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Bryce F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 20 11:30 am)

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Subject: I can't take it anymore.. I must say goodbye....

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BOOMER ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 1:35 AM

By the way striving, I have your "FREEDOM" image as my wallpaper, not only because I believe it, but because I LIVED it.

Because I like to blow $%&# up.

Don't fear the night.  Fear what hunts at night.

d_hood ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 2:38 AM

Pixar doesnt postwork? Where did you hear that?

amethyss ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 3:37 AM

The deal is this...You have by now figured out that a lot of people enjoy your artwork.Myself included.To be disgruntled over this Hot20 seems uncalled for in my opinion.Beginners make friends in here,and get comments and ratings from those friends.How many real experienced members take the time to comment or give a newbie some feedback.I do.I know that the images may not belong in the H20,but it is a fact unless it is done away with. A k ind word can make the person feel great.A tip may make them try it.My point is try to forget that it even exists.Show your work,let yourself be a mentor to the up and coming.To discourage them only will dwindle this community.This goes for the whole bunch in here.Many times I get a bit frustrated not because of the hot20,but because I thought I put a lot of effort into something,then get maybe 24 comments.I have also thought why bother.Never going to learn anyway.But i do watching the likes of Hobbit,rochr,Alvin,and Englewolf...more too many to list. I also did check out your website.Cool one.I have one too and am proud of it.

Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic_____website

unityboxer ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 3:41 AM

When 2 of the people from Pixar(one modeler,one animator) came to my college to do a workshop on 3d animation production.They took us through thier entire pipeline from storyboarding to final video editing.The only thing you could consider to be post work was the tweaking of contrast and levels,or compositing layers(which was done in the final video editing).At no time did they go and paint,frame by frame stuff that was messed up.When I say postwork,I mean painting in things that are not present in in the render.So if the guys from Pixar lied to my whole class(not to mention they brought in scene files from "A Bug's Life" and showed every step taken.)And yes tjohn,I know they dont use C4D,thats my preference.

d_hood ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 3:56 AM

Amethyss...I cant believe you are complaining about comments. I don't think Ive had mor than maybe 15 and some of my work Ive spent ALOT of time on. By the way for those that care, I'm being published in a magazine thats sold in the USA and the UK. I might even make the cover oddly enough. I cant name the magazine yet until I sign the contract. whoo for me. Anyway, back to the topic on hand. Dont leave...Ive always enjoyed your work.

pakled ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 7:56 AM the risk of getting myself in serious trouble, the other Gallery site I've been to is called The Bryce Forum Gallery..don't know if you've heard of it..but it's the site that led me here both those years ago..;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

TheBryster ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 8:13 AM
Forum Moderator

I feel sad that one of our 'family' feels the need to divource us and I think that Striving makes some valid points. But I believe that in the end the really great works that we produce will win through and that the 'hacks' will learn the error of their ways. If nothing else, this forum is good for a laugh and inhabited by a great bunch of people.

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All the Woes of a World by Jonathan Icknield aka The Bryster

And in my final hours - I would cling rather to the tattooed hand of kindness - than the unblemished hand of hate...

bazze ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 8:34 AM

I don't know if I'm stupid, blind or both. But where's the H20 "vote" button? Yes, I have read the "how does the H20 work?" but I don't get it.

Tino64 ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 9:39 AM

Bazze You can`t click on an image in H2 and see the vote button....go via the galleries and click an image and you should se a "vote for this image" button...

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 11:42 AM

Yeah, Bazze, they didn't want to make it easy to vote for the pics that were already in the Hot20, thereby artificially increasing the time those images would stay in the Hot20. I think. :^)

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

pauljs75 ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 7:35 PM

If more people voted, maybe the hot 20 wouldn't seem so biased. Most of the vote totals to get images up there are less than 100. Which means that only a small number of users are actually voting. So... Somebody could just go and ask their friends, "hey would you mind voting for this?" Next thing you know, they're up on the Hot 20 with about 5-10 votes. The process isn't difficult, as it doesn't take much other than a mere mouse click. If you see something that you think is better than what's up already... Vote! (heck, that's what I do if the inclination hits me.) LOL... Other than that... There's more important stuff to worry about. The Hot 20 is nice to have around, but it's not exactly the focus of what the galleries are about. There's always new and interesting stuff to see (even if occasionally mired under the wash of similar images.) Look towards that which you can learn here... And if there's not much you haven't covered already, there's always an opportunity to teach what you know and give advice.

Barbequed Pixels?

Your friendly neighborhood Wings3D nut.
Also feel free to browse my freebies at ShareCG.
There might be something worth downloading.

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 8:10 PM

I personally think it's ridiculous, Striving. Internally, you really DO care about the popularity, and you really DO care what the newbies think, otherwise you would just NOT care. I could care less what Renderosity itself, or 99% of it's users (read : the Poser crowd) think of my stuff. I use this site as a place to post my art online, since I have no HTML talents, and a place to get feedback and GIVE feedback. Who cares what other people think? You do, apparently. I'll miss your artwork, I hope you leave your page up for us to gawk over, even if you post nothing new. And I wish I could convince you to pop by the forums, this is where the real learning happens and I've always loved your input. May you find water and shade, my friend.

rickymaveety ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 8:27 PM

Whoa!! D_hood .... only 15 comments at most?? And you are a friggin genius!! OK ... now I feel a LOT better about the 2-5 comments I usually get ... a whole lot better. I have this to say about striving's leaving. I wish he would hang around if for no other reason than to teach and comment on other's work. That is, if he really feels that his learning process here has stopped. Frankly, I only look at the Hot20 when someone complains that there's a piece of crapola posted up there. And, sometimes I see something jawdroppingly great ... and yet I forget to vote for it. Sometimes I don't comment on it because all I would be able to say is "ghaaaaamaaaaanaaahaaa" and as comments go, that is neither articulate or helpful. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I've bookmarked his homepage and I plan to keep in touch.

Could be worse, could be raining.

artworksco ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 9:36 PM

I'm sensing some tension. This was such a happy place when I found it. Sometimes I view an image and I don't comment because I have nothing "constructive" to say at the time. But the fact that the artwork was seen, regardless of how it is received, is in fact the whole point of posting in the first place I thought. If someone has something to add, that's gravy in my opinion. As to the hot 20, never seen it. I,m to busy looking through the whole gallery. Everyone here, new and old has something to contribute. And I'm glad that there all brave enough to put themselves out there for the scrutiny. Imagine if you had the chance to meet Picasso or Vangoh when they first decided to scribble. I'm sorry you and some others feel this way. It's because of people like you that others like myself can see the possibilties, and the heights that can be achieved. As to the others, this was just posted,... maybe someone here can cheer Qwister up too!

AgentSmith ( ) posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 4:12 AM

Damn, this isn't right striving. I haven't read through ALL the other posts here but I'll say this; The Hot 20, although kinda a cool kick if you get a pic in there, definetely has the other side to it. It's not always a fair game, and trust me, we (the Bryce gallery) have had it better than the Poser gallery has in the past. Bottom line, enjoy it if you get a pic up there, but better to nearly ignore it if you don't. Yes, tough to do, I realize but that's what it can come down to. No system is perfect, and the Hot 20 voting system certainly isn't. The Hot 20 IS a popularity contest (in a fair/good sense of the word), meaning the really good art should be up there, and it IS...yet the Hot 20 IS a popularity contest (in the unfair/bad sense of the word). And, we all know how those can go since being a little kids in school... I respect the fact(s) why you are upset, I can see (and have seen) how they have affected members before. Yet, if you could only understand how little of a thing the Hot 20 really is in the broader scope that is this site, and how little it TRULY matters to the larger picture of the appreciation of the art at this site. Really only a few members I have on my Fave Artists list make it to the Hot 20 consistently, and those few that do, do so because they really are talented. The majority of pics that are up there deserve to be. There will almost always be a small number of pics in the Hot20 that you will totally not agree with them being there. The hard part can be to understand that the Hot20 is not the last statement in the best art. It's up to each individual to decide that for themselves. Don't use the Hot20 for THE barometer of Renderosity. And, stay with us. I hope you can, or at least can come back soon. Seriously. AgentSmith

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

phenom01 ( ) posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 8:17 AM

I going to take a bit different tack than the rest...Another of my hobbies is designing and making furniture and other wood crafts. I frequent a couple of woodworking boards and the strength of my experience is in handtools old and new, design, and joinery. I often get frustrated when I see advice given/taken that is all wrong or when constructive criticism is not taken for what it is. Cliques form and they tend to ignore the posts of "outsiders." Pretty much the same things that go on here take place at other sites. I am on a self-imposed exile or sabbatical if you will for the time being. I occassionally stop in to lurk but nothing more. When I'm ready I'll return. So, if you feel as though leaving is best, then do it. The last thing this place should be is a source of frustration. It is not worth it. You may find that in time you'll want to return or not. I'm sure you will be welcome here if you decide to return. Either way your artwork is excellent and your dedication to improve yourself will mean that your standards will not suffer. Have fun. Scott

JC_01 ( ) posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 12:49 PM

People, people...stop for a minute and read HIS words... "But as some have suggested. I do "feel" the need to move on. I notice a lot have made this into a discussion about the h20 mainly. That is really only a side-effect of the over all virus at R. The Bryce Gallery itself is the source of my frustration. The h20 just is an extension of the problems in the gal." How can we help our fellow brycers, our friends and family, if you will, if we DON'T listen to what's being said? Read that quite from post #32, then stop and read your own comments again... He's very serious about this...I have never, in my time here, seen him to be one out seeking attention.....and i bet this thread isn't a "boo hoo i'm upset, pamper me" kinda thread. There are alot of people who share his concerns and frustrations, but when someone mentions them, the posts continue on and on, really not adressing what the ACTUAL problem is... Lemme ask you this... If you went into a small town store, and were used to getting fair treatment, even became friends with the staff, and other customers..then one day, a new crowd comes in...the new crowd being vastly different then the "regulars"... suddenly your support is disrupted... Would it make you fele better to have people complain not aboutthe change in support, or about the new changes, but about various other things, only piling on th eproblems, or would you feel better to have someone LISTEN to what you were saying, and work together to find a solution? There's of course, no right or wrong answer, but i know me, personally, would prefer the second, and would be much more likely to return to that said store again. Just a few thoughts...take them as you will.. Jen

alvinylaya ( ) posted Wed, 28 January 2004 at 8:26 PM

Bruce, I understand your frustrations. Unfairness here is a reflection of the world we live in. I see Renderosity is like a fish, the bones are irritating but the flesh tastes good. =) As far as "ART" is concerned, I really don't know what it is anymore, I feel happier just doing my own thing, and not thinking about this "art" thing. Sometimes time away can really heal hurts, clear confusions, and refresh one's energy. So please don't divorce yet. Give us a visit every once in a while. It's possible to fall in love with the same site the second time around. Please don't remove your gallery! If you must leave, Goodbye for now, but not goodbye forever right? I personally hope you will come back here in the not so distant future.;-) God Bless, Alvin

twisted_angel_9 ( ) posted Thu, 03 June 2004 at 10:42 PM

"growing number of images that belong in the beginners gallery" People like you, saying that is was held down artists like Van Gogh. Just because you think your better, guess what, there are many above and below you, you have no right to say that.

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Fri, 04 June 2004 at 3:17 AM

Yeah, who cares? Begone, Gone-ers. Busy rendering, have little time for text-based drama. In fact, just enough time to click "Post Reply". After typing, "Post Reply", of course!

AgentSmith ( ) posted Fri, 04 June 2004 at 4:16 AM

This wound finished 4 months ago, perhaps we can move on? yes/no/please? AgentSmith

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

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