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Subject: Harassment

Staby ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:39 PM

Yes Caru you are right, I had to avoid that last comment, I admit I was rude. Sorry for that

Schlabber ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:53 PM

OK ... as I don't know anymore what is white and what is black I'll delete my post in that threat ... I'll make my own thoughts about that whole situation and for myself that's it. Please - everybody here stop being rude at each other ... There are more important things in that world that need our attention ...

Entropic ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:02 PM

Thank you Schlabber. If only I had your ability to be both eloquent and brief. Well said. Paul

WiNC ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:06 PM

Agreed Schlabber - thanks (And yeah Paul - I'm not the more brief person in the world :P lol) bye - WiNC

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 1:07 AM

Hey Paul... how goes it? Lovely weather we are having isn't it? And how about that baseball/racing/basketball/football/hockey game... wow wasn't that awesome!! Wha??? Huh?? Wrong thread and forum....??? Crap. Jack

Orio ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 8:06 AM

Just my two cents: I have seen the comparison pictures, both normal and with difference filteer applied, and it appears to me that: 1. it is evident that the Asia texture has been used as an important base to build another commercial texture, with minor changes applied in order not to make a real variation (which would have been illegal anyway), but only in the hope to fool the casual viewer and trick him/her into believing that it was a different texture; 2. the web site the texture was distributed with, was with ALL EVIDENCE a warez web site, carrying ilegal copies of sotware such as Poser, Bryce, etc. Now it is possible that Stefy, in the effort of defending herself against this abuse (continuous abuse) she is the victim of, may have not done what was best to do in her situation; this because she is an artist and she is not used to (thanks God) deal with pirates and that sort of "nice" people. But I have a couiple of comments about this: 1. I find it disgusting that there seems to be quite a number of people ready to criminalize Stefy for her efforts to defend herself against piracy, while they don't show even a 10% of the same "sacred disdain" against the REAL criminals, i.e. the pirates who constantly steal her and other Poser artists of their hard work and professionality. In other words, many are ready and wanting to shoot on Stefy for the errors she might have done while defending herself, but at the same time are more than ready to close not one, but BOTH eyes on the thieves and pirates, passing their criminal actions under silence. They find plenty of words to condemn Stefy, but their vocabulary seems to get suddenly super-narrow when they have to find a single word to condemn the pirates. This is plainly grotesque. It sounds to me like those people who criticize the U.S.A. because they have attacked the Talebans, while forgiving the Talebans who protected and helped organize a terrorist attack that caused thousands of innocent victims. 2. I find it even more disgusting that some merchants jumped in on this thread to defame another fellow merchant. This is incredible. As it is incredible that they accuse Stefy of being unprofessional. Stefy might be unexperienced in the field, and she may not have done what more experienced merchant would have done, but her intent was perfecly legitimate: to protect herself from pirate frauds and attacks. Now, what about the professionality of those merchants who publicly attack her fellow merchant (and of course don't have a single word of reproaching against the pirates)? Have those merchants ever learned that NEVER should any professional publicly attack another professional of their own field? This is not only unprofessional, this is super-unprofessional, a total lack of style and fairness, and ultimately, also humanly miserable.

Schlabber ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 9:55 AM

geeeeeeez ... not again ... I think all that must be said is allready said ... would someone CLOSE this post ... this leads only to more harassment etc ... Everybody here: Hey, let's do art and/or this and that stuff (for free or for sale or for whatever ...)

Entropic ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 6:31 PM

What's up, Jack? We could of course change this thread to the Jack and Paul hang out thread! Whadday say? Let's all sing along: "I love you, you love me..."

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 7:37 PM

YAY!! Excellent Idea there Paul... that should confuse the lot of them!! But THIS TIME YOU WERE THE BARNEY OUTFIT... I don't want to get crap thrown at me again!! Jack

Poppi ( ) posted Tue, 16 July 2002 at 7:45 PM

i love you all too...but, but, professionality a word? also humanly phrase? i am an esl person....tough choices, these. now, how about a nice old time c&d type wind down to this thread? comeon guys...i know you can do it. Pop...Pop...Poppi!!!

RadArt ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 12:20 AM


I love love me....we're all a happy family.... *wink*

Hellmark ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 3:21 AM

Orio, have you actually compared the textures, or the few renders that were floating around (let me remind you that several of those didnt even use the texture in question). So untill you can actually compare the textures, themselves, alone you cannot come to a fair and just verdict. Also, the people that said Steffy acted unprofessionally believe that because she made accusations with out proof, plus threatened bobbie. I would call that unprofessional. Audie, someone, please close this thread.

Entropic ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 3:52 AM

Hey, Jack, Poppi, Dragon... errr... Radart! Good to see ya folks. :) So here's how my day went: When I last posted I was at a coffee shop, on the net terminal, and in the middle of my post this cute girl walks up and sits at my table, asking if I mind. Of course, I say no. So we end up talking for four hours, and then, outta the blue, she asks if I wanna go out with her. Pretty cool, eh? So dinner was good, then the bar afterward ( Killian's rocks! ) Turns out she and I share a lot of common interests, and are getting to be friends. Not too bad for a random evening spent, eh? Of course, this is to say that I'm not terribly interested in pursueing a relationship, but, you know, I can think of a lot worse ways for this day to have gone. How were your evenings? Paul P.S.: Audre don't lock this thread, just move it to the tavern so we can all drink. ;) ( And, Hellmark, asking to lock a thread is nonstandard after a parting shot. A request to lock would look better had you said nothing except the request to lock. Please review my post above for notes. *8^> Cheers! )

Blooddoll ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 5:00 AM

Odd I made a post in here yesterday regarding my final thoughts on the issue and it didnt show up. Im not going to type it all out again, but in that was a request to lock this, and I even IM'ed the admin who was on at the time, and I see that they got my IM yet it is still unlocked. Such is life. Now Ive got the vodka whos got the cranberry juice?!

Entropic ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 5:03 AM

Well, no need to lock it now, really... We're all just hanging out having fun. ;) Pass me a screwdriver, will you? OJ's in the fridge. Paul

DragonWalk ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 8:06 AM

Hey cool...a PARTY! Hey-a Paul...much luck with that ladyfriend, sounds like ya done swell... wink

Hellmark ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 12:11 PM

Ent - Make it last, ya LAMB.

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 1:24 PM

Damn Paul, Mine was no where near as enjoyable as yours!! I did some work, went to physical therapy (because of my neck surgery) then went for an eight mile walk to relax and came back home to work. And here you are, walking around with a young lady, talking and enjoying yourself... man, I am jealous!! How about you Rad and Poppi... how were your nights?? Jack

Entropic ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 7:43 PM

takes a moment to note that Rad and Poppi might make a damn cute couple... Never mind... just the liquor speaking. =) Paul

WiNC ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 8:03 PM

ARGH - DRINKING! And no one told me! :P Entropic - be careful of the cute ones - especially the ones who ask you out for a date :) Usually it means they are really aliens from outer space and are going to eat your ... brains ...

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 8:06 PM

OOOOOoooo Brain eating is BBBBBBBbbaaaaddd!! No, no, stay away from Brain Eaters Paul... very very bad mojo... very bad!! :o) Jack

WiNC ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 8:51 PM

Especially since we know where most males keep their brains :P /me runs away and hides from all the males on Renderosity... WiNC

DragonWalk ( ) posted Wed, 17 July 2002 at 9:00 PM

Well hey, sad to hear about your neck surgery Jack...hope your okay there....eight mile walk huh...damn, I love walking every day...nourishes everything all over,, as for me, watched a movie with a ladyfriend at her place, and PLEASE don't ask me what it was about, (evil grin)....also managed to get myself joyously inebriated one night while out with the gang, ended up making a typical RadArt outta myself here later that night, LOL...(teach me not to lay one on and leave my computer running too)... As for Poppi...well heck, from what I hear, she's quite a babe...I'm sure she's quite the busy gal...(grin) but hey...haven't the slightest clue... Hope you get all better soon with that neck Jack...;-) Stay cool, Pete PS....brain eaters that's what they do...doh...

Entropic ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 1:42 AM

Pete: Dude. You totally need to IM poppi and get something cooking. I'm sure she'll beat me for the suggestion, but I think you two would totally rock out together. Jack: It's all fun and games until someone wakes up in a bathtub full of ice with only thirty minutes to get to a hospital before the other kidney fails. WiNC: I'm so unlucky in love that having a female eat my brain would be a step to improving my relationships... most won't get that close to me. ;) Paul

Blooddoll ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 6:48 AM

Whos Brains can I be checkin out here? passes the screwdrivers around

DragonWalk ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 7:43 AM


Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 1:37 PM

Thanks for the well wishes Pete, glad to see things are working out for you!! nudge nudge wink wink :o) Paul... a bath tub filled with ice?? Dude, we are talking some serious and major shrinkage there!! WHEW... no way for me...!! Gives a whole new term to Blue Bcensoredlls!! Blooddoll, you could always check mine... but like the scarecrow, I have to visit the wizard first to get some :o) Jack

DragonWalk ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 7:01 PM


WiNC ( ) posted Thu, 18 July 2002 at 8:03 PM

Paul : LOL!!!

Blooddoll ( ) posted Sat, 20 July 2002 at 5:15 AM

Jack Ill grant you three wishes.... waves her magic wand better make it count!

DragonWalk ( ) posted Sat, 20 July 2002 at 7:16 AM

Hey-ya' don't NOBODY start thinkin' about lockin' this thread...(please)...I just gotta see what happens next.... (evil grin)...;-)

Blooddoll ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 5:39 AM

I guess Jack didnt want his 3 wishes.... anyone else want em? hehe

WiNC ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 7:10 AM

um - can I??? I could do with some cool wishes - loose some weight - bigger breasts - sexier ass :P Oh I mean - oh yeah - world peace, no more hunger, and every saleable item from Renderosity marketplace in my stockings :) WiNC

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 12:52 PM

Oh, I want my three wishes, I just wanted to think long and hard on what I wanted... This is what I would like... 1.)The utter and painful erradication of individuals who seek to promote or cause terrorist attacks against the US and our nation's allies. 2.)The feeling of FAMILY to once again be prevalent in all of the Poser Community forums and websites... and last... 3.) True Love... Those are my three wishes. I hope they are not to difficult to accomplish, because any one of those would be nice right about now. Jack

DragonWalk ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 1:01 PM

Hey...BRAVO Jack!....those are very "commendable" three wishes....impressed here ;-)

c1rcle ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 3:21 PM

ah true love :) jack there must be someone out there for you, found mine 18yrs ago, been married to her for 14 of those, keep looking "he?/she" is out there waiting for you ;) WiNC I do keep my brains there ;) pass the vodka over here :) Rob

ronknights ( ) posted Sun, 21 July 2002 at 6:49 PM

Oh, my Jack, your wishes brought me to tears.

Blooddoll ( ) posted Mon, 22 July 2002 at 6:47 AM

Very nice wishes indeed jack, sadly my magic wand doesnt make such pure wishes come true. Its a dirty little wand, a dirty little wand indeed!

XSashaX ( ) posted Mon, 22 July 2002 at 7:44 AM

Attached Link:


See that link up there? THAT is the thread you are fighting with Jack in. You dont need to start shit in this thread also.


ronknights ( ) posted Mon, 22 July 2002 at 8:53 AM

Sasha, why are you starting shit? I just made a very positive comment about Jack's wonderful wishes. Message671422.jpg

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Mon, 22 July 2002 at 11:28 AM

Well Doll... a dirty wand, eh? Hmm... well, I guess I could come up with three dirty wishes... but then again, if you're willing, I don't really think we need that dirty little wand of yours to make them happen or come true evil grin Jack

WiNC ( ) posted Tue, 23 July 2002 at 6:52 AM

Hey then shouldn't it be able to cast my wishes for me then :P WiNC

Blooddoll ( ) posted Wed, 24 July 2002 at 5:02 AM

Jack, of course we need the wand, its just not as fun with out it. WiNC, your wishes will be granted, but the wand requests you toss out that old tube of....

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Wed, 24 July 2002 at 1:13 PM

Doll, we could always use mine, that is unless you wish to have two wands, which could be fun too. :o)

DragonWalk ( ) posted Wed, 24 July 2002 at 7:40 PM two are a riot....hahaha...

Blooddoll ( ) posted Fri, 26 July 2002 at 5:19 PM

We could just use your wand Jack, but two wands are always better than one.

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Fri, 26 July 2002 at 6:18 PM

MmMmmmm... how about we use mine first and then add others as we move along to enhance the enjoyment for you? I don't wish to appear greedy... but I also don't wish you to get confused... that, and what if you don't think my wand is good enough to practice magic with? After all, it's been a while since I've had use for it. :o)

DragonWalk ( ) posted Fri, 26 July 2002 at 6:57 PM

LOL!!! hope it's okay to laugh....) ...oh what the hell...hahahahaha...too funny you two!!;-)

Blooddoll ( ) posted Sat, 27 July 2002 at 3:22 AM

LOL Do I need to get you a blow up doll to practice on Jack?

Jack D. Kammerer ( ) posted Sat, 27 July 2002 at 1:21 PM

chuckles Naw, from what I hear it is like riding a bicycle, once you learn it all comes back pretty fast. But just to be on the safe side, I hope that you wouldn't mind if we did it a few times to make sure I can remember... and/or allow me to do a few "laps" first... =o)

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