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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 29 3:50 pm)
What??? Noone makes wizards, angels or clergy anymore. What happened to creative thinking? What is up with the constant high-chool transexual humor? The Utah reference is pretty brutal. This place it better than that.
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
I'm sorry but I do want to add what that all these Tranny/Vincent jab post have caused to happen....which is Michael Lane and I(who made Vincent) not being included in the making of M3. They think people don't like our work on the V3 Male which obviously seems the case. Maybe you like that idea, but I thought we had contributed alot to V3 final look and making the V3 Male Morph Pack(we didn't do the default male morphs). Oh well. Sure the guys will in Utah will do great job on M3 without us. Just an FYI. Sorry if it makes anyone uncomfortable.
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
Wow, Anton and Michael, sorry about the missing out on working on M3. I can imagine that you guys would have enjoyed working on him... But doesn't having other people work on M3 slow things down? Regardless, you guys do great work. It really has a great deal to do with 'eye of the beholder'.
Calypso Dreams... My Art-
People made exactly the same sorts of comments about Stephanie and the mil boys and if M3 includes a female option they'll make the same sorts of comments again.
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Anton, just consider the source and move on. Mr. Moody has made crass comments before and mostly I just ignore him nowdays. V3, male and female characters are very popular with most of us. I enjoy V3 and all the accessories that you and Michael Lane have made very much. Thank you both for helping to create such a versital character.
I like V3 male too... its all in how you use the morphs, I think. I think you can ugly him up really good and make him pretty masculine, if you get creative with using the V3 head morphs (and not just the male ones) He does have a tendancy to look like a young man but that's not a bad thing... there was a gap before with the 18-25 yo age group, which V3 male fills rather well.
Yeah, Anton, in a post a few threads above, I've displayed my recreation of Davros from "Doctor Who." Did I use Michael? Nope, V3! I could achieve the gaunt, mummy-like features far more easily using a mixture of the male and female morphs, some actually in reverse. I've also been experimenting, trying to recreate the alien captain from my online strip. Again, V3. She's an amazingly versatile model! Sincerely, Bill
Tempt the Hand of Fate and it'll give you the "finger"!
Hi Hey guys I think the comments made at the begining of the thread were meant to be funny (everybody has a different sense of humour so just take it as that). I will admit I'm tempted by the male morphs to add to V3 as a female character rather than a male one, but as yet I can't afford them besides My wife to be..... (, did I tell you I'm getting married in November I'm really excited about it and need to tell) .... keeps telling me my characters look too plastic so I guess I'll have to play some more before I go for the male figs too. have fun Dave
Anton what morph is that in the add's for Vincent Noric texture and Laurie S's camelot and bloodlust texture sets? Id really like to see it released. It makes the V3 male char much better. I cant seem to get the right look for vincent then when i saw that morph I was like "thats it Thats what I was missing".
Jeezis. It was a joke. When someone did exactly the same thing in this forum with the tooltip over the Toonimal Puppy that read "Based on the V3 Mesh" no one busted a gut. I own V3 Male and the related products and am perfectly satisfied with it. Dan Farr's a neat guy as far as I can tell, but his features were a less than optimal choice for casting an average male. V3 looks a lot more like, well, people like me. Go visit my pathetic little website and look at the outdated tutorial on modeling from photos to see what I'm talking about; that balding geek is myself. Anton: I know absolutely zero about what's going on with M3. I didn't even know if DAZ was still pursuing the project considering the versatility of V3 Male (which IMHO is how DAZ should have done it from the start). Whatever politics are going on behind the scenes, I regret bruising your feelings and had no idea this was a sore spot. FWIW I thought Stephanie was and is an excellent model. The only bitch I ever pitched about Victoria 1 had to do with the incongruity of her features (cobbled from separate Victoria's Secret models), the planar columella, and having her eyes tilted by default. I stand by those criticisms and am satisfied with DAZ's subsequent improvements. The only complaint I currently have with V3 is that after DAZ released the animation-friendly Lo Res V/S/M models they didn't follow suit with V3. I stand by that complaint as well; lo-res stand-in characters are the preferred choice for animators and making V3 ideal only for renders fulfills the prophecy that we're only interested in nekkid Vicky renders. Petunia: I am a smart-ass. Supposedly no one likes one. American Heritage defines "crass" as "So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility." Not the same thing, thank you for playing.
Thanks. Is is just regular morph setting using the V3 morphs and the V3Male Morph Pack. I'll look to see if I have the settings still. I usually make a fresh face every time. Laurie did her own settings. I can ask her about them too.
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
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lets hear it for Stephanie... and Aiko too! Aiko can expand your male figures! I even make REAListic looking guys out of the Aiko male by adding Stephanie morphs... He ends up very different from V3 AND Mike! (thank goodness for the bloodsong Steph to Michael remap, works like a charm!) link is to one of my guys with Aiko. Makes a gritty asian looking guy fairly easy. I'm really happy with V3 male too, but its good to explore all your man-making options! ;-)Good grief!!! Can't we make jokes any more? I saw duane's comment and ref to Ed Wood - one of my all-time favorite movies, plus I have all the original Ed Wood movies - and added my own 2 cents. I didn't seriously think DAZ had gone into the 'tranny' market. Duane obviously meant it as a joke. I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined that anyone would have taken the original post as any kind of serious comment. I can understand people's sensitivity on certain issues and I respect it..... but COME ON, FOLKS! Lighten up, please. mac
FYi: you know I found out about Poser from a transexual client back when I was a makeup artist. A big chunk of the community are crossdressers and transexuals. Probably as many as the housewives, retiries, gay people, and college boys. Maybe they think it is funny. Daz might too. Who knows. part about "....since the supreme court decision" makes it sound like there is a history at Daz people don't know about. Just my opinion.
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
forgot to mention the tranvestites. Sorry there. Hey who do you think is buying all that underwear stuff anyway. :P .... :)
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
No reason to aplogize for deleting anything. I delete all the time cuz of typos and stuff myself. In regards to what you where saying about michael stuff, Once we get M3 out the Platinum CLub will be more male/female balanced. Like I said..just makes more sense to wait than to make something now for M2. Since I make the Platinum content I always encourage people to email me and noone ever does. maybe half a dozen People over all. Anyone can reach me using these or
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
"What's this Supreme Court decision?" The decision referred to in the first posting was the recent one that struck down "sodomy laws" in Texas, which by default invalidated such laws throughout the USA. Officially, the LDS church remains deeply anti-gay in both theological policy and action taken against gay members and their familes. Ironically, Mormons are the targets of just as much bigotry and misunderstanding as they're accused of promulgating from the pulpit. As you say, whbos, most LDS faithful are fine people. They have an admirable sense of community and family, and tend to be cheerful, sincere, and industrious. They aren't hatemongers. Last I read, less than half the SLC population was LDS. I know duanemoody only meant a harmless joke, so I hope this won't sound too humorless, but in the past I've seen the suggestion that DAZ=Mormon=Uptight Morals in these forums many times. It's an assumption based on the historical power and dominance of the LDS church in Utah, which is undeniable. It's the subject of lots of jokes. I just heard one by Robin Williams last night about stiff, boring, personality-challenged people in Utah. Anyone who's spent time there knows better (not that the joke wasn't funny.) I found out about Poser from a REALLY SCARY website in Japan, LOL. Don't ask me how I found it. (Adjusts crooked halo...)
I live in Boston and am Baptist Well most religions are "officially" again being gay. Means nothing about individuals and companies. Lots of catholic people here in Boston. Doesn't make the companies here are "catholic" companies. I only mentioned that cause people have mentioned the mormon thhing in regards to Daz. As one of the two "out" gay people who work for Daz I thik it is safe to say you can't judge book by the library it sits in. lol
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
Bijou sez: "Aiko can expand your male figures!" Damned right! Aiko expands my male figure every time I make a ren- err, forget I said that. Now, as for this LDS business... my big, fat disclaimer: I'm not, and I won't. They'd have to scrub the local ward-house down with gallons of holy water and bleach if a heathen like me ever set foot in the place. OTOH, the most I ever see from them, even here in Mormon Central, is the occasional sticky note on my door inviting me to "Enrichment Night" or somesuch, though quite frankly everyone else on the block gets those, too. I got mormons for neighbors, mormons all up and down the school's management hierarcy (my own immediate supervisor is a local bishop if memory serves), my brother-in-law is really devout about it, and a solid 99% of my students spend some portion of their extracurricular day in training to someday do their stint as a missionary. OTOH, as the only SOB on the block who doesn't get 10% of his paycheck direct-deposited into the local LDS ward's tithing fund (yep, they do that if you ask for it), I can say for certain that I've seen very little in the way of discrimination, and none at my job or in any government-related thing I have to do (like petition for property tax abatement ferinstance - something half the neighborhood had to do last year thanks to an overzealous county appraiser). The only thing I cannot do here because of the prevailing morality (not religion, morality) is purchase porn DVD's online... but neither can anyone else in Utah - though Wyoming, Nevada, or Idaho are but a short 1.5 hours' drive away from my house, where I can get real beer (and not the 3.2% horse's urine the locals like to call "beer"), fireworks (if I ever decided that blowing 300 bucks on non firearms-related explosive crap was a halfway-intelligent thing), or lottery tickets (err, should I ever feel the urge to toss money up a bird's arse in the vain hope of somehow becoming a zillionaire)... But in all honesty, there are a lot of Baptists and Catholics around here who are just fine with these laws, hence my labelling of morality and not religion as the big factor. Hell, I'm from Arkansas, where purchasing alcohol was a question of which county you lived in, and what day of the week it was if the county was "wet". Out there, you can forget about such goodies as porn, fireworks, or any sort of lottery ( you had to get those in Oklahoma from my neck of the woods.) If you're gay, no worries - the LDS church condemns lots of folks to Hell for doing much worse stuff, starting with the barley-pop in my refrigerator. Sodomy just wasn't all that big on 'The Official List Of Bad Things' last time I checked, and no one seems to be making a big deal of it here, outside of the usual suspects on the local AM radio shows. Besides, they'll just baptize you after you die anyway, and you'll go to Heaven nonetheless according to what I understand of the dogma (at least that's how I think it works... not 100% sure on that one. I'll check in w/ my brother-in-law next time I ring him up.) Like Anton said - DAZ ain't typical of Utah, and certainly isn't typical of the LDS church's dogma the last time I checked... they have a pretty big habit of "live and let live" in that cramped little hovel down in Draper. /P
Sorry perhaps I misunderstood the thread but I find it great that one can add male morph to V3 knowing that it takes time to "create" a masculine character. Men doesn't have to look like Arnold to be masculine in my opinion and when I think of it - very few women looks like Victoria 1-3. I think you did a great job Anton
Damn! I was kinda proud of the guy's acceptance of his feminine side. I do think it's suspicious that the Digital Art Zone disallowed Anton to add his fantastic talent to the creation of Michael 3. To the Digital Art Zone I'll say that the hair products sold in the Platinum Club I WOULD HAVE PAID FULL PRICE!!! The hair is rocking hard Anton!! - please please keep them coming. Duane's joke is funny exactly because the Digital Art Zone tries to project an appearance of 'wholesomeness' (regardless of what religion they follow). If I say Bill Clinton got caught hiring a hooker, no one's gonna laugh. If I say Hilary was caught wearing a dress then someone's gonna laugh. If the 'appearance' of wholesomeness didn't exist, then the idea for the joke would not have sprouted.
Well, Krystalmoon is right, this thread took a major turn, but I really enjoyed Peng's description of life in Utah. I haven't visited Utah in many years, but have strong memories of its natural beauty, which is staggering in some areas. Utah also boasts the little town of Vernal, where there are wonderfully corny, huge fiberglass statues of dinosaurs on some of the street corners, and where you can buy honey in dinosaur-shaped bottles. As regards the deals in Platinum Club, yeah...I would have paid full price for the Gargoyle Hound, and am very fond of the Hatchling Phoenix and all the Cyclorama textures.
Very interesting trip to Utah indeed. I live in France, and I never had the occasion to go there. It looks like another planet to me, but hey, it takes all kind of things to make up a world. As for the marketting decision of DAZ to exclude Anton from the making of M3, I hope they'll acknowledge their mistake and let him work on female morphs for M3. After all Vickie IS NOT a girl : she is an asexual sum of 3D coordinates. We shouldn't project to much of our own world view on digital representation. (but, IMHO this idea still doesn't justify digital depiction of child porn. Just my 2 eurocents).
Compiler - I don't pretend to know what or why the crew on M3 are or are not working on it... but Anton is among the best in Poserland, and I believe that Dan Farr does know that. And yes, it is another planet out here in some aspects, but seeing the sun set from Antelope Island out on the Great Salt Lake, watching it rise in Bryce Canyon, or walking among the clouds in Mirror Lake are just a small fraction of the wonderful things I can do here (not to mention hunting the North American Elk - walking the backcountry in late autumn is almost a religious experience in itself.) :) IMHO, (haven't seen M3 yet, but I'll see if I can't finagle a peek) as a tall and slim guy, the V3 male is IMO the best ticket for normal guys, though I do use a heavily modified Mike2 as my little clown dude over at PoserPros. /P
I'd like to add my support for Anton and Michael; they do great stuff and I've never been disappointed with their products. And I find v3 to be the best male model all around: easy to use, easy on resources, most realistic, and very easy to customize to look like different people. I hardly ever use Mike or M2 any more and am in no big hurry for M3.
I didn't mean it to sound like a strong message. That's what I get for posting things when I've had one too many nips of wine. However, it would be nice to have some pants to go with the male counterpart of Vicky3. I don't think he looks too great in a dress.
Poser 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Pro 2014, 11, 11 Pro
-Anton, creator of
ApolloMaximus: 32,000+ downloads
since 3-13-07
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the
face of truth is concealment."
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Apparently the "tran" referred to in the new Nordic Vincent tex pack is more of the Ed Wood variety. Note the highlighted related products.