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Fractals F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Aug 27 11:19 am)

Subject: Fractals This Week

peedy ( ) posted Mon, 13 October 2014 at 1:27 PM

Yes, I sasw that, too. :-(
There still is plenty to do with MB as it is, but I, too, had hoped for some new things.
At least Jesse seems to be doing ok, wich is great to hear.
Ah well, that's life, I guess.


Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 24 October 2014 at 12:15 AM

Hey guys

Well ya'll remember I was telling ya we were going to have a Revamping of the Challenge/Contest area, well appearently it's more than just that.....

Seems the Forums will be Revamped again also....I know we just had one but appearently we'll have another. I really don't know what will happen this is what I've been told is coming

We will be launching a Forum update on the 29th. 


 1. Javascript will no longer be allowed. DO NOT USE IT.


  1. Any ‘table’ and ‘img’ elements CANNOT have a fixed width. For images they need to upload the exact size they need. For tables I recommend stripping them out and stop attempting to use HTML. (If they don’t know what they are doing they really shouldn’t be attempting to code HTML - let the editor handle that for you)


  1. All CSS should be removed, and no longer used unless necessary (please stop using lime-greens).


  1. Keep it simple.


I highly recommend that you don’t try to fix the current code. You should copy and paste a backup then start from scratch without over-using HTML (just type into the text editor). Plain text and links usually does the job. 


Basically, anything with a ‘table’ or 'img' that has a set width is going to break the responsive layout of the forums (a lot of those). Below are the announcements that need major help.  


Fractals Forum is in the area affected, everything is Javascripted and HTML encoded so we'll wait to see what we see when the changes go into effect what has taken a direct hit....shouldn't affect the Galleries so that's a bonus, they want us to take action to minimize affect but I don't think that's wise just wait to see what gets scrambled, could be bad but maybe not could be worse taking a shot in the dark to minimize it too, I figure no need to Panic till you're Knee deep and the water is still rising.


I'm not going to Panic or worry about anything, just wait till I see what's broke and fix it then, It'll all get sorted in the end I'm a pretty good Bandaid Engineer so I'm pretty sure we won't Bleed to Death in Fractals if I can help it....


Just wanted to let everyone know what was coming, not a lot of ya'll really pay much attention to the Forum anyway but those who do we might be in for a bumpy ride for a while.............


Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 24 October 2014 at 12:22 AM

Phew, thaty's quite some info, Len. ;-)

I hope they can and will do the changes without us having to go through too many problems.
But, as you say, we'll wait and see.

Aren't you happy about all the changes????? hehehe

Thanks for the heads up, Len.


dochtersions ( ) posted Fri, 24 October 2014 at 9:32 AM

Hi Len,

Thanks for the update, I don't understand everything, but anyway we have to wait and see, huh?
Hoping this will not give you much troubles.

Have a nice weekend,

Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 24 October 2014 at 11:38 AM · edited Fri, 24 October 2014 at 11:40 AM

The more I think about it the more I think the Powers that be should not try to be proactive in preventing percieved forthoming problems due to changes due to Programming, scripting and Codeing changes, unless you are a Programmer you really have no Idea how anything is going to be affected.

We just went through a total Revamping of basically everything over at DevArt, I mean for months now they have been telling us it's coming and trying to explain how it will work and all it did was get everyone all pissed off about it. Now that it's a done deal and has been implemented I must admit......and it's not easy for me to admit when I'm wrong...I really like the New DA. They didn't really change the way I was used to doing bidness there, there is still the Message Center where I normally live and it functions the same as always the Buttons are just in different places and that just takes getting used to. The rest, hell I never liked DA's layout to start with, always thought it was the most Convoluted Site to Navigate around and now it's kinda fun the way they have it...

Guess I'm saying we just have to wait and see, change can work if it's done right and that is where the real problem comes in I guess, Who is doing the Programming. I have been really impressed with the West Coast Programmers at DA but I am not so sure of the Programmers in Tennessee( I'll probably get in trouble saying that but I call it like I see it)Tenneessee the patron State of Shooting Stuff not Technology but it's wait and see.


Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 24 October 2014 at 11:45 AM

Oh, I really have to check out DA, then!
See if I find it easier, too.

.......and I am sooooooooooooooooooo glad I don't do any programming. ;-)


Lenord ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2014 at 12:11 PM

So it's happened, the Updated Forum and Challenge Area...don't know if it's complete yet but at least I can access them again they were gone for a while earlier today. Looks weird, just done some looking around and experimenting, the editor is different seems like, the Challenge Area is basically gone as far as anything that went before but as far as the setup for new ones it looks like it won't be a lot harder just a different look. The Fractal Showcase doesn't seem to be affected at all, maybe it's more related to the Gallery than the Forum, the current stash of picke for this months showcase I was worried would be gone since it's saved in another Staff Forum dedicated for Staff Picks but it seems intact just weird looking. Guess I'll see Saturday when I try setting up the new all in all so far it's been a rather painless change over, keeping fingers crossed it stays that way.


Remember...No matter where you go there you are

Lenord ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2014 at 4:19 PM · edited Wed, 29 October 2014 at 4:27 PM



Remember...No matter where you go there you are

Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2014 at 9:22 AM · edited Thu, 30 October 2014 at 9:23 AM

Testing HTML

Don't forget the August/September Fractals Challenge


Remember...No matter where you go there you are

Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2014 at 9:25 AM · edited Thu, 30 October 2014 at 9:25 AM

Still testing

Works weird but it works

September Showcase

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2014 at 9:40 AM

I did respond this morning.
Looks like it didn't take.

The showcase works great, Len. 
The challenge gives a "Sorry, no challenge" message.



Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2014 at 3:03 PM

Yeah, old links to Challenges don't work but you can go to the challenge area and see the old ones, some of the images might be gone but they are still there, you can see what the new Challenge area layout will look like though. Forum Ebots aren't working yet but Fractals Forum came out OK, think it was a good idea to leave it alone and wait to see instead of trying to fix things you weren't sure would Need Fixing. Some of the other Forums are messed up because they did try I think, it's not that HTML coding doesn't work it it's just different how you can use it now since there is no HTML editor anymore...there is a little trick I discovered though just dinking around, allows you to enter HTML in the text Editor and convert it to active HTML, gonna keep it to myself for now though because I can't believe it's supposed to work that way, that's why the test posts(Shhhhh!)

Hey Corrie did you check out DA's new layout....what do you think of it....lots of people pissin and moaning about it but I hated it the way it used to be and kinda like the new way....most are saying it's too much like Facebook, I wouldn't know about that cause the only reason I ever go to FB is when hunting Art Thieves.....

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 31 October 2014 at 12:43 AM

  I won't tell. ;-)

Indeed, still no forum bots. 

No, haven't had the time to check out DA yet.
Hopefully next week.


Lenord ( ) posted Sat, 01 November 2014 at 2:51 PM · edited Sat, 01 November 2014 at 2:55 PM

Ebots still don't work so no one will hear me but October Showcase is now up October Showcase

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Sun, 02 November 2014 at 1:17 AM

 No, still no bots.
But I always check out forums, so I see you anyway. ;-)

Great choices again, Len.


Lenord ( ) posted Mon, 03 November 2014 at 9:37 PM

I think Forum Ebots are working again....maybe

Lots of changes, some of the Forums are really a mess I guess, were in better shape than some here in Fractals. The TG Forum put up a challenge in the new contest area and it is having lots of problems according to Danny the TG Mod so I'll wait on getting a Fractal Challenge going until things are straight in there. Just got to wait for things to straighten out....then they'll probably change things again

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Mon, 03 November 2014 at 11:37 PM

 I got a bot, yeah!!!! :-D

The Terragen problem is that entries for the challenge can't be posted. 
I hope they got that fixed, soon. 


dochtersions ( ) posted Wed, 05 November 2014 at 11:56 AM

And yes friends, I also got an e-bot!
(b.t.w. thank you Len to put a fractal of mine in s.c., a nice surprise ;-)).

Lenord ( ) posted Sun, 09 November 2014 at 12:31 PM

I've talked to Cornelius(rocserum) waiting on Badsue to reply, as soon as they get together and decide on a Theme I will get a New Challenge going in Fractals. There will be new Image size guidlines, Images can be 1200x1200 max and Thumbnails now should be 300x350, Also the full size 1200x1200 entry can be 350k max in memory size and thumbs 35k Max so we should be able to get a bit better detail with the larger if they would double the 512k in the Galleries that would really be cool

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Sun, 09 November 2014 at 11:44 PM

 Sounds promising.
Yeah, the 512k realy seems to be impossible to change. ;-)

Didn't get a bot on your latest post, len. :-(


dochtersions ( ) posted Mon, 10 November 2014 at 12:20 PM

Thanks again, Len.
I'm curious what the challenge will be.
p.s. I did receive this e-bot.

peedy ( ) posted Mon, 10 November 2014 at 12:24 PM

 And I got yours, Mies. :-D

dochtersions ( ) posted Mon, 10 November 2014 at 2:50 PM

Oh, that's fine, my friend Corrie !
I was searching for the smilies, but there gone (with the wind?). ;-)

Lenord ( ) posted Mon, 10 November 2014 at 6:01 PM

Guess they are kind of off and on, I got notice of Corrie's first one and then none of the others.....The changes to Challenges should be good bigger thumbs and entries is definitely a good thing. 

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

bakapo ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2014 at 10:32 AM

Oh, I just noticed that a couple of my fractals were chosen for a highlight gallery here. Thank you very much, I am pleased and honored!

I hadn't realized there was something like that here. 

Lenord ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2014 at 10:58 AM

Sure, The Monthly Window, there is a link to it under the Banner in the Fractal Gallery and also on the Right side of any Gallery page "Select Subcommunity" select Fractals and it will take you to the Window

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

bakapo ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2014 at 11:09 AM

Thanks, Len, I will check it out from now on. :)

Lenord ( ) posted Mon, 01 December 2014 at 11:43 AM · edited Mon, 01 December 2014 at 11:44 AM

November Showcase is now up November Showcase

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Mon, 01 December 2014 at 11:34 PM

 Great picks again, Len.


Lenord ( ) posted Sun, 07 December 2014 at 11:18 AM

Got the first entry for the Dec/Jan Challenge which allowed me to check some things out as far as operation of the New Challenge Area goes.....It's weird

It's straight forward as far as members adding entries, just load the Thumb and Image like always and Submit, it goes to holding until Staff can check it for Limits etc then either Accepted or Reject it.....Usually if it's just a little out of Spec I would just fix it myself and re-upload it and accept it if it was way out I would fix it and let you know and give you the option of doing the fixing yourself...

Now here is the Rub with the new Challenges....The limits as far as Size are valid:Thumbs 300x350 and 1200x1200 Max However the stated size limits appearently don't matter much for some reason.

When checking the first Entry the size was Waaay out but knowing the member whose entry it was I suspected something was awry because this member usually always adheres to the Rules of the challenge so I did some experimenting.

I added a couple of entries myself and discovered the Dimensions stay what is uploaded but Memory size is adjusted way bigger than the original generally 200K ??!!??

Don't know why it does that but needless to say I won't be rejecting any Images entered due to Memory Size being Too Large....These open Contest and Challenges right now are the first with the New System so things are undoubtedly still being sorted and could change at any time....

For now just keep the Dimensions as stated in the Rules and we'll let the Memory Size take care of itself.......I'll keep ya'll updated on other changes as I become aware of them


Fractals Moderator

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Sun, 07 December 2014 at 11:22 AM

 Oh man!
More problems for you. :-(

Will stick to what you say. 

And thanks for the heads up. :-)


Lenord ( ) posted Sun, 07 December 2014 at 11:35 AM

It's crazy...I checked some random entries in the other Contests and Challenges, maybe I'm looking at them wrong(it's the same way I always have) but there are a few that are even over the 512K limit in the Galleries so I don't have any idea what's going on with the Challenge Limits Checking

From what I here around back rooms we ain't done with changes around here, a whole bunch more coming down the Pike soon.....supposedly they are going to let us Mods and Coordinators have more say in what gets implemented and even give us a Sandbox to test them out before putting them on the Live Site this time....I'll believe that when I see it....

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Sun, 07 December 2014 at 11:41 AM

 That would be a huge step foreward.
Let the people that work with it have a go.
Looks like they're learning. ;-)
But yeah, believe it when you see it.
Fingers crossed!!

Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 11 December 2014 at 1:14 PM

I finally heard from Badsue, she apologized for not getting back to me about the Fractals Challenge....Real Life isn't being too cooperative with her and her family at the moment it seems, I'm sure we all know how that goes it's called Life for a reason it ain't all Fun and Games. Anyway she wanted me to tell everyone Hi and she misses everyone, hopefully she can be back more frequently after the New Year.....send her all your Positive Vibes and Energy to get her through these times


Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Thu, 11 December 2014 at 1:19 PM

 Sad news from her.
Sending lots and lots of good thoughts!! 
Hang in there, Sue.
All the best.


dochtersions ( ) posted Fri, 12 December 2014 at 9:53 AM

I'm sorry to read this about Susanne, and I hope things will soon better again for her and family.
Sending hugs to her by this way!


Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2014 at 6:49 PM

Hey guys just wanted to let ya'll know I think I'm back around fully again....I haven't been gone just really kind of out of it...My left Hip has been bad for a long time but it's really gotten bad lately. The pain meds weren't working any more, could hardly walk more than a block or two without stopping to regroup, couldn't concentrate, pretty painful all the time. Finally got the VA to give me a Orthopedic consult and going to have to get a Hip Replacement early next Year, in the mean time they changed my Pain Meds and these seem to be working, make me high as a freaking Kite though, had to re type this about four times but at least I'm not in constant pain. I can concentrate better, even felt like catching up on comments and staff Picks for this months Window, might even do a Fractal.....anyway just wanted all to know I wasn't gone just being Weally Qwuiet like I was hunting Wabbits......

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2014 at 11:55 PM

 I am sorry to hear that, Len.
Pain sucks. 
Glad to hear the new meds do a better job.
Hopefully the surgery will make things a lot better.
You poor Weally Qwuiet Len. :-)


Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 19 December 2014 at 8:40 AM

That was the first full nights sleep in about 10 days, gotta love Oxycontin. Guess after 2 years of Hydrocodone I had just built up such a Tolerance it didn't work anymore this stuff sure does I can function again. I hate the idea of yet another surgery but this old Hip has to go it's just no good No Mo, wore the sumbitch out need a new one and it hurts....Bad. It's such hard thing to get the VA off it's ass to do anything about joint replacements though, been trying to get this done for years now it looks they finally are...sometime after the first of the year.....actually I've heard that before but this time the damage to the hip is too obvious to ignore.

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 19 December 2014 at 8:46 AM

 Thank goodness for a good night sleep! :-)

 Yeah, surgery never is fun.
But when it helps. ... :-)
Just keep calling them till you have a date for the surgery, Len.


dochtersions ( ) posted Fri, 19 December 2014 at 12:00 PM · edited Fri, 19 December 2014 at 12:01 PM

Oh my, this is the first time I got a message from your physical problems/situation, my friend.

I can empathize very well in your situation.
And I think that now you have a reason to be hopeful and optimistic.
Since I know several people that have had a hip replacement, and who now run "like a Kiviet" (lapwing) as we say here.
Unfortunately, I am very familiar with having no concentration and no sleep due to extreme pains.
So my situation, already is for years, so I can not really write and read here on RR as I would like to.
But that is irrelevant, only to mention, I sympathize with you, Len.

I also hope you don't have to wait too long, and that you in the meanwhile, before this surgery, will be in a 'as good as can be' physical and relaxed condition.

Greetings and get well wishes, Mies.

Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 01 January 2015 at 10:29 AM

Happy New Year my Fractal Friends

That time of year again, time to change the Date on your Sigs, stop writing 2014 on Bank Transactions and Renew Expiring licensees and permits and like that.

I made a Resolution this year, don't usually do that cause they don't last but I'm going to try and Stop Smoking.....Got the Nicotine Patch, who knows maybe it will work the damn things are definitely hard to keep Lit.

Here is hoping everyone has a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Thu, 01 January 2015 at 11:37 PM

 Happy New Year, Len and everybody.

I hope you can stop the smoking.
I quit 11 years ago and I never looked back.
Did it cold turkey. 

I have my fingers crossed for you. :-) 


Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:21 AM · edited Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:24 AM

The December Fractal Showcase is now up December Showcase



Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:23 AM

 Great choices again, Len.

The link isn't a live one. 


Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:24 AM · edited Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:25 AM

 Great choices again, Len.

The link isn't a live one. 


It is now..............damn Forum changes

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

peedy ( ) posted Fri, 02 January 2015 at 11:25 AM

 It is.

Thanks, Len. :-) 

dochtersions ( ) posted Sat, 03 January 2015 at 5:59 AM · edited Sat, 03 January 2015 at 6:13 AM

Hi there Fractal-friend,
Thank you for your good wishes for the new year 2015, Len.
I admire your courage because of your intention to cut smoking.
From others I have read that there are to buy a kind of electronic cigarettes (without the bad stuff of course), which seems a good help to get used to not taking a real cigarette (in your hands, and mouth, hehe).
However a very good decision that will benefit your health go.
I wish you a nice new year with lots of artistic inspiration, as well as a happy life in every way, there in your (beautiful?) Desert.
With best wishes, once again, ;-)

dochtersions ( ) posted Sat, 03 January 2015 at 6:20 AM

A little p.s. Len,

I've just found the link to the showcase, and I'm very happy surprised, as thankfully.

p.p.s. to all our fractal friends,
here from The Netherlands, we wish you all a fantastic 2015.
Love, Mies.

Lenord ( ) posted Mon, 02 February 2015 at 11:49 AM · edited Mon, 02 February 2015 at 11:49 AM

January 2015 Showcase is now up January 2015 Showcase

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

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