Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 11 3:50 am)
This was started in Wings and then taken to Sculptris, then back in Wings for tweaking. I imported it into Poser 9 so I could see how it is going to render. I still have to UV map it, then start work on the body. This head is still 1000 times too large yet.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
It’s good start. I have some critiques though...
There's a strange indentation in the jaw line, by the ear, that doesn't look quite right. Also, there's a surprising amount of slope in the side view from the chin to where the neck is joined. Fat people and older folks have that. It doesn't seem to match the rest of the head.
The mesh should be “retopologized” to a less dense, quad-based approach if you intend to build a figure.
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I don't think the eyes need to be enlarged. There's a recent and annoying trend to make "realistic" faces with overlarge eyes. They look about right to me, given the human eyeball is around 25mm dia and the human head is approx 5 inches wide.
Definitely needs to lose the tris, though.
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
yeah looks like while sculpting you changed the mesh with delaunay triangulation - which works great in the cloth room but is extremely inefficient in terms of figure topology.
theres a setting in Sculptris that turns off the delaunay triangulation, but i havent fired up Sculptris in ages so i couldnt tell you off the top of my head what it is. surely someone else will...
unfortunately you may have to go back to an early save, or redo most/all of your work since retopoing that is going to make a mess of the mesh.
otherwise great work, looks good - although i agree the eyes could be toned down a bit.
I REALLY became aware of that when I was working on my Megan Fox morphs. For real proportion-the eyes were much smaller than V4 stock.
Quote - I don't think the eyes need to be enlarged. There's a recent and annoying trend to make "realistic" faces with overlarge eyes. They look about right to me, given the human eyeball is around 25mm dia and the human head is approx 5 inches wide.
Definitely needs to lose the tris, though.
Quote - yeah looks like while sculpting you changed the mesh with delaunay triangulation - which works great in the cloth room but is extremely inefficient in terms of figure topology.
theres a setting in Sculptris that turns off the delaunay triangulation, but i havent fired up Sculptris in ages so i couldnt tell you off the top of my head what it is. surely someone else will...
unfortunately you may have to go back to an early save, or redo most/all of your work since retopoing that is going to make a mess of the mesh.
otherwise great work, looks good - although i agree the eyes could be toned down a bit.
I noticed that if you turn the detail slider up, it adds tris to the mesh, and if you smooth it, which I did to make the head more round and less boxy, it does it by adding tris. I will look at my settings and see if I can figure out how to turn it off.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
unfortunately you may have to go back to an early save, or redo most/all of your work since retopoing that is going to make a mess of the mesh.
Automatic retopology isn't useful for figures. For figures, you can create a manual retopology, provided that you have the software for it.
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^im aware of that, its still a lot of work regardless of which 'shortcut' tool you use.
"I noticed that if you turn the detail slider up, it adds tris to the mesh, and if you smooth it, which I did to make the head more round and less boxy, it does it by adding tris. I will look at my settings and see if I can figure out how to turn it off."
delaunay triangulation yields great results for dynamic cloth but is very ill-suited for a figure mesh. on some of those denser areas where more detail was 'morphed' - it looks like there are thousands of triangles.
i havent used sculptris forever and its not installed now or id just check for you, but there is some simple toggle setting on the brush that sets it to either triangulate the mesh or just displace the existing polys.
silo has the topo brush, soft selection, subd and displacement painting - its actually quite good at doing what youre trying to do and will give you full control of the mesh. you may want to consider it.
I have Blender, but I am not used to it yet. I don't have enough experience with it to do any effective modelling... yet. It's on my million item list of things to do. I will probably start devoting time to Blender in the near future, since the majority of what I am trying to accomplish can be done there much better...
Is there a program that can do retopology fairly easy?
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Asian? Yeah, I guess so.
Female? TBD.
Looks nice enough though at first glace I thought it was a boy.
Thus Spoketh Winterclaw: a blog about a Winterclaw who speaks from time to time.
(using Poser Pro 2014 SR3, on 64 bit Win 7, poser units are inches.)
You do realize the thread title could be construed as a fantasy many men have held dear to their hearts for years? :)
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
Quote - It's hard to tell with no hair, no eyelashes and no Could easily be a woman. Or a boy at this point. The differences between the two are really subtle anyway ;). I still think it's really, really good for someone who hasn't been modeling all that long.
Thank you for that! Just the shot in the ego I needed.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
What ethnic background is this Asian supposed to be? Different regions do have unique features; eyes slanting up or down, varying facial bone structures, height, width and depth of face, etc. You can inadvertantly call it japanese though it looks completely Northern Chinese or Vietnamese. Even minor regions will have variations from the general population.
The friend I am modelling her after is Cambodian. I am still working on the eyes, since they don't really look like hers at all. Her face is wide at the cheek bones and almost flat in front. About the only thing I have that is spot on with her face right now is the nose.
I have to have her sit down and let me take some more pictures of her, so that I can get a better 360 degree view of her to work with. Right now all I have is frontal and left side.
I know I have a long way to go to get this one done correctly. I was just happy that I was able to get it this far.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
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Among the million or so other things I am doing (can never work on one project through to completion, I guess I have ADD or something), is this Asian girl I have been working on. I finally got it to a somewhat viewable state, so here she is.If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.