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Bryce F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 20 11:30 am)

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Subject: I can't take it anymore.. I must say goodbye....

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striving ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 12:07 AM · edited Wed, 23 October 2024 at 2:28 AM

Well, I have been here for about 2 years now. When I joined R(enderosity) I was so jazzed. I saw so much great art. I was getting some great feedback and well deserved critques. All helped me to grow. I think I have grown a lot in my work in Bryce. And thanks to so many here that have aided in me getting where I am. But with all that said, I must bid a farewell. I can no longer deal with the growing number of images that belong in the beginners gallery, not only getting like 30 comments, but making the h20 week after week. Those that are voting this "popular" art in know who you are. And you should be ashamed of yourselves. There are those here who work their asses off on images for endless hours. Reworking scenes and scraping entire images because it didn't pass their own inspection. Often, these images are left in the dust to the recent influx of newbies and Bryce hacks. Just about everytime I go to the Hot 20 I want to scream. Amoung 20 images, there are 5 excellent images, 5 great ones and 10 works that look like first week brycers made. For myself this is so damn frustrating I can't even describe it. I have spoken to others too, the feeling is not only in my heart here. Others share it.(no, the h20 isn't that important, its more than that. Its about being honest) I guess the bottomline is... this site is not for me anymore. Either I have out grown it, or it has regressed beyond me. I hate the popularity cliques that go on here. Since I came to this site (and others) as a way to get input. SERIOUS input. This has been lost. All real and honest comments have been lost in a sea of "personality contests" and who "likes" who. This is the only way I can justify some of the better artist in this "community" not only praising bad art, but voting it as a TOP IMAGE posted in a given week. I get comments from these people as well. But when I see their comments on other work that is best described as "Beginner" I begin to wonder if the comment on my work was honest and truthful. I can look at the work of mine and make my own judgements, but I am the type that always thinks I am biased. Some of you have me second guessing myself, and my art. For that reason I think I should move on. I know 99% here couldn't care less if I am here or not. I don't really care about that. I think the thing is, some of us here really "care" about what we put out. We are "striving" to better our work. It may not be a career, but it is more than a "What the hell, waste some time" thing in our lives. Sorry to have ranted so long. I just wanted to get this off my chest. In hopes that it would cause a few of you to rethink what ART is and what is really going on here on this site and how it effects others. For the sake of those that will come after me and are seeking to grow. Don't squelch their continued improvment with dishonesty. For honesty is one of the finest qualities a [hu]man can have.... Thanks again to all those that were honest and sincere. To all those that helped me along the way. Best to all here in their futures in "ART"... Bruce

scarp ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 1:38 AM

Ah, too bad you're leaving, I just got here. Don't think about "art" because trying to do so will make you crazy. And worrying what others think "art" is or should be will make you a maniac. I mean, look at Kincade's art. Personally, I dislike the majority of it (is it "art"? Whay not? See what I told you about crazy...) but many, many people put their money on it. So the "Hot 20" is a decent amount of populist art, but some of it is very well done. Bravo for that! I try to make my art for myself. I'm pleased when people look at it and like what I do, and regard all crits as interesting insights into how people perceive what I do. Some of them are helpful, some not. Take what's helpful and let the rest slide. Art is a very personal endeavor, has many interpretations and many, many critics. Think of making what you like. Those who share your vision will see it and appreciate it. And we are all our own very worst critic. So what, do it anyway, show it to see the reactions of people. IM me with your new "home" or any new work you post. I like your stuff. Keep making it.

Melansian_Mentat ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 1:59 AM

I'm too new here to persuade you to stay. But being new, I can say that I am not out to get anyone. And if a lot of beginners are coming in seeking advice and feedback......... Isn't that a good thing? It means that more people are getting into this kind of community in order to better themselves and hone their artistic skills. I was on bryce for about 2 years, but I got INCREDIBLY frustrated because I kept on bumping into walls. I didn't have anyone to help me with my images. Worse still, what I COULD do just SAT in my computer gathering dust. Art isn't art if no-one will look at it. Yeah, I showed it to my friends and to my parents, but they never told me how I could improve. It was only after joining this community that I began to LEARN. If there is an increase in people wanting to learn.......... that is a positive thing, in my opinion. That said, it IS just my opinion. Just as you have put forth YOUR opinion. And since we are humans and our span is so limited, neither of us are at all wise enough to tell who is right.

vasquez ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 2:01 AM

I'm with you, pal. I feel exactly the way you feel, every single word you stated is expressing my frustration: too much people is hiding behind the excuse that art is a personal thing, that's not true art is 80% technique and 15% genius and 5% personal taste. And recently there is a lack of technique here at 'rosity (oh well we have a lot of great authors here but they are buried by beginners' images). I enjoyed most of your work striving, my fault is that I commented only a few of them, without thinking about how much important is commenting eachother in a community. Some guys here are nullifying the purpose of the community with useless comments and votes, but I am still in love with renderosity and will frequent it for long enjoying the (few) great authors in there. I hope to see you again striving

sackrat ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 2:06 AM

Well,..........sorry to see you go. You have produced some fine images. We have even corresponded via E-mail a couple of times;..................Look, you're taking all this way too seriously. I mean, my God,..........this is a pursuit of the affluent. Do you realise just how fortunate we are to be able to practice what we so pretensiously call "Art" ? I'll bet there's some guy living in the barrios of Mexico City, who's just trying to find enough coin to get something to eat who would find this whole endeavor quite absurd. OK,.........that's my little rant,.........please remember I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your images,.........but I feel I should remind you of the words of Edmund Burke "All that is needed for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing." Don't leave,.........TOM(sackrat).

"Any club that would have me as a member is probably not worth joining" -Groucho Marx

Sambucus ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 2:33 AM

The Hot 20 seems to be such a source of discontent that perhaps there should be an opt out of the vote, just as there is for comments and ratings. If an artist knows his work won`t be voted in, then he can content himself with the thought that it would have been if....
I know this will negate the point of the whole idea but the thing is so open to abuse it seems pointless anyway and if artists are leaving because they feel their work is being denied inclusion because of "popular" voting, it is counter productive.

Shavala ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 3:06 AM

I enjoy the fact that many individiduals of all various levels of ablility contribute to this community. If I wanted what you call serious input to my contributions, I would directly solicit those whom I consider apt to provide that input. I am glad that this website has evolved in the way it has. please reconsider departing. Part-time brycer "artist" (anyways, my wife thinks so).

bazze ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:19 AM

I must agree with Striving. Personally I also think that the main gallery isn't a place to post WIPs and 10 versions of the same image. It should be a place where you post your finished work. WIPs should be posted and discussed in the forums.

Zhann ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:49 AM


Bryce Forum Coordinator....

Vision is the Art of seeing things invisible...

RodsArt ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:58 AM

Ditto Zhann.

Ockham's razor- It's that simple

Erlik ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 5:33 AM

striving, I agree you with about some images in Hot 20. I wouldn't give them a vote if my life depended on it. But still I ignore them. Although, maybe it helps that I'm on dialup so I'm in the galleries very little. I also wish you to stay here, but if you're so set on leaving... I can just say I'll be sorry. Bazze, yeah, right. But how can you get people to see that? For instance, there are people whose work I've seen for the first time in Hot 20. They've never been here. Some of them are great, like Mr Dodobird, who even came by later. But others ... euw. So, I think that the only solution is to vote for the image you think deserves to get into Hot 20, not to give up. there was an informal resolution here about it, right? I'd like to vote more, but, as I said, what with the dialup and work...

-- erlik

foleypro ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 6:34 AM

.........Yep Why leave because of that...Be content in the Knowledge that Your Art is way better and until Renderosity can stop Folks from Being able to Login under several names just so they can vote on their own Image Things will not change...Dont Fret the little stuff...Happy Happy Joy Joy...

Swade ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 6:52 AM

Hope you change your mind Striving. I have personal opinions about the very thing that has you upset.... But I just don't let it interfere with what I am doing. Just dont let that stuff get you down man. You are valued here in the Bryce forum. You will also notice that those of whom you speak are rarely if ever here in the forum. Wade

There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't. 

A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.

dan whiteside ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:40 AM

Love the idea of an "opt out" option that Sambucus suggested.

Tino64 ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:53 AM

Bruce I have always enyoy your art....Will miss it very much!! still I understand the reason for you leaving,I feel the same way...The only place I feel I got real input was at KPT image talk,that site died a couple years ago...... Take care Martin

Beanzvision ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:53 AM

Your a mind reader! Striving i will miss your renders, your lighting in scenes is (not was) awesome.... :(

nuski ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:18 AM

striving- I agree with you about the Hot 20 pics. . . Most of the time I just shake my head and grin to myself regarding the comments of praise that have been posted on some very poor images. . . .You should remember that this forum isn't the real world but it is a reflection of the real world ! . . . . Just as in the real world, as our participation in the forum increases. . . .we learn who is sincere and who isn't. . . . likewise when we view the galleries we learn to identify the talented artists and those who need some nurturing. . . . . I've been a member like yourself for two years now. . . . have had my frustrations at times. . . . but I have found that there are still many honest and talented individuals who participate in this forum who care as much about learning and sharing as I do! . . . . and there will always be new members like scrap and Melansian Mentat who , judging by their comments, have a sincere desire to join the community as honest participants. I have learned to ignore , sometimes it is difficult, the negative forces which I encounter in this community and respond to the positive ones just as I would in the real world. Why? In the long run, I think it's worth it! : )

Brendan ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:51 AM

One helpful or insightful comment that you have received on an image is worth more than the HOT20, AOM, AOY or any other of the populist accolades that abound here. The nuggets of genuine feedback are food enough to sustain anyone through the mire of sycophantic swill that swamps the site. Renderosity admin can't even keep control of the disparities in the application of standards it sets for what constitutes ART so it is fruitless to expect that the amature drifters that come and go in the galleries will ever show any integrity or perspicuity, the EGOS quest for notice is the overriding motive for most of what is posted in the galleries. I have only posted again yesterday after taking time out from here, just put a distance between my own fustrations with the double standards of the workings of the site. My desire for communicating with other creative folks from around the world would never allow me to burn all my bridges to this site, rather, I have focused my thoughts on all the Artists that I admire and have built friendships with ( though some of them might have felt neglected for the last six months! ). Taking a small break is recommended, please take time to consider what you might be loosing. Try weeding out your gallery, taking a hard look of what you have acheived in the last year, testing yourself as to wether you can bare to let go of comments that praise or annoy you, what is more important, the process of creativity or the paucity of insight by those that view your stuff? When I have paintings on show and for sale I have to keep my distance from the public and let the gallery and the buying public do their worst, people say and do the most stupid things ( I include myself here! ) just because they don't stop to think, or rather, are unable to express themselves in any helpful or meaningful way. The shortcomings of your own actions should be your prime concern and leave the rest to go their own way. Make a statement through your work , gestures of snittness have no power in this world. Let me encourage you to reconsider the whole matter, delete that last image and do not fear that you will lose face. Don't let the Bird-Brains rule you life! Wishing you Joy and Strength. Brendan.

brodiss ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 9:28 AM

striving, i am sorry you feel this way

i am a newbie, both to Renderosity and Bryce. when i joined up, your image was being featured and it made me think that this was a place where i would be inspired and learn so i could use bryce, eventually, to its full potential.

until your post i hadn't realised that there was a clicky element here or that some people are so shallow and insecure that they find it necessary to create aliases in order to pretend they're better than they really are. i have found the people to be friendly on the forum and very helpful to an ignoramus such as myself. though i haven't been able to contribute much myself yet, i have been looking forward to increasing my involvement as i evolve in my use of bryce.

art is a matter of taste at the best of times - and can go through fads - but true art is that which endures long after all the dross has slimed its way into oblivion.

there are many fine people in this group and while, at times it may seem they are only small in number, they will always be there. that is why i find it worth staying.

i will be sorry to see you and your work leave but, whatever you decide, i hope you and your work continue to go from strength to strength.

IndigoSplash ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 9:39 AM

Take a look at the 2D Hot 20...there's an image called "The Ass-Kiss Game". The fact that THAT got voted into the Hot 20 should tell you something. Lots of people agree with you :)

JC_01 ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 9:49 AM

Bruce, I feel ya man....I understand completely.. I've also been considering leaving Renderosity...I've not been here as long as you have, nor does my work even compare to yours. But it seems lately, not here in the Bryce forum, but in general, it's more frustrating then it's really worth. I've begun a futile attempt to sell a few items in the MP that are NOT poser related, and in doing so, I follow the Merchant forum. I've also started following the Community forum... Each time I click out of those, to come here to the Bryce forum, I feel so frustrated, reading all the arguments, bashing, complaining, whining... Sometimes I think people, in their journey to succeed, forget what is it that made them find this path to start with. The ENJOYMENT of the art, no matter how are is defined. When that enjoyment is gone, and the pleasure of creating wonderful things is gone....there's no desire left to stay. ALOT of people with BIG names (big names meaning popular people with great work) have been leaving lately, due to many reasons, of which I don't know. With some support (not so much voiced, but just in friendly and helpful, sincere people) I've stayed alot longer then I would have otherwise. I understand also how hard a decision like this is for you. Along the way, and through the time here, we do make "friends" and develop a bond somewhat like a family with some...and that's not easy to leave.. As far as the HOT20 goes...The thrill of being voted in fades, sometimes all too soon.. But the connections made with friends, will stay with you for much longer. Take care Bruce, and I hope that you find the passion again in your art! Without that, we get burnt out all too quickly. If it takes leaving here to do that, then I'm very happy for you!! And perhaps in time, you will come back home again... BIGGGGG HUGSSSS Jen

pakled ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 11:07 AM

hmm..tell me again where 'Hot' has any relation to 'good' art. The 'Hot 20' is a popularity contest, no matter how noble people try to be. That goes for all the packages at 'rosity, not just here. Granted, good art does get put in it, but I think that there's a lot more to 'rosity than just the 'hot 20' (yeah, I've never been in it, in there, or even know how to get there..;)
I've been categorizing my pics from here lately (only 6,000 or so in 2 years, I came here starting in 12/01), and I remember a lot more stuff being 'dupes', or 'near dupes' (a lighting tweak, or just 20 degrees off from the last viewpoint, etc) back then. There was a higher energy level back then, Byce forum daily postings filled a couple pages, Poser was like 4 pages a day.
There were a lot more postings back then, too. I used to go through 30 pages a day, now it's usually 16 or less..I think some of that comes from artists like you and others going for quality, which takes more time. Go, or stay, as you wish, post pics, or not, but don't worry about coming by here and chilling with your homies..;) As long as you make art you're happy with, that's all that matters.

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

Ang25 ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 11:55 AM

Well all I'll say is that if you feel that this forum can no longer help you in anyway then it is probably time to move on. I have so much further to go that I will probably be here for years. I hardly ever post to the gallery. I'm much more into learning from those here who generously share their techniques. I'm also on dialup so I hardly ever get to the galleries and hot 20 etc. I look forward more to seeing the wips and tips in this forum than anything else. Its always sad to hear someone saying goodbye and it would be nice if you'd have a change of heart. Maybe just leave the galleries and other forums for a time. Just hang in here with us nuts ;) Ok thats all of my 2 cents.

tjohn ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 1:08 PM

Striving: Please don't burn any bridges, leave your galleries here for folks to enjoy, you may want to come back some day. I hope so. With all its flaws, there are high points like this Forum that keeps me coming back to Rendo. I think I would be poorer without this outlet for what I am compelled to do, try to express myself visually.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tanstaafl90 ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 1:37 PM

Your not this first I've seen leave over something like this, nor, do I suppose you'll be the last. No matter the reason, it's always a bad thing to see someone leave from frustration. See ya in the funny pages....

Quest ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 1:42 PM

Your reasons for leaving, as understandable or not as they are, as to whether people agree with them or not, has been a topic of discussion and contempt in this forum for quite some time, we are all quite aware of them and without doubt, will remain to be a topic for the foreseeable future. Many of us are not pleased with this trend but in actuality there is very little that can be done. Some attempts have even been made by such people as Flak, Catlin and others to try and get us to vote more often in the gallery to try and slow down the hacking and giving appropriate recognition to those artists that deserve it, but there is just so much that can be done. I think I can speak for most everyone here when I say that we fully understand your frustration when youve put in many hours or even days of unrelenting work into an image only to get it largely passed over with a couple of nice work comments while the person who uploaded after you with a simple reflective sphere hanging in space and is obviously amateur work at best, is getting rave reviews and voted into the Hot 20. That can be quite disconcerting. This is not an elitist forum, it is open to all, beginners as well advanced artists and all who wish to participate and learn the software. Many come here and post messages thanking this forum for helping them in their artistic endeavors so something positive is certainly happening here which cant be denied, therefore it cant be all that bad. This is a place where everyone learns from each other, advanced and beginner alike. I would not like to see anyone go, but we must all do what we need to do for ourselves. I agree that you should reconsider and take some time off, allow some of that frustration to melt away however long that might take, but be secure in the knowledge that we will always be here for you when you decide youre ready to come back.

vasquez ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 2:01 PM

Everyone is right, this is not an elitist forum, everyone can enter and share his "art", but I remember when I first entered this forum I posted my images in the beginner galleries for some time and when I enter the Bryce gallery I recieved at best 1 2 comments (and that was right), now beginners are dominating the gallery. IT IS A MATTER OF RESPECT I have not all the day free and can't browse completely the gallery (too much entries) so I get in the hot 20 or look to my favourite artists, but if I enter in the hot 20 and see half of it full of begginers' images I get stuck, moreover I can miss some good images... Moreover there is the frustration to recieve 4 or 5 comments with 100 viewings and no votes while my neighbour is having 20 viewings 20 comments and 20 votes, so he enter the hot 20 and his popularity grows...... and so on.... Dunno... maybe sometimes I have too much hate inside me... dunno...

drawbridgep ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 2:40 PM

Even in a website that is 99% crap, (not saying r'osity is), it's the 1% that makes it worthwhile. I agree that the Hot 20 is losing it's way again. After the same discussiona month or so ago, we all started voting more and for a few weeks had a top 20 to be proud of. We have to stay on top of that. I'm just as guilty as the next person.

I think you should take from this site what you want. If you don't like the hot 20, don't look at it, if you don't like the forums, don't read them. If people just want to use it as a place to share art work and not look at anything else, then that's reason enough to stay.

If you still feel you must go, Iask you to do two things.... Don't delete your account, and come back in a few weeks for a visit. Just to see if things have changed.

Phillip Drawbridge

d_hood ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 3:30 PM

Everywhere you go it's a popularity contest. I very rarely vote on anything anymore. I posted similar comments at another site and was told to leave if I didnt like it. I dont think you should leave, but sit back and laugh at it like I do. Soon after blackunicorn got images in the hot 20, I knew the hot 20 was no big deal. Sometimes I cant see a differnce between it and the gallery. Do what you got to do, but Im sure that alot of people dont want you to go anywhere. Maybe there should be a vote out just like there is a vote in. Maybe renderosity needs to get its priorities in line.

Rochr ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 3:58 PM

Either way, its sad to see a Brycer leave. Just dont give up art itself. I second some of the people above, give it some time. Best of luck.

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

Mrdodobird ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:27 PM

Now, is this the Same Bruce as the bruce from the "Watchful eye" gallery??? (just curious) Well, what I think we have to remember is that many times we all have different ideas of great. I personally think of a well done piece of work as one with lots of detail, interesting textures, modeling, and lighting. But see, I'm kinda technically oriented! Many, if not most people value a picture more for the meaning behind it, and the emotion, or the feeling it portrays. I think this is the reason a couple artists are doing much better than we think they should. We look at the techinical side, instead of the meaning behind it. So what if images are made entirely of freestuff and default lighting, or things are not attatched to the ground? (oh well, I was TRYING to be subtle.) The feelings behind the image might hit some people right on. The coloring might remind them of a happier place, or whatever. I hope I wasn't too specific. Please don't hurt me. I respect everyone's images!

striving ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:40 PM

Well, I will say this. I am (happily) surprised at the response so far. I dont plan to delete my gallery. And I have bonded with several people here, both through art and IM discussions. But as some have suggested. I do "feel" the need to move on. I notice a lot have made this into a discussion about the h20 mainly. That is really only a side-effect of the over all virus at R. The Bryce Gallery itself is the source of my frustration. The h20 just is an extension of the problems in the gal. I thank all you who understand and share my thoughts. I will still come around to browse works from my fave artists (not all of which I have listed as faves). But my posting and active participation here for now is done. I still love to create, but the joy of coming to R for the most part has been lost on me. And when I sign off, I come away disappointed and exhausted. Thanks again all... I wont be dead, just ghostly for a long while.. lol. -Bruce

GROINGRINDER ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:42 PM

Striving the hot 20 makes my blood boil sometimes. I usually don't go there much anymore. Please don't leave. Remember that will mean one less caring artist here to leave appropriate comments on other's work. You should stay and try to help out the rest of us who are serious about trying to learn here.

amethyss ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:47 PM

Letting all this go so deeply into your heart is in my opinion a wasted emotion.Just where do you think things would be better? I do know of one.Make your own gallery on your own pages.Then you will be able to show the artwork you do with pride,especially if outside visitors comment. Make artwork a way of life,not your life.

Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic_____website

Sambucus ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 4:55 PM

The problem with the Hot 20 is that it is a competition by another name, one in which we are entered, like it or not, whenever we place an image in our gallery. Worse, its a competition open to cheating. The same pictures appear in the gallery as in the Hot 20 and its only reason for being is to point those with little time or connection speed to images that others find worthwhile. This is obviously not working due to the apparently unscrupulous methods used by some.
I speak as someone who has had four or five images in there and on one memorable occasion, sitting in pole position, but I rarely go there now.
We have the challenges for those that like them, we don`t need a Hot 20 (IMHO).

striving ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 5:07 PM

Amethyss, the point isn't "what place is better" the issue for me is, this site is just making me confused and frustrated. BTW, I do have my own site (fairly nice imo). With galleries and freebies etc. I was here origianally to get constructive feedback. That has all but been lost. And to keep this frustration out of my "heart" as you say, I choose to walk away for now.. Who knows in a year from now? But for now, at this time..

gammaRascal ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 5:33 PM

thats pretty sad... i dont waste my time with the h20 for the reasons listed and more and the only reason i even HAVE images in my gallery is too prevent people from using my' lack of' as an excuse to rant about my comments. what IS too bad is that the majority of people here only respect what they see in a picture, (hack and experienced) not what they read. it isnt enough to make a point at all, you have to back it up with artwork or your dont mean shit and your a base for any flame... just because you had something to say about someone elses wip. logic is logic is logic, does it need to be painted with platinum, tuned-up and adorned with jewels too? THAT is too bad, cause here it does. people leaving, isnt, really.

Mrdodobird ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 6:02 PM

My opinion of the Hot20 has always been, if I'm not in it, okay. If I'm in it, yeaho! But I try not to dwell on these kinda of things because again, even if I dont like a picture, I might be in the minority. It's just fun to be in it! I think you may have gotten the wrong impression Twisted Symmetry, (or just inturpretted things differently than I did). I don't think that anybody uses anyone's skill or lack of images as an excuse to put down the person, I think it's more of a coping/defense mechanism. Like, if somebody gives a comment like, "This image sucks! I can do better!" and you look at their image and they have the infamous chrome ball over ocean, it's kinda nice to have an excuse (albeit ,IMO, a good one) as to why you shouldn't really take their comment to harshly. Of course, phrasing is important too. I have never seen anyone get mad at anyone else here because they had an opinion. It's the way they present it. don't say, "This image is crap". Say specifics, like, "I enjoy the lighting, it really gives it a happy feeling, but you may want to turn off "recieve shadows" on the cube you used as the sky" See, I also gave a compliment! That way it doesnt look like I'm out to get them, just offer advice. The "I enjoy.......but....." is a good technique. Of course, I know some people go, "I'm not going to sugar up my comments. I'm gonna say what I feel! I'm not going to try to make the person feel good about their work if it's crap!" Well, I enjoy the fact that you're opinionated, that is a good trait, but you may still want to reconsider you're phrasing. hehe

coolcatcom ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 6:15 PM

Just visited your gallery your work is fantastic and until today I didn't know you existed. But let me say this, I'm a beginner and that's where I've been posting for about 6 monthts. I haven't seen you comment on a beginners pic as yet..There are only a very few PROS. that do and to me those are the special ones (MENTOR) is a great word. You seem to be self centered what a shame. With your skill and ability you could do so much for others. In any event it's your decision. But I hope that some of the other PRO artist get a message here and my message is have a look at low class beginners some are quite good and you were there yourself once!!

gammaRascal ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:43 PM

'You seem to be self centered what a shame. With your skill and ability you could do so much for others' coolcatcom, stop, before you shove your foot further down your gullet. you dont know me so dont pass judgement on my life. you dont know what i do, you dont know where ive been and you have no IDEA whom ive loved, hated and saved. if i were a woman, i would have slapped you already.

gammaRascal ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:48 PM

okay maybe i was a little harsh there... but still... the balls you must have...

jedswindells ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 7:51 PM

Hey, I enjoy posting to the site and some(most,if not all) of my stuff is crap-so what!We all have to start somewhere and if you enjoy making images this is THE SITE to post them.Anyhow, please re-think 'cause we need good graphic artists to emulate.And we need good,technical and constructive citicism to help us develop.I'm off to try something new with Bryce there's bound to be something! At the end of the day if you dont enjoy the site anymore it's time to move on- "Good Luck"

woodhurst ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:27 PM

Its hard to see you go, I really do wish I could see a few more of your posts---I have been noticing more and more beginner quality pics (not as much as in quality, but the obvious effort put into the image ,or lack there of) and sometimes i just have to sigh and go through some of the other galleries---but i find something to enjoy through the artists here, and just talking with everyone, I kind of forget about all the other stuff. But, If you truly beleive this is best, go for it---- but, i have to agree with what JC said: "Sometimes I think people, in their journey to succeed, forget what is it that made them find this path to start with. The ENJOYMENT of the art, no matter how are is defined." if you leave for good, or even if this is just a long break to cool off--i just hope you keep creating for the pure enjoyment of creating, you have an awesome gallery, and i truly hate to see you leave. best wishes Jordan

coolcatcom ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:37 PM

To Twisted_Symmetry..My comment was not intended as an attack on anyone...Understand that sir!! Just a statement. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway.

gammaRascal ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 8:52 PM

okay cool (:

Vile ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 9:06 PM

I am not going to spend time reading all the replies as I am sure they say the same thing! No stop no dont go no wait lol Well leave if you want but you will most of all be one less artist that had inspired my work! I have thought of leaving several times. My image too get nice reviews and are on the hot 20 big deal I only get a couple 100 views if that. Unless you put a stupid possette naked in there it may be the highest you get! So what does that qualify your caliber as an artist? Stay and inspire artists (like me) and stop worrying about numbers! Until there is a better community stay and dont make me ask again!

unityboxer ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 10:26 PM

I've had bryce ever sence it came out back in the day,But lately I've had mixed feelings on both my progress and the program.Even though I love bryce,I think I will only use it as a terrain exporter now.I think I will officialy leave as well.In the past few months that I've had C4D,my work has improved ten fold over what my bryce images were.I now think the over 6 years of using bryce has only limited my progress in the 3d art wolrd.I could have spent those years learning true 3d concepts(modeling,texturing,rigging,lighting,ect).Well....bye all.Thanks for those who commented on my stuff(the ones who were serious that is).Anyway,I look forward to all the great,non-postworked art that I'll be doing In the future.(pixar doesnt post-work,why should I have to).Well.......Bye!^_^

Mrdodobird ( ) posted Thu, 22 January 2004 at 11:07 PM

"pixar doesnt post-work,why should I have to" Hehe Hehehe. Sorry. That just struck me as funny. I don't know why.

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 1:02 AM

Pixar doesn't use C4D, either. :^)

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 1:03 AM

And they do quite a bit of postwork. :^)

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

BOOMER ( ) posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 1:34 AM

Striving...don't go. PLEEEAASSSSEEEE DDDOOOONNNN'''''TTT. hehe Sorry I had to. It seems as though most of us agree with what you have to say and what pisses you off because we get a rise out of it, too. I'm not going to pull any punches here. My personal preference is along the technical and detailed such as those images produced my Mr. Rudy "the eight armed thing" Herczog and Mr. Dodobird. They are amongst my favorite artists. There are a number of other vets and some noobs that have done awesome work such as my Zhann and tjohn and Groin and Humorix and Drac and Flak and so on. We know and they know who they are. I have done some of my own pieces that were OK in my eyes and some that I really felt good about and received that appropriate comments that the image DESERVED. I have never had anyone here blow smoke up my ass and hope it never happens. (gives me gas) The hot 20, well, it does have it's place, sort'a kind'a in its own way. BUT....some of that shit has to go. I mean really now. Some of the comments and rating for some of those images rate them as "excellent" or "great" with comments like "brilliant", "a masterpiece", "WOW!!!", "fantastic work". Give me a friggin break. Kiss my ass with those bullshit comments on that crap they are calling art. Throw a couple of presets in with a preset sky and render it at preset settings and get a lame as preset answer. There are a few images there that TRULY belong there and some that you can wipe your ass with. The "blown out of proportion comments" are made by those of equal or lesser talent. Before anyone says anything, no, I don't have a gallery up because when I look at the art of those I have mentioned and then at mine, I don't think my work belongs next to their work because their work is so much better. The comments are made from people I have never seen or heard of before who just throw empty words of praise out. Try being honest and saying what you really think of it. If it needs work, SAY SO. If it looks plain, say so. Like Striving said, "All real and honest comments have been lost in a sea of "personality contests" and who "likes" who." Not just here, but in other places on this site, also. If you aren't going to be an honest critic, well then, shut the hell up. My apologies if I have offended anyone by being blunt, but sometimes that is the ONLY way to THE point across... John

Because I like to blow $%&# up.

Don't fear the night.  Fear what hunts at night.

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