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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 05 8:40 pm)

Subject: Poser 8 advertised!

Dave-So ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 12:14 PM

i only see blue background between them.
That must mean Poser 8 will have a water feature. It looks like it will be a calm lake , though..don;t see any ripples between them.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

Shalimar-Cherie ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 12:16 PM

He ment : start saving your Money ;-) . Its worth it *big smile * .....

bopperthijs ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 12:42 PM

perhaps a little late to react, but :

RTE wrote:

*That's why I said what I said about Poser marketing. Poser is late. Much like in the tortoise/hare fable, they have missed the train.
Each sensible user would rather get DAZ Studio, except a handful old dinosaurs who have got too much used to Poser that they are incapable of changing their habits; And that's not a market share.

*You have to reread the fable: the tortoise always wins.

But as an old dinosaur like I am, I have to say that I both use DAZ-studio and Poser (pro). Both have their strong points, and I don't think in terms of switching from one application to another.
When you have used as many 3D-programs as I have you learn to get a around the quirkier aspects of  the most esoteric interfaces: every program has it's own way to rotate, to zoom, to move, to adjust the parameters and what's more, but the basic principles remain the same.

But to get back on topic: I'm actually glad SmithMicro didn't make the same mistake as E-frontier did with poserpro by anouncing all kind of features and making  promises about the release date. I suppose we all remember what came out of that. Although I like Poserpro because of it's speed, I was rather disappointed that the quidam link wasn't included.
Without making any speculations I expect Poser 8 to be a surprise-party, like any new upgrade.

best regards,


-How can you improve things when you don't make mistakes?

semidieu ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:16 PM

Lots and lots of speculation and information here...

Before, when there was such annoucement, I was always wondering what the programmers or beta tester were thinking about those thread... But now... I know :)

Shalimar-Cherie ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:28 PM · edited Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:36 PM

The real importance will be seen over time, in the weeks and months following the product's release.

Does it mean we get a Poser 8 Basic and from Time to Time an "Add On Build - Up pay Pebbles " like DAZ Studio ?

Mazak ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:29 PM

Quote - Lots and lots of speculation and information here...

Before, when there was such annoucement, I was always wondering what the programmers or beta tester were thinking about those thread... But now... I know :)

ahhh hehehehe so the RuntimeDNA team was involved too. :biggrin:


Google+ Bodo Nittel 

Ghostofmacbeth ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:31 PM

I like Poser's library, it is quick and easy for me to get to places with the little triangle auto expand thing so I hope they have the option for sometime similar. I HATE D|S library and Carrara's library so I hope it doesn't go that way.

Yotna ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 1:37 PM

If I pay money for ANY software I anticipate it will do the job intended, and at least live part way up to the hype. I have gone from poser 5 through to Poser7pro. Mostly Poser fails to hit either of my expectations on upgrade - routinely.

Fundamentally it fails to do the job due the interface being poor - the drop down list of body parts and the stop go load, conform for multiple part outfits is dumb. Why not presume that clothing and hair will need to conform and then uncheck if that is not what the user wants?

Really D/S knocks 3 bells out of Poser for the interface, and I have just invested in D/S3. How much I will use it IDK. The Poser/Pro distinction is a nice marketing ploy (I am in marketing BTW) but little else.

A_Sunbeam ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 2:49 PM · edited Sat, 27 June 2009 at 2:51 PM

I shall wait until Poser 8 has been out for a while before I do anything - see what the first users think -, and then I shall be quite happy to upgrade providing Poser 8 is an improvement on Poser 7 (which I find has  sluggish response to parameter dials compared with Poser 6). 
I may not like the interface changes, but will get used to them.
I don't buy thousands of dollars worth of bits and bobs, though I buy quite a few; and I'm quite happy playing with dollies and dressing them up (or down ... ) - for which I blame my sister, who used to insist on me helping her with her cardboard cut-out dolls and paper dresses.

They key feature is, of course, that it will run on my G5 and not require a Mac with an Intel chip.

And I would like the Content Paradise forum working again and a few flying pigs.

Alowyn ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 3:26 PM

I use Poser & Studio, but I didn't see enough in PoserPro to justify moving from Poser 7. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store for Poser 8. I do hope they include the content as a seperate install, preferably the individual zips so we can pick and choose what we want to install of it and where we want it installed to. While I appreciate all of the vendors contributions to the included content, I prefer keeping as little in the main Poser runtime as possible in favor of external runtimes.

maclean ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 3:31 PM

"DAZ also has the advantage because of those fora. Frankly, SM taking them down at CP was a mistake, no matter how underutilized they might have been. DAZ uses those fora to monitor what's going on, and it does so in a very immediate (well, more or less) way. The customer base feels it has virtually full access to the DAZ team because, in a way, it does. Farr drops by and talks to people. Cooper doesnt. And that is a seriously big deal to a lot of people"

I agree with that, but there's another, far more important way that DAZ keeps in contact with it's user base - The Bug Tracker. If I could give only one piece of advice to the Poser team, it would be "Open a public bug tracker!"

Through the DS tracker, I've reported dozens of bugs and seen them fixed. And I've requested dozens of features and seen them implemented. To me, that's what customer contact really means. The software may not be perfect (no program ever is), but at least they're willing to listen to my complaints and fix them.

Poser has always been a closed program in that sense. From time to time there are polls, but we never have a clue if we've been listened to until a new version comes out a few years later. The Poser team may well monitor these forums and wishlist threads, but there's not much evidence of it as far as the users are concerned.

At the DAZ chats on DS 3, Dan Farr came in and talked about the features, along with some of the people who designed them. It makes a big difference when you can ask the guys who wrote the program, "Hey! What does this do?" or '"Will we ever see X feature in DS?"

Whether you love or hate DAZ, you have to admit to that they at least get right down and talk to the people who buy their stuff. I'd love to see more interaction between Poser and the community, and I'd love to have somewhere to send a bug report, something I'd gladly do in the interests of improving the program for all users.

(Btw, I said all this to the Poser people in an e-mail years ago, so it's nothing they haven't already heard).


pitklad ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 3:37 PM

One thing I have to agree is that we got on P7 what we were promised for P5 so except if P8 is just a better P7 than if completely new features are introduced I don't have the illusion that those will work before 2 versions after...
I never liked to compare D/S with poser as I can't look at D/S the same way as a new user that comes in the 3d figure posing world (I won't tell is poser - universe) due to my poser experience so I will always compare it with Poser.
Maybe the time has changed and poser looks at D/S and takes ideas now that it is almost at the same line... I'm not a programmer I don't know if an old code can handle the same things a more modern code can... I won't switch to D/S to have the same features but I will if poser stays back... So since I'm bored of learning new software I pray that P8 won't make me feel I could have more with D/S...
Maybe it already offers more but I still can't feel it... (Although D/S 3 has made the biggest impact of any previous version)
Well even pro users likes to work while playing so both programs should keep that in mind as far as UI is concerned...
I can get used to a completely new UI look but I'm sure this will make a huge whining for most people even if it works better...

My FreeStuff

Shalimar-Cherie ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 3:58 PM

Never ever can be the UI so different , that i would not find my way trough it .
So thats for sure not the hottest Point here .

The real importance will be seen over time, in the weeks and months following the product**'s** release.

How many Products are coming ? In the Weeks .... and Month .. following .
So there is more coming ?
Weeks and Months .. more then one Product = Add Ons " Build Up pay Stones " ?
Like DAZ Studio got , like Uberenviroment Lights ...

Just thinking ....

JenX ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 4:31 PM

I see a lot of folk reading WAY more into posts made by people who've made themselves known to have some involvement with the dev (either as testers or whatever)....and then a run with "OMGIWILLNOTBUYITIFTHATHAPPENSOMGWTFBBQ!!!!!111!!!!!ZORZ!!!"

For real.

Back up for a minute.  Take a deep breath.  Calm down.

No, really.

SM didn't run over your dog, isn't asking for your kidney, and didn't spraypaint your grass pink. 

They're creating a new version of Poser.  That is all.

They get feedback from their customers.  Which include more people than participate here.  I know, I know, totally hard to believe.  The world doesn't involve around threads bashing Poser by people who admittedly use it.  I was shocked when I found out, too.  There's a cure for this.

It's called realizing that it's not the end of the world.

Over the course of the past few years, the most misquoted man in Poserdom (That would be Baggins Bill) has worked hard on a crusade for Poser owners worldwide to get the most out of their program.  I'm not saying that everyone will get the output that Lightwave Masters will get, but some will get close.  The ones willing to push the program and do more than Load Stuff and Click Render. 

Some people want more out of Poser.  Which would be completely awesome.  Most people aren't even using what it has.  I've read (and contracted migrain headaches from) threads where people have preached the ultimate awesomeness of the Poser 4 Renderer.  It's true.  I've seen threads where the "poor man's" bump map is deemed "really all that's necessary, and usually better than specific bump maps".  I've seen people actually explain how BB is wrong, because what he says takes effort, and doesn't he know that this is a point and click app?

You want radical change?  It's not going to come from SM.  It's going to have to start in communities.  It's going to have to start with more than 3 people actually following GOOD tutorials.  It's going to have to start with people actually engaging and LEARNING. 

The "Poser" community, in general, is a content-based one.  Most other 3D communities are based on technique, art, and the end result.  We can scoff all we want to at Poser and its' lack of abilities, and all that jazz.  In the end, it comes down to, well, those who use it.  Are you willing to push the program to do things you KNOW it can do right now?  If not, and you're not showing Smith Micro what the program is capable of and what its' userbase wants, then you're going to get better content management and a new figure than 14 people will use more than once in Poser 9 (it's a little late to tell them to start over on Poser 8, folks). 

Other apps don't add new cool nifty things because they feel like adding stuff that do things.  They add cool nifty things because that's what their userbase wants.  So, show 'em what you've got, folks.  Prove them wrong.  Prove to them that there is more to Poser than point and click lingerie ads.  Because it's on ALL OF US.  Not them.

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

SeanMartin ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 4:58 PM

"It's going to have to start with people actually engaging and LEARNING. "




Oh, all right. -- the collected cartoons of Doc and Raider

EClark1894 ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 5:46 PM

Quote -

SM didn't run over your dog, isn't asking for your kidney, and didn't spraypaint your grass pink. 

Well, if they didn't spraypaint it who did! I HATE pink grass!

Khai-J-Bach ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 5:48 PM

Quote - > Quote -

SM didn't run over your dog, isn't asking for your kidney, and didn't spraypaint your grass pink. 

Well, if they didn't spraypaint it who did! I HATE pink grass!

well don't smoke it then.....

...wait what?

RAMWorks ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 5:59 PM


Then when I do smoke it I'll really feel like I'm flying!! :tt2:

---Wolff On The Prowl---

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jmikem ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 6:08 PM

I have Poser 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7. Also have many of the feelings expressed earlier. [But plan to wait & see what 8 is like]. Somehow I get the feeling that Jenx is somehow blaming the customer & sparing MS. I also took that survey months & months ago. The survey seemed to be heavily steering you to the answers/'improvements' that they wanted to hear, [leaving the impression that it was already a done deal]. Granted, some of the people here are a bit of a tough customer. But that is the key word, customer.  Meaning, as a last ditch effort, we vote with our pocketbooks [ Especially if it seems that we've been ignored earlier.] The 'Sit down & shut up', speech has never played well. I am looking foward to the complete list of improvements/changes for Poser 8 [& not some slowly leaked out list either]. So far I haven't noticed a given time frame on any of this. Cost & improvements/changes will be the deciding factors.   Mike

Shalimar-Cherie ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 6:10 PM

They're creating a new version of Poser.  That is all.

Hm , thought it is exciting ... thought it be nice to know some more about ....
Ok , back to my P7 and in my Material Room ......

Sometimes is reading better then writing ... maybe it takes an other 3 Year to get 40 Posts out of it ;-).

SeanMartin ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 6:22 PM

>> "Jenx is somehow blaming the customer & sparing MS"

Sorry, cant agree with that. Speaking as a dinosaur, I can remember (will you kids get off my damn lawn! when Poser was still fun, not loaded down with store after store after store. The email newsletters had tips and tricks in them, not non-stop ads for more stuff to buy. Folks shared their stuff freely: you didnt see righteous threads about "someone stole an acne scar from my texture and buried it so deep no one but me can see it and I am royally POD!!!!!!!" Someone put up a texture, someone took it and modified it and put it back up, and so on and so on. You learned along the way... how to take a simple dress and turn it into a hundred outfits just by applying a transparency map... which assumed, of course, you knew how to make one in the first place, and if you didnt, someone would show you.

But now, we're all so obsessed with "make me this!" and "make me that!" that we've somehow lost that spirit of adventure and fun that this program used to have.

WILL YOU DAMN KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!!!! -- the collected cartoons of Doc and Raider

JenX ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 6:33 PM

Actually, it IS our fault as a userbase. Smith Micro bought Poser, and inherited a community that wants everything done for them. If change is going to happen, it has to start with us. Where we, lead as customers, Smith Micro would be idiots not to follow. And, right now, we are collectively leading them toward content-based programming. *apologies for typos. I'm still learning to type on my cellphone.

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

Angelsinger ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 6:53 PM

Quote - ...Speaking as a dinosaur...
Folks shared their stuff freely: you didnt see righteous threads about "someone stole an acne scar from my texture...
Someone put up a texture, someone took it and modified it and put it back up, and so on and so on. You learned along the way...
...But now, we're all so obsessed with "make me this!" and "make me that!"

Quote - Actually, it IS our fault as a userbase. Smith Micro bought Poser, and inherited a community that wants everything done for them. If change is going to happen, it has to start with us....

Quoted bits of the above two posts because... well... I applaud you both.

whbos ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 7:23 PM

Before they ask for pre-orders, they better have more than just the Smith Micro name on the package.  Actually, I'm quite satisfied with Poser 7 but it could use some speeding up and a new interface.  Tool bars would be nice to get rid of all the wasted space carried over since Poser 2 where I started.  Also a way to manage our libraries especially for those of us with multiple runtimes.  Better animation tools as well.

If not, I won't be upgrading any time soon.

Poser 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Pro 2014, 11, 11 Pro

RobynsVeil ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 7:43 PM

I will be getting Poser 8 only because the price for what it does (compared to the high-priced apps) is compelling and because my expectations are low. Low because I look on this site at the content and realize that makers of Poser are looking at the same content and are going to try to match product with product. This is a content-driven product, not art-quality driven product.

That's fine with me. Ever heard of using more than one product to achieve a goal?

I use Linux and Windows XP. Typing this post in Firefox in Linux and rendering in Poser in XP. "Learned" to use Python (thanks to BB, I'm addicted to Matmatic) and creating Poser shaders that way... now I'm learning rispec-type shader creation in D|S3 Advanced so I can offer Daz Studio-compliant products to the Daz Studio market (and anyone who uses Renderman-compliant shaders). I've grown quite fond of writing my shaders instead of manually stringing them together, but I'm sure there's going to be some language that will enable me to do that for the rispec shaders... pretty sure that's what Lisa was trying to point me towards.

Point I'm making: Poser 8 will give us a whole bunch of new bells and whistles to play with. Whatever's missing is available elsewhere. Don't be afraid to expand your horizons. There's exciting things happening in Blender 3D and Mosaic and some pretty cool (and affordable!) render tools. Okay, not a solution for the lazy, but you look at serious 3D artists and their work: they didn't create that artwork with a MakeArt button. :sneaky:

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

jmikem ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 7:47 PM

For SeanMartin, the reason I said JenX sounds like the customer is to blame. The top fourth of that response sounds like peoples concerns are being minimized. Then, 'You want radical change? It's not going to come from SM'...boom, off the hook. [And why not ? they're making the product.] "It's going to have to start with people actually engaging and LEARNING !" No, it starts with the product you are using. It's what you can do with it. Remember the old saying,'If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Well, we would like a stocked toolbox. And we are going to have to show Smith Micro what their own program is capable of ? This makes them sound more out of touch than ever. I do agree, this is a wait & see. Personally, I'm hoping for a greatly improved hair room among other things.   Mike

ice-boy ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 7:53 PM

content? its hard to have a high poly M4 and a high poly room in my scene. it renders slow.

SeanMartin ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 7:59 PM

Quote - For SeanMartin, the reason I said JenX sounds like the customer is to blame. The top fourth of that response sounds like peoples concerns are being minimized. Then, 'You want radical change? It's not going to come from SM'...boom, off the hook. [And why not ? they're making the product.] "It's going to have to start with people actually engaging and LEARNING !" No, it starts with the product you are using. It's what you can do with it. Remember the old saying,'If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Well, we would like a stocked toolbox. And we are going to have to show Smith Micro what their own program is capable of ? This makes them sound more out of touch than ever. I do agree, this is a wait & see. Personally, I'm hoping for a greatly improved hair room among other things.   Mike

And in part we are to blame, no matter how you cut it. P7 has dynamic cloth, but hardly anyone uses it. P7 has great animation tools, but you actually have to built the animation to make it work — unlike the plug-n-play from Animate, which is little more than an inventory of motion capture files you string together: big whoop -- where's the challenge in that?

Point is, Poser did give us the tools, but we didnt do anything with them. Well, okay, rewrite: some folks did, but not nearly enough., So can you blame the Poser development team for not bothering to redo anyhting that no one seems to really care about anyway? Notice what Jne wrote: folks got amazing things out the standard P4 rendering engine... because they worked with it. I took the P4dork and made him look like serious contention for Michael... because I worked with it. SmithMicro cant do everything for you. There is no "make art" button, just as there isnt for Photoshop or Illustrator or any other creative program. The tools are there, but you have to put them to work. -- the collected cartoons of Doc and Raider

Khai-J-Bach ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:06 PM · edited Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:08 PM


> Quote - content? its hard to have a high poly M4 and a high poly room in my scene. it renders slow.

then ask yourself whats wrong with that?

I rendered this in 10 minutes. thats 17 high poly models, with textures, raytracing on. rendered with poser pro on a XP32 AMD Athlon 64x2 system with 3gb ram.

no errors, no fuss. ten minutes to setup, 10 minutes to render.

ok. so where does the problem lie? did you check over the content? your settings? made sure there's nothing in memory causing a problem? (been caught like that before. trueSpace was hanging on exit and jamming one core. kept making poser pro lock. no fault of poser tho.... all sorts of strange things happen when there's a hung process...)

we've all gotten into the habit of going 'poser slow!' etc instead of taking apart what we're trying to do and fixing it.

the way this is going, by the time we  get to poser 10 it will be a 'Make Art' button.

JenX ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:14 PM

Um, you DO remember that Poser's original purpose was to create dummy models as a cheap alternative to hiring live ones, right? Remember how we got a better toolset? USER FEEDBACK. Users were hacking files to make them do new things. The creators at the time picked up on it and ran with it. Now? The majority of users want theit content and they want easy organization. If you want Smith Micro to listen to you, challenge your fellow poser artists. Smith Micro is doing what every smart business does and catering to the demographic most likely to make them money.

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

Netherworks ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:16 PM

I suppose I'm a dino but I'm also going to use the best program for the task at hand.  Whether I build in D|S to make Poser content or build in Poser to make Poser content is irrelevant to me.

There are some things in Poser that are outstanding and easy to use and really play well into my workflow.  Some of it stems from being more comfortable in that program, which I started with.  I find magnets easier to use than d-forms (more of a familiarity issue) plus to make a magnet set for redistribution I have to use Poser.  I find the atom light "rig" in Poser easier to use.  I know my way around the material room.  Its easier in Poser to combine morphs and adjust them by spawning new ones.  There are scripts in Poser which give me a lot of control.

However, for the most part I have adapted very well to D|S and find the rigging tools amazing and its easier to organize information (dials), work on multiple dials at once and set up ERC nodes.  I have 3 advanced but have not had a great deal of time yet to really explore everything.  What I have played with is pretty exciting and useful.

I don't think either program has the best content managment in the world.  However, I do think that Poser's collections feature is a great step and could be expanded even more (to actually be able to just add an entire folder at once, for example).  D|S has the advantage of direct control of the files and folders (delete, copy, rename) and I think the list view (don't use the tree view or database options) is adequate for working with content, though I'd like to see some little tweaks like resizing the individual columns or getting a side-side versus top-bottom view.

Anyways, I will be excited to see what Poser 8 has to offer and this side to side competition is that best thing that could happen to both companies.  Both DAZ and SM have to stay on their toes to compete and ultimately us, as the users, win.  However, there's also nothing wrong with keeping both programs in your arsenal and use what is the best for the job at hand.


jmikem ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:44 PM

Yeah, Poser does give us tools. And with each release, they generally added or improved on these. This is hopefully the course of action we all hope for. Otherwise, what would be the point ? There are more program choices today. And we, the customer, would like to be heard and not blamed for the manufactures shortcoming. Yes, I like to use premade figures & textures [ some people have those 3d skills, not me ]. When I paint, I buy the oils. There's no way I would go out and make the paints. If we all had to build our figures from scatch...forget it. Point & click works for some people. We all have different skill sets. I'm not going to belittle anyone for their efforts. Each of us are going to have different wants, needs, & expectations. I think that's what this is mostly about. So, when does the actual information come out ?   Mike

RAMWorks ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 8:49 PM

Well said Joe.   Yea, I'm a DAZ'er but I've always always rooted for Poser to become improved upon so I would use it a bit more.  I will likely upgrade, I always do :lol: but if there are some UI improvements then I'm there for sure.  It's an exciting time.  I look forward to the list.  Hope they don't do it like they did last time though with releasing one feature a week, that was agonizing. 

---Wolff On The Prowl---

My Store is HERE

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TZORG ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 9:13 PM

What's with hating on the Poser 4 renderer

It was good enough for your mom  :o

It's not the tool used, it's the tool using it

JenX ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 9:31 PM

It's still good enough for my mom ;)  I gave her my copy of Poser 4 a LONG time ago :P

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

whbos ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 9:49 PM

Poser 2 gave us plastic-looking figures.  Zygote/DAZ gave us real figures from Poser 4 on.  If Smith Micro doesn't make their millions with Poser 8, I'm sure Poser will pass on to the next contestant.  Eventually it will become OpenSource.

Thankfully Poser is still around, but can we expect a miracle.  No!  Poser 4 was my favorite as was Poser 5.  Poser 6 sucked and was full of problems.  Poser 7 has been fabulous.  My point is that if Poser 8 looks like Poser 7, why should I upgrade?  I don't give a rat's behind about a clone to Poser Pro or whatever it's called which is probably what Poser 8 really is.

The Poser interface has been out of date since before MetaCreations took it over.  Fractal Designs had it before them if I recall correctly.  I don't know about version 1--never knew about it then.

Poser 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Pro 2014, 11, 11 Pro

RFreise ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:07 PM

According to my Poser 1 disks (yes I still have the originals) it was Fractal Designs

Khai-J-Bach ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:14 PM

fractal design became metacreations later in a merger.

geep ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:34 PM · edited Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:35 PM

Attached Link: The History of Poser compliments of Dr Geep Studios


Use the [**link**]( and ...Enjoy. 😄

dr geep

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

Khai-J-Bach ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:36 PM

hey Geep.. you've missed out the version of poser 6 that was released as poser artist.. (yup there's been 2 poser pros and 2 poser artists...)

geep ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 10:48 PM

Well, golllllllllllllleeeeee ... a guy cain't be 2 purrrfect, now can he. :blink:

I don't think I ever said it was a COMPLETE History  ............ now diddle I? :lol:

'Sides that, I DID list one of the Poser Artists in 2003, no?

Don't I get any credit fer that, huh, huh, huh? :huh:

cheers, (anyway)
dr geep <------------------------------------------------- still looking for a really good render

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

vxg139 ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 11:07 PM

My one wish would be to see the latest version of Poser as a fully functional 64 bit program!

LostinSpaceman ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2009 at 11:37 PM


Here's to the wonderful Kai Kraus Dino UI!!

ice-boy ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 3:38 AM

Quote - > Quote -

And in part we are to blame, no matter how you cut it. P7 has dynamic cloth, but hardly anyone uses it. P7 has great animation tools, but you actually have to built the animation to make it work — unlike the plug-n-play from Animate, which is little more than an inventory of motion capture files you string together: big whoop -- where's the challenge in that?

Point is, Poser did give us the tools, but we didnt do anything with them. Well, okay, rewrite: some folks did, but not nearly enough., So can you blame the Poser development team for not bothering to redo anyhting that no one seems to really care about anyway? Notice what Jne wrote: folks got amazing things out the standard P4 rendering engine... because they worked with it. I took the P4dork and made him look like serious contention for Michael... because I worked with it. SmithMicro cant do everything for you. There is no "make art" button, just as there isnt for Photoshop or Illustrator or any other creative program. The tools are there, but you have to put them to work.

well the cloth room crashes a lot of time if you want to have a nice t-shirt on apollo plus dynamic pants. 
people dont use it because its not working how it should. in CGI sometimes an arm is going in the body. so when you have dynamic cloth it crashes.

carodan ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 8:46 AM · edited Sun, 28 June 2009 at 8:51 AM

Quote - well the cloth room crashes a lot of time if you want to have a nice t-shirt on apollo plus dynamic pants. 
people dont use it because its not working how it should. in CGI sometimes an arm is going in the body. so when you have dynamic cloth it crashes.

I think the real problem isn't the cloth room itself but rather that not too many clothing items have been specifically designed for use in the cloth room. You do encounter issues with intersecting polygons and groups that arn't properly arranged and welded together, but that is to be expected. This is certainly true of items converted from conforming clothing - collars and buttons dropping away during sims, poly's flying out in all directions etc. But there's also the problem of folk not learning all the features to any real depth, and experimenting. There are things the user has to be aware of, just the same as there are when setting up the Firefly renderer.
I've never had any problems with dynamic items that were modelled as such. For example, the dynamic T-shirt and Jeans for Apollo from PoserWorld work fine. Problem with these is that the detailing isn't there and it's the little things that can let an item down.
The issue I have with dynamic clothing is that there simply isn't enough of it out there - clothes designed specifically for use in the cloth room I mean. Quite a few dresses for the females, but good dynamic shirts and pants with some level of detailing...forget it.
Svdl created an excellent set of ofice clothes for V4  - great details and very well set up. I only wish someone would model some more; everyday items like shirts and pants (male stuff).
Dynamic cloth really looks far better than conforming any day. It's almost criminal that the content isn't available to make best use of this tool.
I don't expect too much development on the cloth room, but I sure wish someone with some decent modelling skills would make some clothes for it.

btw, very entertaining thread.


PoserPro2014(Sr4), Win7 x64, display units set to inches.


estherau ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 8:51 AM

 I've noticed that the dynamic clothes in poser tend to look very thin and to not have modelled seams etc, but just textured seams.
I am sure if someone made really good clothing designed for dynamics it would be popular.
Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

carodan ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 8:52 AM · edited Sun, 28 June 2009 at 8:56 AM

Quote -  I've noticed that the dynamic clothes in poser tend to look very thin and to not have modelled seams etc, but just textured seams.
I am sure if someone made really good clothing designed for dynamics it would be popular.
Love esther

Take a look at Svdl's freebie Office set for V4 - cool detailing on these.


PoserPro2014(Sr4), Win7 x64, display units set to inches.


bagginsbill ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 9:35 AM

Quote - Never ever can be the UI so different , that i would not find my way trough it .
So thats for sure not the hottest Point here .

The real importance will be seen over time, in the weeks and months following the product**'s** release.

How many Products are coming ? In the Weeks .... and Month .. following .
So there is more coming ?
Weeks and Months .. more then one Product = Add Ons " Build Up pay Stones " ?
Like DAZ Studio got , like Uberenviroment Lights ...

Just thinking ....

No that is not what I meant.

Look, I have ideas for fantastic FREE plugins I would make for Poser, or svdl or ockham or nruddock or many other talented Python writers could make, but there is no way for us, today, to integrate with the GUI, and let you treat these as if they are a built-in part of the program.

Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)

ockham ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 9:57 AM

Are you making a secret fraternity reference?  Sigma Delta Kappa, perhaps?

My python page
My ShareCG freebies

ockham ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2009 at 9:57 AM

Are you making a secret fraternity reference?  Sigma Delta Kappa, perhaps?

My python page
My ShareCG freebies

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