes or open her mouth. :blink:

edgeverse ( ) posted Mon, 27 September 2010 at 11:19 AM

Theres a morph back that will generated a pmd file to give her more facial movements. You need V3 SAE to make them work. And RTEJava to decode the files. If you need help with that, Ill help ya.

Lemme know

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

SaintFox ( ) posted Mon, 27 September 2010 at 9:05 PM

I am not sure if it's only me... I just tried out Antonia 125A (yes, I am late!) and found that my material poses for Toni Polygon seem not to work any longer. Have I missed something?

And odf: If you are somewhere in our region be sure to pick up a beer with us :wink;

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

edgeverse ( ) posted Mon, 27 September 2010 at 9:08 PM

Quote - Theres a morph back that will generated a pmd file to give her more facial movements. You need V3 SAE to make them work. And RTEJava to decode the files. If you need help with that, Ill help ya.

Lemme know

Oops, typos.. abounding. LOL

Theres a morph pack that will generate a pmd file to give her more facial movements. You need V3 SAE to make them work. And RTEJava to decode the files. If you need help with that, Ill help ya.

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

EClark1894 ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 9:52 AM


Okay, did the eye poses thing and just uploaded them. Once again, I'd like to know if they work for everyone.[](

edgeverse ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 12:22 PM

Hey EClark, I just downloaded and installed the eye poses. They work great.
Thanks man.

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

Cyberwoman ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 1:48 PM

About how long will it be before Antonia is considered "completed"? I'm making an earring set and I'd like to include a fit for her, but if there are more changes planned to her head/ear shape then I will wait and release the fit as a free update.

~*I've made it my mission to build Cyberworld, one polygon at a time*~

Watch it happen at my technology blog, Building Cyberworld.

proxi ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 2:24 PM

Alternate head mod for Antonia Low Resolution. Add more detail for advanced mimic, change face topology, new UV.



  1. Open "RuntimeGeometriesAntoniaAntonia-125-lo.obj" in any 3d editor with correct obj support.
  2. Replace HEAD part with new version from arhive (head-Antonia-125-lo-proxi_mod.obj)
  3. Save result file with new name as *.obj in same path (example: RuntimeGeometriesAntoniaAntonia-125-lo-proximod.obj)
  4. Open "RuntimelibrariesCharacterAntoniaAntonia-125-lo.cr2" in text editor.
  5. Find and Replace all text link "Antonia-125-lo.obj" to new obj name (example: Antonia-125-lo-proximod.obj)
  6. Save result as *.cr2 (check saved file ext - many text editor default save as *.txt)
  7. Open *.cr2 in DazStudio or Poser. Change materials-textures on head (new texture template in archive)

PS: Old head morph and textures will not work. 

cyberscape ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 8:09 PM

Quote - Serious subject first- odf the mouth template (new mapping) you include with Antonia doesn't fit her, somewhere during it's creation it's gotten skewed and a little distorted, which means cyberscape's texture (and anyone elses that used it) doesn't fit, SaintFox's fits but I think she made her own templates back at the start.

  In DS cyberscape's 2nd skin swimsuits don't work very well, especially the ones with reflection maps, so by applying them to the skinsuit, adding the transmap and a little displacement and I get a conforming swimsuit that sticks to her no matter what pose she's in.

  • odf did the making I just removed stuff from a copy of Antonia's cr2 :biggrin:

Thanks for the heads up! I haven't tried the new mapping yet, so i wasn't aware of this problem.
I'll see about fixing this soon.

Also bear in mind, I don't use DS at all. Poser has been good to me and I can't see a point in using DS. I've tried it and I didn't really care for it. Hence the reason why I didn't make the Antonia Collection DS compatible (sorry 'bout that DS fans).That aside, your idea of using a skinsuit IS the best way to use second-skins IMHO. Dimension3D's 2nd Skin product is one of my most favorite tools!


AMD FX-9590 4.7ghz 8-core, 32gb of RAM, Win7 64bit, nVidia GeForce GTX 760

PoserPro2012, Photoshop CS4 and Magix Music Maker


...and when the day is dawning...I have to say goodbye...a last look back into...your broken eyes.

Bejaymac ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 8:20 PM

@ SaintFox, your Toni textures work on the 125 version, the 125A is odf's original UVmapping.

@ proxi, no offence mate but the last thing Antonia needs right now is a third UVMap, it's bad enough remembering which of the 2 official versions a texture set uses as it is, without you adding to the confusion.

SaintFox ( ) posted Tue, 28 September 2010 at 11:02 PM

*@ SaintFox, your Toni textures work on the 125 version, the 125A is odf's original UVmapping.

*Where do I find a smiley that.... ahhh, here it is! *I think I am a bit stupid at the moment and most of all should never let Antonia alone for such a long time again - I amlost forgot the basics!!

I'm not always right, but my mistakes are more interesting!

And I am not strange, I am Limited Edition!

Are you ready for Antonia? Get her textures here:

The Home Of The Living Dolls

EClark1894 ( ) posted Wed, 29 September 2010 at 2:51 PM

Quote - Hey EClark, I just downloaded and installed the eye poses. They work great.
Thanks man.

You're welcome!

I may have to take you up on the help on that expressions thingy though.

edgeverse ( ) posted Wed, 29 September 2010 at 3:18 PM

Send me a site mail, I am happy to help

3D Digital Comics & Art/My homepage

proxi ( ) posted Wed, 29 September 2010 at 4:59 PM

no offence mate but the last thing Antonia needs right now is a third UVMap, it's bad enough remembering which of the 2 official versions a texture set uses as it is, without you adding to the confusion.

I agree, but this more detailed head still wip and maybe after complete i remap for standart Antonia UV.

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