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Virtual World Dynamics F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 15 1:40 pm)

Subject: Patreon for VWD

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Thu, 31 May 2018 at 4:47 PM · edited Wed, 18 September 2024 at 2:27 PM

Now, I am sure Patreon will be the only way for VWD to have a future.

I want to define the rules which will used in this project.

Biscuits and Surody helped me to prepare this project. I certainly will use Trello to manage it.

This project will fully start in July, but I would like to discuss before with those which are interested by what it will bring to the users.

Each patron will receive the updates as soon as they are made. I will rewrite the documentation to explain all the new functionalities not included in the current documentation. This part will managed by Trello with regular updates. I think the most interesting features will be Video tutorials and RIP files. But I also want to create clothes made specifically to VWD, and later Hair. These clothes and Hair will be created for G238F. I also want to create animations for G238F also to see how behave the products made for VWD.

I thought to offer the opportunity to make a specific video tutorial and a RIP file for a specific clothe or hair. This feature will be at a special amount and I need to define how I could use a cloth or a hair I don't own myself. Biscuits thinks this is possible.

I want to define the several amounts a month, from 2$ to 6$ from the basis update to additional features. (RIP files, video tutorial, clothes, animations ...)

These first ideas are just here to generate some replies. Nothing is precisely defined for now.

I thank you for all your replies. They will help me to apprehend how to make the program live.


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headwax. ( ) posted Thu, 31 May 2018 at 8:49 PM

Hya, great idea.

For me I don't use Genesis unfortunately, but plenty of people do. So I would be interested in M4 V4 and K4.

Great program thank you



agape ( ) posted Thu, 31 May 2018 at 11:19 PM

Sounds like a great idea. Would these updates also be updated to be used with the Daz Bridge?

erik-nl ( ) posted Fri, 01 June 2018 at 4:35 AM

Thank you for setting this up, most certainly count me in! I have no experience with Patreon, how do we proceed so we can contribute to this project?

Surody ( ) posted Sat, 02 June 2018 at 7:28 AM

Sounds good, but make sure that you don't get lost in creating hair, clothes and animations. The progress of the program should have priority.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sun, 03 June 2018 at 4:11 PM

Thank you for your replies.

@headwax : I make many simulations using Genesis and I don't work with Victoria4 now. But I could explain how to make the transfer.

@agape : Yes, All the future versions will work on Daz Studio.

@erik-nl : There certainly will be some explanations. I am not a Patreon specialist. Perhaps, Surody can explain how the contribution can be made.

@Surody : I agree with you to say the program development is the priority, but I (and all of you) need reference clothes and reference animations. It is for this reason it is really important, to me, to create clothes and animations. I want to do a full realistic simulation program and I need a reference meshing to reach this goal. It is for this reason I want to create some clothes. I will contact you in the coming week to discuss on the project.

I will give some ideas on how I see this project soon.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Leonides02 ( ) posted Sun, 03 June 2018 at 10:46 PM

I can't wait to contribute!

Smaker1 ( ) posted Mon, 04 June 2018 at 2:43 AM


Count me in of course! I'm also not familiar with Patreon: can we make annual payment?

A little bit far away from dynamic simu currently but hope to come back soon !

Writers_Block ( ) posted Mon, 04 June 2018 at 3:14 AM

I'm in. I suppose I would prefer more intergration with Studio; clothes, sure, if they offer something that most others dont - namely: clothes have depth. Perfectly smooth, straight thin edges are supremely annoying.

Writers_Block ( ) posted Mon, 04 June 2018 at 3:15 AM

I'd suggest emailing us when the patreon is set up. :)

Surody ( ) posted Mon, 04 June 2018 at 5:29 AM

erik-nl posted at 5:29AM Mon, 04 June 2018 - #4330947

Thank you for setting this up, most certainly count me in! I have no experience with Patreon, how do we proceed so we can contribute to this project?

You have to wait till his Patreon page is up. After that you can easily subscribe to him with Paypal or a creditcard.

akuei2 ( ) posted Tue, 05 June 2018 at 8:20 AM

3~5 USD is reasonable fee as patreon member。 Long term VWM user here will support you on next progress ... keep go-on!

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Tue, 05 June 2018 at 4:19 PM

Thank you for your replies.

Here is my ideas:

  • 3$ a month for the updates of the program and the documentation.
  • 1$ a month for a G238 clothe made for VWD.
  • 1$ a month for a G238 animation.
  • 1$ a month for a RIP file.
  • 1$ a month for a video tutorial.

This makes a fee between 3 and 7 USD a month. Tell me if these values seem correct to you.

I don't know if Patreon gives the ability to make a choice between several possibilities (for instance, 4$ for the program and a clothe or for the program and a RIP file).

About the clothes, I will try to make several kinds of shapes. About animations, I will generate soft animations (like catwalks) and fast animations (like fast dances). About RIP files, I would like to generates these files for clothes and hair depending on your choices. About the video tutorials, these files will be defined depending your choices too. I don't know if Patreon allows to validate choices made by the "Patrons". I have to discover all the features of this tool.

I would like to give the ability to make specific RIP files or specific Video tutorials. There are 2 problems:

  • The price for this work because some clothes or hair will need many tests, so a lot of time.
  • How to get the file to test. Is it possible to receive a untextured file for the tests?

There are still questions to be solved

Surody certainly will give some replies.

Thank you to all for your support.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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SheikhalMaktoum ( ) posted Wed, 06 June 2018 at 5:26 AM

I don't like the idea of paying for tutorials. I feel that documentation should be part of the basic package, otherwise it's like being nickle & dimed to death. Rather than making videos, please consider one clear, concise, complete and comprehensive PDF. It's challenging to make a good video and more often than not, they're horrible. Look at that garbage sold by Dreamlight as a perfect example of how NOT to do it. The written word, with some screenshots thrown in, takes longer to make but is easy to edit. It's also much easier to translate into other languages.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Wed, 06 June 2018 at 2:35 PM

Hello SheikhalMaktoum,

I agree with you and the documentation is included in the base package.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with you on video tutorials. Documentation can not explain all the features of a program such as VWD. I find new simulation methods every day and I can not explain all these ideas in the documentation. The documentation is there to explain how the program works and how the parameters influence the simulation. Considering all the features added to the program and considering the improvements I would like to make to the explanations, this new documentation will have 150 or 200 pages. It will take a lot of time.

Remember that I am not a multinational, I work alone in front of my computer. My income is related to this work and currently, I work for nothing. It can not continue long. The Patreon project is there to support VWD, otherwise the commercial part of VWD will definitely be dead. The only VWD videos you will see will be my simulation results. For fun.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Surody ( ) posted Wed, 06 June 2018 at 4:07 PM · edited Wed, 06 June 2018 at 4:11 PM

SheikhalMaktoum posted at 4:04PM Wed, 06 June 2018 - #4331242

I don't like the idea of paying for tutorials. I feel that documentation should be part of the basic package, otherwise it's like being nickle & dimed to death. Rather than making videos, please consider one clear, concise, complete and comprehensive PDF.

A PDF would be useful and I would consider it as a separate thing. If we say tutorials we usually talk about something really specific. Most functions of the programs already have a explanation if you go over them with your cursor. Also keep in mind that the Patreon stands for supporting the whole project and to keep it going. You don't just pay for a plain tutorial like in Dreamlights example, we pay to keep the project going at all.

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 3:57PM Wed, 06 June 2018 - #4331221

  • 3$ a month for the updates of the program and the documentation.
  • 1$ a month for a G238 clothe made for VWD.
  • 1$ a month for a G238 animation.
  • 1$ a month for a RIP file.
  • 1$ a month for a video tutorial.

This makes a fee between 3 and 7 USD a month. Tell me if these values seem correct to you.

I don't know if Patreon gives the ability to make a choice between several possibilities (for instance, 4$ for the program and a clothe or for the program and a RIP file).

I don't know if Patreon allows to validate choices made by the "Patrons".

The idea of what to offer and the price sounds good, but in my opinion it's always nice to have a 1$ category with great value to get people interested into pledging first and maybe consider increasing their amount later on. I'm not sure if you can create multiple categories with the same amount of $, perhaps it works, I didn't test it, but from a economic point of view I would discourage you to do so. We can discuss something like this separately before you launch your page. Furthermore you can create polls on Patreon to let a certain category vote for specific tutorials. The best you can do, here again, we can discuss your ideas and the possibilities.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Thu, 07 June 2018 at 4:06 PM

Hello Surody,

You are certainly right, a low price for the program could be very attractive for someone who would like to test.

I thought to set the program to 1$ but by separating the documentation. This will certainly annoy SheikhalMaktoum but it is important to understand these two works are fully different to me.

My idea is to propose each month :

  • an update of the program
  • an update of the documentation
  • a clothe for G238 made for VWD
  • an animation created for G238
  • a RIP file
  • a video tutorial. All these benefits would be at 1$. The best way would be the patrons could vote to define the choices for the four latest benefits (for the following month).

I don't know if it is possible for a patron to define an amount and each month, he could have the ability to choice 1 to 6 items depending this amount. I don't know if Patreon allows this possibility.

You are of course invited all to give your opinion on this project. It is best to be closest to your needs when I will launch the Patreon project. Thank you by advance for all your replies.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Biscuits ( ) posted Fri, 08 June 2018 at 2:49 AM · edited Fri, 08 June 2018 at 2:58 AM

Video tutorials in the time we live in at the moment are so important together with a manual.

Many of us users are visual imaginative beings who when watching a videotutorial instantly can make the explanation click in our mind and understand it faster.


Patreon is like a platform where you support the developer so he can continue developing in creative freedom...crowdfunding basically.

Developing requires a steady stream of income, especially if there is only one developer like in the case of VWD.

It’s like when in the old days aristocrats supported artist or inventors.

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dzonatan ( ) posted Fri, 08 June 2018 at 5:59 PM

Do you plan to perhaps expand VWD to approach physics in a different way? Say something akin to:

  • Unity Dynamic Bones
  • Blender's armature modifier
  • Blender's mesh deform modifier

They provide less realistic result but they are much faster. I feel like Daz/Poser scene would greatly benefit if someone figured them out hassle free without needing to play import back and forth with those software I mentioned.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sun, 10 June 2018 at 4:38 AM · edited Sun, 10 June 2018 at 4:41 AM

Hello Biscuits:

Thank you for your help. You are right, I think it is difficult to know the time necessary for such a development. The documentation is another work which is not difficult but which takes a lot of time too. I like video tutorials, even with my bad English speaking, because they are fast enough to do and they also are more interactive compared to a writing documentation.

Hello dzonatan:

I want to expand VWD but I also want to stay in a dynamic way. If I want to deform a mesh, it will be deformed using only dynamics. I know there are some great softwares which allow to make manual modifications better than I would be able to do so. I am not sure a program can manage all these different domains in only one environment.

However, I have a dream: Be able to manage a character by behaviours, a little bit like a great program named Endorphin. This function should work using a mix between poses and dynamics. A lot of work in perspective. Perhaps, a little bit like in cartoons with some reference poses and all the intermediate poses computed by dynamics by using behaviours. 😀


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Thu, 14 June 2018 at 6:00 AM

Hello to all.

The Patreon project definition is not easy to do.

I really need your help.

Please, write your ideas and your wishes.

Thank you.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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mndsng ( ) posted Thu, 14 June 2018 at 5:00 PM

Hi Gerald, (I just spent an hour writing my thoughts in here, and the rendo forum timed-out on me. I should know better... urg.)

To restate:

Thanks for VWD. it rocks.

I am a hobbiest animator that uses Genesis1 (and Mil4 resources) in DS and Carrara (philemo plugins!). No 3D income yet - only spending! lol. Big dreams, yes...

I can't spend much on VWD yet, but appreciate you need support for this project to make sense (cents...).

I like videos and PDFs, videos to show/demo what VWD can do, and PDFs for recipes. Video tutorials are nice too, but least required for me.

I like the Patreon model, and Rendo or maybe Gumroad for add-ons if Rendo (here) doesn't work for certain distribution schemes (things that aren't big enough to be full products, etc.)

Because I've only tested the magic of VWD in both DS and Carrara so far (w philemo's plugins), and am not using it yet, I can offer around $3/month as pure support via Patreon. I would only want updates and updated docs for that. I think your tools is amazing! As I start really using it, I would buy a "VWD beginner to master" tutorial series as a product (e.g. here at rendo), or sponsorship series at Patreon.

I don't think I would buy clothes or hair, as the probability that what was there was what I'd need is very slim. Too many variables in that business.

I believe we should all insulate you (Gerald) from anything but VWD SW development. If we can figure out a way to generate docs/videos in concert with your development, VWD has a great chance of succeeding over time. Otherwise, I have concerns that it's too much work to write VWD and document it, and video it... for not enough money, and that this market may not be able to afford the real costs. If you can be left to only do your SW magic, we have a chance, I think.

I like the Patreon sponsorship model.

I am concerned (as mentioned above) that anything that distracts you from SW development is very costly, so the idea of clothing and hair products concerns me for their costs. I would rather see you and/or philemo using your software smarts to develop a clothing/hair converter that lets everyone who might buy into VWD convert their existing content for use in VWD (e.g. autowelding that preserves UVs). I could also see you (and any helpers) adding plugins (smaller features like 'jiggle' for each of the Genesis and Mil4 figures) to a solid core using the Patreon model. If VWD takes off someday soon, the D-Force specific clothing model may make sense, but right now my opinion is that it will cost you more than it pays, unless someone like Bisquits is doing the clothes while you develop VWD. Just a thought. (and I personally don't need more clothes!, so I wouldn't 'pay' for that Patreon option. Others might - please chime in if you would!)

A simple win on your VWD Patreon home base site would be to maintain an 'all things VWD' page that has links to all of the supporting products that relate to VWD, so anyone thinking about buying it could see the various resources that would support that investment. It could be mirrored here at Rendo too!

So thanks again - I hope this helps a bit,


my2iu ( ) posted Fri, 15 June 2018 at 2:10 AM

I am very frugal, so I don't want to pay more money, but I don't think you will make enough money if the top tier is $7. I am not an expert, but looking at other Patreons, it seems that a small number of people at the higher tiers bring in most of the money. You still make some good money at the lower tiers, but most of the money is made at the higher tiers.

I have already paid for the VWD program, so I don't want to pay a lot of money for updates, so $3 for that is reasonable. But if you're making clothing, then that can be $5 to $20 depending on the quality. Video tutorial can also be $5 to $20 depending on quality.

Also, can you actually produce all these things each month? If people pay monthly, then they expect new things each month. Very few DAZ artists are fast enough to produce a new piece of clothing each month (though you don't need to produce such high quality clothing maybe). Otherwise, it might be better to do things per release. Or throw in some textures instead of new clothing or something like that.

my2iu ( ) posted Fri, 15 June 2018 at 2:15 AM

Also, with a Patreon, you are selling yourself, not just your products. So you can have an expensive tier where people can vote for what features they want you to work on for the next month.

Surody ( ) posted Sat, 16 June 2018 at 7:02 AM

The best you can do is finalize what you want to offer and talk back to me, so we can build a concept. The issue of the previous discussion was, that there was no preparation on your side. If you got something prepared we can aim for progress.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sun, 17 June 2018 at 9:00 AM

Hello thanks a lot for your replies.

@mndsng : Yes, of course, your post helps a lot. The VWD current version has many functionalities I didn't explain properly. I have other ideas but I also have to define a reference version to start the Patreon project. I fully agree with you about the VWD development. If I want to go to the end of my wishes, I would accept to develop the program freely. All the other parts :

  • Documentation
  • Rip files
  • Video tutorials are not useful to me. My pleasure is to write the program and create videos showing the results of simulation. These products are necessary if other persons have to use the program. It is for this reason I accept to do all these actions which ask me more time than the program development itself but I don't want to make them freely. I think it is normal. I worked almost forty years in numerical simulations area in a research center. I wrote a lot of functions. Some of these functions are used in simulation programs, perhaps in DForce. VWD uses a new simulation method which allows to have a more natural dynamics. I can make a lot of videos showing all the capabilities of the program and wait someone accepts to buy the sources of the program. I thank you again @mndsng, for your post. It is a good reason for writing my thinkings.

@my2iu : I fully understand you don't accept to pay a lot for the updates. You bought the program. I am not sure to understand : would you accept to pay 3$ a month for the updates of the program and the documentations? Do you think 3$ is a good value for that? About the clothes, it is also a simulation need. For me, it is very important to define a reference meshing for VWD. Remember my job is program development. I am not an artist so my clothes will never be so beautiful but they will be generated in main part by program. This allows me to create a clothe quickly enough. About the hair, there are a lot of hair which are beautiful and very well done. Perhaps no need to do other ones.

@surody : During our first contacts, I was not really prepared to the Patreon project. I am not sure to be more prepared now. I am unable to define one or several prices and ... for giving what. My current idea is to have only one price : 3$. This price would allow to receive the updates and the documentation. The other things would come in more without obligations. @mndsng gave me a very good idea by asking me to make a "VWD beginner to master" tutorial. Now it is necessary to define how this tutorial can be included in Patreon or sold in Renderosity. My other projects will be a little bit late. They certainly will finish in the middle of July. This gives me some time to think to that serenely.

To all, thank you for the interest you have for the program. I cannot imagine this project could stop now.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Fri, 22 June 2018 at 6:38 AM


I am not very surprised to have no messages. But, if what I say in a message bother you, please feel free to tell me.

About the Patreon project, I am not really convinced.

I will follow the proposition that Biscuits and WimVDB gave me : Just start with the program and the updates (program and documentation) at 3$. This project will only be used to allow to some persons to encouraging the development. I will use Trello to interact with the patrons.

@my2iu: I think you are right, Patreon, it is a little bit selling oneself. I will pay attention to your remarks.

@mndsng: I agree a lot with many of your ideas. I will create a "VWD beginner to master" tutorial series as you suggested. I will record your post to remember it.

I want to develop the program until its maximum, but I also want to please myself. I want to create clothes, perhaps hair. I want to generate some animations. These products as well as RIP files and the Video tutorials will be sold or given, here, at Renderosity.

Please tell me if you agree or not, but please tell me your opinion.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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bwldrd ( ) posted Sat, 23 June 2018 at 7:53 AM · edited Sat, 23 June 2018 at 7:53 AM

I'm just wondering how you would go about distinguishing what the price level would get you.

3$ a month for the updates of the program and the documentation.
1$ a month for a G238 clothe made for VWD.
1$ a month for a G238 animation.
1$ a month for a RIP file.
1$ a month for a video tutorial.

This all seems fine to me, but I use the poser version and don't use G238 (I'm assuming you mean genesis 2,3 & 8). So I subscribed to 5 dollar level how would you determine that I want the updates, RIP and tutorials.

Or is this patreon just going to be for user of the DS version?


Consider me insane if you wish, but is your reality any better?

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sat, 23 June 2018 at 3:31 PM

hello bwldrd,

Thank you for your reply,

The problem you are talking about is one the reasons I want to only start the Patreon project with the program and the updates. I need to be more precise in the definition of the choices I propose even if some of these choices have the same price. Patreon is not very flexible for that.

The updates and the documentation will be for the program "VWDClothAndHair.exe", not for the bridges. The version of the program is the same for all the hosts (Poser, Daz Studio or Carrara).

You are right, there is a difference between the RIP files and the tutorials which will be created for all the hosts and the animations and the clothes which will mainly be made for DAZ Studio. What character do you use? Victoria4? I can try to adapt the animations on other characters, for the clothes, it is easier. Currently, the dynamic morphs are made for Daz Studio. I can transfer it on Poser. For Carrara, I have to ask to Philemot.

I hope this message anwers to your questions.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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bwldrd ( ) posted Fri, 29 June 2018 at 12:27 AM

Oh no, don't worry about adapting things for me. I use such a conglomeration of figures, you'd drive yourself insane trying to adapt for them. Lol.

And yes, that answered my questions.

Thank you.


Consider me insane if you wish, but is your reality any better?

Leonides02 ( ) posted Mon, 02 July 2018 at 2:52 PM · edited Mon, 02 July 2018 at 2:55 PM

Hi Gérald,

My recommendation is for the updates to the program to continue to be free. However, what I the patrons receive them first (a beta-test, basically) before you move them on to the final product?

I see this as primarily a way to continue to support a program I love, and find essential to my workflow.

$3 is more than reasonable!

Thanks again for all your efforts.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Mon, 02 July 2018 at 3:57 PM

Hello Leonides02,

I decided to stop the program development for some time. It has a lot of new features I want to explain. I am sure some of them will be very useful to you, as the way to import complex hair simulation settings in some seconds.

I have always new functions which come to my mind, like make a clothe tearable depending on a value of the stress.

I want to start Patreon in two or three weeks, certainly with the help of Surody. Thank you for your support.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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itou31 ( ) posted Tue, 03 July 2018 at 4:58 AM

So, if I understand the present status of development is 💯

  • "stable" GPU version
  • fast script to send animation back to DAZ (this is important to me, as this phase is longer than the simulation itself !)
  • complex hair import (without exploding memory usage) --> (YES ! I have many hair that I should decimate before sending to VWD)
  • dynamic morph (not try this yet)
  • "beta stage" cloth layers ?

Cool ! great news. I think that is enough to make wonderful animations. Merci

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Tue, 03 July 2018 at 4:16 PM

Hello itou31,

  • The GPU version works fine but it is made for simulation having many springs.
  • The transfer to Daz Studio works fine too but currently it is necessary to apply a script manually. Easy to do. I will do a video to explain. I hope to improve this.
  • The program can simulate very complex hair (I just made a try with 400,000 vertices). The memory issue still exists, I just want to explain some methods. Later, I will write a function which will generate complex clothes/hair by iterations.
  • The program is now able to import very complex simulation in some seconds using a recording of the springs.
  • The dynamic morphs seem to work correctly, I want to make some tests to improve the results.
  • The cloth layers will perhaps be written later. Currently, I wrote a cutting system for the clothes. This method allows to do better simulations.
  • The soft object simulations is included in the program. It needs some explanations and some tests.

To ALL : Now, I have to start the Patreon Project. My next work will be to rewrite the documentation with all the new functions. I also want to prepare some tutorials for complex hair or clothes. Give me some examples.


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Surody ( ) posted Wed, 04 July 2018 at 11:26 AM · edited Wed, 04 July 2018 at 11:27 AM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 11:26AM Wed, 04 July 2018 - #4332695

Give me some examples.

What do you mean with examples? Daz clothes or hair?

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Wed, 04 July 2018 at 2:51 PM

Hello Surody,

My sentence is not very clear. Yes, if you want to have a first tutorial on a clothe or a hair, give me the name of this asset. I will not be able to make many tutorials before the Patreon project starts. But I would like to make at least one tutorial for the beginning of the project.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Surody ( ) posted Wed, 04 July 2018 at 4:21 PM · edited Wed, 04 July 2018 at 4:21 PM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 4:14PM Wed, 04 July 2018 - #4332734

Hello Surody,

My sentence is not very clear. Yes, if you want to have a first tutorial on a clothe or a hair, give me the name of this asset. I will not be able to make many tutorials before the Patreon project starts. But I would like to make at least one tutorial for the beginning of the project.

I would like to know how to do ponytails without having the tail falling off or shirts with buttons fixated to the shirt (without falling off too). Here are asset examples:



They are together little bit expensive but you can technically choose any shirt with buttons or any ponytail to demonstrate this. Also I have always the issue that my clothes are glitching alot during animation. They don't really behave smooth. Maybe you could show how to fix or prevent that. Thanks!

MrFiddles22 ( ) posted Thu, 05 July 2018 at 5:47 AM · edited Thu, 05 July 2018 at 6:02 AM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 3:28AM Thu, 05 July 2018 - #4332695

Hello itou31,

  • The GPU version works fine but it is made for simulation having many springs.
  • The transfer to Daz Studio works fine too but currently it is necessary to apply a script manually. Easy to do. I will do a video to explain. I hope to improve this.
  • The program can simulate very complex hair (I just made a try with 400,000 vertices). The memory issue still exists, I just want to explain some methods. Later, I will write a function which will generate complex clothes/hair by iterations.
  • The program is now able to import very complex simulation in some seconds using a recording of the springs.
  • The dynamic morphs seem to work correctly, I want to make some tests to improve the results.
  • The cloth layers will perhaps be written later. Currently, I wrote a cutting system for the clothes. This method allows to do better simulations.
  • The soft object simulations is included in the program. It needs some explanations and some tests.

To ALL : Now, I have to start the Patreon Project. My next work will be to rewrite the documentation with all the new functions. I also want to prepare some tutorials for complex hair or clothes. Give me some examples.

Hi Gerald, I've been out of the VWD loop for awhile but I'm back.

Regarding Tutorials, since you have made a lot of changes to VWD, consider making some simple and quick videos showing how to officially and correctly simulate Hair, Cloth, and Soft Body Dynamics. (The Top Three Functions of VWD)

And then consider some advanced video tutorials branching off of the basic methods into more complex simulations, doing practical examples that people in general would likely need. Also this may help users eliminate any potential simulation issue we may be having if we knew the base foundation of how to simulate correctly.

I've seen several tutorials on YouTube and many of them are using different ways to get the end results, it's confusing. I'm not sure which way is the best. If you can show us the official way on how to use and do the basics since you added all the new features and updates, this would be helpful to new and old users.

Also in whatever you do for your software, just keep it simple and streamlined so you can accomplish your goals for VWD.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Thu, 05 July 2018 at 4:18 PM

@Surody: Your two examples are fine. I just bought "Linda ponytail hair" because I wanted to buy it and I would be interested to make simulations with this hair. The "dforce my guy jeans and shirt" does not interest me for my projects. Perhaps, it is the good time to define how I could create video tutorials or RIP files with assets I do not own. I suppose it is a very important question because I cannot buy all the products the VWD users want to simulate. Biscuits told me it is certainly possible is the asset on which I do my tests is a simplified OBJ file without textures. I can ask her to explain her opinion in the forum, if she accepts. I think it is a question to ask to the creators.

@MrFiddles22: For me, it is difficult to reply. VWD is a simulation program. I made numerical simulations and I wrote simulation functions for many years. A simulation is not a complicated thing to do, it is often complex. It means: a series of actions whose utility is understood. When I start my tests on an asset for simulating it, I don't know what will be the series of actions I will use. It is for this reason I used several methods in my video tutorials. My wish is not to transform VWD in a TWO clicks program, It is not possible. My wishes are :

  • Explain my thinkings I have when I make my simulation tests. (In video tutorials).
  • Write some iterative functions which will help to find the best settings faster. I am sure it is not the reply you would like to receive but if I replied you I will explain you the perfect method to simulate a clothe or a hair, I would not be honest with you.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Surody ( ) posted Thu, 05 July 2018 at 7:50 PM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 7:49PM Thu, 05 July 2018 - #4332788

The "dforce my guy jeans and shirt" does not interest me for my projects.

That's fine, but like I wrote you can use any shirt with buttons or something similar. Perhaps you have already a asset.

Biscuits ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 2:33 AM · edited Fri, 06 July 2018 at 2:45 AM

Yes, for example I can make some obj clothes for testing/teaching/guide purposes without texture. Or even untextured hair strands without a cap. Available for all your patrons, so they can use the same obj as used in the video.

Give me some drawings or explanations so that I have some references what to create and It will be my pleasure to help. :)

My 2D&3D Store 

My Youtube Channel

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 12:50 PM

Hello Biscuits,

I will never ask you to create clothes or hair for me. You already made a lot of things for VWD.

I just wanted to know if you would accept someone sends me a clothe or a hair as simplified OBJ file (just vertices and faces)? As you know other artists, do you think these creators would accept this?

Thanks again for your proposal.



Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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MrFiddles22 ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 2:40 PM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 12:39PM Fri, 06 July 2018 - #4332788

@Surody: Your two examples are fine. I just bought "Linda ponytail hair" because I wanted to buy it and I would be interested to make simulations with this hair. The "dforce my guy jeans and shirt" does not interest me for my projects. Perhaps, it is the good time to define how I could create video tutorials or RIP files with assets I do not own. I suppose it is a very important question because I cannot buy all the products the VWD users want to simulate. Biscuits told me it is certainly possible is the asset on which I do my tests is a simplified OBJ file without textures. I can ask her to explain her opinion in the forum, if she accepts. I think it is a question to ask to the creators.

@MrFiddles22: For me, it is difficult to reply. VWD is a simulation program. I made numerical simulations and I wrote simulation functions for many years. A simulation is not a complicated thing to do, it is often complex. It means: a series of actions whose utility is understood. When I start my tests on an asset for simulating it, I don't know what will be the series of actions I will use. It is for this reason I used several methods in my video tutorials. My wish is not to transform VWD in a TWO clicks program, It is not possible. My wishes are :

  • Explain my thinkings I have when I make my simulation tests. (In video tutorials).
  • Write some iterative functions which will help to find the best settings faster. I am sure it is not the reply you would like to receive but if I replied you I will explain you the perfect method to simulate a clothe or a hair, I would not be honest with you.

@Surody @Buscuits

Hi Gerald, I should have been more clear.

That’s what makes VWD great, is that there are different ways you can simulate with it.

Your tutorials are very good, I have no issue with them at all, they are extremely helpful. Also Biscuits' tutorials were amazing and so were Sickleyields on how to install the program, without them I would have been lost. But a lot has changed since these tutorials were released.

Also other tutorials (Not yours) sometimes would show slightly different ways to start out and simulate other than the way you would show. So I was wondering if these ways may cause issues with simulations results, like jittering cloth issues like Surody was having.

So I was making the suggestion, (in order to avoid confusion and possible user error with VWD) to consider making some new updated video tutorials that take it from the beginning and show the most basic way to start simulations correctly with all the new features of VWD.

Maybe Biscuits could do some updated tutorials (Wink Wink)

Biscuits ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 2:47 PM · edited Fri, 06 July 2018 at 2:52 PM

@ vwd For me, you can use my entire 3D wardrobe to make videos.

But for other creators you need to ask, because I really don't dare to say what other creators would allow.

It's more likely they accept, if you ask for plain objs without the textures, so they know it's useless to distribute,

But When you explain it to them and you link to their store product in the description of the video, they might even give the model for free, but just ask the vendors.

I personally I like to swap with vendors, so they give me something and I give them something in return.

That is always a nice deal and lovely.

My 2D&3D Store 

My Youtube Channel

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 4:14 PM

@MrFiddles22: I agree with you, VWD can be used in so many ways it is easy to make bad choices for a simulation. It is always necessary to understand how will work the springs, find the locations where these springs can be antagonist and can generate instabilities. It is for this reason I want to start the Patreon Project. I want to make a lot of tutorials to explain what are the good and the bad methods to simulate. Sometimes, it can be useful to show bad solutions and the bad result they will give. There is a lot of work in perspective.

@Biscuits: Thank you for your proposal, I certainly will use some of your clothes for the videos. For other creators, I will do as you said. If a user asks me to make a RIP file or a tutorial with a asset I do not own, I will ask him/her if he/she would be interested by this kind of proposal.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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MrFiddles22 ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2018 at 5:22 PM · edited Fri, 06 July 2018 at 5:22 PM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 3:19PM Fri, 06 July 2018 - #4332845

@MrFiddles22: I agree with you, VWD can be used in so many ways it is easy to make bad choices for a simulation. It is always necessary to understand how will work the springs, find the locations where these springs can be antagonist and can generate instabilities. It is for this reason I want to start the Patreon Project. I want to make a lot of tutorials to explain what are the good and the bad methods to simulate. Sometimes, it can be useful to show bad solutions and the bad result they will give. There is a lot of work in perspective.

@Biscuits: Thank you for your proposal, I certainly will use some of your clothes for the videos. For other creators, I will do as you said. If a user asks me to make a RIP file or a tutorial with a asset I do not own, I will ask him/her if he/she would be interested by this kind of proposal.

Sounds good man!

Get it going so you can get paid, and we can start using it. Serial protect it if possible so people can't steal it.

If you decide to sell in the store or on Patreon I'll support both.

Let us know when you start.

Biscuits ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2018 at 3:05 AM · edited Sat, 07 July 2018 at 3:08 AM

MrFiddles22 posted at 9:59AM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332843

Maybe Biscuits could do some updated tutorials (Wink Wink)

I have been thinking about starting a YT Channel so..who knows...maybe but I cannot make promises!

My 2D&3D Store 

My Youtube Channel

MrFiddles22 ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2018 at 3:07 PM

Biscuits posted at 1:04PM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332862

MrFiddles22 posted at 9:59AM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332843

Maybe Biscuits could do some updated tutorials (Wink Wink)

I have been thinking about starting a YT Channel so..who knows...maybe but I cannot make promises!

That would be cool! Maybe have some basic tutorials for free. And have some advanced video tutorials for sale in the store. I would buy them.

MrFiddles22 ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2018 at 3:08 PM

MrFiddles22 posted at 1:08PM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332873

Biscuits posted at 1:04PM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332862

MrFiddles22 posted at 9:59AM Sat, 07 July 2018 - #4332843

Maybe Biscuits could do some updated tutorials (Wink Wink)

I have been thinking about starting a YT Channel so..who knows...maybe but I cannot make promises!

That would be cool! Maybe have some basic tutorials for free or for sale. And have some advanced video tutorials for sale in the store. I would buy them.

VirtualWorldDynamics ( ) posted Sun, 08 July 2018 at 5:29 PM

@MrFiddles22: You are right, Biscuits could create very helpful tutorials, but I do not want to annoy her with VWD. She already made some many things for the program. As soon as I have more time (in some weeks, I hope!!), I will create tutorials explaining the basis and the advanced functions of VWD.

I am compiling the version which will start the Patreon project. I have some difficulties which will be quickly resolved. I thought to be ready for today, but I will finalize this work tomorrow.

Then, I want to start the tutorial with the ponytail hairand the one with the shirt with buttons. Perhaps I will use a clothe created by Biscuits.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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Surody ( ) posted Mon, 09 July 2018 at 7:00 AM · edited Mon, 09 July 2018 at 7:00 AM

VirtualWorldDynamics posted at 6:57AM Mon, 09 July 2018 - #4332901

Then, I want to start the tutorial with the ponytail hairand the one with the shirt with buttons. Perhaps I will use a clothe created by Biscuits.

I actually figured out how to hold a shirt with buttons together, it's pretty simple. What's really interesting to me now would be how to create cloth animations without ugly glitches and unrealistic behaviour. There's always somewhere something which bothers me and doesn't look right but your latest dress animation for example was perfect.

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