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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 01 3:49 pm)

Subject: Another Virus

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Marque ( ) posted Sat, 30 August 2008 at 7:02 PM

Have to say something about the comment that rendo supports artists with the gallery, they wouldn't be here if we didn't support the market place. So yes, they should have warned us. And instead of warning us they put on a big sale so more folks come in. That's just wrong in my eyes.

FlyByNight ( ) posted Sat, 30 August 2008 at 8:29 PM

Yes, the virus that started this thread was somewhat easy to remove, and which I did manually, but it shouldn't have happened at all. I did not accept the download when it popped up but still that virus installed itself, my virus scan alerted me immediately but did not remove it so I had to spend an hour getting information on it and then removing it. And I got it when I visited my gallery not from the marketplace.

And it seems from all of the comments that not just one virus was affecting so many, it was several types, and not all easily removed or less damaging.

Marque is right as were others. We should have been warned. Period.


camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:08 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity, profanity, violence

We should hang them high!
Those evil bastards! Not letting us know anything! Your bloody well right FlyByNight!
God DAMN IT! >< why would they do such a goofed up thing? friggen! all these damned viruses! and all these sales! bloody hell! the sales! why would they EVER think to give us a sale!? i want to pay FULL PRICE those sneaky bastards! i mean really? are they TRYING to rip us off!? what the heck is goin on here!? i am totally going with to move my gallery to photobucket! to hell with this fancy shmancy crap!
Oh by the way, you can get clothes half off at Kohls... just a side comment...
BUT back to the viruses! ... no really, you should look into it... 50% off on everything including everything in ... VIRUSES! thats right... thats what i was talkin about.... viruses... and their evil ways... they must be trying to sell our souls to SATAN! those .... fiends? is that the spelling? i dunno know anymore there's no spell check here.... ah well... I expect a little red msg FlyBYNight! a little red MSG! on the TOP of this ... EVERY screen! EVERY SCREEN! not one or two BUT EVERY screen! i dont want to see a SINGLE sale going on here, NOT ONE! I will shake my fat finger at their faces and shame shame them for what they have done to ME! they are out to get me i tell you! putting viruses up on their website! WHY WHY WHY? why me!?
We should have a riot! that's it! a RIOT! lets get this party STARTED!!! RIOT RIOT RIOT!!
GET THE PICTURE BITCHES! I DONT WANT SALES!! .... and viruses... too...viruses too.... i dont want viruses on my computer... well...i allready have them for looking at porn anyways... ah well... w/e... give me the the bloody viruses. huff and puff jeez... all im tryin tah do is spam... =*(

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:19 AM

I got it! there's only one thing we can do!

Get the


They'll know what to do! Where are you buster ! wht ever shall we do about this problem we are facing!? shall I? YES! that's it! bitch about it some moooooooore! VIRUSES! are bAD for the soap... i mean soup... i mean soul... that's it soul... like the chicken soup for the soul... haha..yeah....
BUT ANYWAYS! we have a serious situation! There is not a single msg in my inbox about a red letter virus... i mean virus msg... on the red letter... in the ... in red letters... on the top of the screen... pg... on the top of the page... that's it... no letters for the msg on the virus for the PAGE! HA! ... well .... you get what i mean.
The flagen with the dragon has the pellet with the poison! the vessel with the pestle ... is the brew that is TRUE!
which means! i need to.... go for the flagon? or give them the dragon? or do i take the one with the pellet vessel.... i mean the vessel pestle... pellet with the pestle... the pessel... the pestle with the flagon... the dragon..... i mean the plessel... the dragon... i mean.... well the virus of course... the virus with the plessel... the plagon!... the dragon!! yes the virus wit hthe dragon!
all im sayin is that if you call up the ghost busters im sure they can help you wit hthis crazy stuff.

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:22 AM



 spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam  spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam   spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

So there is a virus on this website?
 spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam


camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:38 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains profanity


dont be dissin ME bitch! it's ALL THAT!!! what a what a whata VIDEO!! who let the dogs out!? who who who !!
see, a simple red letter text totally got you to view what it is that i am sayin.... yah know MEAN MAN!? haha! yeah
we all got WASTED! WAISTED! waist? haha ...ed

there's but one thing i must ask....

WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS!!?? why cant we be friiiiiennnds? thnk u! thnk you vry muuuch! haha. the friends song by real big fish... good band.

ur sayin to urself... "whats this guy on? drugs? well shucks i need to get me some dat shit man! yah know meaaan?" haha
of course... as they say ... even though im paranoid...doesnt mean nobody is followin me! HAHA
get in tune with space aliens! and when they plan to invade!
some say on here that it is Russia who is sending us viruses... i totally agree... THEY spent their time MAKING this evil virus to SPAM us with crap... i think we should shoot them up. like the real americans that we are! YEEEEE HA! spits we'll dung heep them crazy pancake eaten brunchees from dem silly yella belly bumpkins. ah-hee-hee-hee.
or it could be the terrorists... >.> hmm.... well i guess it IS good to be paranoid, now we dont have to make up fake fears... cuz we know the truth. its a government coverup! Bush found out about us artists on this website and sent news over to give us a sale... then when we go in... he can find out where we sleep! ... who we hang with! how many nose hairs we have! he's out to get us all!!! snach and RUN!!
get the hell outa here! they could be on their way rIGHT NOW! and we're sittin here like lil ducks pickin away at our asses! why arent we doing anything? baracade the door! get the meat loaf! we'll be surrounded for DAYS! ... they'll trap us like animals! O.O and then we'll die of HUNGER! @.@ unless we run out into the gun fire! ... all because we took that sale from the render page! WHY!? why must i been so clueless!? as to think that there is such a thing as a good deed! never again! my heart is BROKEN! =( i will NVR pay for a half price 3d rendering clothing line...again .. throws nose up in the air hmf!

well, perhaps i can get a couple more things...

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:43 AM · edited Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:43 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains violence


I'm just trying to *express* myself...

SWAMP ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 3:44 AM

           Have you ever considered decaf?

nruddock ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 5:42 AM

Quote - ... spam spam spam ...

Bloody Vikings!

ThunderStone ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 6:02 AM

Now that picture of the baby in a halloween costume is just wrong.... Simply plain WRONG  



OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

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Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


Marque ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 9:38 AM

camtheman: You sound like the people I see in the game chats that just go on and on and on about one thing. Usually telling folks in caps that they should just quit the game if they don't like it. We all have the right to our opinions, even you, but I agree about the decaf. You don't make your case, you make everyone else's. Rendo is wrong, flat out, not to warn us, and you can spew out all the crap you want about how we should be protecting ourselves, but we all have the same right to post in this forum as you do. You almost act like a troll so this is the last snack you get from me.  Have a nice life.  8^)

DigitalDreamer ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 10:39 AM

Quote - Rendo is wrong, flat out, not to warn us

It's not as simple as that.

On the one hand common courtesy, and effective customer service, would suggest that they should post some kind of warning.

On the other hand, I have never come across a site that has done that. The attitude on the internet seems to be that users should protect themselves properly. My question would be whether anyone with appropriate secuity in place (which variesdepending upon the browser you use) has experienced any problems.

I have IE with all Active X components disabled and Firefox with NoScript and AdBlock plus; plus AVG running all of the time. I have never yet experienced any virus/trojan horse problems in Rosity.

As I recall, one of the early posters who was a victim to the trojan had turned off her AV software to dedicate more resources to a CPU intensive render. That should be a salutary lesson to us all!

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 1:07 PM

Spam! is the art of nature.... weather it be for free.... by sales... or by virus!... we can always expect to find spam in every prospect within buisness and bullshit. For as they say... if you can not dazzel them with dextarity... baffle them with bullshit. Which is what Rendo people want us to think... they are bullshiting us when they say there is a virus... it's really a sneaky way to try and get us hooked back up to the website... so that we think it is all real... when really... their alien technology is reading our minds!!! O.O OH SHIT! i feel my thoughts draining from my braaaiiiinnn!! oh GOD! in heaven'o mighty!! saave ME!! theyre on their way right now! to anal probe us! they aint gonna get that piece of me! never! ill glue my ass shut! no one is gettin in there damn it! no one! i dont care how many 90% off deals they give us! i will never fall for it!!...
reads rendo pop up... mumbles to self about something dealing with 95% off on poser files... i suppose it is from the pop up that just came up ... @.@ there's a 95% off deal... on socks... this is my chance.... I GOT TO GET IT!!

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 1:09 PM · edited Sun, 31 August 2008 at 1:09 PM



camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 1:11 PM

Quote - Now that picture of the baby in a halloween costume is just wrong.... Simply plain WRONG  


haha wrong? but funnier than hell! haha

pjz99 ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 1:43 PM

Okay, you're talking "World of Warcraft" game talk to people again.  Really, I'd appreciate it if you'd knock this off and if you have an uncontrollable urge to talk to people like this, Go Do It In World of Warcraft.  Most people with a little ordinary smarts, when they try their comedy routine and they see the audience is not laughing, that's enough to make them realize they should change their behavior.  You have a little ordinary smarts don't you?  Thank you.

My Freebies

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:00 PM

wow, you slap me in the face and then you thank me? is this a love routine? are you playing an elementary game with me? slap me cuz you like me? i mean... if that's how you roll baby... im all here for you! and wow talk? the way im talkin now is WAY differ then how i was talkin before. but if you find some simularities, then that's all you. asides, didnt we clean up allready? we friends now right? why are you buggin down on me? sounds like im not the far fetched ass whole anymore

scanmead ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 2:40 PM

To get back to the subject... I hit the site while running Opera, and it blocked whatever it was with a permissions request. Since then, Firefox with NoScript and AdBlocker running. A litte app called Link Scanner is handy when surfing new sites. The free version will warn you of possible threats, the pay version will block an infected site entirely.  http://linkscanner.explabs.com/linkscanner/  

In all honesty, I've never seen a major site warn of any compromise or infection. Whether it's right or wrong, it's just not normal operating procedure. You might see a message after the fact explaining pages missing or down time, but not during the problem. The techs are too busy eradicating the problem, and they don't want to provide any information or feedback to the guilty party (or possible copycats).

It does feel like your home has been broken into, though, doesn't it?

As for the 'other topic' here... good grief. :blink:

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 3:45 PM

Right, i'm going to let you guys stew in your own pitiful bullshit.

"In the end they should have put up a warning sign..." wow.... this is what the argueing is about...
a fuckin warning sign...
your about to jump over the desk and shank someone over a fuckin warning sign... how rediculous is that?
"no not just because of a warning sign its also the virus!"
a virus? what does the virus do?
"well... it goofed up my computer..."
wow... it goofed with your computer... sounds like a unique mean virus to me...

so all in all everyone on here is bitching... like crazy... because they fell for some sneaky sale link... right? you feel like fools for falling for something and now your going to get payback?

Some people say on here that i wouldnt normally speak like this ot people and that i should change my act... well i wouldnt normally run into people who do nothing but throw their self rightious complaints about a sale screen... and a virus... and something about a red sign at the top of the screen... people are DIEING in Iraq and all you can complain about is a red sign... wtf is up with that? people are STARVING all over the wrodl and you complain about a fuckin sale on a website... people get robbed all the time in RL and you complain about a virus... which you still have not explained what it does yet... aside from making your screen go all goofy. Wow... what else am i missing?
government coverups and russia trying to get at us.... what's happened yet to you all? has your bank accounts emptied? .... has your computer shut off? ... are people ripping off your images? even though people probably are allready without the virus? what? please explain becuase i am lost as to wtf you guys are bitchin about... i feel like your Dad and your the lil kids yappin at me that im not doin somethin or not understandin something... WTF is it!? explain!!!

camtheman ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 3:50 PM

I bet most you people will make another chat link about how mean i am and start this story all over again...

"this realmckay guy virus... all over the place... in our chat lines... our galleries... our dreams... we should spam his email with hate msgs! i want to see a red lil msg at the top of the screens! Rendo should have put a warning sign up about this guy! now i got tricked into coming on here and being a lil kid! now i have to deal with him!"

link me the chat line when you make it guys... id love to see it!

FlyByNight ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 4:40 PM

Oh, brother, what a waste of time. I'm done with this thread.

But thanks to those of you who offered information and help.


Khai ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 6:09 PM

...and the Winner of today's Warning and Banning is.....

RedPhantom ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 8:33 PM
Site Admin

Shoot, I'vew had no problems with this site and I've been visiting the market place alot and I use e.i..

I do wonder why ppl have to spend pages and pages to complain about one mistake or bad choice that renderosity made. Because that's what it was. They did not put the virus on this site they were hacked which means some one did this illeagally, without rendos permission. Yes, I know many people got infected and I know what a pain it is to clean a computer and rebuild it. (I have experiance) And yes, it would have been nice if there was a warning.  But they didn't and all the gripping in the world isn't going to change that. Are you that perfect that you can expect others to be? You've said your complaints now please drop it. And please don't bother yelling at me since I dared to disagree with you. I doubt I will bother checking the thread anymore.

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Conniekat8 ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 9:19 PM

Oh, so this is where Gustav made landfall.

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wheatpenny ( ) posted Sun, 31 August 2008 at 10:27 PM
Site Admin

ok, this has gone far enough. I'm locking this thread


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