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Community Center F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 28 10:18 am)

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Subject: slow site,multiple comments and dial up..suck..

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TallPockets ( ) posted Sat, 09 September 2006 at 4:48 AM

StaceyG: Hello. Good luck with your personal situation, above.

I couldn't agree more with Cliff-Dweller and Unicornst, above. Sadly, I might add.

NO one, not even 'grumpy' old TallPockets enjoys 'complaining'. I, and MOST others I know would LOVE to tell all he meets that Renderosity is the crown jewel of art sites and the most 'member friendly', in addition.

Most of the members realize you are the 'messenger'. Passing along what ever information those you work for give to you to post.

When I worked in management, I would never put someone like you in the position you are being left in. Basically, 'alone'. With little, if any, 'real' information details to pass along to your members who make up this most wonderful site. To me, it would be unconscionable to leave someone in your position with so little details and support with specific answers to honest, specific questions from members.

I liken you to a sergeant in the military. Carrying out the 'generals' orders. But, there comes a time from my humble perspective, kind soul, that the GENERAL must figure out their TROOPS are NOT happy and address it. PERSONALLY.

Maybe, a higher up reading this commentary, may actually SHOW UP HERE and SPEAK to their 'members'?

I just finished reading an earlier thread about a 'positive' posting subject started a few months back and just recently updated the last few days here.

As I now type this, I came to see my 'gallery'  just prior. It let me see my 'thumbnails' in my own gallery but when I clicked on any of my uploads, it only brought up 'empty' white boxes/spaces.

Next, I ventured to THE GALLERIES main page. It also showed me all the 'thumbnails'. Again, when I clicked onto a particular upload or an artist's particular gallery and attempted to bring up for viewings, I saw another 'empty' white box.

NOTE: Awhile back, Williamsn posted something here regarding the 'changeover'. If my old, feeble memory serves me correctly, he said that they were having a 'server' problem now after the 'changeover' was done?

I was under the distinct impression, rightly or wrongly, that the 'changeover' was STILL in progress? The last posting 'you' made to me, I thought, said you were told it would be another 2-4 weeks before completion? At best guess?

QUESTION: (1) Do you have a 'server' issue or is that now corrected?

                       (2) Is this 'changeover' going to be 'fully' done in said 2-4 weeks? Or is this
                             just relating/regarding 'one' particular area of this most wonderful site?
                             For example: The 'forums'?  The 'galleries'. Etc.

                       (3) Will this most wonderful site be 'faster' when the 'changeover' actually is

                       (4) Is your earlier 'guess' of completion given of 2-4 weeks still on

I 'numbered' my questions for easier referencing to you and your staff. I've noticed that many others' questions fall through the cracks, so to speak, also. Maybe the 'numbers' will make it easier to find?

IDEA: Maybe, somewhere constant on this site, like a 'homepage' of Renderosity, this site's management may consider having ONE, specific page/area where ALL members know to read up on the 'latest' problems, discussions, improvements that the managers of this most wonderful site can leave periodic, updated word on what they are doing here with this wonderful site?

To me, this would be different than the 'forum' area.

This would be a place FOR MANAGEMENT to pass along 'updates' and 'schedules' for items/things that management  is doing. Completion dates. Notation of any 'problems' that require member's attentions. Simple, concise explanations on what is going on here along with ideas and timetables for estimated completions or fixes.

I see no logical purpose in having a gazillion, different threads all relating  the 'operation' side of this most wonderful site. Put them on 'one' page/one thread. Keep it for a 'history' for any/all whom may ever want to read up the ongoing situation of this site in 'one' area. Going back and reviewing all the many threads is not the most efficient way to try to go back and recoup all the many, varied, past discussions for information and accuracy.

I was also puzzled by the above statement that most of the higher ups don't 'read' this forum area? Even in a time of 'flux' and 'massive changeover"?

From my humble perspective, it belies belief  that the 'leaders' of the 'company' do not contact or associate with the 'members' (troops, so to speak )? Too busy to read their own forums? Too busy to read about who/what/when/where/how their 'members' are doing? Hmmmmm .....

Maybe, the 'members', should be ''too busy'' to upload any works and buy anything for, say, a MONTH? ....

Of course, I suppose, we 'members' could say: 

Dear Renderosity Management:

We 'members' will return to your most wonderful site .....'' SOON''

GOD bless you and yours, kind soul.


WHY do you leave StaceyG in this unattenable position? Don' t you like her? If you 'value'
her as you should, give her some 'real' facts and information to honestly and timely address
the concerns of the members she tries so hard to serve.

Try it. It just might make your 'relationship' with your 'members' MUCH better? Go figure.

Respectfully, TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 8:28 AM

Well, it seems old, grumpy TallPockets has either offended or stunned people. Or, mabye 'both'. WINK.

Knock knock. Who's there? Anyone. Anyone who? Anyone home?



TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 8:40 AM

QUESTION: (1) Do you have a 'server' issue or is that now corrected?

                       (2) Is this 'changeover' going to be 'fully' done in said 2-4 weeks? Or is this
                             just relating/regarding 'one' particular area of this most wonderful site?
                             For example: The 'forums'?  The 'galleries'. Etc.

                       (3) Will this most wonderful site be 'faster' when the 'changeover' actually is

                       (4) Is your earlier 'guess' of completion given of 2-4 weeks still on

THANKS, in advance, for any/all help, kind souls.

My best, TallPockets.

StaceyG ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 9:51 AM
  1. ? Not sure what you mean here? Are you referring to the site speed? No we don't have a server issue at the moment.


2.  Who said 2-4 weeks? 

3.  We hope so

4.  That was my estimation and it still is

ccbrundage ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 12:46 PM

I have cable modem access and have a terrible time with Renderosity.  In fact, I gave up on it for a while.  It reminded me of ancient dial-up speed and it was too irritating to navigave.  I came back hoping to find it better but it seems even worse.

One thing that makes it much more annoying is that I have tried bookmarking the forum page or other pages I want to revisit to make it faster but it doesn't help - whatever I bookmark, I still have to go to the first page!  Then I tried leaving the page I want open while I do other things, so I can go back to it but after a while it automatically goes to the main page again! 


TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 7:51 AM

STACEY G posted above:  1. ? Not sure what you mean here? Are you referring to the site speed? No we don't have a server issue at the moment. (StaceyG above):

Posted Sat, Jun 17, 2006 3:51 am (Posted on "Postive" Thread by: Williamsn) (copied/pasted by T.P,)

''Yea it's really good to read this thread lol. I believe this is the last one I will read before I go to bed.

I'm sorry we've all been having issues the last several days. What made everything suck even more is that as SOON as the conversion was finished, we encountered multiple server issues that were in no way even related to the galleries ... they just all happened to happen at the same time. It really sucked'' (Williamsn).

So, while trying to fix bugs and deal with suggestions and requests, we were also completely bogged down trying to fix the servers too. Things are finally at a stable point and work on improving the galleries can continue.

StaceyG: Hello, kind soul. I brought up the 'server' issue question because of the above, earlier posting in the forums. Date, time, copied/pasted above.  T.P.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 7:58 AM

"(3) Will this most wonderful site be 'faster' when the 'changeover' actually is
                             completed?" (Question asked above by TallPockets) .......

"3.  We hope so" -- (Answer given above by StaceyG).

StaceyG: Hello, again kind soul. I 'hope' so? Please, kindly tell me that you're being 'sarcastic' towards old, grumpy TallPockets and that you do not actually mean or are saying that your technical people truly do not know if the site speed will increase and by how much they expect to increase after this changeover or haven't so informed you of what the results of the completed changeover will be?

Myself, and many I have spoken with over the last many months, have all been under the 'distinct' impression from many staff postings in the forum areas that this new, improved changeover would result in such increases. Have we 'all' misunderstood such comments?

Respectfully, TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:11 AM · edited Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:13 AM

"(4) Is your earlier 'guess' of completion given of 2-4 weeks still on
                             target/schedule" (Question asked above by TallPockets)

"4.  That was my estimation and it still is" (Stacey G response to T.P.'s question above).

StaceyG: Hello again, kind soul: Ok, now TallPockets is confused. Even more than he 'normally' is and that is ALOT. WINK. SMILE.

Given this response from you, I am at a loss as to how to answer your above question, #2? ....

"2.  Who said 2-4 weeks? " (StaceyG response given above) ..............

KIND SOUL: I have NO 'personal' issues here with you or anyone. I am simply and most honestly trying to ask sincere questions to sincere questions. I am also simply relaying the very same sentiments of MANY who I converse with in all forms during my stay, so far, at this most wonderful site.

I, and many others I speak with, are confused, baffled and upset with the lack of specific information given to them upon sincere requests. They tell me they do not understand why it's like pulling teeth, to many, just to ask questions.

I realize there are people here who post that cross the proverbial 'line' on how they address you or others. I most sincerely hope, however, that 'you' don't feel that the vast majority of members here are merely attempting to do anything but get honest answers to honest questions. In addition, many members here feel they are not 'heard'. By that, I mean not 'listened' to. It's even beyond someone above 'agreeing' with them or not.

Your 'site' speed poll that you posted recently is a prime example of such. Many members here have said over long time periods of such speed issues. In response, they were often told, "This site runs FAST for ME" by responders.

I just now copied/pasted the 'current' results of your site speed poll in a thread/post here titled as such. It backs up what many have been saying for quite some time, kind soul.

Again, I and others realize you are the 'messenger' here in this area. I and others THANK you publicly for your efforts and your help. We are simply frustrated beyond normal frustrations at 'vague' answers to honest, sincere questions. I hope you, at least, take that as where the friction comes from.

Blessings to you and yours, always ..... PEACE ....

My best,


Primal ( ) posted Wed, 13 September 2006 at 8:44 AM

I think Stacey and the programmers should try the site on dial up...cuz it truelly sucks then..its gotten to the point that i cant waste my time here anymore..and if there was a poll about site speed i missed it.but would have said the site is unusable.I also heard 2 weeks ago the site would be fixed by now..and now i here the statement that there are no server issues at the time..then i think the site will never work right for dial up..To much crap....(bells and whistles)to run smooth.

TallPockets ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 9:05 AM

Primaltruck/Bill: Hello, my good man. Having had 'dial up' for a couple of years, prior, running at a whopping, download speed of 21.6kbps, I feel your pain. SIGH.

However, I now have broadband, 1 MB download speeds on a satellite dish (hughesnet) in the country.

It still is SLOW for me and many others on 'broadband'. Many instances, it says, "Waiting......" for 20-30 seconds and then moves. When it does move, it generally moves fairly well.

The problem is not a dial up one vs. a broadband one, specifically as I understand it? I DO agree, however, that those on 'dial up' experience it in even greater restrictions.

My best to you and yours, kind soul. PEACE. (hope your son is recovering well). T.P.

StaceyG ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 12:26 PM

Let me try this again.


(1) Do you have a 'server' issue or is that now corrected?
     The issues you were referring to by the post you referenced was several months back and yes we were having server problems but not at the moment, no.
                       (2) Is this 'changeover' going to be 'fully' done in said 2-4 weeks? Or is this
                             just relating/regarding 'one' particular area of this most wonderful site?
                             For example: The 'forums'?  The 'galleries'. Etc.
*                         As I stated in my estimation post it was for the tutorials then the camelot side would be shut down and we would be working behind the scenes on some of the smaller conversion pieces.              *

                       (3) Will this most wonderful site be 'faster' when the 'changeover' actually is

*                     It is already faster than it was on the .ez but not where it needs to be at all and once the conversion is complete and the programmers have the time to really dig into what is causing the slowness in certain periods then it can be resolved.*

                       (4) Is your earlier 'guess' of completion given of 2-4 weeks still on

                       I'm confused why number 2 and number 4 questions were basically the same things but asked in two different ways. As I stated earlier with my guesstimation, it is just MY THOUGHTS and not to be held as a firm anything so as far as I (ME ONLY) can tell it looks on target still


hewee ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 3:34 PM


Just before the change over to upgrade the site was faster.
It was slower before that time too but then when you made the changes so you could click on the thumbnails and it opened a new window to show the full image things got a lot faster.
It was a lot more easy to use the site back then too.
You click the full image again and it closed the window.
You had links at the top and bottom of the thumbnail pages that were more easy to see and use then also.
Have the Next make it easy to get to the next page but now they are numbered and hard to see what page your on so it takes longer for you to find what number to click on to get to the next page.
If you click on a thumbnail to view the full image you can not just click it to close it like you could before.
There is just so much more clicking to get around the site now that you did not have to do before the upgrade.
Then the forums you have to spend more time looking for new post.
Why can't you have a new pos link that we can click on to take you to the first new post in a thread?
Comments on images used to be so much more easy to see and read too.
Now you can make a comment and post but it is on many pages so to see your comment you many have to click to see what you said because it is on another page now.
Even uploading a image now to the gallery you have to pick from the dropdowns and check boxes etc that you did not have to before.
Why to much clicking to get around the site.

Unicornst ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 6:02 PM

Quote - Okay I feel ya Unicornst:) 

I tell you all what, I will print off this entire thread and take it to the programmers and go over each question/issue here and do my best to get you all information back.  Just give me a day or two because I will be taking 1/2 a vacation day tomorrow as I have a child support hearing I desperately need to be at and I won't be in the office at all until Friday but I will get back in here I promise.

The programmers really don't frequent the forums that much is why they aren't in here answering. They are so tied up these days that they just can't follow everything in the forums so I have to be the messenger here...


Thank you all


Okay...this was written back last Wednesday and so far, the only one I have seen in here is you, Stacey. The only response to it all is the discussions of a not being able to give an estimated time of everything being completed and a poll in this forum on the site speed. Fair enough.

But what about being able to at least choose if we want all the gallery comments on one page or spread out over several pages for some artists? That issue is still being ignored.

What about the quirky ebots that sometimes you get, sometimes you don't and sometimes you get them 2 - 3 days after the fact? response. And don't tell me it's my ISP, thank you, when I see several others posting with the same problem that do not use my ISP. Don't tell me it's going into my spam filter either when I have the ability to check my junk mail and every address Renderosity has ever had is in my address book and therefore deemed by my mail to NOT be spam.

Let's talk about site speed..... You now hope it's where it should be after the conversion is completed? You told us that converting the MP and the Galleries and the Forums would increase site speed. You've made announcements that these areas are converted. So logic says the speed should be improved, yet according to the poll listed, the opposite is true.

All fairy dust.

It works fine for you, so it must be our problem. I make a predication. It's not our problem. It's actually Renderosity's problem. Cause I keep seeing a trend. I keep seeing people who have been here for years getting fed up with all the so-called glitz and glamor and the fairy dust being thrown around and just taking off to find sites where they can post and receive ebots as they should and they don't have to put up with so many un-necessary clicks to do it. And now we have a new item that has the users of this site up in arms. Google ads that throw off the CSS set by the user. And the user had to set their own CSS in the first place simply because Renderosity took away a simple one click color change that made everyone happy.  And why the ads? What are they needed for? To generate money for Renderosity. Vendors don't seem to be doing it anymore. Wonder what the reason is for that? Could it be because with the new MP conversion, more people find it harder to purchase here than they did before, so they don't? And don't be telling us the ads are here to help the users find site related sites. Trust me....everyone here pretty much knows every site that has the least little bit to do with 3D, so that's another fairy dust blowing.

I first started coming here because it was a site that was good and fast and easy to use. I liked the way the galleries were set up and the MP was easy to use. I don't come here that often anymore. It's not the same place. It no longer cares about the community that helped build it.

StaceyG ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 8:12 PM

Quote - > Quote -

But what about being able to at least choose if we want all the gallery comments on one page or spread out over several pages for some artists? That issue is still being ignored. **I will see if we can maybe do something about having an option to set in your Gallery options on how you would like to see comments. Not promising but I will check on this. Please understand that even if this is something we can implement it will be on a list that we will have to prioritize .
What about the quirky ebots that sometimes you get, sometimes you don't and sometimes you get them 2 - 3 days after the fact? response. And don't tell me it's my ISP, thank you, when I see several others posting with the same problem that do not use my ISP. Don't tell me it's going into my spam filter either when I have the ability to check my junk mail and every address Renderosity has ever had is in my address book and therefore deemed by my mail to NOT be spam.

**Okay on the ebot issue, I don't know what to say here because since we resolved the issue awhile back only a handful are saying this so not being harsh but if it was something on our end I would think there would be alot more alerting to this problem like there was when indeed we had an issue. Now with that being said, we will go through the tracking process again and all just as we did before but again that will be on the list that will have to be prioritized once the conversion pieces are done.
Let's talk about site speed..... You now hope it's where it should be after the conversion is completed? You told us that converting the MP and the Galleries and the Forums would increase site speed. You've made announcements that these areas are converted. So logic says the speed should be improved, yet according to the poll listed, the opposite is true.

The site speed will be looked into very soon and depending on what the issue is will determine how long it will take to resolve.  And to be honest as I said before it is faster for most since we started the conversion than it was for most on the old .ez side, not saying its where we want it to be but there has been some improvement since the conversion started. Please keep in mind that we aren't done with the conversion yet as I've stated.  And whatever this issue is with the site speed will have to be researched  like why the intermittent slowness and those kinds of things will play a part in determining what it will take to get the speed where it needs to be.

Please be sure and take the Community Survey and make your suggestions and tell your issues there so that I can gather all the data and see what the biggest concerns are so they can be addressed in this prioritized list.

hewee ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 8:50 PM

The site speed will be looked into very soon and depending on what the issue is will determine how long it will take to resolve.  And to be honest as I said before it is faster for most since we started the conversion than it was for most on the old .ez side, not saying its where we want it to be but there has been some improvement since the conversion started. Please keep in mind that we aren't done with the conversion yet as I've stated.  And whatever this issue is with the site speed will have to be researched  like why the intermittent slowness and those kinds of things will play a part in determining what it will take to get the speed where it needs to be.

Please be sure and take the Community Survey and make your suggestions and tell your issues there so that I can gather all the data and see what the biggest concerns are so they can be addressed in this prioritized list.

I seen the poll and most said the site was much slower then before so how can you say it is faster when the poll that should of lasted longer too so you could of gotten more votes on it showed that people were saying it was much slower.

StaceyG ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 8:52 PM

If you will re read what I wrote I was comparing it to the OLD .EZ side when it was SUPER DUPER slow. I didn't say that its where it should be, I said it WASN'T:)

Unicornst ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 8:57 PM

Thank you Stacey.

I know you can't promise anything on the comment page thing, but I appreciate you trying to get an answer one way or another.

As for the ebots...I don't know what to say either. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would find it hard to believe. But I do know that twice now I have bought a gift and the person I bought the gift for has not ever received an ebot to this date. We're talking more than two weeks on one of them. And I have seen ebots received 2-3 days after a comment was posted.

I took the poll and added my bit to it. And I do wish you luck with finding the problem area.

Please also note, Stacey, that once again none of my previous post was aimed directly at you. Hell, you're one of the reasons I hold out hope for this place. I know by quoting you, it may have appeared that way, but it really isn't. I used your answer to bring these items back under notice.

StaceyG ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 9:05 PM

No worries Unicornst. I just hate to see frustrated members because I want everyone to be happy!!  I'll do my best and I can promise that:)

hewee ( ) posted Thu, 14 September 2006 at 11:32 PM

OK thanks Stacey 👍

tainted_heart ( ) posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 4:51 AM

There did seem to be somewhat of a speed pickup when the first part of the conversion was completed, but sporadicly it would slow down. It seems that after the last conversion, which I believe was free stuff, the speed drop became the rule rather than the exception. For me, browsing the galleries, the marketplace, and free stuff is agonizingly slow which makes it hardly worth my time to even bother anymore. Browsing the Forums is much quicker most of the time, although there are times when it is slow as well. I am getting ebots though. I did take time to note the slow speed in the survey so hopefully the programmers will take this seriously.

It's all fun and games...
Until the flying monkeys attack!!! 

StaceyG ( ) posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 9:52 AM

Attached Link:


Also take the Community Survey at this link if you haven't already.

tainted_heart ( ) posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 4:45 PM

Thanks for the tip Stacy! Took time out and did the community survey and pointed out a few improvements and ideas.

It's all fun and games...
Until the flying monkeys attack!!! 

StaceyG ( ) posted Fri, 15 September 2006 at 4:51 PM

Very good. I hope everyone takes it so I can compile my list with loads of info:)

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 5:01 PM

StaceyG wrote above, "As I stated earlier with my guesstimation, it is just MY THOUGHTS and not to be held as a firm anything so as far as I (ME ONLY) can tell it looks on target still Thanks"

Hello, kind soul. Thanks for your past help and any/all future help you may give. Much appreciated.

I am completely puzzled by your above response ----  "MY" (your thoughts)?

Having been in the business world in years past, I am truly stunned that you, in the position you represent in this most wonderful site and forum area, would have to be in a position that you would be required to pass along such ''guesstimations'' from your perspectives instead of simply '''passing along'' definitive estimated timetables/dates of completion that your 'technical' persons/staff in charge of the changeover seemingly would KNOW much better?

It comes across to me and others, that you are 'not' being given specific information to pass along by such technical peoples or management staff?

Are you in a position to truly know of such completion dates because of your immediate knowledge of such changeover procedures and the time involved to finish them or are you simply ''passing along'' such informations from those who are in a much better positioin to know?

I and Unicornst asked in this thread if someone from HIGHER MANAGEMENT may post directly here? Is that not an honest, do-able request from your valued membership?

My best to you and yours,


markschum ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 6:53 PM

Its pretty much imposible in my opinion to guess at what might be causing any slowdowns.

For me on a very poor quality dial up service the site seems very good . I have never had a problem with the forums and even gallery browsing is good.

I look at the freestuff section regularly and the store maybe once a week . It all seems to be working fairly well.

Maybe a dedicated thread to response time problems might help if there is nothing obvious in the server logs.

StaceyG ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:02 PM


As I stated previously there are too many variables for the programmers to give an exact date of when everything will be done. And as I stated they are busy working on the conversion and at this point and time are really concentrating on just that so I am here to give what information I can.

Maybe the business environment that you were in was able to do things differently but we are working as hard as we can toward the completion. It will be done soon. We aren't at this time going to lock in a date to be held to because of situations or issues that arise. 

 I have said this several times, there is a lot of work to do in a conversion as big as this with a small staff of people to get it done so my guesstimation is MY OWN as I stated from reports I have gotten from the ones in charge of the conversion. Its not a locked in date because there are many things that could cause delays.


billy423uk ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:15 PM

i have to say apart from an odd time or two getting around the site has been no bother. mostly i found it pretty fast on screen load wise. not saying it doesn't happen but it works okay for me. i would think that while some may get  a genuine slowness to mumble at in a lot of the cases it could be their own servers. i know i've had times when my dsl doesn't let me have my full allotment . when i ring em they tell me they're haveing trouble with their servers.


TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:26 PM · edited Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:28 PM

StaceyG: You win. This old, grumpy man gives up. I just find it incomprehensible that someone on your technical and or management staff cannot give a more desired or definitive 'estimated' date of changeover completion. I truly find it staggering to even think such.

I sure am glad my local farmer doesn't tell me "There will be food in your local grocery store. SOON?" LOL.

GOD bless you and yours,

LASTLY: To anyone in higher management --

I felt bad for Miss StaceyG for some time. I felt that she was being put in a place with 'little' information to pass along to your most valued members? It now appears to me that she is 'ok' with being in that position, as she so stated above.

ANY business environment I have been involved in, either directly or indirectly, was able to tell its owners, stock holders, bankers, or board of directors, just ''when'' a project was due to be completed, how much it would improve their business and how much it would cost to do so and what it would return on such investment in the future.

I guess this most wonderful site is truly ''unique". WINK. Unbelievable ..........

TallPockets .... Over and out .... SIGH.

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:36 PM

"i would think that while some may get  a genuine slowness to mumble at in a lot of the cases it could be their own servers" (billy423uk wrote above) ....

billy423uk: Hello, kind soul.

I understand your comment above.  However, would you be so kind as to explain to this old man, just 'why' if it were, indeed, a ''server'' issue for ''me'', that just prior and immediately after viewing this most wonderful site, I was running much better in comparisons on 'all' other sites?

And why many others here have said, repeatedly, that ''this site'' is the slower site of the many other sites they visit?

 To dumb old me, that would seem to eliminate a 'server' issue, would it not?

Respectfully yours,


billy423uk ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:37 PM

sorry tall pockets but many  endeavours to change restructure or rebuild often overshoot any completion date given. on the whole i think poeple heere get good value for is after all free. i can't beleieve i'm defending the admin lmao but in this case i think they should be. as for the local farmer...i'm sure he knows in advance if theirs gonna be a hurricane, tropical storm or volcanic eruption lol. i'm sure all the farmers in the mid west usa deliverd when they said they would during all the times they had droughts etc.........also it's much harder to refurbish anything re a complete overhaul than it is to build something from scratch.  and if they did that they would have had to close down or use three time as much server space. (i presume)


billy423uk ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:41 PM

i said some or many tall pockets not all. and i'm most certainly not infering you're telling porky pies.

heres a thought though....a while back in asia many were complaing of a slowness. everyone was saying it's not our it happened some damage had been done to an undersea cable and the telecommunications people kept it quite. the problem caused a narrowing of calls to some asian countries while the cable was being being repaired. on some days i couldn't even get a call out of the country let alone get on line.



TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:43 PM

I most sincerely and respectfully suggest, kind soul, you not operate a business anytime soon.


GOD bless you and yours, billy423uk.

My best,



billy423uk ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:47 PM

i gave up the business life long ago...i got bored making money lmao.

may you're god bless you like wise tall pockets


modus0 ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 9:08 PM · edited Tue, 19 September 2006 at 9:08 PM

And I suppose it's horrible, damaging business practice when Microsoft is forced to push back the release of their next operating system and give an indeterminate date of release as well?

Because I don't think Microsoft is going to go away if they have to delay Vista some  more, because people will buy it.

Computer software has a tendency to develop bugs while being worked on, and one change can cause things that previously worked perfectly to suddenly have fits every 5 minutes, and fixing that can cause other problems.

And for that, despite the fact this site in general is slower than just about every other site I visit, especially in the galleries and marketplace, I'm withholding most of my criticisms and decisions about Renderosity until the site conversion is complete.


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.

StaceyG ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 9:12 PM

That is correct modus, which is what I was trying to get across.. So many variables to keep in mind.. that it would seem false to me to give an exact firm date because the chances of keeping that exact date are not really good when you are talking about this kind of "project" .  One small bug might cause a big delay, you just never know.




TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 9:13 PM

"And for that, despite the fact this site in general is slower than just about every other site I visit, especially in the galleries and marketplace, I'm withholding most of my criticisms and decisions about Renderosity until the site conversion is complete" (modus0 wrote) ....

Hello, kind soul.

Careful now. Admitting to such things above could easily get you lumped into the category of that of one, crazy, old, grumpy TallPockets. WINK.

My best to you and yours,



RubyT ( ) posted Sat, 30 September 2006 at 5:52 PM

I just got a new IS, got thee fastest high-speed inernet access  there is to date, 10.0 whatever it is through Verizon, and this place is still way slow for browing the galleries and then switching to browse the MP.  This place is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. I browse other stores and galleries and need a seat beat for my chair I go so fast.  I'm just posting my statement and I'm not going to follow this thread though, it's pointless. The site administrators should know, and they should know it's not getting better.

I know, next time I come to whine, I should bring cheese. LOL.

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