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Limbo Pony: (For My Friends)

Poser Humor posted on Sep 06, 2008
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I planned on doing a image for a very kind lady but think it best to release this instead considering recent events.I'll do my dedication for my friend when the focus can be on her as it should be. A while back a friend of mine Paul, aka pjlawson was a bit down and I told him this story from my youth to try and cheer him up. In all honesty I never planned on sharing it with anyone else but after thinking it over I decided now would be the perfect time to do so. This is one of those silly and embarrassing stories we all have from our past and I hope it will show people not to take things so seriously. I think we all need to learn to laugh at ourselves from time to time to keep things in perspective. Hope it gave someone a laugh, please have a great weekend and thank you my friends for your support of me in recent weeks. Dave Limbo Pony: (For My Friends) When Veronica and I were small we spent weekends at our Grandparents farm.They had horses but we were too small to ride that is until one day Grandpa brought home a pony. Neither Veronica nor I had ever been on a pony before so we were excited and nervous.Veronica went first and was placed on the pony's back and he gently walked around the yard in a small circle almost like a ride. Thinking I was in for the same treatment I was all smiles as Grandpa placed me on the Pony and then let go. To my shock the pony took off at a much faster pace like he had a purpose. To make matters worse it had no intention of taking a casual stroll around the yard with me on it, instead as if possessed it headed for a tree with low branches and scraped me off sending me crashing and screaming to the ground. Battered, bleeding and crying they told me it was a accident and took me inside to put medicine on my cuts. Mean while Veronica went for another ride and as before it was like a gentle merry go round as the pony took her around the yard. Thinking this was just a fluke and the pony was spooked Grandpa lifted me up and placed me on the pony again. In a repeat performance the darn pony made a bee line for the lowest tree it could find, scraping me off once more. Believe it or not I was talked into getting on the evil little pony a third time as Grandpa promised to lead him using the reigns. For a while it worked and I was starting to enjoy the ride. Then Grandpa let go of the reigns to see if it would be okay finally. The moment he let go the sadistic pony made a dash for the nearest low branch to send me spilling to the ground for the third and final time. As you might guess after that I never rode a pony ever again, and thankfully Grandpa got rid of that spawn of Satan.

Comments (199)



7:27PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Spanish: Planeé hacer una imagen para una señora muy amable, pero pensar que ello mejor libera este en cambio considerando acontecimientos recientes. Haré mi dedicación para mi amigo cuando el foco puede estar en ella cuando debería ser. Un rato atrás un amigo mío Paul, aka pjlawson estaba un poco abajo y le conté esta historia de mi juventud para intentar y animarlo. En toda la honestidad nunca planeé compartirlo con alguien más pero después de meditarlo me decidí ahora sería el tiempo perfecto para hacer así. Este es una de aquellas historias tontas y embarazosas que tenemos de nuestro pasado y espero que esto muestre a la gente para no tomar cosas tan seriamente. Pienso que tenemos que aprender a reírnos de nosotros de vez en cuando para guardar cosas en la perspectiva. Esperanza esto dio a alguien una risa, por favor tienen un gran fin de semana y gracias mis amigos para su apoyo de mí en semanas recientes. Dave Poni de Expectativa: (Para Mis Amigos) Cuando la Verónica y yo éramos pequeños gastamos fines de semana en nuestra granja de Abuelos. Ellos tenían a caballos pero éramos demasiado pequeños para montar a caballo lo que es hasta un día él trajo a casa un poni. Ni la Verónica ni yo habíamos estado alguna vez en un poni antes entonces estuvimos excitados y nervioso. La verónica fue primero y fue colocada en el poni trasero y él suavemente anduvo alrededor de la yarda en un pequeño círculo casi como un paseo. El pensamiento en el que yo estaba para el mismo tratamiento yo era todas las sonrisas como el Abuelo me colocó en el Poni y luego dejar van. A mi choque el poni salió en un paso mucho más rápido como él tenía un objetivo. Para hacer asuntos peores esto no tenía ninguna intención de tomar un paseo ocasional alrededor de la yarda conmigo en ello, en cambio como si lo poseyó se dirigió hacia un árbol con ramas bajas y se se raspó del envío estruendo y grito a la tierra. Derribado, sangrando y gritando ellos me dijeron que esto era un accidente y me tomó dentro para poner la medicina sobre mis cortes. Medio mientras la Verónica fue para otro paseo y como antes de que pareciera a un alegre suave dan vuelta cuando el poni la tomó alrededor de la yarda. El pensamiento de este era sólo una platija y el poni fue asustado el Abuelo me levantó y me colocó en el poni otra vez. En una interpretación de repetición el poni de zurcido hizo una línea de abeja para el árbol más bajo que esto podría encontrar, quitándome raspando una vez más. Por extraño que pueda parecer fui hablado en la subida al malo pequeño poni una tercera vez cuando el Abuelo prometió conducirlo usando los reinados. Un rato esto trabajó y yo comenzaba a disfrutar del paseo. Entonces el Abuelo dejó van de los reinados para ver si sería bien finalmente. El momento al que él dejó va el poni sádico hizo una carrera para la rama baja más cercana para enviarme derramándose a la tierra para la vez tercera y final. Cuando usted podría adivinar después que nunca monté un poni alguna vez otra vez, y por suerte el Abuelo se deshizo de aquella hueva del Satán. Portugese: Planejei fazer uma imagem de uma senhora muito gentil mas pensar que ele melhor lança isto em vez disso considerando eventos recentes. Farei a minha dedicação do meu amigo quando o foco pode estar nela como deve ser. Tempo atrás um amigo meu Paul, aka pjlawson esteve um bocado abaixo e contei-o esta história da minha juventude para tentá-lo e animá-lo. Em toda a honestidade nunca planejei compartilhá-lo com alguém mais mas depois de refletir sobre ele decidi agora seria o tempo perfeito para fazer assim. Isto é uma daquelas histórias bobas e embaraçosas que temos do nosso passado e espero que ele mostre a gente para não tomar coisas tão seriamente. Penso que temos de aprender a rir de nós de vez em quando para guardar coisas na perspectiva. Esperança ele deu a alguém um riso, por favor têm um grande fim de semana e obrigado os meus amigos do seu suporte de mim nas últimas semanas Dave Pônei de Limbo: (para Os meus Amigos) Quando a Verônica e eu fomos pequenos passamos fins de semana na nossa fazenda de Avôs. Eles tiveram cavalos mas fomos demasiado pequenos para montar o que é até um dia ele trouxe em casa a um pônei. Nem a Verônica nem eu tínhamos estado alguma vez em um pônei antes portanto fomos excitados e nervoso. A verônica foi primeiro e foi colocada no pônei traseiro e ele suavemente andou em volta da jarda em um pequeno círculo quase como um passeio. Pensando estive em para o mesmo tratamento fui todos os sorrisos como o Vovô me colocou no Pônei e logo deixar vão. Ao meu choque o pônei decolou em um passo muito mais rápido como ele teve um objetivo. Para fazer matérias piores ele não teve nenhuma intenção de tomar um passeio casual em volta da jarda comigo nele, em vez disso como se o possuísse dirigiu-se a uma árvore com ramos baixos e raspou-me-me do envio choque e grito à terra. Batido, sangrando e gritando eles disseram-me que ele foi um acidente e me tomou no interior para pôr a medicina nos meus cortes. Avaro enquanto a Verônica foi para outro passeio e como antes de que ele se parecesse com um alegre doce dão volta como o pônei a tomou em volta da jarda. Pensando isto foi somente uma pata de âncora e o pônei foi espantado o Vovô levantou-me em cima de e colocou-me no pônei novamente. Em uma realização de repetição o pônei de remendo fez uma linha de abelha da árvore mais baixa que ele pode encontrar, raspando-me mais uma vez. Acredite ou não fui falado na subida no mau pequeno pônei uma terceira vez como o Vovô prometeu conduzi-lo usando os reinos. Durante algum tempo ele trabalhou e eu começava a gostar do passeio. Então o Vovô deixa vão dos reinos ver se seria okey finalmente. O momento que ele deixou vai o pônei sádico fez uma arremetida do ramo baixo mais próximo para enviar-me caindo à terra durante a vez terceira e final. Como você poderia adivinhar depois que nunca montei um pônei alguma vez novamente, e agradecidamente o Vovô livrou-se daquela ova de Satã.



7:28PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

French: J'ai planifié en action d'une image pour une dame très gentille, mais penser cela le mieux pour le libérer plutôt la considération des événements récents. Je ferai ma dédicace pour mon ami quand le foyer peut être sur elle comme il devrait être. Le peu de temps en arrière un ami de qui Paul mien, aka pjlawson a eu baissé un peu et je lui ai dit cette histoire de ma jeunesse pour essayer et l'encourager. Dans toute l'honnêteté je n'ai jamais planifié en partageant de cela avec personne d'autre mais après le fait d'y réfléchir j'ai décidé maintenant serait le temps parfait pour faire ainsi. C'est une de ces histoires bêtes et embarrassantes que nous tous avons à partir de notre passé et j'espère qu'il montrera aux gens pour ne pas prendre des choses au sérieux ainsi. Je crois que nous tous devons apprendre à rire de nous de temps en temps pour garder des choses dans la perspective. L'espoir il a donné quelqu'un un rire, ont s'il vous plaît un week-end grand et le merci mes amis pour votre soutien de moi dans les semaines dernières. Dave Poney de Limbes : (Pour Mes Amis) Quand Veronica et moi étions petits nous avons passé des week-ends à notre ferme de Grand-pères. Ils avaient des chevaux mais nous étions trop petits pour aller qui est jusqu'à un jour il a fait voir un poney. Ni Veronica ni moi n'étions jamais sur un poney auparavant donc nous avons été excités et nerveux. Veronica est allée d'abord et a été placée sur le poney arrière et il a doucement marché autour du yard dans un petit cercle presque comme un trajet. En pensant j'étais dans pour le même traitement j'étais tous les sourires comme le Pépé m'a placé sur le Poney et laisser ensuite vont. À mon choc le poney a enlevé à un pas beaucoup plus rapide comme il avait un but. Pour rendre des questions plus mauvaises il n'avait aucune intention de prendre une promenade décontractée autour du yard avec moi sur cela, plutôt comme si l'a possédé s'est dirigé vers un arbre avec les branches basses et m'a gratté de l'envoyant de moi l'accident et le fait de crier à la terre. Battu, en saignant et en criant ils m'ont dit que c'était un accident et m'a pris à l'intérieur pour mettre la médecine sur mes coupes. Moyen pendant que Veronica est allée pour un autre trajet et comme avant qu'il a ressemblé à un joyeux doux vont autour comme le poney l'a prise autour du yard. En pensant c'était juste un coup de chance et le poney a été effrayé le Pépé m'a soulevé et m'a placé sur le poney de nouveau. Dans une performance répétée le poney reprise a fait une ligne d'abeille pour l'arbre le plus bas qu'il pourrait trouver, en m'enlevant en grattant encore une fois. Croyez-le ou pas on m'a parlé dans le fait de monter dans le méchant petit poney une troisième fois comme le Pépé a promis de le mener utilisant les règnes. Pendant quelque temps il a travaillé et je commençais à apprécier le trajet. Alors le Pépé laisse vont des règnes voir si ce serait pas mal finalement. Le moment qu'il laisse va le poney sadique a fait une pointe pour la branche basse la plus proche pour m'envoyer renversant sur la terre pour la fois troisième et finale. Comme vous pourriez deviner après que je n'ai jamais monté un poney jamais de nouveau et avec gratitude le Pépé s'est débarrassé de ce frai de Satan.



7:31PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

What a wonderful story, I was in stitches at a few spots. The spawn Of Satan... too funny. Lovely image to go with it! Fav'd for sure!



7:31PM | Sat, 06 September 2008




7:31PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

most excellent as usual Dave well



7:36PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Wow, now I can't help but wonder if something was in your clothing sticking it? Weird, now you've got my mind wondering! LOL, either way, it is wonderfully illustrated as always!



7:36PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Beautiful story and beautiful image. I liked the kids' poses.



7:38PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Fantastic work, Dave. Great story and composition. Some pony i must admit haha.... Satan's Spawn.. good name. ;) Sound like some ROUGH treatment that pony gave you. Having the courage to try 3 times... that is something. I only tried horseback riding once...without saddle.. The horse dropped me off in one of it's own turd's. So i kinda quit on horseback riding too. Thanks for the laugh.. i needed that.#;oD



7:38PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

I am so happy to see you posting again. I loved the story, once again your creativity has put a smile on my face. Thank you my friend, kell +5



7:39PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

lol dave ya had me giggling, i went on a friend's pony some years back when i was a teen, and the damn thing took off down the street and threw me over someones garden wall, and yes i have never gotten on a hors since lol have a great weekend my friend



7:45PM | Sat, 06 September 2008




7:46PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

That is too cute of a story Dave. Tenacity of spirit was yours at that young age, yes? With special assistance from Grandpa. Oh Me!!!! Love your image. it sure agrees with that fun story. Fun now. I bet, not then. LOL.....



7:49PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

This is fantastic, terrific, super cute and funny David. Wonderfully written. Nice clarity and depth. The lighting is perfect. Another Masterpiece. You did a great job. Truly cracks me up. Huggs... Silkylady...



7:53PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

That's a funny story, Dave. Sometimes animals seem to sense things differently than we do, and there must have been something about your friend that the pony didn't like too much. Either that or the pony just had a strange sense of humor. Nice looking image to go with your tale!



7:58PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

LOL ... that's a funny and fun story Dave. I recall a horse ride many (too many)years ago ... the horse took off at full gallop for a small stream. It stopped short sending me into the water. Guess it's a tossup between low branches and a water landing for those who flirt with equine-wiles. haha Very cool image ... and I'm glad that you're finally posting again. :-)



8:00PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

hahahaha, I love horses but dislike ponies. For that very same reason Dave. Love the story and illustration is priceless.



8:04PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

LOL Boy do I know this one well. lol The horse from hell. I agree with seaview, there was something about you he didn't like or sensed you were afraid. It even could of been a young child hurt him in some way, some say, horses are stupid, which is far from the truth. Too bad you had such a bad experience, I always felt free as the wind on my horses. Wonderful creatures. Great story and very true, sometimes we shouldn't take thing too seriously, laughter is a better for the soul. :o) Good to see you posting again. Have a safe weekend!


8:07PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Your image fits well your own story. Great idea to share this with us. The expressions you applied on visages are very close to the narrative actions ! It is like a wayback artwork. Nice and warm.



8:12PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Beautiful story and wonderful work.



8:12PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

dave, it's a great story! Not that falling off a pony 3 times is great, but as a childhood tale of craziness and hope, it's just wonderful. (And well told.) The picture's another of your amazing complex portraits, not just for the way you tell the tale itself—which is done perfectly—but again for all your detail. Humanity is everywhere in your work. The boy (you) is in a complex pose, his body splayed in several directions. You even got the spread of fingers on the ground, slightly skewed just as it would be in the moment. Your sister's legs are wonderfully different from each other, in motion, varied, one in shadow, one bright (that white sock!). Your grandfather (as you might see him at such a moment), kind of standing in the shadows, a bit stunned. And that pony—it's shining like an apparition, and it seems to have veins all down its underbelly and legs. Not sure if those are veins or satan's markings (!) but they're wonderful. I also like the autumn colored leaves in the foreground & you even got the old car on your shirt. Chock full of human detail and a lot of fun & menace all rolled into one, another wonderful portrait from your head & heart. Wonderful.



8:26PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

What a wonderful and enchanting story. I love your story and your image. Both bring a wonderful warmth to the heart and laughter to the soul. Splendid work!!!



8:53PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Jajajaja, sorry Dave, but that was very funny. Excellent!!



8:54PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Oh Dave~ what a cute image and story (even though, I wonder why that horse acted that way) I'm glad you shared it with us! Hugs my friend!



9:09PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Excelente trabalho! Perfeito!Parabéns!



9:15PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

It's about time. Glad to see you back on the horse. Love the guy's green shirt!



9:16PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

wow, that's just messed up, even for you as a kid. really glad you shared this glimpse into your own childhood, glad to see you finally posting your wonderful stories and art. glad to be a friend to such a wonderful artist and story teller


9:19PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

It's true that some horses or ponies will take to some people, and not others. My sister had a horse like that. Excellent story. It is too bad the pony didn't allow you to get used to riding. The pony probably sensed your nervousness, as well. Excellent render!



9:33PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

very humorous Dave, but not to you at the time.the morphing of "your" demin panis around the cuffs is outstanding.the horse is superb, being one of the most realistic textures. I would ride a friends Shetland pony some but she had a colt and the colt did not want me to be on her mother.he would come up and try and bite my legs or kick me.I finally gave up since he was so jealous sure happy you have posted again



9:41PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Rotfl Dave!!! Did you have sharp objects in your pant pockets??? Being a boy, you probably had frogs, rocks and little green army men :) You are so lucky to not have gotten hurt more than you did. My sister's horse scraped her off under a low branch and she got a concussion and landed in the hospital. I am sure the horse knew what it was doing. Thankfully ponies are closer to the ground and your fall wasn't overly bad. I hope you don't mind me chuckling about how sinister this pony was :) Thanks for sharing!



9:51PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Baby im glad that you upload this pic..even u told me this story i still wanted to read it over and over again coz you maked me smile of that pony.like that girl shes cute and the boy too and of course including that pony..wonderful work as always and im pretty sure all your friends are happy coz u have posted again. i love you and sweet kisses baby..

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