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Subject: removed comment

Max2100 ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 3:47 AM · edited Tue, 08 October 2024 at 4:30 PM

I put a "non improving" (renderosity opinion) comment yesterday. It was removed. Personal opinion are not welcome here. I think to remove my membership from renderosity later. The comment was a joke, i didn't think to "be carefull" in a free community of digital artists. I'm sorry but I express only an opinion, granted me from liberty and democratic human rights. S orry for my english but i'm not english or american.

saxon ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 4:08 AM

Tell us more! What did you say? Who did you say it to? Where did you say it? In this year's Reith lectures the speaker is putting forward the concept of human duty as having equal status to human rights.......

tiamatdx ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 6:33 AM

Come to think of it I think a comment I made in the gallery yesterday seemed to have been deleted too. And it was a positive comment to the artist.

Mosca ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 7:19 AM

sounds like the niceness police are at it again.

Max2100 ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 7:42 AM

the image itself is nice, strong and well done. I don't understand like the arbitrary action of one, with his personal views of life, can change the opinions of a community. To remove a comment (without anything wrong or non correct) kills the free speaking. Anyone is free to speak wih another guy and say "what are you doing here?" "you are an idiot" etc... and the guy is free to say the same thing to me. I have had very bad comment in my gallery. none of moderators have cancelled it. This is my last word. I get away from this site. See you in an other planes of view, friends of mine.

VirtualSite ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 8:09 AM

Oh please. It's okay to make a comment, it's not okay to ask to have it removed? C'mon, folks, let's try that again, huh? Sure, you have the unquestioned right to say anything you want about someone's work, but kindly remember that that someone also has the unquestioned right to have it taken away. You can't have it both ways, okay? Now, about all those nekkid Vickies..... :)

ScottA ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 9:11 AM

This is not the place to discuss the issue. Taking this to OT. You made admit you made a non-constructive comment. So it was removed. We frown on this type of behavior. But at the same time. It's not worth the temper tantrum you're throwing. None of us Team members hold any personal grudges against people who either violate the rules. Or just post something a little over the line. In fact. Some of the people I have warned in the past have gone on and contributed things to are various areas of the web site. It was a poor comment. And you got a "please don't do this" from me. I don't see why it needs to be blown up into anything more than that. I had forgotten about it already until you posted this message. ScottA

Acid_burn ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 10:01 AM

To ScottA Posting Unacceptable Images which include; 1. Depictions of physical arousal or sexual acts. 2. Genital contact with ANY object, other than sitting or clothing. 3. Rape or torture of any living or dead creature. 3rd of your statment. I saw the image Max2100 is speaking about. you have to much power. Before speak think 1 second. Max2100 is one of the better artist here on renderosity, like blackhearted and others here. Now she's gone. You must to be proud of this. Think to your statment before talking please

ScottA ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 10:43 AM

Actually, This was a group decision. I didn't make it on my own. No power trips over here on this end. Sorry. ScottA

Spike ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 10:49 AM

The comment made was in no way helpful to the artist and had nothing to do with the image. Please review the TOS: Destructive commentary/communications made with the intent to disrupt or attack (Trolling). This applies to any communications within this community, whether in the forums, art galleries, graffiti wall, chat, or IM. We stand behind Scott 100%.

You can't call it work if you love it... Zen Tambour


MikeJ ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 11:05 AM

Yeah, I'll chime in here on this. I saw it too, and it did in fact have absoulely nothing to do with the image. Well, it did, sort of, in a somewhat abstract way, but it was a cooment directed more towards the artist's mentality and/or societal viewpoints than it was about the actual picture. It was a trolling, if ever there was one. It was a comment made as a direct insult to the artist's "worldview", if you will.

praxis22 ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 1:27 PM

Can you make an abstract comment if it's an abstract image?

MikeJ ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 1:42 PM

The comment itself wasn't abstract. It was rather clear, actually. Any possible relationship between the comment and the picture would have required a stretch of abstract thinking in order to come to the conclusion that the comment was about the picture itself.

ScottA ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 2:34 PM

I'd like to say this one more time for anyone who looking at this: When one of you does something we feel is not appropriate. We don't sell T-shirts with the words "worlds worst person" on them and give them away. We simply delete it and ask you not to do it again as politely as we can. End of story. No personal feelings are involved. I recently removed an image that depicted something really bad. The artist complained about me removing it in a public forum. But when I showed him why it was removed. He realized that it gave an impression that he didn't mean to express. Here's the kicker I removed all of my public comments from public view to protect the artist's reputation. Yes...that's right. Even after he complained that I was unfair in public. I did what I needed to do to protect him. We (mods and admins.) aren't out to get you. I personally go to great lengths prove it every day. I'm not concerned with what you think about me. I'm only concerned that I treat everyone as fairly and politely as possible. When I give you a warning. I expect you to understand that this is something that is necessary. But it has no reflection on who you are as a person. Nor my personal opinion of you. I expect all of you to be able brush it off. And not take it personally. While still respecting the need for rules. This is a big place. It can look kind of cold and corporate sometimes. And it's easy to look at us mods. as the "Evil Empire" But I'm just as much a member now, as I have been in the past. ScottA

MikeJ ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 2:49 PM

Don't believe Scott! He IS the Evil Empire! Being a moderator here has certain privileges, one of which means we get to see exactly what's going on from the inside out. Scott not only makes all the rules, but he actually is the almighty Ceaser here. Now, I'm sure that he will reprimand me violently for exposing this, and I will be forced to apologize...

MikeJ ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 2:51 PM

Ummm... I'm sorry. Please strike my comments. It must have been a moment of temporary insanity on my part. I am sorry Scott, and I have to say, your post was very well worded, and most definitely, quite true. :)

ScottA ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 2:56 PM

Ack! Darn you Mike....I was just about to break into a chorus of Stars and stripes forever. And now I've lost my place. ;-)

MikeJ ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 3:10 PM


Sihn ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 6:10 PM

sticking gold stars on Mike and Scott's forehead for no reason whatsoever Dinnertime!

Sihn ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 6:10 PM

sticking gold stars on Mike and Scott's foreheads for no reason whatsoever Dinnertime!

Micheleh ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 9:03 PM

I agree completely, Scott. I think hat was vry well worded also. heads off to stop the presses on t-shirt business... ;]

mojogoing ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 10:30 PM

Hey Virtual, When has it ever been ok to have a comment you don't like removed. I've been told before that comments cannot be removed.

Micheleh ( ) posted Tue, 16 April 2002 at 10:50 PM

Do you mean the gallery comments? An artist can ask a mod or admin to delete a comment from one of their gallery images, if that is their preference.

MikeJ ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 5:14 AM

Well, generally speaking, comments cannot and I would also say should not be removed just at the request from a member made to a mod or admin. I mean if you have someone say, "looks ok, but the shadows are conflicting with the light source", that's a comment which could conceivably be taken by the member as "destructive", and he might view it as the guy pointing out to him that he was somehow sloppy or innatentive. He might want that comment removed. I woul;d not remove that comment on request. Now, if someone comes along and says, " WTF?! This sucks! Your shadows are screwed!", that would generally be considered trolling, but there is the point that the comment, "trolling" as it may be, is still pointing out a specific flaw. If the member wanted that comment removed, I would have to think about it, and chances are I'd ask what the other mods thought about it before doing anything. Now, someone comas along and says, "This sucks, and so do you!" (Yes, I actually had that happen in the Vue gallery), that I would remove, with or without a request, amd of course the member would also get a warning that it is not to happen again. Of course, enabling comments is always the choice of the person uploading pictures to the various galleries. I have always thought there's a certain irony in there when people post pictures which might upset people, and then they're all upset when they get trolled. In the cases I've seen of the "newbies" who genuinely are lacking in skills, and are genuinely hoping for actual, good suggetions, but get attacked for no apparent reason, with comments such as "this sucks!"... I genuinely feel bad for them...which is why I think that it should be fairly well broadcast around here that trolling will get you nowhere, and win you no one's respect. It will get you warned, maybe banned later, and is all for nought, since your trolling comments will be removed, most likely.

mojogoing ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 6:11 AM

Removing comments has always been subjective. It depends on which Admin you ask, at least that has been my experience.

Sipapu ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 8:34 AM

Call me stupid, but I think a lot of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the artists who post images. One of my pictures in the beginners gallery got a comment that, in essence, amounted to "this sucks." After I cooled off, I IMd the person who made the comment, thanked him or her for taking the time to look at my picture and comment, and said that what I really needed was the reasons why the image sucked so that I could improve it. My critic not only removed the original comment, but also left me lots of constructive ideas. In other words, I took the responsibility for getting what I genuinely neeed instead of having just a knee-jerk reaction. In fact, the whole problem was more one of miscommunication than nastiness, but I wouldn't have known that without asking. The difficulties inherent in communicating in the gallery comments is one of the reasons I'd like to see us have a critique forum, or at least some kind of better mechanism for getting valid critiques.

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 9:06 AM

Removing comments has always been subjective. It depends on which Admin you ask, at least that has been my experience. unfortunately this may be true. since we are living, breathing flesh and blood here, and not cyber-algorithms, everything IS subject to interpretation. when something is 'obvious' the mod/admin usually handles it without further input. in many cases, however, the issue is brought to the other mod/admins and it is discussed. we don't pretend to be perfect, or to make the perfect choices every time. overall, however, the statistics prove that we do okay. the number of times that these things happen versus the number of times members get up in tell us overall we are on the right track.

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 9:08 AM

ack typos there should read: members get upset tell us overall

Sipapu ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 9:10 AM

It's not you, Audre, it's your keyboard! ;-)

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 9:12 AM

LOL ya me AND my keyboad need replacing methinks.

mojogoing ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 9:37 AM

audre, I have recieved many comments that are little more then trolling, no construcive remarks, just they didn't like what I did. The idea or the difficulty of the work. I used to ask to have these removed and was told that it was against policy to remove them. I have also seen comments removed and people warned when their comments were not favored by the artist. So maybe there should be some way to make it more even handed.

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 10:56 AM

when their comments were not favored by the artist. that isn't when a comment is removed. if it is seen as a 'troll' then it should be removed. trolling is not something we want to promote here and trolling is in fact against our TOS. ~~~~~~~~~~ >comments that are little more then trolling, no construcive remarks, just they didn't like what I did. the whole point of allowing comments and ratings IS to let people tell you what they think of your work. if someone really doesn't like a piece of your art, or a tecnique you've used, and you've enabled comments, as long as they don't attack you for doing your art them telling you they don't like it isn't trolling. i don't see that there is anything we can do to change that. trolling is when someone makes negative reference to YOU personally in a comment that should remain focused on your artwork.

mojogoing ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 11:04 AM

audre, what you are saying cannot defend what has been done, your saying comments that an artist doesn't like won't be removed, they have been. I know of an admin who removed a comment because the artist believed it did not deserve a one rating.

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 11:10 AM

well i can't speak to that as i don't know the situation. not defending anyone or anything at all but i won't act on heresay. what i CAN tell you is what i already have. the intent of the TOS is as i've stated. we all do our best to enforce it. we aren't perfect but we do our best. if you feel that a situation was handled improperly then the best thing you can do is send an email to and be as detailed as possible in your description of the events.

ScottA ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 11:20 AM

Personally, I'd like the artists to be able to remove any comment they don't like themselves. But I always get jumped on for that. ;-) The people opposed to this idea, say that will ruin the credibility of the Gallery. But my opinion of the Gallery is that it's not meant to be a professional system. It's only for our own enjoyment. When you go to the art museum. You don't write on the wall under the picture what you think about it. ScottA

audre ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 11:24 AM

You don't write on the wall under the picture what you think about it. you don't? that might be why i got arrested the last time i went to the art institute! i personally have no problem with that either Scott... if that happens then i say abolish the ranking system as well and leave it as 'commentary.'

Moonbiter ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 1:07 PM

When you go to the art museum. You don't write on the wall under the picture what you think about it Ah! But if we could there would be a lot less "ART" that consisted of dead sharks or Black Dots on White backgrounds hanging in museums. Heheh. I like the idea of not being able to remove a comment, unless it is a personal attack. Even if it is to let me know I wasn't the only one who didn't like an image or thought there was flaw in it.

ScottA ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 1:44 PM

Hmm... I just had a thought. I think maybe my eyes just got opened. :-) Is the reason why the Galleries are so popular here BECAUSE of the comments and ratings? Maybe it isn't really about the images at all? If it was just images. Would it be boring? Would participation die if it was that way? I wonder if the whole lure to our Galleries is to see if you can post and image, and recieve nothing but good comments? Maybe it's not really only about the art. But more about the recognition and ratings you can get? Kinda like a game. A personal challenge if you will. Making it much more exciting than just posting your pictures. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact. It sounds fun. But I never really thought about it until now. Pardon me if I'm a bit slow. I'm not an artist. ;-) Maybe removing the comments wouldn't be such a good idea afterall? ScottA

Sihn ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 4:08 PM

The galleries and the comments are the virtual equivalent of a real world art show where the elite (or not so elite) are invited to view and COMMENT upon the artist's work. We create art in order to receive commentary, good, ill or even downright ugly. Can you just imagine what it would be like if there was an art show where there were moderators with their ears open for any comment that might offend the artist? What about the all important, yet generally and universally reviled art critic that is often so important to an artist's marketing success? Let's delete him. The fact is, we're artists. And when we place something in a public gallery we certainly do want those positive responses, but there will always be bad ones as well. Toughen up that thin skin and grin and bear it. Trolls, rude people, etc. are part of RL. Renderosity has to enforce the TOS, and that I'll not argue against, but if someone wants to look at my blue water sprite and go "yuck! that's a lot of damn blue!" I can live with it. I'll probably cry, but that's life. s

MikeJ ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 4:40 PM

"Trolls, rude people, etc. are part of RL." Well, yeah, true. Bt, this is virtual reality here, and much different. How many people here who say things like "You suck!" on gallery pictures would walk up to the person in Real Life and do the same? The web, and the anonymity of the whole situation makes it very easy to be an ass to others, with virtually no repercussions. A situation like this pretty much needs at least some mechanism in place to ry to control that urge that some people have to be obnoxious just because they can.

Entropic ( ) posted Wed, 17 April 2002 at 4:41 PM

Reminds me of something interesting... What bothers me in a gallery comment is when the person makes a statement that is obviously misinformed. For instance, the first time I posted an image under my Entropic nick, the first person to post on the image ( who has since been banned in three different incarnations for personal attacks ) said they didn't like the image because it was "abstract", and it was actually their intention to troll the image, although they did a piss-poor job of it. The problem I had wasn't that the person was trying to make me look bad, it was that they obviously didn't know what the term "abstract" refers to in art, and, yet, a few people later on took their lead and critiqued the image based upon its "abstractness." I was pretty peeved, but I never asked to have the comment removed, even though it was completely extraneous and ran totally counter to the image as a whole, because I figured, oh, well... I was the one that enabled comments and thus, gave everyone, regardless of their actual credibility, the right to say what they thought. Regards, Paul

Max2100 ( ) posted Thu, 18 April 2002 at 4:10 AM

I have seen all messages. I think of giving you my personal "I'm sorry" for all. I understand that gallery is a real place of meeting and relax after work or anything else you do during the day, no politics or other things that have destructive mood in our life. I thinked I don't have the right to speak against another in a free space like this. After all only constructive comments and true artist work from me. This was a hard week for me and it happens sometimes in life. Do you want my membership yet, after this catastrofic time?

audre ( ) posted Thu, 18 April 2002 at 9:48 AM

Do you want my membership yet, after this catastrofic time? certainly not!! everyone has bad days. like Scott said... there aren't any 'grudges' being held and aside from this thread, i think the matter has been forgotten. please relax and enjoy the community!

ScottA ( ) posted Thu, 18 April 2002 at 11:37 AM

Hi Max, Just logged in today and got your IM. I'm very happy that you read what I said here. I would be very happy if you stayed here. And so would everyone else. Nice to see that you stuck around. :-) ScottA

beelzebulb ( ) posted Fri, 19 April 2002 at 1:58 AM

Quote; "the whole point of allowing comments and ratings IS to let people tell you what they think of your work. if someone really doesn't like a piece of your art, or a tecnique you've used, and you've enabled comments, as long as they don't attack you for doing your art them telling you they don't like it isn't trolling. i don't see that there is anything we can do to change that. trolling is when someone makes negative reference to YOU personally in a comment that should remain focused on your artwork." End Quote So, if I sday something like; "This picture sux big time and you do crappy work and you have no talent in any conceivable form that is apparent so why don't you pack it in loser?" That would be considered a "personal" attack right? However, if I word it; "This picture is very poorly done and in my opinion you are not showing any improvement that I can discern so may I suggest that you try another way to express your artistic yearnings such as paint by numbers kits?" would that be considered a pesonal attack?? Especially if that is the way I feel and even moreso if the person who I critique really is "bad bad bad" and offends my very sensibilities whenever I view one of thier monstrosities which they insist on posting in the galleries?

MikeJ ( ) posted Fri, 19 April 2002 at 6:12 AM

I don't think trolling and personal attacks should be grouped together here. You can easily have one without the other. "...trolling is when someone makes negative reference to YOU personally in a comment that should remain focused on your artwork." That comment would have been better, had the 'reference to YOU personally' part been left out. I could say, "Your picture SUCKS!", and in that I have not necessarily made any personal attack against you, though I have definitely trolled. I could say, "You're an idiot for doing this picture!", and I have made a personal attack against you, and not necessarily your artwork. Not really trolling in that case, IMHO. "This picture is very poorly done and in my opinion you are not showing any improvement that I can discern so may I suggest that you try another way to express your artistic yearnings such as paint by numbers kits?" I would call that trolling, yes, although it is sort of standing on the edge of the trolling line. It's not a persoanal attack, I don't think, not in the standard sense at least, and it does offer a suggestion which might very well be considered 'helpful'. However, the suggestion it makes is not in how to improve the picture in question, which should be the only focus at that immediate moment--that particular picture. Ergo, trolling. There can be other forms of trolling too. What if someone leaves a comment which consists of nothing but, "......" yet leaves a rasting of "1" on the picture? Trolling?

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