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Subject: Repeat OFFENDER?!?!

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goldie ( ) posted Sat, 10 October 2009 at 6:47 PM

Have read all your posts and have to agree with the general theme.  I for one would like to see the # of ratings and most commented on removed from the galleries' first page.  I see these as  prime movers for all the copy and paste, etc.  comments.  You know the tit for tat mentality.  The galleries have in reality become popularity contests and very little to do with art....the art charts also contribute to this nonsense...

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Sat, 10 October 2009 at 8:56 PM

I think that maybe going the way of Fav's only is the best test. No cut & paste involved... if you/they like a pick, then fav it. I am seeing a lot of certain artists doing that lately.

I don't know, I am still sick so I probably am not making sense...



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goldie ( ) posted Sat, 10 October 2009 at 10:04 PM

Well, I for one turned off the ratings option a long time ago.  Lately, I have turned off comments as well.  I am not certain if I will allow that option in the future.  Probably will, but I will have to give it some thought...If I could I would also turn off the favs option...

Don't misunderstand me, I do like comments, but not those one word is also very obvious that some folks are so eager just to leave a comment, that they never even read the text accompanying the pix...makes me wonder if they even really look at the pix...

Faemike55 ( ) posted Sat, 10 October 2009 at 10:28 PM

I know what you mean, goldie. Sometimes i've got a highly detailed conversation or I'll throw in a subtle pun and the comments I get back are like they've never even read the text I dunno!

goldie ( ) posted Sat, 10 October 2009 at 10:54 PM

I do take into account that for some folks, English is not their first language.  But oddly enough, some of these folks actually leave more meaningful comments than those who are fluent in English.   Go figure...

Spacer_01 ( ) posted Sun, 11 October 2009 at 1:53 AM · edited Sun, 11 October 2009 at 1:57 AM

Nomatter where you go, whichever gallery, your going to get a mix of both ends of the spectrum.

I still don't mind a few cookie cutter comments over a bunch of views with no replies or a fav but no fav description... At the very least you know who has viewed your image if nothing else.

I still maintain, from personal experience, after having a gallery at deviantart, getting both views and any sort of comment at all is difference night and day here at 'Rosity.

Another interesting thing is, theres the favorites button, and when you click on that, you get an optional field to comment about the favorited piece.

Does anyone even use that anymore or bother with it?

Faemike55 ( ) posted Sun, 11 October 2009 at 3:19 AM

I do whenever I fave someone's art. I put in a comment there as well

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Sun, 11 October 2009 at 12:40 PM

I'm back and still have the flu... but trying to carry on a normal day... :P

When fav'ing I always do a personal comment. I still look for work that is striking and original to Fav. That is not an option for just everything posted.

On a lot of Mike's work, the stories are so engaging and cute, you start to follow the character story, I think he missed his calling and should write stories all the time! :) 

I feel less inclined to post pics anymore because the gallery system is almost geared to create that "need" for comments. And it is hard not to get caught up in all of that hype. I think many people forget what they started to create for to cater to what gets comments. Then if the comments don't come, they are disappointed and hurt. Ever notice that you don't see V4's with other then a pretty expression, never a look of passion, pain or fear, or disgust? Just straight out of the box V4 w/ Morph!

The other confusing aspect here is what to comment, especially when some ask for critiques, so you do (*not in any hurtful way) and when given you encounter an onslaught of "Why would you say that?" site mails. So many times making the wrong comment or critique also hurts your own gallery comment status. So really I am beginning to see why there is so many "Oh My God! That is Great!" on average to less inspired artworks. In fact, if you are "In the loop" it matters not what you post, the comments (*and numbers), are the same. That's what I don't care for. But what can you do.

OK, I am off to bed again. Darn flu is like a cycle... get up, get tired, go back to sleep... repeat.




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Faemike55 ( ) posted Sun, 11 October 2009 at 1:11 PM

When it comes to critical comments, if there is a problem with the render, I usually SM that person and let them know of the problem the same goes for other than less than sterling attributes of the render.

While not an expert in lighting, it is one of the things Iearned early on and I try to keep learning as well as ehlping others with lighting issues (again, i do a lot of that via SM.) I do try to keep the OMG's and WOW's to a minimum unless the image warrants it. Most of the time though, I look at how people pose and light their renders and comment on that (as well as try to learn how they did it) So I really appreciate it when the artist goes to the effort to explain how they got that effect/pose/whatever

genefleeman ( ) posted Wed, 21 October 2009 at 12:25 PM

 What offends me is everyone worrying about whether or not other people comment and how they do it..  If you worry about your own pictures and not what someone else says about what and how they say it on other peoples work it really should not bother TOO much..   I guess when one noses in on whether another is getting a particular kind of comment is where the real problem starts..  If joe blow get a million comments of "AWESOME" it is none of my concern.  Maybe Joe Blow likes hearing "AWESOME" and who am I to tell him that people commenting HIS works are wrong and being shallow.. As far as that goes what business is it of mine whether a person is writing Awesome on the other peoples stuff.  The other person is the only one that has the right to say they should not.. NOT anyone else... 

If everyone would quit wworrying themselves over what other people are doing, especially when it is none of their business, the level of pain you people who are complaining about over this non issue would simply go away.   Worry about your own pictures and the comments on those and if you want to close off someone whose comments you don't like on YOUR OWN WORKS then just tell them.. I am sure you will never get another such comment from them.. Problem solved!!

Faemike55 ( ) posted Wed, 21 October 2009 at 4:07 PM

Gene, if you want this subject ot die, then why did you post?

Spacer_01 ( ) posted Thu, 22 October 2009 at 1:09 AM

Quote -  What offends me is everyone worrying about whether or not other people comment and how they do it..  If you worry about your own pictures and not what someone else says about what and how they say it on other peoples work it really should not bother TOO much..   I guess when one noses in on whether another is getting a particular kind of comment is where the real problem starts..  If joe blow get a million comments of "AWESOME" it is none of my concern.  Maybe Joe Blow likes hearing "AWESOME" and who am I to tell him that people commenting HIS works are wrong and being shallow.. As far as that goes what business is it of mine whether a person is writing Awesome on the other peoples stuff.  The other person is the only one that has the right to say they should not.. NOT anyone else... 

If everyone would quit wworrying themselves over what other people are doing, especially when it is none of their business, the level of pain you people who are complaining about over this non issue would simply go away.   Worry about your own pictures and the comments on those and if you want to close off someone whose comments you don't like on YOUR OWN WORKS then just tell them.. I am sure you will never get another such comment from them.. Problem solved!!

This thread came about regarding exactly the question about others peoples comments as well as recieving said comments in the context of "awesome" and other similar cookie-cutter type comments.

Some replied noting the effect and worth or degredation or pointlessness of making said cookie-cutter type posts in a comment field that would be better served a useful meaningful purpose.

Some people asked why is this going on, and several answers were found by discussing it. Some of us brought up related similiar issues within the range of the same topic, and it got discussed. And lots of people from both sides of the fence chimed in with their views and opinions, and in a behaved and civil manner.

So really, having a thread for this type of discussion has proven useful and informative; and can be useful to others should they come looking for similar answers. Thats what the forum is here for after all. :)

Faemike55 ( ) posted Thu, 22 October 2009 at 1:16 AM

I fuly agree and as far as I was concerned, the subject had been tackled, subdued and other-wise hogtied into submission. and as such, unless someone else has another point that needs to be taken up and worked over until it gives up the electronic ghost. I really consider the subject truly and completely done!
How say the rest of you?

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Thu, 22 October 2009 at 5:58 AM

Well said Spacer_01!

Everyone has questions at times. This thread brought up new, old and re-hashed a bit. But all in all it helped to generate a better understanding of people and how they think, act and re-act.

When I saw your thread, I was surprised you would be so angered by the commentary. It is a finished issue. time to move on to others. Or at least if this is to be re-opened, then we all want to stay in the general friendly vein it was.

Having said and commented I too, as did Mike and others, we found our answers or understandings and let this go.



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Inception8 ( ) posted Fri, 27 November 2009 at 9:13 PM · edited Fri, 27 November 2009 at 9:15 PM

From the movie Se7en:

John Doe: Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention. 

There's more ways than one to think about how to apply that line.

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Sat, 28 November 2009 at 3:37 PM

there was one other thing they may have forgot to mention above, but I recall another site where users posting renders would complain if they got low ratings, and ask the admin to delete any low ratings.  I dunno if this applies to this gallery, but in the other gallery the reason they complained was that they might be considered as candidates for a pay gallery if somebody, possibly their peers, judged them to be excellent.  there's no pay gallery here AFAIK, but there may be some other process where lots of positive comments and high ratings are useful in some material way.

Belladzines ( ) posted Tue, 29 December 2009 at 1:19 AM · edited Tue, 29 December 2009 at 1:19 AM

Quote -

I totally agree with you, the way people lie here is outragous, I see comments like outstanding work and its horrible, there I said it lol

They play the how many artists they know game and its sickning I only comment on work that is actually pleasing to me, not to the followeres or GORGREOUS and such like comments when I say outstanding you can bet you last dollar it is lol

Makes us not have many friends here but who cares, I dont want to know anyone that plays that game its pathetic

i try to get into the galleries to comment on peoples images, and i dont fawn all over them .. if i dont like something about it and want to give some advice on how to improve it then i say so.
i would appreciate  the same thing on mine except that i do get the its beautiful or great work or some such ...  i want to grow and learn more as an artist and i cant do that if my "artwork" is commented on with nice stuff you know?
if i really hate an image, yeah i wont say nothing, just hit the close button and move on .....

i dont get many comments and yeah i'd love to get more but on how to improve ... but am thinking of hitting that no comments box so i dont get anything in the end LOL.

LilRedWagon ( ) posted Tue, 29 December 2009 at 5:14 PM

People are out of work. People are hungry. People are homeless. Get a life.

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Tue, 29 December 2009 at 6:35 PM

"People are out of work. People are hungry. People are homeless. Get a life."

Right back at ya! :)

Happy Holidays!



Is there water in your future or is it being shipped away to be resold to you?
Water, the ultimate weapon...

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Tue, 29 December 2009 at 10:55 PM

one of my neighbours said she and her family were handing out blankets to the homeless this year and they were going like hotcakes, even here in silicon heaven.  it made me feel guilty, just sitting around eating ham and getting gifts and that.  but I never leave empty comments in gallery, hence i know how they feel about it.

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Wed, 30 December 2009 at 2:16 AM · edited Wed, 30 December 2009 at 2:25 AM

I'd like to clarify something, especially since I used to have several links on my signature for both the Salvation Army, and the Humane Society, (*among a few others). But I was reminded that this (*ren in general) was not the venue for that sort of postulating.

If you need to read here, that folks are suffering, or that animals and humans need warmth and shelter. Perhaps you aren't listening to your friends and neighbors or the news enough. I have a wonderful woman down the road who is 70 years young. She needs an occasional ride to the store, or pharmacy (*so I drop by and ask if there is anything I can pick up for her when I go into Reno (50 miles away) because her son is not always able to.  Across the street is a couple who occasionally cannot afford food for thier dog of 13 years (*so I pick up a larger bag and share). At my local High School the Wrestling Team needs help going to thier competions (*so my hubby and I always donate $5.00, not a lot, but it is something).

My point.... Here, in this forum, was not the place to jump on a soapbox and start harranging people about a subject that is totally not related to the thread, just to act self important.

As for the original comment? Anyone can find someone who could use a friend, and a helping hand, if you only look. If you don't know how to volunteer or where to donate to a good charity where the largest amount of the monies goes directly to the needy, just ask me! I can have a list in 5 minutes for you. If you see someone panhandling, buy them food. If you don't know your neighbors and how hard the economy is on them, knock on thier door!  Still need ideas on how to be kind and generous to others? Site mail me and I can help find ideas! 

But this thread, with it's ups and downs, and other convolutions about posting comments on pics or not, if they are relevant or not, is not the right place to comment like 'LilRedWagon' has. LilRedWagon, why don't you post a picture that shows the needy, or the cold, or the hungry and add your thoughts to that! It would reach more people who maybe could do more help!!!  But do not flame the thread with things that sound just plain snarky. Many people who have posted here are some of the nicest and most generous folk around! 

BTW, Miss Nancy to you I have to say, I know just how giving you are! And in many different ways! So I bet you have given something precious this season.

Happy Holidays Everyone and the Best of the comming New Year!!!




Is there water in your future or is it being shipped away to be resold to you?
Water, the ultimate weapon...

theschell ( ) posted Wed, 30 December 2009 at 4:23 PM

Having read through this thread and kind of considered what was being said... i think feed-back... even a "canned" response... is better than nothing at all... in general i like getting feed-back... wether it's on my models or images (though i have nothing posted in the rendo image galleries as yet... i do have images posted elsewhere)... i've only ever taken exception to criticism a couple of times... but my reason for being upset about it was that the persons involved didn't offer any advice to help me fix issues etc... so it seemed that all they wanted to do was trash my efforts... in contrast to that... feed-back also brought me a few really good people that were more than willing to help me test items, provide assistance with sorting out rendering or modelling issues... and in terms of releasing models has helped me get an idea of what is popular and what isn't which in turn allows me to target my works to specific types of audience... My only thought on feed-back of any sort being bad is when it's appearent intention is to trash the efforts of someone without any recognition that they tried or without any intention of helping the artist learn ways to do better... ie "constructive" criticism is good... "destructive" criticism is just plain mean...

For instance... i've noticed that alot of people trash freebie artists for not doing better, more, or for posting to sites that people don't like to download from etc... that habit just discourages people... where a kind word ad a suggestion or some advice would have done alot more for all involved...

Anyways... that's my take on things... sorry if i ranted a bit... happy holidays and happy new years all! ;)

Dann-O ( ) posted Sat, 02 January 2010 at 7:17 PM

Hey i am happy with any comments. i only post comments from time to time. i do not post a comment if there are already a lot of comments already or if i don't like the pic that much. So if there are already 10 comments or more i juist move on I try to keep the signal to noise ratio down.

The wit of a misplaced ex-patriot.
I cheated on my metaphysics exam by looking into the soul of the person next to me.

FutureFantasyDesign ( ) posted Mon, 04 January 2010 at 1:35 PM

Dann-O, I think that is a fair and even handed way to go! If they have a whole bunch of comments, and you really like the pic, add it as a Fav!!! Let's that person know you like it too!

Hope everyone had a good Xmas. My New Year was weird... I have to make a pic to get it across.



Is there water in your future or is it being shipped away to be resold to you?
Water, the ultimate weapon...

Azhrarn ( ) posted Sat, 09 January 2010 at 4:33 PM

Quote - ....and I have quit commenting on some galleries simply because I feel its a waste of time if its not reciprocated once in a while.

I don't understand that rationale.  Honestly, I simply don't understand things like collecting comments for the sake of numbers or running up post counts on community boards or any of that sort of thing.

That's not a criticism, BTW.  It's honest bafflement.

I always figured that if someone feels strongly enough for good or bad about a work of art someone has displayed, they'll say something about it (for better or worse).  When I post a comment, there is no other motive but an appreciation of the presented visual.  But I guess that's just me.

coolcatcom ( ) posted Tue, 12 January 2010 at 5:41 PM

I been around a long time here !   I believe that comments should be as creative as the art. They (the comments) are now just the cut and paste, robot ridiculous repeat .........OMG, WONDERFUL, AWESOME, FANTASTIC, BEST I'VE SEEN, MORE PLEASE, LOVE THE LIGHT, LOVE THE COLORS, NICE BACKGROUND (on a 3D image)  Bla-Bla-Bla.  It's called you comment on mine and I will comment on yours approach. (some need a comment come hell or high water).  It's all been said before and it just keeps on going. I deleted 3 full galleries left the place and came back. Now my e-bots are turned off and I comment on what I like friend or foe. I post once in a while, get a comment fine, don't get one no sweat to me anymore. But when I do comment I say more than the above "COMMENT-O-MATIC MACHINE.   Just keep one thing in mind......ROCK-N-ROLL LIVES ON.  Cheers all !

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