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DAZ|Studio F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 21 9:46 pm)

Subject: I SCREWED UP!

Philywebrider ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 4:36 AM · edited Tue, 22 October 2024 at 3:37 AM

Some how I screwed up Downloading Dazstudio 4.6. I don't have all the content and I can't find it to download. Do I somehow uninstall DS4.6 and reinstall it, in hopes of fixing it? Please help!

tparo ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 4:53 AM
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Did you use the DIM (Download Install Manager) or just download from the links in your product library in your account.


If you use DIM it can also unistall.


There's no reason that you can't unistall and then reinstall DS this doesn't unistall any installed content just the application.

Razor42 ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 4:54 AM
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Make sure Daz is configured correctly to see your content.

Have a look at this link mainly the configure preferences in Daz Studio section a little down from the top.


if thats correct are you recieving any errors? Is the content missing in both smart content and regular library?

Hope this helps,

Philywebrider ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 5:24 AM

I used the install manager. but fot some reason I meesed up somewhere and I don't have any figures or other content, and I can't find it. I tried contacting DAZ, but just a busy siginal for 3 days.

No errors.

I was hoping daz could talk me through it.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 5:25 AM

I never worked with DAZSTUDIO before.

cedarwolf ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 5:44 AM

Didn't know 4.6 was out yet.  Have to catch that after midnight when the rates are cheaper.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 7:20 AM

Account Reference isnot set up in install manager

What does this mean?

Please help!

manleystanley ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 7:51 AM · edited Wed, 04 June 2014 at 7:57 AM

Ok. First dump DIM and CMS, they make you dependent on something with known issues and none of this is at all dificult to isntall yourself. It really is as simple as download/unzip/check folder/cut/paste.

Check Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/my library that is where your content... No wait, if you use DIM it would be in a different folder I think it's Documents/DAZ 3D/my dazstudio library or what ever they are calling it this month. None the less your content will be in a folder in Documnets/DAZ 3D. If your content is there then open Studio, check to see what is listed in DAZ Studio formats/my library. your content may have been installed but DAZ's DR.... CMS isn't showing it.

To uninstall open your control panel in windows, programs/uninstall. Then install from your back up copy in you back up apps folder. Don't have one? download Studio with out DIM from your product library, my account on the DAZ site, so you have a copy, then make a folder ;)

I have back up copies of Studio back to 3.1 and Carrara back to 6, and all the plugins/addons for both ;) I just like to have back ups. I also have all; and I mean everything, of my content backed up. That is one of the reasons I download zips and don't use DIM.

As far as CMS, I know where my content is, I installed it, and I use runtimes 98% of the time; sorted by figure, not the studio cluster F content folder, so I can easily find my content with out help. And I will continue to argue if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck....

Hope that helps. I'm not at all sure why DAZ decided to take a fairly simple routen of installing content and turn it in to some rube goldberg operation. DAZ installers have been a PITA since inseption.

Or  am I misreading and what you are missing is the genesis and G2F/M starter essentials that aren't part of the Studio 4.6 download, and can be found in your product library on your account page at DAZ.

Beleive me, DIM is actually the hard way to download and install; or at least the more confusing and problematic.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 9:56 AM

Account Reference isnot set up in install manager

I get this everytime I I try to download-install

RHaseltine ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 10:01 AM

That's trying to download the installer for DIM, or to log in when you launch DIM? The latter would indicate that the email contained a typo - just create a new account in DIM with the correct email (the DIM accounts are just local settings, they don't change your actuals tore account).

jestmart ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 11:46 AM

Ignore manelystanley on issues about DIM and CMS, there is nothing evil or nefarious about either.

ldgilman ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 3:35 PM

Yes please follow jestart advice. ManleyStanley had a bad experience and can't get over it.

markht ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 6:32 PM

Quote - Ignore manelystanley on issues about DIM and CMS, there is nothing evil or nefarious about either.

I agree. Don't be frightened about DIM or CMS.  I have been using both with little problems.

I view DIM as a huge improvement.  It makes purchasing and installing new products much easier.  DAZ also regularly sends out updates to fix issues with products. I get several updates per week. Some weeks it is 10 or more. (I have a lot of DAZ products.)  Many of these updates are for new products that were recently released, but some are for older products.  People who are not using DIM generally don't find out about these update.

CMS has been using a data base that requires a data base service to run on your computer at all times. There have been problems with this data base getting corrupted occasionally. DAZ is now transitioning over to use a PostgreSQL data base that does not require a server process. When you start DAZ Studio or DIM, the PostgreSQL data base will start. It is hoped that the PostgreSQL data base will be more reliable, but all data bases can get corrupted.  If your data base gets corrupted, you just have to reset it and re-import all the metal data to rebuild it. If you have created your own categories to organize your data as I have, then you have to remember to dump the user meta data regularily so it can be restored along with the product metadata. 

I have been creating my own categories for the last 2 years or so. In that time my data base got corrupted once.  I just rebuilt it from the meta data and the user data I had saved. Anoying, but not a big deal. If you don't create your own categories, you don't need to worry about saving the user data.

CMS is usually connected with Smart Content. I hardly ever use Smart Content, but I think it is useful when you first start using DAZ Studio.  You will need to learn how to use the Content tab and find products that do not have Smart Content, like all the products sold in this store or any store other than DAZ. Even in the DAZ store, most of the old V4/M4 products do not have Smart Content. 

As to your original problem with not being able to find the characters and other content, DAZ Studio comes with the Genesis, Genesis 2 Female and Genesis 2 Male characters, along with a few clothes, hair, and sets. Those are separate free products that you have to download and install. If you are using DIM, it should have offered to download and install them. 

If you downloaded and installed them, and still cannot see them in DAZ Studio, then maybe the DAZ Studio libraries are not setup in the same place DIM is installing.

Recently DIM has been getting disconnected from the DAZ server frequently while I'm downloading a alot of products. I think this is because of my flakey internet connection (I know it is flakey because other applications get disconnected all the time too.)  DIM could be made more falt tolerant to just automatically reconnect.

manleystanley ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 7:20 PM · edited Wed, 04 June 2014 at 7:24 PM

I was pointing out DIM, CMS are suseptible tech issues. 3/5 of the posts I read on the DAZ studio forum, by people having issues, are issues with DIM and CMS.

Yes, clicking download, selecting the down loaded file, unzipping it, checking the folders contents, cut and past is just so difficult.

And DAZ could have just as easily have it set up so a little red + would be put in front of an item on your products list to notify you that it had been updated since you down loaded it last. But that would have been the easy way to do it.

There really is no need to turn a simple process in to some rube goldberg tech operation that fails as often as not.

And just what is so wrong with doing it manually?

So please tell me how well DIM and CMS works with the poser/Studio content I can buy at, what, a dozen or so other content brokers?  What's that you say? They don't work at all?

So just how are these not tools to produce a captive clientele? You can call it paranoia, I call it a marketing tool that has worked quite well.

Now wait, I wont denie that these are some great labor savers for people that really don't want to work that way with their content. If you want to install content to where DAZ wants you to, fine. You want to dress your figures in the clothes DAZ rells you to, fine. That is on you, I just want people, especially newbies to know you don't actually have to do it that way.

Sure if you want to limit the content you use to exclusivly DAZ content, fine. Don't learn the manual way of downloading and installing content, but why? DAZ isn't the only content broker on line with quality products, so why limit yourself?

Sorry folks, but some one has to tell newbies or anyone for that matter, the DAZ way isn't the only way.

Come to the dark side, learn the pleasures of handeling your content

Ah if it was only 1 bad experiance, hell I'd be happy if it was just half a dozen, or if I'd stop having them lol

Sorry markht  I didn't mean to talk all over you like that, was was responding before I finished reading your post.

ldgilman ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 8:19 PM

DAZ and Poser are difficult enough, why complicate something until the Newbees, or any one else for that matter, gets comfortable with how things work?? Once comfortable, then start unzipping into the proper runtime(s) from whom ever they want to buy from.

But it seems you, sir manleystanley want to prolong the learning process. You either got started a long time ago when Poser/DAZ were much simplier or you are a hell of a fast learner. Either way your "dark side" holds absolutely no comfort, at least for me.

If you really believe there is a better way, document the hell out of it or create a killer multipart tutorial, getting down to the nitty gritty.

I'm done and off my soap box.

Razor42 ( ) posted Wed, 04 June 2014 at 9:17 PM · edited Wed, 04 June 2014 at 9:22 PM
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I would say that 95% of customer complaints I receive from Renderosity products are in relation to installation issues. Multiple OS's, various folder structure setups, content on external drives and not to mention Mac's native inability to merge folders make a simple 'unzip and cut and paste' rather problematic for most users, especially beginners.

I use both DIM and CMS and have not experienced any issues with either so far, touch wood. And as far as I'm concerned DIM is a massive time saver and is the easy way of installing content especially for beginners testing the waters with Daz Studio.

Daz3D are actively working on fixing any known issues with CMS and with a new PostgreSQL database being implemented recently its definitely improving in both reliability and speed. IF you don't use it Manley how can you comment on its performance?

I feel a little of what your saying Manley draws on your lengthy experience and is a little akin to someone saying. Bah don't take your car to the mechanic, waste of money. You can rotate your own tires, change your own oil and check your own fluids easily. While the average car owner still has trouble finding the hood release. I'm not saying that being new makes you dumb but experience is definitely the difference between prefering use of automated processes and a preference to a manual process that can be tailored to your own individual needs.

All I can suggest is to try each method and make your own judgements on what you prefer.

And Manley if your interested in writing an installation process for Renderosity Readme's that covers all OS's, various folder setups and any Daz product format, I'd love to see it. And I guarantee no matter how clear it is there will still be customers that have issues and will say "the product doesnt work, how do I fix it?" and from a content creators side this takes time and resources to troubleshoot.

Just to let you know on one occassion I had no fewer then 10 page long email correspondences with a single customer who had somehow messed up a simple "Cut and paste" installation process. And in the end I wasn't able to get the item running for him and refunded his $5.50 purchase price.

manleystanley ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 7:49 AM

Yes I got started a long time ago and not with premades. I used freebie meshes long before I used content. I'm also a freebie junky, downloading Poser/Studio content from all over the world. And I have had far fewer problems installing manually then with any DAZ installer to date.

I am also a big advocate of teaching men to fish.

I wish some one had steered me away from the DAZ installers when I first started using DAZ content. The DAZ installers is why I had content I couldn't find, installed in 3 different places on my comp. I wish some one had coached me in orgenizing runtimes; yes runtimes, before mine got to the point of pacaderm uslessness and I spent a week redownloading and installing my content to sorted runtimes.

I work in my runtimes, so they need to be organized with everything easy to find. And why I hate the Studio cluster F content folder. If the Studio content folder wasn't such a mess there wouldn't be so many people that find DIM and CMS essential. Poser's runtimes are like a book shelf, yes some of the books may be out of place, but they are stacked neatly in their own sections. Studio's content folder is more like a kids toy box where things just get dumped in hap hazardly. My content folder is full of floater folders, folders that should be some place but are just dropped in the "my libarary" folder.

Now why have I got this attitude about DIM and CMS? DIM wont work for me, I have 26 active runtimes. Only maybe 10% of the content I use is from DAZ, so 90% of the time DIM is of no use to me. Same with CMS, maybe only 5% of my content has metadata. And even though CMS may not be a DAZ DRM, it has too high a propencety to be used as such for me to trust it on my machine. But at the base of it I have no need of DIM or CMS, and DAZ trying so hard to make them essential or manditroy just puts me off them all together.

"Don't worry dude, everyone is getting chips put in their head, they're just to help you remember things and orgenize your thoughts". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFkbSAH7yb4 lol

Lets not forget that DAZ and DAZ advocates have been trying to shuve these down everyones throat since incept. Think that is BS? Then why is CMS absolutly manditory for using genesis in Carrara 8.5. Yes, if you want to use genesis in carrara 8.5 CMS is absolutly manditory to have installed and running, how is that not shuving CMS down my throat? You Studio users haven't felt that fist in you mouth yet, but it is coming.

I really wish you all that are eating in DAZ's dinning room would step out on to the back porch where DAZ is freading the rest of the DAZ family, yesterdays leftovers... cold.

What can I say, I read 1984 at 12, so  


Razor42 ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 8:07 AM · edited Thu, 05 June 2014 at 8:08 AM
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Yawn, is that all :)

Really comparing Daz to an Orwellian dystopian novel, lol

You can be so dramatic mate, I really find it hard to take it serious sometimes.

Maybe you should have a read of this one.


Or maybe this one


i will be waiting to see that tut on content management and installation instructions for the new user ;)

tparo ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 9:05 AM
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Good to see that Manley has managed to derail another thread so that the subject is all about him and his experiences.

manleystanley ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 11:43 AM

Quote - Good to see that Manley has managed to derail another thread so that the subject is all about him and his experiences.

My first post was helpful and on topic. Then people wanted to argue, not my fault.

SickenlySweete ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 1:28 PM · edited Thu, 05 June 2014 at 1:30 PM

Back to topic, you all missed the main question,

After you installed the studio program, did you then install the actuall content

files, there separate and not part of the program install.

All the files will be listed inyour daz order history account when logged in.





Philywebrider ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 3:59 PM


  I found Files Gensis Starter essentials and Gensis 2 Starter Essentals, are there any more files I should Download?

Does M6 and V6 come with all their morphs? like bodybuilder, etc

I want to pick up Wildernlander, but it doesn't say what morphs/character is involved.

manleystanley ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 4:46 PM · edited Thu, 05 June 2014 at 4:48 PM

Yes, M6 and V6 are morphs of G2F/M. The starter essentials are just that, the base figures and some clothes. That really should be all you need to start.

Wildernlander is just clothes for G2M. Should work fine with G2M, or any morph there of; M6 or any varient/character morph of G2M. That is the beauty of this new system of DAZ's, practically any clothes will fit any character. As in clothes being sold for a spacific character morph of G2F, sould fit any G2F morph. Same with G2M or genesis for that matter.

I'm not ssure why DAZ does it other then maybe simplicity, but just because the clothes are labeled for a spacific Genesis, G2F/M charcter morph, doesn't mean they wont fit the base figure and any morphs there of.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 7:05 PM

manleystanley   I found Files Gensis Starter essentials and Gensis 2 Starter Essentals, are there any more files I should Download?

I realize that Wildenlander is just clothes, but the promos used a a figure and some morphs and I wonderered what they were..

manleystanley ( ) posted Thu, 05 June 2014 at 8:01 PM

That is all you need to start.

HD, high definition is something new. It adds a lot of minute detail. 

SickenlySweete ( ) posted Fri, 06 June 2014 at 2:13 AM

The promos look like it could be the male model morphs hd for m6

With the genesis beard.





Philywebrider ( ) posted Fri, 06 June 2014 at 4:35 PM

Does Daz4.6 come with Gensis 2 Male-Female Morphs? Or do I buy them seperately?

manleystanley ( ) posted Fri, 06 June 2014 at 6:31 PM


There is a G2F and a G2M, you should have both. But they don't come with morphs; like fat, muscular, fit ect.

Genesis should come with a few character morphs, but not many.

You might may be using CMS so the above may not be what you see. Also that is my interface set up; well one's that are avalible in Studio that work best for me.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Fri, 06 June 2014 at 8:26 PM

Thanks everyone, I really appreicate the help!

Philywebrider ( ) posted Sat, 07 June 2014 at 2:13 AM

I have to ask one more question. How do I render at 300 DPI?  I do commerical work and 300 DPI is a requirement. I understand the turtle and the rabbit and I understand saving as a JPEG or PNG, but I can't seem to find the means to change the render to 300 DPI. Can anyone help?

manleystanley ( ) posted Sat, 07 June 2014 at 7:16 AM

Not at all sure you can with studio, I see no setting for it in the regular or advanced settings{DAZ's render settings are quite simplistic}. I am probaly wrong because I don't render in studio, for me studio is just a prep app for a real CG application, Carrara. Where DPI is a render setting {and where I found the fix for the fuzzies in carrara renders lol, setting it up to 96 really crispens a render}.

300 DPI sounds like print work, large posters and such.


Philywebrider ( ) posted Sat, 07 June 2014 at 5:57 PM

It is printwork, like book covers, etc.Most print items require 300 DPI.

nedkelly ( ) posted Mon, 09 June 2014 at 5:55 PM


I have to ask one more question. How do I render at 300 DPI?  I do commerical work and 300 DPI is a requirement. I understand the turtle and the rabbit and I understand saving as a JPEG or PNG, but I can't seem to find the means to change the render to 300 DPI. Can anyone help?"


Please don't take what I'm about to say as being unkind, rather it is meant to be honest feedback.

I find it really hard to believe that anyone who does any kind of commercial graphics work would have to ask such a basic question. It would be akin to a mechanic asking "how do I change the spark plugs in a car?" Print and image resolutions are one of the most basic fundamentals of any design course, anywhere in the world, and is one of the first topics to be learnt.

I can only assume that you are unqualified and I implore you to go and enrol for even a very basic graphics course before you find yourself in over your head.


OK, now that I got that off my chest, so to help you out for now, you shouldn't ever find a DPI setting anywhere other than in printer software. DPI stands for Dots Per Inch and refers to how many dots of ink a printer needs to emit to cover one linear inch.

PPI stands for Pixels Per Inch and refers to how many pixels appear in one inch of a digital image.

You can calculate the required image size once you know what size the paper item will be printed at. (Assuming one dot per pixel)

For example, an A3 sheet is approximately 16 x 11 inches, at 300 ppi that is 4800 x 3300 pixels. Set your pixel size in the render settings and you should be good to go.

Philywebrider ( ) posted Mon, 09 June 2014 at 7:29 PM

Thank you.

nDelphi ( ) posted Fri, 20 June 2014 at 5:58 PM

One of the biggest pluses for me from DIM is that I get notified when an update is available. I have a ton of DAZ 3D content and most of that content would not be up-to-date if not for DIM. I just don't have what it takes to go thru the DAZ 3D's forum's update thread to keep up-to-date.

For example, I had the original AM's Saber Tooth Tiger all these years, only after I downloaded the zip thru DIM did I notice that it was the newest less bulky figure (although I prefer the bulky one).

3D DAZ Studio/Poser Celebrity Lookalike Directory

SickenlySweete ( ) posted Fri, 20 June 2014 at 6:48 PM

Studio only renders to pixels, there sre no dpi settings.

You have to do the math formala to get dpi

For more info see this thread






Philywebrider ( ) posted Fri, 20 June 2014 at 10:17 PM

Thank you.

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