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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 22 12:41 am)

Subject: I know WHY the gallery is filled with similar Vicki pics

FyreSpiryt ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 5:46 PM · edited Tue, 22 October 2024 at 12:38 AM


My last three uploads to the gallery, posted fairly close to each other. It was more impressive this morning when Mage's Duel only had 81 views, but it still works.

Evidence suggests that the gallery is filled with Vicki portraits because it is what people are most interested in, as viewers as well as artists. Frankly, if that's what is making both sides happy, I say great. Viva la Vicki!

If you don't like them, then for heaven's sake, don't view them! They'll be less fun to make if they don't get attention, and your "problem" will be solved much more effectively than by griping about it.

dialyn ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 5:51 PM

You're probably right. My most viewed graphic was the "Attack of the Left Forearm" with no Vicky in sight, but then my two fans probably had their cat jumping on the keyboard when the viewing on that one happened. I don't have anything against people doing what they enjoy. If they like doing endless Vicky portraits, more power to them. I have more respect for someone like you who is doing a variety of graphics whether or not anyone views them, because clearly then you are more interested in doing something creative then you are for getting hits for the sake of getting hits. If the goal is to get in the Poser Hot 20, we all know what we have to do. If the goal is to do something that satisfies ourselves, that's a different matter. Neither is right, and neither is wrong. Just a difference of approach. On the other hand, my opinion and 50 cents won't buy you a cup of coffee these days.

atthisstage ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 6:13 PM

Just IMVHO... I don't know which is more interesting, the endless barrage of interchangable Vickies or the endless barrage of her supporters telling us how wonderful she is. It wouldn't be so bad, Fyre, if it wasn't like this on the galleries of every Poser site out there. Vicky in Space. Vicky in her now-stereotypical Temple. Vicky naked with the latest prop offering (which sometimes leads to some pretty ludicrous images, sorry). But ain't gonna get into this morass of an argument anymore. Just not worth it.

FyreSpiryt ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 6:16 PM


I'm going to have to argue about all of the galleries out there. Here's the same thing at 3D Commune. Somewhat better proportion of views, and MUCH better on comments. Perhaps you just aren't at the right site. I'm sure there's some out there that are more unique; it will just take harder looking because, almost by definition, they will be smaller.

And I didn't mean to be a member of the barrage of Vicki supporters. To be honest, it hurts my head that Gypsy Portrait is getting the attention it is, when it's so much like what else is out there. I made it at a friend's request; otherwise it probably never would have gone up.

Patricia ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 7:13 PM

Ah, but you got to use that luscious Gypsy Hair---reason enough for a Vicki post in my book! ;)

cherokee69 ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 8:12 PM


Well, check this out and it has nothing to do with Vicky because she isn't even in the pic. Everyone here went nuts over the house mouse so when I posted a pic, the results here was unbeliveable low (guess because it wasn't a Vicky pic or maybe it was because the pic was done by me) but at 3D Commune, there were far less views and over twice as many comments. Have we ever considered how many people don't ever contribute anything to the Rosity community but simple come here to view the naked Vicky pics and get their jollies that way. That isn't a reputation I'd want for this community, would you. When you consider, right now while I'm typing this message, there are 1439 surfers currently online here, what on earth are all these people doing? You see comments in the forums, but they are mostly all by the same people and very few new names. You see plenty of pic in the galleries, but they are mostly by the same people and few new people posting pics. Seriously, think about it.

JettBoy ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 9:50 PM

Hmmmmm, wait a sec; maybe I should take my staid, boring illustrations of streetcorner tough guys, punk rockers, junkies, hippies and propaganda comic book heroes, put them in a vague "fantasy" setting and slap on a gigantic pair o' mega-hooters that would make Dolly Parton seem like a pre-pubescent boy. Maybe then I should get crazy with Photoshop's airbrush tool, as if I were painting an Aztec sun maiden mural on the side of a 70's chicano love van. I'd get in the Top 20 for sure then, Buckaroo!!

pdxjims ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 10:27 PM

The renders I do of my bad attempts at posing Vicky ALWAYS get more views than anything else. I entitled one "Naked Vicky in the Temple" with no thumb, and I had a ton of hits. A lot of it goes to who does the viewing. There are more people here who come just to look than at the Commune. We get a lot of younger people who like fantasy and naked women. And there is a contingent of barely pubesent boys who are here for a cheap thrill (my nephews for one). I go more by the number of comments a piece gets, and the quality of the comment. "Nice render" is always good, but I prefer a good critique and suggestions. When I pick what to look at, I usually check artists I know, interesting thumbs, or a provacative title. I also try to look at works by those I recognize a nubies, in order to help with suggestions and to see what someone new is bringing to us. I avoid anything that has a thumb of naked skin with erotic overtones, and a boring title. It does get a little frustrating when what I think as a great piece is ignored, when the naked Vicky next to it has 300 hits. But then let's face it T&A sells.

Tashar59 ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 10:29 PM


I try to make my renders different but I'm still learning, so I think I tend to fall into the same old, same old style. Habits are hard to break. I have only done one nude so far. FyreSpiryt - The only render I've had go over 300 veiws is my portrait using Gypsy Hair, still one of my favorites. I don't worry to much about hits, I'm just having fun and if someone else likes what I do, That's a bonus. I don't think my heart could take being in the top 20 anyhow. Tashar 59

dialyn ( ) posted Mon, 02 December 2002 at 10:38 PM

I think you have the right spirit...the views shouldn't be as important as doing what you enjoy doing it. There are people, I'm sure, doing standard graphics for the sake of hits, but there's more important things. Having fun. Learning something new. Trying some stuff you haven't tried before. Showing off something you learned or bought or created. It's not all about getting views. It should be about doing something meaningful to you or having some fun. Nothing wrong with that. And, frankly, I'm always surprised when I get 100 hits. I don't know if those people have very good or very bad taste...maybe they are just lost. ;)

cerulean ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 12:57 AM

As a new peep, I try to look at everything that catches my eye. Alot of it usually has to do with color, or maybe a texture that has piqued my interest. As far as only using vicki, she's the only model I have right now, aside from the default ones included with poser. I'm just in a practicing stage, so I do look pretty much at everything.

however, I'm looking to buy mike this week if the early xmas pressie major hints thrown my bf's way aren't picked up on his sonar...(grin)

As a side note...thank you one & all who create & post free stuff....I wish I could convey how grateful I truly am for that area of renderosity.


Erlik ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 2:28 AM

Jettboy, I would gladly take a look at the Aztec sun maiden on a Chicano love van. Really. I think that such a pic would represent quite an achievement, what with the airbrush and the car-paint.

-- erlik

ShadowWind ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 2:52 AM

Gathering an audience should not be frowned upon as if it is some kind of crime. That goal makes many a better artist in the long run. Lord knows that I've strived to do better works than when I first started because of that.

There is equally nothing wrong with doing artwork just for the fun of it and saying the heck with the audience and/or views, but one has to decide which side of the fence they want to stand on.

Whatever kind of art you do, the key to finding an audience is to learn what the link is between you, your artwork, and that audience. It's not to change to whatever is popular. You won't be happy and your potential audience will see that. Ever see a work that has such passion behind it, but even if it's not technically wonderful, it still touchs you? That is because the artist has learned to tap into the human experience on some level. By finding that link, you can enjoy your work and so can that audience.

For me, I enjoy light hearted escape type pictures. Judging from the audience, I think people do too. There is enough pain and suffering in this world and often in our own backyards that people need a pick me up, and I truly enjoy if my artwork gives them that, in fact if it does not, and I can usually tell, I feel that the image failed in that goal. The portraits I do because people have favorite celebrities that they love and to give them an artist's vision of that celebrity is also quite enjoyable (as well as the challenge of getting the likeness right).

So if you do worry about views/comments/etc, there is nothing wrong with that, but consider how you want to build up your audience and work toward finding that compromise, while still keeping your integrity and your enjoyment.

As to comments, I like the "Nice Render" type ones. Maybe that's shallow, maybe it's not. After a long render or painting, it's good to hear that people like it. I think such comments are as important as the "helpful" ones.

To me, critique should be done privately if it's based on opinion rather than fact. Saying a picture could use a background is a fact. Saying that you think the background could use more light is opinion. Such calls may not match the artist's vision, but by posting it publicly you've now doomed that picture by pointing people to the perceived flaw which may not even be one...I had a person once say that he thought one of my portraits had pointy ears. I bet everyone then looked to see if they were. Later on, he said he saw the real actress and she had ears that were slightly pointy like the portrait. See what I mean? It's also very frustrating if you comment, but don't give any indication as to how to fix the problem you are pointing out. Some people, just don't know how to do some things. I had a picture that needed more ripples in the water. I knew it did, but I honestly hadn't figured out how to do them...so I put it up anyway...

Also keep in mind that it's not all about learning and getting better. Sometimes it's about escape, forgetting pain, or just relaxing. Not every image's goal is to be a masterpiece...I know, if they don't want comments, don't check the mark. Well like I said, some people just need someone to say, "Good job..." Is that so terrible?

Sorry for the dissertation, but this has been brewing up in me for awhile...

xoconostle ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 11:24 AM

The nice thing about R'osity galleries is that there's room for all styles. There is also room in these forums for a variety of opinions. That's why I had to grant FyreSpyrit a lot of credit for stating the simple truth that many people want to see nekkid Vicky (or airbrushed Vicky or whatever.) However, the theory seems to imply that a lot of the artists are responding to what subject matter gets the most hits. I'm sure many do. I've seen "get me into the Hot20" campaigns that frankly remind me of high school popularity polls. To be fair FyreSpyrit says that she thinks a lot of artists prefer to do Vicky pics. That's cool, but I take issue with the condescending attitude in FS's final paragraph. Nobody has a "problem" just because they find a lack of variety to be frustrating. It's a perfectly valid opinion, which I frequently share. The same is true with certain trends I see in the "conventional" gallery scene, which I earnestly enjoy in my city. Take a 1960s cartoon character, use it to comment on some social ill, and voila! You're "important." This is harder to do well than Naked Vicky, though. ;-) I have the distinct impression that many people are ignoring the run-of-the-mill pics (as they may perceive them.) It seems to me that the same people continuously strive to make note of, shall we say, more original imagery. I only started my gallery here recently. Indeed, a "pretty Vicky with nice breasts" pic of mine got the most hits (to be fair, some of the kind comments had depth.) As others have said, it's the comments that show some thought or critique that I value the most. If a render gets only a few hits, but one intelligent comment, I find that far more gratifying that getting 1,000 views due to a nice bosom. But then, my beginner's context here is not to be popular, it's to enjoy the CG hobby and to strive to improve. I suggest that when you set out to create a new image, you should do what you want to do, not what you think people want to see. If what you want to do happens to be NakedVickyInTemple, go for it, more power to you! I also suggest that those who view the galleries strive to make comments of value when they're moved to comment at all. "Nice render" is fine...it's always nice to get any comments at all, but "your sense of composition is great, but the highlights on the face are too strong" means so much more to many of us. You know what I mean. Lots of intelligent comments in this thread. I hope dissenting views (and my in-between sort of view) won't be seen as mere "griping." Usually, people gripe because they care. You can't say we aren't a passionate community!

TheWolfWithin ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 12:04 PM

i wouldn't touch this thread with a 30 ft. Naked Vikki......

creativechaos ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 3:51 PM

Honestly, I don't buy into the naked Vicki theory. Granted, I get more hits but less comments here than I do at 3DC, but my 2 most commented pics (with 19 comments a piece) are 1) Tatto U (it may be vicki, but you can't tell because it's her back that is to the camera showing off new tattoos) and 2) Colors of the Forest (which for me is a completely different style of work, it's a fairyish type image with lots of pretty colors and NOT vicki) I also got more comments on Tattoo U here, than I have on other images I've posted that were the vicki portrait images that you say everyone loves. I honestly think a lot of it depends on your name around here. People like (and I'm NOT trying to pick on anyone) Blackhearted, LadyJaiven, and Stormy get hits up the wazoo, and I suspect it has a great deal to do with their names. (As I said, I'm NOT trying to pick on anyone here, I like their work as much as the next gal) I just think we all need to take a little more time and help the nube's out on their imags that aren't exactly perfect and start making more comments that aren't "Hey, this is nice" and leave it at that. A name is a name is a name...I dare any of the "big names" around here to change their name and post a few pics and see how their rankings go? then maybe we'll see if what I suspect is correct.

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Remember...getting lost is the senic route to the eventual destination. (And a lot prettier than the straight road)

Tirjasdyn ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 4:26 PM

some one did a test once and found that if your thumb is a picture of a breast, your pic's comments and hits skyrocketed regardless of what it is. I think temple pics are high cause most by vicky first, clothes later.


FyreSpiryt ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 6:05 PM

Xoconostle, I apologize, I stated my last paragraph poorly. The problem I was referring to is that held by the VERY small but vocal number of people who complain repeatedly, loudly, are shocked that it doesn't change immediately, and keep going back to prove their point by viewing each and every NVIAT pic posted. ^_~ I would venture that 90% of us are artists to have fun or make a point. My opinion that, as long as you don't stomp on someone else in the process, whatever gets you there is fair game. If it's the Sistine Chapel or the most hits or a NVIAT pic, that's fine.

lmckenzie ( ) posted Tue, 03 December 2002 at 8:27 PM

"We get a lot of younger people who like fantasy and naked women." Hmmm, I'm not a younger people, (unless your reference point is the Golden Girls), but I like naked women. I like fantasy too, if it has naked women. The popularity of naked Vicky has much more to do with biology than anything else. The New Yorker accepts the fact that their circulation isn't as big as Penthouse, otherwise, they'd a nude debutantes of the Hamptons layout. I think the idea that the whole thing is some kind of competion for hits is the wrong attitude. I'm beginning to think that the hit counters, rankings etc. may be a bad thing because they help to fuel this notion. I can understand people wanting more feedback but being irritated because someone else's nude image got more hits than your more accomplished work is the triumph of ego over art. Anthony Hopkins proved you can be a great, classically trained actor and still be big boxoffice as Hannibal Lechter. If you build a better, more accomplished naked Vicky, the hits will come and you can salve your artistic conscience at the same time. Otherwise, just do what you enjoy and forget the hit parade. Now where were those nudie pics of Dame Judi Dench...

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