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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 19 11:01 pm)

Subject: Concerns about the galleries. Small debat inside, be warned.

3-DArena ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 3:14 PM

"No matter how much you like doughnuts, if you eat nothing but doughnuts for breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks in between, day after day, week after week, you're going to get pretty sick of them after awhile. " LOL at x2000 Last Decmeber I did an image of a nude guy on a Xmas box with a little santa hat. (warning crass comments to follow) I was very displeased with his lower area, it looked odd.... Finally I realized that it was his pubic hair. It wasn't right. So I blew the area up and set to work fixing the pubic hair. (My poor son - he's used to seeing a nude woman on my desk - but he about died when he turned towards the monitor and saw ~that~ all blown up). Anyhow I finally got the hair the way I wanted it - but my poor husband didn't get lucky - I was tired of looking at it EG

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Kiera ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 3:22 PM


This is from a project I have been working on for a LONG time (several months). I only put an hour or so a week into it because I don't have much time, but this is Vicki. =)

pendarian ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 3:32 PM

Now are we talking about naked, naked, or scantily clothed babes with swords? I'm seeing in this thread that they seem to be kinda thrown in together. hehehe... I don't do nudes...I do however sometimes have scantily clothed females or males with swords wearing impractical aromor in my pictures. As Davo suggested some of this is influenced by Vallejo,Frazetta and many more well known artists. My images don't get a lot of hits or comments, I don't have nudes, or maybe my art just plain stinks :) Who knows...BUT I agree that the nudes definately get more hits, I have no idea why, because I don't look at them. I USED to look at them until I got so tired of wondering why no one put clothes on some of them (where nudity is appropriate for the artwork clothing isn't necessary) and I figured that part of it could be laziness. Either they don't want to spend the time looking for something that fits the scene they are working on, or they don't want to spend the time doing work arounds for clothing that doesn't sit well (the gotta hurry up and upload this to the gallery so I can show it syndrome instead of actually doing more work on the piece). Or maybe they just want to do nudes. Or maybe they don't have the money to buy the clothing and can't model or draw it on.... But, I have to agree, nude Vicki, Posette or whomever just standing, holding a sword...well, just doesn't do it for me, so I just pass them by. Now try to tell a story and that might interest me. BUT if that is what the artist wants to do, then who are we to say "stop it and don't do it anymore, do your artwork the way I want to see you do it." We don't have that right. Just don't look at it. Work on your own artwork and make it better...that's what I try to do everyday. Get better. And to remind myself that I do my artwork for me and not anyone Davo said, just sharing is all. There are sooooo many other good artists, doing some really different things in the galleries, that it's unreal, but we hardly hear about them...not as much as we do the others and that has always perplexed me. I avoid the galleries of the ones that are better known here anymore, they already have a gazillion hits, and just as many comments and a lot of it is repetitive. Do I think that EVERYTHING in the galleries looks the same? No, that would be a very broad statement and pretty insulting to most of the artists that do post here, including myself. I don't think that my stuff looks like everyone else's...nor do I copy or take my ideas from those artists that are deemed in high esteem here. I just do what I do when the muse strikes me. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox here, I'm sure I've said more then enough......

Summfox ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 3:44 PM

If it helps any, I try to avoid the basic nude chick with a sword.... in fact, I don't think I have a single one. I've got some blatant pinups before, but thats because well... from time to time they're fun to do, but I much prefer doing other sort of work. I've even done a closeup of Vicki's face that doesn't look like Vicki (HEY GEEP! Go check out my gallery and look for my 'portrait of an elven woman') The difference between hits when I do a pin-up versus anything else is a bit discouraging, but I for one am not going to stop doing more original things.

geep ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 4:13 PM

kieraw, That look real good, but, um, sorry ... I still see the V eyes. ;=| dg ;=]

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

Kendra ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 4:31 PM

Probably just reiterating what's already been said, but the problem with this type of argument is that it lumps people into one category. I've had poser for a while but am really just getting into it. I've yet to do a Vicki in a temple but I'm sure I'll probably render one too. I just did my first nude.

In another month, there will be a fresh crop of people, new to poser who will be posting their first nudes. All of these complaints are sure to keep people from expressing themselves if they are afraid of being criticized for simply being at the level they are at.
You can offer constructive criticism of someone's use of the programs (technical use, that is), but ones visions are an extention of themselves and shouldn't be criticized.

...... Kendra

geep ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 4:42 PM

" ... ones visions are an extention of themselves and shouldn't be criticized." An excellent point Kendra ... and I peeked at your "first nude." Very nicely done. cheers, dr geep ;=]

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

3-DArena ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 4:45 PM

I do have to say Thank you for not thinking my nudes were tacky - BUT! At one time they were :-) I have since learned to work on my lighting and posing, but then again the first real image Iever did had a totally naked frog in it.... :-)

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

geep ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 4:53 PM

Horrors! Don't we have ANY standards around here? ;=]

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

Mason ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:04 PM

Its not like they ever do nudes of us men. Why do we even pay them service with a picture. I say we stop doing pics of them altogther. They certainly don't give a rat's ass about us men enough to do a pic about us. Give them what they want. Leave them alone. Don't do pics about women. They certainly won't do any about you.

hauksdottir ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:06 PM

VirtualSite, Michael is based upon a model of 1/2 of Dan Farr's head, which was then flipped for perfect symmetry. I have met Dan (last year's Game Developer's Conference), and immediately knew that I'd seen him somewhere before. The body was taken from someone else (good thing, because no man would like to admit to having breasts like that, unless he was incredibly fat). As to this thread, I don't go into the galleries at all, unless someone I know sends me an invitation to look at a piece. To seriously look at every image posted would be a full-time job. Carolly

3-DArena ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:11 PM

Hey Mason, I do pics of nude men... go on check out my gallery :~)

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

beav1 ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:16 PM

Hellooooo..... Late to the thread as usual....but I can tell the original poster EXACTLY why there are a lotta Vicki posts. Speaking as a newbie's because we spent the $70 bucks for the Victoria model because it seemed like that's what we had to do, and now, by God, we wanna get some use outta her..:) For most of us who just do this for fun or as a hobby, it's the 1st really expensive thing we bought to go with our expensive software, and it seems to be as good a place as any to practice and develop our skills(we aren't ALL "artists"..just wannabe), because there's lots to compare. And besides...I haven't learned armidillos yet..:) Beav

STORM3 ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:26 PM

The nude has always been the most depicted subject in art, from the cave paintings of 30,000 BC through Classical Greek and Roman periods all the way to the Rennaisance and from there to modern times. Frazetta, Vallejo, Royo, Sorayama and others are only resposible for its depiction in their genre. Like it or not mankind has had a facination with nudes since a charred stick was first scraped along a cave wall. The history of Art and Mankind may well be the history of testosterone. ;0)

nfredman ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:31 PM

Oh, dear, i got into this one late. :^) Popcorn, anyone? David Cherry, a very fine illustrator, once told me that programs like Photoshop and Painter made bad (as well as good) art very, very easy. Hee hee hee i'm sorry folks are bored right now with the Poser gallery--well, me too, actually, just in terms of novelty. We're enough of a group consciousness that sometimes we get stuck in a rut as a group. So what? It's a rut. We'll move on, eventually. Contests are nice for getting people interested in something different in the way of content & composition. Perhaps an inspiring contest will come along, like VirtualSite's freebie contest recently (what a hoot!) Maybe we just need some suggestions of new things to try, eh? How about these: 1. weird uses for the Millennium Teeth (those danged things have captured my imagination today!) 2. household implements of doom 3. flying fortresses, castles, or other architecture and their inhabitants 4. where did the Elder Gods go on vacation? And be glad that the Furries haven't taken over Poser--you think the nekkid Vickis are relenless? You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet! --Nan ((running & ducking))

pendarian ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:32 PM

"The history of Art and Mankind may well be the history of testosterone. ;0) " Storm, That's a very scary thought......interesting but scary :0

lmckenzie ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:34 PM

When you start defining what is and isn't art, you eventually play the Ashcroft's of the world's game. First, deny that it has any "artistic merit" and then you can ban it. I know that's not what you intend but it's a slippery slope. How can anyone's definition of art be anything but subjective? Some guy in London does a dead cow in a vat of preservative. He calls it art, makes more money than most of us and wins a prize. Is it art? Does it matter?

As for the gallery, there is some validity to most of the comments here, testosterone, the innate beauty of the human body, Poser's limitations etc. I think many people, myself included, don't think visually. It is difficult to "see" an image or create that concept in the mind before even beginning to put paint to canvas or mouse to pad. So, people do what they have seen and admired or been stimulated by. Look around, magazines, MTV, comics... Whether it's Xena Warrior Princess or an ad for just about anything. Provacative female images are everywhere.

You can also blame the sorry state of art education in this country. How many people today have had any serious exposure to Vermeer or Picasso? How many have even set foot in a gallery? Pop culture rules and that means what sells. Sex sells.

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken

DTHUREGRIF ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:37 PM


I tried very hard to get rid of the Vicki eyes in my characters. I think I did pretty well.

Mason ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 5:40 PM

Yeah I'm sure they are 400 years old.

Nance ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:00 PM

Attached Link:

Found the "How Michael was created" page at DAZ. It was indeed Farr's face that was used as the plaster mold. There's a side-by-side photo. Thanks for that info hauksdottir.

Lunaseas ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:04 PM

A nude of mine (although probably not what most viewers anticipated) 366 elf that I worked long and hard on to paint the clothes on 270 views
The short version, sex sells...always has, always will. BTW the elf texture is Asia...she can be quiet lovely with a little worked to change the skin tone and take care of the dry lips.:)

Kendra ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:23 PM

Thanks dr geep. :-)

...... Kendra

geep ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:34 PM


Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

dirk5027 ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:48 PM

I made a suggestion just today to separate the galleries, so all the vicky boobs could be in one place, it does get very tiresome after a while and I know many people don't show up here anymore, because they are plain out bored.

VirtualSite ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:55 PM

Thanks for the info on Mike -- I stand corrected. So is Steve Mike's evil twin then or something? =)

VirtualSite ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 6:57 PM

The history of Art and Mankind may well be the history of testosterone There's a classic New Yorker cartoon of a bunch of cave women working on a picture of a buffalo hunt. One comments: "Has anyone ever noticed how none of the world's greatest artists are men?"

ElectricAardvark ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:32 PM

dirk, that is a fantastic idea.

cherokee69 ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:41 PM

You know, after reading all these posts and trying very hard to keep an open mind to everyones concerns, it would be interesting to know the age group of most people at Rosity. From the content of these posts, it has to be a very younger generation because adults and even mature adults don't act like this. I used to feel there are too many Vicky T&A pics here, posting a few comments about that in other threads, and after spending a little time (it really didn't take long) realizing that anything I said was really a waste of time, this whole thing has gotten to be a joke and it's more humerous now and adds a laugh to my day when I read these.

cherokee69 ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:46 PM

Dirks idea is a good one but as I told him, he needs to tell people about it, maybe start a new messages about it and maybe even post the reply he got from Rosity. I told him he needs to suggest people email Rosity because unless they know there is an interest from people about a separate gallery for Mike or what ever he suggested, Rosity wouldn't even know how many people would be in favor of that.

pendarian ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:50 PM

"From the content of these posts, it has to be a very younger generation because adults and even mature adults don't act like this." Don't act like what? Express their opinions? That's all I see happening here IMHO.

pendarian ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:55 PM

There is a forum for ideas for the community. It's called "Community Ideas" dirk you could post it there. I can tell you though as many others can also, that the idea has been brought up numerous times, I believe the latest request was for a "pinup" gallery of sorts. But it never hurts to try if that is what you would like to suggest :) At least once posted in the forum you can try to generate interest and have a thread to point them to so they can voice their opinions on the matter. :)

anigma ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 7:58 PM

(phew) I thought I'd catch up on a thread or two B4 bed and here I am half way into the night!...what a beast of a thread blade! (looks down at empty can that once contained so many worms) "deceased equines" (LMAO) how's never going to change.. everyone's different and will always interpret things in a different way, what one person thinks is beautiful another person challenges that it's's what make art interesting! ...beware of sweeping generalisations, I don't mind the fantasy-style nudes.. they're pretty harmless and we're not forced to look at them (we are our own censors after-all) ..but I hate the idea of people avoiding the poser gallery full stop because they think all the art's the same..(that's bordering on narrow-mindedness) I myself have not had poser long, but have not felt the urge to post a "first nude" either.. my main reason for wanting poser was to make animations (simulations) of people climbing up rock faces..studies of the figure in movement..reproducing it artificially is proving quite a challenge naked climbing is not recommended (I have enough problems with rock-rash on my knees!)..

BladeWolf ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:05 PM

hehe and I all I asked for were some opinions. Just a general feel of what people thought. Though some did throw a few blows, albeit small ones, all I asked for were some opinions. I myself will only do a nude if I can make it "tasteful" other than that, forget it. I have a love for the human body in its nakedness, but I don't over do it or exploit it as some in these galleries do. To me, that is not art, that is smut. If ya want smut, I have a few choice magazines you can check out :P

melanie ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:23 PM

There's nothing wrong with nudity, if there's a logical reason for its presence in an image. I think everyone here has missed BladeWolf's original point. It think he was merely referring to the volume of such images in the galleries and the similarity in them. No originality. Basically, I think he was saying, "If you've seen one, you've seen them all." I don't think it was a criticism of the nudity itself. Just the plethora of the same basic image popping up over and over by different artists. The only images in the galleries that I've ever commented on are the ones that are unique and have some story or message in them. Other than portraits, I think an image should say something, not just a person standing there in a pose, but that's just my opinion. Melanie

Poppi ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:40 PM

Yes, Dan Farr is the model for Michael's head. And, his wife is the head model for vicki. Thanks, Nance. The bodies were done with commissioned models. "Its not like they ever do nudes of us men." I do...nudes of men. Of course, they don't get the hits the ladies do. I think...this thread may be about "sameness". I am sick to death of "sameness". Perhaps, others are, as well. That might partially explain the amazing popularity of Legume. IMnotsoHO...When I view sameness...wall-eyed vickis wearing/standing on the latest market after another...I say to self..."Self, these are the works of consumers, not, creators." There is a vast difference between one who can afford to buy all the latest "kits" to produce a "kit" work of art, and, one who simply uses his/her brain...and, whatever they may have on hand to create a new vision. and, yeah...sorry, a way, your stuff is "kit" art, too. about forkin' over that armadillo, now? He is definitely NOT a kit model. :*) Pop...Pop....Poppi!!!

Poppi ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:46 PM

we could call it(the sameness) Poser Paint by Numbers...could be really cool like velvet Elvis posters, 'n all.

VirtualSite ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:56 PM

That might partially explain the amazing popularity of Legume Makes more sense than the "conspiracy" theory that was bandied about by the people who were so upset by the MPP. =)

3-DArena ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 8:59 PM

dirk that idea has been thrown around for as long as I've been here (over a year now) why create an entirely new gallery just for nudes when all you have to do is turn the nudity off in your options? Sure some people forget to tick the nudity box, but life is too short to get that irate over it. Besides even in a gallery for no nudes - someone will post one wearing see through clothing. Hey if it's legal to wear see through in public in some states then surely vicky will as well...

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

ronknights ( ) posted Mon, 04 March 2002 at 9:24 PM

OK, first off, I waited till there were 89 messages before I even got involved in this thread. My first reaction when I saw it was the knowledge that this same subject is being covered in 1-3 other threads which are running right now. The threads probably have a different subject name, but the essence is all the same. Why do we have so many nudes? What is art? Etc etc. When I started out I did many nudes because I either had no clothes to put on my women, or I didn't know how to keep their clothes on them. I took many large pose libraries and set out to render all the poses. Some poses went just fine, while other poses caused the women to burst out of their clothing no matter what I did. So what the heck? I can't keep them in their clothes, and I like nudes anyway. So I do another nude. Gosh, look at the hits a nude gets vs a tasteful render with the characters dressed. I've seen maybe 200 more hits for my nudes than some other images. Hey so sometimes even I look at the numbers. There has been much talk about the "sameness" of the gallery. You hear comments like "Gee, not another naked vicky in the temple picture." At least some of us happen to go through waves or trends. Go to the Marketplace. Do many people buy the same props, scenes, characters, outfits, textures? If you have the same ingredients, your art tends to look the same as someone else's. Who knows if the temple will be popular next month. Maybe they'll be in a local tavern, hotel, motel?! I used to get excited about spending some time in the Gallery. I'd be sure to leave compliments to all the artists, especially newbies. Now I can barely stand to go there. I've sunken pretty much into a creative rut myself. I wasn't doing much of interest till I set about illustrating my own poems. Believe me, I'm not being critical here. Just how many variations of themes, or new ideas can we come up with? I seem to remember a song or poem that goes something like this: Every song that can be written has been sung. Every story that can be told has been written. *** I'm sure I totally fractured that "saying," wherever it came from. Hopefully you get the idea. So we do our best with what we have, and at least try to put some of ourselves into our art. Ron

TMGraphics ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 1:27 AM

.ecin era seduN .retteb tib a si noitisopmoC .tseb eht si yrots a sllet taht erutcip A just a thought..... TMG

JVRenderer ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 1:30 AM


During my first year of college, I took this art class, I believe it was "figure drawing". We had live nude female models in this class (I feel sorry for these folks, posing for a hour). I think I was branded for life. So if I am for T&A, blame it on my college art professor. Then I saw Renderosity's Art Gallery and I thought maybe all these artists took the same class I did. Hehehe just my $0.02 JV

Software: Daz Studio 4.15,  Photoshop CC, Zbrush 2022, Blender 3.3, Silo 2.3, Filter Forge 4. Marvelous Designer 7

Hardware: self built Intel Core i7 8086K, 64GB RAM,  RTX 3090 .

"If you spend too much time arguing about software, you're spending too little time creating art!" ~ SomeSmartAss

"A critic is a legless man who teaches running." ~ Channing Pollock

My Gallery  My Other Gallery 

geep ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 1:34 AM

Nice JVRender. ;=]

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

orphea ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 3:21 AM

I dunno--I make pictures of nekkid girls 'cause nekkid girls are pretty.

cainbrogan ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 4:51 AM

You need to stay on your perpective! You'll hold your tongue this way. ScottA's point compounded by how didfficult those Iris textures are to render sharp causes people to go @*#&! "They aren't necessarily making the pictures for the benefit of you the viewers, they are making them for themselves and are just sharing." Bravo. That pretty much covers it for me. How come other people are always better at saying what Imean than I am?" is creative. = )

dirk5027 ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 7:45 AM

first off naked vicky pics get more hits because all the youngsters out there most likely cannot get into adult sites, so they come here where they can see all the boobs and butts they want for free...this is not just a trend, click back to past gallery pages, ths has been going on for a long time Also I am the one that started the last thread on this very same topic and in about another week or 2, somebody will start another one... and the reason is simple you look forward to coming to the gallery and seeing some great images and what you get is a "Virtual Playboy". Many many people have done stunning images with Vicky, and they are to be congratulated. For those of us that are tired of the T&A we should simply be able to choose another section of the gallery....... I'm not trying to stir things up, I just believe if the galleries were in sections(i.e. Vicky, Mike, Misc.) anyone could then choose what they wanted to see

ronknights ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 7:50 AM

Does the Nudity filter still exist? Are users able to set things up so they don't see nudes? I asked that question a few months ago, and never got an answer. I guess the nudes issue is a subject of intense debate.

melanie ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 8:06 AM

Poppi, I remember a while back Dan said in a thread here that his wife is not Vicki. I think it was around Christmas when he mentioned that with a photo of his family. Melanie

TMGraphics ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 9:03 AM

How about a Galery for Newbie's and one for Advanced like we have in the Rhino contests? Just a thought.... TMG

cainbrogan ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 10:08 AM

...Virtual..."National Geographic!" Ya! Huh!.. Right There baby(BAM!) A Nudity filter, just what the doctor ordered... = )

ScottA ( ) posted Tue, 05 March 2002 at 10:47 AM

Just wanted to pop in here again and say how pleased I am with how well you all are discussing this subject. This subject has come up many times in the past and it has spawned some really ugly nasty name calling. 104 messages, and not a personal attack in the bunch. I hope this is a trend I'm seeing. Thanks for making my job easier, ScottA

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