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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Jan 06 7:01 am)

Subject: Using DSON in Poser

Simbad6 ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 7:18 AM · edited Mon, 06 January 2025 at 7:45 PM

Hello ! Can anybody help me using DSON in Poser Pro 2012 ? I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I couldn't obtain a real solution with DAZ Help Center. The first time I installed DSON (a few years ago ?), I manually installed DSON itself and then Genesis Starter Essentials + Genesis Starter Essentials for Poser. As far as I remember, it was quite easy and took me a few minutes. The installers created 2 directories called "Genesis Starter Essentials" and "Genesis Starter Essentials for Poser", I linked them to 2 additionnal runtimes in Poser and I could load Genesis.

This time, I installed DSON but couldn't find any installer for Genesis Starter Essentials in my archives from my DAZ account. I asked DAZ and they told me to use Install Manager. I did that and I absolutely don't know where it was installed and what I am supposed to do next. But I know I don't have any new directory in Poser and I don't have Genesis either. I probably missed something but I don't know what.

LaurieA ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 8:10 AM · edited Wed, 03 February 2016 at 8:14 AM

I have a dedicated Genesis folder that I install everything into. Install the DSON script to your Poser program folder, then install all your genesis content to a dedicated Genesis runtime (it's just easier) and then link the Genesis folder inside Poser.

In the Genesis folder, place ALL the Genesis started essentials (even those that look like Daz files with the data folder, etc) and then do the same for the Starter essentials Poser CF contents. The contents of the folder will look a bit like the image I've posted - all these folders being at the root of the Genesis folder.

Just in case I haven't made it clear, Poser users have to install both the Daz and the Poser CF content in order for DSON to do its thing.



LaurieA ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 8:16 AM · edited Wed, 03 February 2016 at 8:17 AM

Oh, btw.....Genesis Starter Essentials has no Poser CF files with it....just install the DS files. Genesis 2 however, DOES have Poser CF files, so install both. It's confusing, I know. It confused me too ;). It's easier also to install everything manually for Poser than it is with the DIM, at least for me since I don't have my Poser runtimes in the traditional place. Also, you know exactly where the contents are going.


Simbad6 ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 8:45 AM

Thanks for answering LaurieA. I've just done that and it works. Actually, I have just discovered that my Genesis Starter Essentials were in C:UsersPublicDocumentsMy DAZ 3D Library. So, I linked it to a new runtime in Poser. Questions :

  • Is the content in there only for Poser or is it shared with DAZ Studio ? Or is DAZ Studio's Content located elsewhere ?
  • Can I move or rename this folder (My DAZ 3D Library)? (I usually place all my content in a secondary hard drive D:) Can I change the parameters in Install Manager so that it installs my downloads elsewhere ?

hborre ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 9:00 AM

You must have both DAZ and Poser installs for DSON Importer to work correctly no matter where it is located, as long as runtimes are linked. I see no reason to relocate your files to another storage media, and you can change parameter settings in DIM to point to the new location. But manually check before committing.

Simbad6 ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 10:53 AM

I'll try that while I haven't many things installed yet. Thank you both for your help. I like to understand how things work.

adzan ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 11:04 AM · edited Wed, 03 February 2016 at 11:07 AM

hborre posted at 10:50AM Wed, 03 February 2016 - #4252913

You must have both DAZ and Poser installs for DSON Importer to work correctly no matter where it is located, as long as runtimes are linked. I see no reason to relocate your files to another storage media, and you can change parameter settings in DIM to point to the new location. But manually check before committing.

Did this change? From what I remember Poser users Don't need to install Daz Studio or DIM to use the DSON Importer.

You may need Daz Studio if an item doesn't have the Poser Companion Files but even that isn't necessary as you could use the DSON Loader by Dimention3D

*edited - Here is the Daz installation guide - so it would still appear that you do not need to install daz studio

Simbad6 ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 11:20 AM

It didn't change. No need to install DAZ Studio to use DSON. I installed DS only because I wanted to give it a try. But I didn't know that I could use items without Poser Companion Files with DSON. Is it what you say ? I had never heard about DSON loader before. Where is it sold ?

LaurieA ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 5:11 PM · edited Wed, 03 February 2016 at 5:13 PM

Due to a stupid and silly policy by Renderosity, we cannot link to sites that also have a store (even if the file is free and this script is free) and since there is a store on the site, all I can tell you is to Google "DSON Loader" and the link will be the first result. It's by Dimension3D.


Boni ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 5:47 PM

We can explain the location, just not directly link. It's common among all the stores to not link. Sorry for the inconvenience.


"Be Hero to Yourself" -- Peter Tork

hborre ( ) posted Wed, 03 February 2016 at 6:39 PM

Read carefully, I mentioned DAZ and Poser installs, not DAZStudio. This is in reference to content. It is not necessary to install DAZStudio for DSON Importer to work. DIM is just a content installer which make life easier to place content.
DSONLoader is a free script from Dimension3D which does pretty much what DSON Importer does. Google Dimension3D for his site.

WandW ( ) posted Thu, 04 February 2016 at 6:37 AM · edited Thu, 04 February 2016 at 6:42 AM

Boni posted at 7:34AM Thu, 04 February 2016 - #4253005

We can explain the location, just not directly link. It's common among all the stores to not link. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hmmm..I thought we could if it was in response to a question; I've done it myself... 😬

Log into your DAZ account. Type into your browser, then paste this in: /downloader/customer/files#prod_14812

(I can't bold the directory because this Forum software is a piece of SH*T!! 😠 ) You can download the Genesis Starter Poser Content files at the bottom (or at least I can)...


The Wisdom of bagginsbill:

"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."
“I could buy better software, but then I'd have to be an artist and what's the point of that?"
"The [R'osity Forum Search] 'Default' label should actually say 'Don't Find What I'm Looking For'".
bagginsbill's Free Stuff...

WandW ( ) posted Thu, 04 February 2016 at 6:53 AM

hborre posted at 7:51AM Thu, 04 February 2016 - #4253009

DSONLoader is a free script from Dimension3D which does pretty much what DSON Importer does. Google Dimension3D for his site.

You still need to have the DSON Importer installed for this to work, but it enables one to load DSON assets, including entire scenes, that do not have Poser CFs...


The Wisdom of bagginsbill:

"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."
“I could buy better software, but then I'd have to be an artist and what's the point of that?"
"The [R'osity Forum Search] 'Default' label should actually say 'Don't Find What I'm Looking For'".
bagginsbill's Free Stuff...

LaurieA ( ) posted Thu, 04 February 2016 at 10:01 AM

Boni posted at 11:00AM Thu, 04 February 2016 - #4253005

We can explain the location, just not directly link. It's common among all the stores to not link. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry, it just baffles me when all the sites depend on each other's products for sales. Seems kinda dumb to me. But oh well.


Simbad6 ( ) posted Thu, 04 February 2016 at 1:07 PM

OK ! I found DSON Loader. But I'm not sure I understand well. Will this script allow me to install in Poser some DAZ products which don't have the DSON importer for Poser ?

Jules53757 ( ) posted Thu, 04 February 2016 at 2:07 PM

Yes it will except G3 as far as I know


"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!"

shante ( ) posted Wed, 17 February 2016 at 12:57 PM

i tried many times to work all this out even with daz tech support on the phone trying to guide me through with NO POSITIVE OUTCOME. For me it has NEVER worked and it sucks because all the items i purchased with it to work in Poser via the Importer I had to least all those I could find. I am sure among the thousands of items I have purchased there since the DSON thing started i have missed a few but as i find them I return them to the frustrated responses of DAZ customer service. But it sucks for me too. I have a few Items I REALLY LOVED AND WANTED TO US ASAP. No luck. I noticed the newer items no longer even have the converter for Poser any more. I went so far as to beg someone there to do the conversion for me on a few items I really wanted to keep and use and send me the converted versions to use in Poser. Right it was like asking a bear to poop in a toilet. It has become so bad that after years of being a SPENDING PC member there since ZYGOTE took my first dollar and at the tune of literally of THOUSANDS of dollars, I am going to cancel my PC Membership because there is no longer anything in the new releases i can use. I can see creating exclusively for their flagship characters. But to make the content artists create only content for D/S, content like sets and props and animals and hair is so stupid even by marketing and sales standards, is beyond me. After years of being a loyal customer there I am quits.

ssgbryan ( ) posted Thu, 18 February 2016 at 2:07 PM

When I get back from mamma's house in March, I'll finish wrapping up my tutorials on converting DS assets to Poser native assets. I am done with how to do figures, and I'll start on clothing as soon as I figure out the best methodology.

shante ( ) posted Thu, 18 February 2016 at 5:02 PM

Look forward to seeing if the will work for me. I have a few desperately wanted items from their store i can not use as is and have held back returning in hopes of something like this actually happening. It would of course be great if someone in the know would do the ctual conversions for me for a nominal price or trade but i am sure i will get e--Spanked for even suggesting.......:(

ssgbryan ( ) posted Thu, 18 February 2016 at 5:27 PM

Jules53757 posted at 4:21PM Thu, 18 February 2016 - #4253177

Yes it will except G3 as far as I know

If we can add facial handles (like those that come with Paul & Pauline), then that problem is also solved.

Although truthfully, I haven't seen a single Genesis 3 character that is "must-have". They all look exactly like their Genesis 2 ancestors.

RobZhena ( ) posted Thu, 18 February 2016 at 5:48 PM

Simbad6 posted at 6:46PM Thu, 18 February 2016 - #4253162

OK ! I found DSON Loader. But I'm not sure I understand well. Will this script allow me to install in Poser some DAZ products which don't have the DSON importer for Poser ?

No. The product must have the DSON importer. You can export things from DS as cr2's and clean them up for use in Poser as native figures.

wolf359 ( ) posted Fri, 19 February 2016 at 2:47 PM

ssgbryan posted at 2:46PM Fri, 19 February 2016 - #4255912

Jules53757 posted at 4:21PM Thu, 18 February 2016 - #4253177

Yes it will except G3 as far as I know

If we can add facial handles (like those that come with Paul & Pauline), then that problem is also solved.

Although truthfully, I haven't seen a single Genesis 3 character that is "must-have". They all look exactly like their Genesis 2 ancestors.

Well the G3 girls have a number after their The names that are higher than the previous girl's (like "Girl 7").

This makes them better. Like the guitar amplifiers in the classic " mockumentary" spinal tap, that had volume knobs that read 11 when all the other bands volume knobs only read. 10.

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Boni ( ) posted Fri, 19 February 2016 at 8:15 PM

Hea Guys ... we are getting close to software bashing ... please keep it friendly, ok?


"Be Hero to Yourself" -- Peter Tork

3DFineries ( ) posted Fri, 19 February 2016 at 8:20 PM

ssgbryan posted at 8:19PM Fri, 19 February 2016 - #4255824

When I get back from mamma's house in March, I'll finish wrapping up my tutorials on converting DS assets to Poser native assets. I am done with how to do figures, and I'll start on clothing as soon as I figure out the best methodology.

That's fantastic! Glad to hear someone figured it out. 😄

And yes as Boni said, please keep it friendly. Thanks!

Have a creative day!


My Lil' Store

ssgbryan ( ) posted Wed, 02 March 2016 at 9:17 AM

3DFineries posted at 8:16AM Wed, 02 March 2016 - #4256187

ssgbryan posted at 8:19PM Fri, 19 February 2016 - #4255824

When I get back from mamma's house in March, I'll finish wrapping up my tutorials on converting DS assets to Poser native assets. I am done with how to do figures, and I'll start on clothing as soon as I figure out the best methodology.

That's fantastic! Glad to hear someone figured it out. 😄

And yes as Boni said, please keep it friendly. Thanks!

Since the mods keep deleting my posts I don't see any need to add to the conversation.

shante ( ) posted Thu, 03 March 2016 at 2:49 PM

Well, I am glad so many of you have had and are having success using their DSON Importer. I have not and can NOT get it to work. I can't even get it to download and un-archive properly in my system. I have been brought around and round and shoved through all kinds of hoops by everyone over there in tech support and NOTHING Has worked. I gave up. Now I am having problems getting refunds and/or credit for products purchased in good faith that I was led to believe wold work in Poser with their stup8id DSON Importer. Oh, they have been GREAT doing that but is such a hassle every time I find yet another product usually purchased long before the 30 day max window allowed for refunds, that I can't use because it is DSON for Poser specific. I gotta give credit to their customer service folks for putting up with me on all this but it sucks buying products in good faith believing they will work when in fact they don't because weeks or months or in some cases years later their darn DSON Importer can't be made to work. Also found the Installer app needed to place the convertible files in their proper place won't download properly either. :(

ssgbryan ( ) posted Thu, 03 March 2016 at 7:24 PM

Actually Shante, I don't use DSON. File - Export in DS is the way to go. I've spend an hour or so a day for the last six months working the best way to do this, along with how to deal with the pitfalls of each method.

I could talk about the technical issues (and I do in my tutorial) - it is important to understand WHY using DSON isn't actually optimal, and why File - Export is the best way to go, but the moderators would consider that "software bashing". It isn't - the issue is 32-bit Python and the lack of development of 64-bit Python (by the Python community), as opposed to DSON, but the moderators lack the programming expertise to understand the issues. I used to work for a little hardware/software company called International Business Machines. You may know them by their initials.

shante ( ) posted Thu, 03 March 2016 at 8:16 PM

I thought it was an issue with 32 bit as opposed to 64 bit. I told them I thought that was the problem with the DSON Importer not decompressing and or setting up properly on my 64bit based Mac but they swore up and down that was not the issue.....but.....of course they could NOT find a good reason let alone a fix. They have kept running around in stupid circles deleting this, turning off that and re-downloading dozens of times. If something doesn't work and people talk about it it is NOT Bashing but frustrated discourse in hopes of finding solutions. If a solution is available I want it. But as usual I am not too sure I can wrap my head around flattening the learning curve I will need to learn D/S to export stuff to use in Poser let alone the technical know how to address whatever tech problems arise to fix the other stuff that will come up in the process.

ssgbryan ( ) posted Fri, 04 March 2016 at 9:05 AM

And another post deleted.

Sorry I can't help you Shante.

shante ( ) posted Fri, 04 March 2016 at 12:03 PM

What post? I have been following this thread and the last post of yours I replied to is still here. I can see 4 or 5 of your posts still here.?

Kendra ( ) posted Fri, 04 March 2016 at 1:46 PM

ssgbryan, I see nothing deleted. Could you sitemail me with specifics? Are you not seeing your posts?

As for software bashing, it's not bashing if the comments remain technical and don't contain criticism to the company or users. For example, saying that DSON importer isn't the best way to import X into Y program because... and provide the technical reasons is not software bashing. But saying the equivalent of 'X is best' or 'you're an idiot if you think...' is considered bashing. (and those are just examples off the top of my head as I'm multitasking right now)

...... Kendra

ssgbryan ( ) posted Fri, 04 March 2016 at 11:13 PM

Kendra posted at 8:26PM Fri, 04 March 2016 - #4259255

ssgbryan, I see nothing deleted. Could you sitemail me with specifics? Are you not seeing your posts?

As for software bashing, it's not bashing if the comments remain technical and don't contain criticism to the company or users. For example, saying that DSON importer isn't the best way to import X into Y program because... and provide the technical reasons is not software bashing. But saying the equivalent of 'X is best' or 'you're an idiot if you think...' is considered bashing. (and those are just examples off the top of my head as I'm multitasking right now)

No, I am not seeing it - that is why I wrote that last post saying that my post was deleted.

I replied to Shante's post breaking down why DSON isn't the way to go (32-bit python and the 2Gb per process limit and as an added bonus the issue with garbage collection in OSX - I don't have a windows machine, so I can't address that platform).

The problem Kendra, is that to get the best results with genesis in Poser, one has to address the suboptimal decisions the system architect made when first designing DS4 all those years ago and the best way to work around what in retrospect, were bad decisions in the design phase. In the past, moderators have considered that "software bashing". The base assumptions were thrown out before DS4 launched, but DS & Poser users are left with the consequences. Workarounds don't work if the end user doesn't understand WHY things are done.

Is it "software bashing" to point out that out of the 988 genesis packages I own that the DIM installs - over 95% of them don't have the PCFs in the correct runtime subfolder?

Is it "software bashing" to point out that there is no technical reason why PCFs can't be Poser native to begin with? (One vendor at DAZ does this, so we know it can be done.)

Is it "software bashing" to point out that in DS4, some characters require the base mesh to be loaded BEFORE clicking on the character (like a character INJ) and some will load the base mesh automatically (like a .cr2) - and there is no way of knowing which is which until you actually try to load the figure?

Is it "software bashing" to point out that if you don't actually remember which vendor made which product, you might have a hard time finding what you are looking for (Metadata isn't the solution DAZ thought it would be).

I address all of these issues (and more), but you have to state the problem before you can work the solution.

My goal was getting genesis working in Poser (to use DarioFish's aliens), as lean and efficient as one can, since most hobbyist don't have the kind of horsepower I am running (Luv my Mac Pro). Most of my genesis characters only take up 80Mb. Kinda useful if you have a scene with more than 1 person. Go default settings and that genesis character could easily take up 500Mb. And that is a nude character, btw. It gets uglier once you add clothing and are dealing with a 2Gb per process limit and the garbage handling issue.

Example: DS4 builds a character "on-the-fly" and it will install every single morph that it "sees" whether you are using DS or Poser. They are loaded dynamically in DS, but not in Poser - in Poser, every single morph is loaded into the cr2 (and in the wrong place - guess how much fun it is to delete 40 - 50 empty channels per figure).

Why is that a problem? Well, guess what happens if you load Skyler, a child character? She gets every boob and gens morph added to her that any vendor made for any of the other G2F characters. And without walking through the problem (how the file "structure" - such as it is and what there is of it is set up and where those morphs are tucked away the data subfolder), you can't actually fix it. (Solution for the Skylar issue - build separate runtimes for each iconic figure (Lilith 6, Mei Lin 6, Michael 6, etc), along with a "base" runtime (Genesis 2 Female) and a separate "genesis after dark" (which holds all of the gens and extra boobage morphs) & only load the ones you need in DS for export - this also works with DS4, useful if you don't want to spend your time endlessly scrolling up and down looking for morphs)

If you have dived into the file structure of DS, you know how much of those folders are quite frankly, pointless. I walk through on which ones can be deleted and which ones need to be kept. It is more than just deleting excess levels of ego folders. One also has to address changes DAZ made in subfolder structure between the release of DS4 and the arrival of the G2 line of figures.

Kendra ( ) posted Sat, 05 March 2016 at 12:41 PM

The examples you list, in my opinion, are not software bashing. I think it depends on the delivery. If someone, for example, is having an issue using a poser figure in DS or the other way around, discussion should be contained to solving the problem but not with critical descriptions but rather technical ones. Easier said than done when the software they're trying to use is frustrating to you, I know, but we do have to be careful not to cross that line. Same with anyone asking a Poser question, no one should jump in with why DS is better. I'm sure I could explain my line of thought better but I've yet to have any caffeine. I'm not a DS user but it certainly sounds like you're someone to go to with technical questions. I've only ever used it to import something into Poser that was DS specific.

As for your posts, I can see posts that are deleted whether it's by the member or staff and I see nothing deleted in this thread. And anytime a post is deleted the member should receive a sitemail regarding it so I'm not sure what's going on there. If you come across it in any other threads, shoot me a sitemail so I can look into it further.

...... Kendra

lakes123 ( ) posted Tue, 02 March 2021 at 2:08 PM

I just got the DSON for Poser. I have some DAZ content I'd like to try for Poser. What do I do next?

RobZhena ( ) posted Tue, 02 March 2021 at 4:25 PM

What do you mean by DSON? The DAZ created converter? Have you installed it using DIM? Are you on Mac or Windows? What version of Poser are you using? DSON converter does not work in Poser 12.

hborre ( ) posted Tue, 02 March 2021 at 6:12 PM

And is the content also certified for Poser use?

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