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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 19 10:39 am)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: Cat suit for AnimeDoll and MayaDoll in the works

compiler ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 1:52 PM

Just a little info : Totally Spies belongs to Disney, and they are VERY touchy on copyright issues. As the saying goes : don't mess with the mouse !

SenshiTaurus ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 2:02 PM

I didn't know it was created by disney.......besides, i'm not going to sell it, it's going to be a freebie.....

insomniaworks ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 2:09 PM

Hi Senshi, You will not be able to put in rosity as a freebee either, same rules apply as in the MP and rosity is getting more and more touchy about copyright infringments. Although, you could just share it with people who ask your for it though like I do with my Sailor Moon Sailor Senshi, lol. Just word of mouth as it were. I will be glad to give you an advice on modeling but we can't fill up this forum with too much off topic chat. I will contact you by IM.

ynsaen ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 2:30 PM

Hi again :) No, Marty, not all of the poke thru is caused by the extreme poses, but some of it is, and I'd hate for you to have to keep delaying this just so you can make the catsuit do stuff the model was never intended to! It is, however, an admirable goal! ;)

thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

insomniaworks ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 3:09 PM

Okay, some update news, just talked to shadownet and he tested this in poser 4 with the latest service release and he said there were no problems as Shenshi is complaining of, I think she will do fine also when she adds on her service release. As for pokethrus, I am looking onto not delaying the release, but maybe putting a upgrade cr2 for the catsuit into the freebee package. I would like to point something out...just as ynwaen said, I am in a sense trying to make this do what the model was never intended to do. From the start of my short carrer, I have been trying to do a better job and correct every flaw that I am used to in other products. These flaws are not really flaws at all really! I had to become a modeler to learn this. These are the limits of the posers ability. Now understand when you make a peice of clothing in a modeler software and get the groups as exactly as you can where they should be and use a an original animedoll cr2, what could go wrong??? In theory it should work perfect every time. But it don't, there are so many variables you can't immagine. This is because you can not make two different geometries work exactly the same way no matter how hard you try. Now that we face the awful truth that it is impossible, we then say to ourselves, how can we beat the system. I have a few methods of doing this, beating the system as it were. I will only mention one method and that is adding in JCM morphs to correct variences between animedoll and the clothing she is wearing. Okay, now what is wrong with that you might ask, what is wrong with making enough Joint Controll Morphs to adjust for every possible poke thru? The answer to that question is memory. Every time I add another JCM, the size of the cr2 increases and the outfit takes longer to load up. Also, keep in mind that many pokethrus are actually happening when the vertices in the figure the clothing is fitting begin fold. What I mean is, take animedoll for instance and move one of her joints into an extreeme range - (with the underarms you don't even have to adjust to extreme-this is a real problem spot-just move her arm down close to her side)...then look at the folding in charactor geometry. The geometry of the model will begin to fold up, there is no way of fitting perfectly when this happens. wow, I am out of breath now, lol, marty

insomniaworks ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 3:56 PM

Senshi, your poses are from Charlies Angles, right? I wonder if poses can be copyrighted, lol. They look very good, I think that one girl in Yellow has too much side to side in her wrist, she would have to be a senshi master to get her wrist to do that. Anyway, I see your background is pixelated, why is that, are you setting your background picture as a background picture? Try loading up a one sided square from your Prop Types Folder. Then load your backgound picture on to the square and then resize and move it where you want it behind your charactors. marty

jewell ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 4:30 PM

so how do we get a copy of your sailor moon stuff?

SenshiTaurus ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 4:34 PM

No, if you look carfully, the original pic is of the girls from Totally Spies, I just used the background for reference...... "Shenshi is complaining of, I think she will do fine also when she adds on her service release." I'm a boy............the first Male Senshi.....of Love and Music......For calling me a girl "I will punsih you!".......or just slap you on the wrist and tell you not to let it happen again....^_^ I guess I'll have to put the d/l on my site when i'm finished rather than on here.......sigh I mean, it's not like i'm saying "Look, I created the charas all by myself!"'s just like 3D fanart......

The3dZone ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 4:52 PM


Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

insomniaworks ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 6:13 PM

dosn't senshi mean female hero?

shadownet ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 6:51 PM

Hi Marty,

I tested the finished catsuit as you requested in Poser 4.

All Cr2 files loaded okay. Conformed okay. (btw, like the cat ears and tail. good add-on). I did notice that the ears ride high on naked head but seems right with hair. So no problem there, just an observation. I tried out all the pose files, all the MATs, and everything appears to work right.

I also tested the MayaDoll Basic figure wearing the cat suit, with the ears and tail, in numerous poses. Basically, I went through my P4 pose folder and just tried different ones. Had to really work to get any poke thru, even on the more extreme poses. Youd did a fantastic job. I can not
recall the last time I saw clothing poses this nicely straight out of the box.

Now, I noticed here that you and several others have mentioned having problems with poke thru showing up in P4 even on the default suit when loaded. I did not see anything like this, but I was using a clean install of Poser 4 without an earlier verison of the catsuit. Be aware that if you tested an earler version of the catsuit object, you need to delete the rsr file in the geometry folder - actually, in this case, I would delete all old cat suit files, and then shut Poser down, and reinstall clean. Next time you load the cat suit, Poser will make a new RSR file for the object, and this one will be for the current object and not an older version.

Okay, that if JFIP and may not help solve the problem that some of you have mentioned, but it is worth a try.

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 7:11 PM

The poses I used aren't qualified as extreme poses, I'll get you the exact reference pose in a bit... but they're Victoria 3-based.

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 7:13 PM

and I use Poser 5.

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 7:23 PM

Bah... I forgot what pose set it's from, I have way too many pose sets. =/

insomniaworks ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 9:51 PM

yggdrasil, what ynsean and I were saying is that a product can not really be expected to be absolutely perfect in all poses, even if they are not into the extreme. Sometimes you have to just adjust your pose for the figure or move you camera angle so the pokethru doesn't show up. There is also the standard procedure of making the figures parts invisable if you are not using transparent MATs. I was bothered by a poke thru I was seeing in the belly of in The 3dZone post Number 132 when she is bent over backwards in an extreme pose. But she shows the figure in almost an identical pose in the same picture where the poke thru doesnt show up. There is a slight difference in the two poses but you really don't see it. You will notice that posing the abdomen and posing the chest almost do exactly the same thing, but the clothing will act differently for each. Just turn down the offending joint movement that is causing the distortion and transfer that movement to the other part. This will remove that belly pokethru, I am sure. If not, I will upgrade the cr2 as I said before, but if I keep adding JCM morphs to the cr2 it will get larger and larger thus use more and more of the users resources. I don't know if there any rules to this that apply, like I said before, with my MiniDress, its best to pose the buttocks before you pose the thighs because this way the bottom of the dress will flow better and not get jaggedy. With another peice of clothing the reverse might be true. Thank you Shadownet testing and posting that great review of my product. Thank you very much. marty

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 9:56 PM

nods Understood. I'll have to try that. ^_^ Thanks.

shadownet ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 10:10 PM

Also, with close fitting clothing, like a catsuit, it is nearly impossible to eliminate all poke thru because that is just the way it is in Poser. Generally, where body parts are hidden anyways, beneath the clothing, it is easy to hide the offending body part using the object editor or hierary editor and making those parts invisible. For areas that can not readily be hidden, because some portion may need to show. You can often use the scale dials on the body part of the figure or the clothing item to eliminate any poke thru that shows up on a particular pose, prior to rendering. Also, you should be aware, that pose files made for one figure do not always work right with another, due to the way the jp setting are configured for a figure. For example, pose files made for the original Poser 4 figures when applied to a figure with a completely different body group and jp setup, like V2 or V3, can result in the body parts not bending exactly right, and this can lead to poke thru where it might not occur otherwise, for a similar pose, if the figure was posed propertly to match those jp settings. In the end, Poser is anything but a Perfect World, and sadly because of this very few people who make clothing for Poser figures will go to the trouble necessary to eliminate as much poke thru as possible. As someone who has spent not just hours, but days, working on getting the jp settings tweaked for a clothing item, so that it will pose 99% perfect straight out of the box (so to speak) and then seeing some of these other items being put out, where poke thru happens nearly almost on conforming the clothing before any real pose is applied, I can only commend Marty for going that extra mile, when so many others are only all to willing to skip the added effort necessary to tweak jp settings and to set up additional morphs to help overcome these problems. Rob

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Mon, 16 February 2004 at 10:22 PM

I'm not complaining that it's happening, I was kind of expecting the pokes. ^^ I'm just mentioning that it is happening for some poses. The catsuit is a really great piece of work. I know very little about JCMs and ERCs and all that, but I do know a little about getting clothing to fit and pose right. The two go pretty much hand-in-hand, I know, but I haven't bothered to learn about them yet. Can't begin to tell you how many clothing items and such I have that feature poke-through right when you conform it to the model, much less pose them. -- Sad, really... Anyways, did you want the catsuit setup for the transparent prints, Poser 5 style?

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 8:37 AM

Thank you Shadownet and Yggdrasil Thank you Yggdrasil for all your coments, good or bad. I encourage everyone to be honest with your feedback and coments and questions. That is your job as a beta testers and you testers are indeed doing a great and thorough job testing! You testers are asking lots of tuff questions and thats good, please keep it up! I don't know what transparent prints, poser 5 style is, but..... If anyone wants to do anything modifications or textures and submit them to the first FreeStuff package, please do. I will review it first and if I feel its commercial quality, I will include it. Or, you can still share anything you do by either posting it here to this forum with a link or to the FreeStuff or MarketPlace. This forum will be accessed probably by everyone who buys this product and hundreds of others because there will be a prominent link to this forum from the promotional pages. If you post a freebee here, it will be seen.

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 9:06 AM

One question I have for everyone! You will notice that I have put this package and the MiniDres Package in the same "AnimeDollClothing" folders. What do you think of that? I am trying to make things easier for the user. I relize though that the pose library may get a bit large. I would like your feedback on this. Should I put my next package in the same "AnimeDollClothing" folders?

compiler ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 10:08 AM

As for me, no problem : I always change the directory where the files are to suit my particular library.

Nanoshi ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 10:58 AM

I like em when they are together in the same folder, easier for me to find, especially in P4, P5 isn't so bad, but lists get real long in P4 so you always end up shifting things about.

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:00 AM


insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:04 AM

The picture above is an my CatSuit with Stocking MAT settings and my MiniDress. There is also a nylon transparency map being used on the stockings that I made my self quite some time ago from a closeup picture of nylon.

The3dZone ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:05 AM

i always move them anyway

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

The3dZone ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:17 AM


i've been working on a few maps today what do you think of this one?

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:35 AM

WAY TO GO 3dZONE!!! Love it! Fastastic!!!

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:42 AM

I mean fantastic. It even looks like the fabric sparkles like the a real compition gymnastics clothing do.

The3dZone ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 11:49 AM

wow ,thanks :0)

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

compiler ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 12:00 PM

Real great textures, as much for the gymsuit as for the stockings. I hope they'll be included in the free pack !

Nanoshi ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 12:33 PM

Grrrr stop teasing me you guys with all these images :) I want a cat suit and I want one now! hehehe damn this week is dragging already, hope it comes out sooner than later jumps for joy lalalala

insomniaworks ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 12:34 PM

Compiler: I am going to put my nylon transmap in the free pack, but as for that leotard by 3dZone, I am sure she is working on it for her first addon texture package.

The3dZone ( ) posted Tue, 17 February 2004 at 12:56 PM

hahaha! that's the image i used for reference insomniaworks!

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 7:57 AM

The Body name for the Cat Ears needs to be modified to something other than AnimeDoll. ^_^ Also, may want to look into turning off (by default) IK on the ears and tail. The suit doesn't have that option, but the other two do. As I build characters, I tend to rename the parts so that there's no problems what belongs to who. Just something I noticed. Great gymnast clothing there. Also, as a side note... have you thought about the "Ensemble" pieces just changing the area they are supposed to change instead of the entire suit? I like the idea of one artist per directory, so putting all of your clothing into one directory keeps things nice and tidy. Let those who want to move it, do so... keep yours in your own is how I feel about it. Reference: StudioMaya, Kozaburo, BVH, Taruru

The3dZone ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 8:02 AM


i probably can't distribute this legally but just wanted to do the texture anyway.

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 8:03 AM

That's almost exact! Very good job. ^_^

Nanoshi ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 8:19 AM

very nice leotard texture, I'm not sure if national costumes are copyrighted or not, I assume making real leotard copies would be illegal, but I'm not sure it would apply to 3D art.

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 8:51 AM

yggdrasil and one or two other beta testers who downloaded the beta first got a pre-final. This pre-final still had some details to be finsihed. One being that that yggdrasil had mentioned in his last letter. There is a final - that is a market place ready package - you didn't get that - very little difference between the two, just a few details. Those of you who have a copy where the Cat Ears still says AnimeDoll, send me a message and I will give you a link to the final version where that detail amoung a few others is fixed. thank you

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 8:56 AM

Very nice work yggdrasil, very nice work. Thanks for posting it. The texture really belongs to 3dZone and she will have to okay any modifications that are submitted on the FreeStuff package I will be putting out. One other thing yggdrasil, could you erase your last picture and re-upload it and make the pictue no more than 800 pixels wide, it makes this forum harder to read now. Don't get me wrong, I love the post, just do a smaller post. Thank you marty

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 9:00 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity


Friends To The End Just a little something I was whipping up this morning while having fun with my new monitor. ^_^ Now I have 2 with Poser stretched out between them, one for the scene and one for everything else. I think I'm going to enjoy this... (that's what I meant by "transparent prints". The prints on the suit set to transparency, ready for making your Doll a real Neko.

The3dZone ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 9:04 AM

i did a trans map to do what you've done above i will give it to insomniaworks for the freebie :0) nice pic!

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 9:27 AM

Thank you The3dZone, Thank you yggdrasil! Its getting so quiet here in the forum, put up some posts folks! Two days at the most until release!!!! I am working on a bunch of stuff at one time, sort of jumbled up in my head. I am working on promo images and a few props for 3dZones uniform. One artistic critizem yggdrasil, do the same process you did on the body to the tail and maybe the ears. Not quite a purrfect match. marty

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 9:28 AM


Cool beans 3dZone. ^_^ They're also bump-mapped. Can't see it in the previous picture, but this is a close-up of what it looks like.

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 9:30 AM

Yeah, that's a good idea. I was just kind of noticing that the tail was brighter than the body. Also fixed Tygra's ears to be... more tiger-like instead of cheetah.

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 10:22 AM


My First Reflection, Ever Just thought I'd do one more, discovered the *Mirror Ball* material after looking for some material to put onto her ball. Originally the ball was much smaller, and she was playing with it, but the reflection thing caught on and I had to put her sitting on it. This was also a test to see if clothing would go well with the catsuit. I had to scale the Body of H's suit up to overcome the texturing of kitty fur on it. The wings I just added because they look so cool. Ok, I'm off to the bank now... catch ya later.

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 10:57 AM

Always fine work Yggdrasil! marty

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 10:59 AM

Cool Bump Yggdrasil! I had that idea, but I hadn't tried it. It works great!

SenshiTaurus ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 11:49 AM

Wow, when was the last time I came here.....? Marty, since I was having probs with 4.03 of Poser, I went back to the old one, but i'm thinking of updation to Poser 5......just gotta get FFX-2 and then save up 155 pounds for the update........ Oh, and I have a version when the ears are called Anime Doll aswell.....just contact me via Rosity IM.......

insomniaworks ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 2:05 PM

thank you Yggdrasil for catching my mistake. There are three files that needed to be replaced and I sent them in just in time. The product is comming out this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get ready to crack the champaign!!!! For beta testers, I have uploaded those three files that needed to be changed to thank you everyone marty

-Yggdrasil- ( ) posted Wed, 18 February 2004 at 2:24 PM

That's awesome news. ^_^ Don't have to wait until Friday to pick it up, then.

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