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Subject: Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea

vikinglady ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 5:05 PM


Here is the color picker PJF has in another thread.


It's mostly a question of just changing the 'hex' code for the colours. Here's a visual two-way tool for working out colour-to-code or code-to-colour:


Hope this helps.

TallPockets ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 5:12 PM · edited Sat, 17 June 2006 at 5:13 PM

Note:  As a first time, baby boomer user of a p.c., I appreciate the hard work of PJF and all others trying to give fixes to said imaging problems. However, it is way over my pay grade and many others.  WINK.

UNTIL, IF and WHEN it appears the powers to be at this site decide against fixing the main problem entrirely, I will sit back and watch all this go by with both a smile and a wince.

I simply think it a most sad state when people have to be part time programmers in order to view marvelous artworks online.

"I was born in a revolving door and I've been pushed around ever since" . SMILE. T.P.

williamsn ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 5:56 PM

TallPockets, We never "removed" the eBots for favorites features in the new galleries. We were simply having some unexpected, unrelated server issues that led to all the favorites eBots to fail to send, even tho the application attempted to send them. We would never have removed the eBots 😄. However, the server situation is more or less resolved now, and you are welcome for getting it fixed rather than bring it back 😄. N


PJF ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 6:01 PM

Quote - Thanks PJ, works well. Could you possibly post your code for the forums as well? I missed it the first time around and would like the forums to be uniform with the galleries etc. You color scheme works well for me. Thanks.

No probs. I've reposted it here:

Please read the provisos.


3-DArena ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 6:20 PM · edited Sat, 17 June 2006 at 6:22 PM

Quote - As I said before, PJF's CSS fix does the trick, and I have a slim hope that R'osity will make that the default or at least a supported option.  However, I'm more concerned that the lack of responses from the admins on this thread means that they're proceeding with the BAD idea of forcing the resize at the server end, cutting the initial presentation of all of our art down to 700 pixels.

In the meantime, I'm holding off on my marketplace orders until this is resolved satisfactorily.  If you have similar feelings, I would encourage you to do so as well.  Sorry, vendors, but that's the one real stick I have available to use here.

Pity, too, because the floor tiles I wanted just went on sale.

I don't frankly care that I can edit my css (not that  do not appreciate it though)  here that is irrelevant and allows only those who know  better viewing rather than the viewing by others who don't know to make the change.

As a site aimed at artists that claims it's trying to draw more professional artists this is a bad move.

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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

TallPockets ( ) posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 6:31 PM

Williamsn: Hello, and thanks much for your clarification. I did not see where anyone, yourself included, had previously atributed the missing ebots to a server issue.  Many others I read who posted, complaining of such missing ebots, appeared to not be informed with such clarity as to the real reason, as you just now did with myself. Maybe, I possibly missed such commentary from you or others in similar representation. If I did so, please, accept my most sincerest apologies.

I also tried going thorough all the threads/postings I could last thursday after the intial, first maintenance downtime period, but it took me three minutes per each page to load/view. And,  your site said it would be shutting down at 2:00 p.m. (site time) for '2'  hours that day. So, I was not online until today.

May I kindly ask if Renderosity is now using a 'new' server with the new switch over? Or, is the old server still being used?

Thanks again, kind soul, for clearing up the matter. For all.

As a final aside, kind soul. Most members here, and most management here,  all want the same thing, from my perspective. The BEST site on the internet.

Good people can and will disagree. That is to be expected. As long as both sides truly listen to one another and truly try to solve issues, with respect afforded each, methinks this site can be such.

My best to you and yours,



williamsn ( ) posted Sun, 18 June 2006 at 3:27 AM

Well, tallpockets, we had on numerous occasions mentioned server issues, but you are right, I don't think we ever directly attributed the eBots issue to those server problems. Fact of the matter is, 95% of the eBots problems was the server and not the application, with the exception being the gallery subscription problems, which have been resolved. I do appreciate the patience as we work through this. I assure you it has been as aggravating for myself, Tim, Tommy, Stacey, Clint, Lillian, Debbie, et. al. as it has been for the rest of you. Rest assured that we are doing our best to listen, and to respect every side of every issue we hear. We ask only that all of you as well listen to everything we have to say too. There have been and will be compromises on both sides for many issues. There will also likely be issues where, after listening as much as we can, we say simply "it cannot be done any other way." Please know that, in all cases, our goal truly is the same as yours — to have the BEST ... not the second best ... the BEST site out there. 😄 N


Georges_H_Hoens ( ) posted Sun, 18 June 2006 at 3:52 AM

Its now a fact that they impose to us these changes THAT NOBODY WANT and that this website does'nt listen no more to they customers. For me this is a kind of DESPOTISM. 

Djeser ( ) posted Sun, 18 June 2006 at 4:02 AM

PJF, thanks very much for the CSS help. Much easier on the eyes and the nerves.


TallPockets ( ) posted Sun, 18 June 2006 at 5:42 AM

Williamsn: Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated. As I said earlier, most here I spoke with assumed the server issue to be the problem for the lack of speed upon the intial start up on the site changeover. The casual user associates server with a delivery system and blames it/them when this site runs slow. When other, normally working site funtions/areas don't operate, it is usually attributed by most to something else.

I agree with your above statement, there are times when things ''can't be done". However, I do find a distinction when someone tells me that and between someone telling me, "We won't change it". I hope that makes sense. Can't and won't, to me, are two different words. In my past business dealings, I always made sure my customers knew which I was actually saying and meaning.

I am assuming you are a customer in life as well. When I call my direct tv customer service rep, I always get answers from them. Even if I don't like what they tell me. But, they do answer all mine and anyone else's questions when they call. When I ran businesses, I always gave my customers answers to their questions. Even the old, grumpy customers (wink).

I know many people have put long hours into this wonderful site. As do many superb artists who put in many long hours and great sums of money into their personal work. It takes each to make a great site. In my previous businesses, management needed employees and customers and vice versa. Thus, my ongoing frustration, and what I see is the same from your wonderful members here for some time, as to the disconnect, at times, between both sides.

One employee once gave me the ultimate backdoor compliment. He said, "You always treat everyone the same, you suck". WINK. He went on to tell me that I always answered their questions and explained things to them so they were understandable whether they agreed with me or not.

I think this site needs one person who can be the spokesperson for this wonderful site on forum issues. If subjects are brought up not in the expertise of this person, they could ask others in various areas at this site for explanations and then pass them on to the masses. Such as is done in any other business. Then, everyone would know who is speaking for this wonderful site in finality.

I was also taught by my dear, late father that one has to earn respect from someone to get it back in return. It was not a right or to be expected without fair return as such.

I also learned in business that it was ok to admit, "I don't know but I will check into it and get back to you with an answer or find someone who can" and then follow up on it to make sure answers were given in appropriate time frames. I also learned to say, "I messed up" when I messed up. LOL.  Believe me, I said that more times than I cared for. But, for me, I found it to be the most important thing to building trust between myself and employees. For the record, I was an employee many years before all this. Which is why I tried my hardest to never forget all the griping I did as an employee about the management, when entered I into management. WINK.

Not of all of the members here know 'computer speak'. So, talk to me like a third grader on his first computer when dealing with 'technical' issues. Those with computer programming backgrounds can just smile as they read.  Just remember, just because one does not know how to bake a cake from scratch, however, does not mean that one cannot tell a good one from a bad one. WINK.

I think if the members here feel their site managers truly listen to them and act upon what most seem important issues, you will go a long way to establishing what you and all here want. THE best site.

Blessings to you and yours this Sunday,

My best, TallPockets.

SeanE ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 2:57 AM

ok the changes to the CSS without the image resizing is oh so much better...!

thanx PJF

bonestructure ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 6:20 AM

I don't entirely dislike the new gallery style. I do, however, dislike resizing images. Since they now open in a new page, what was the problem that you felt you had to resize them?

And NO, I am NOT going to screw around with a bunch of coding. Why should I?

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

drawbridgep ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 8:37 AM

Not sure if it's been mentioned, but having a thumbnail, an intermediate and the full size image are exactly the same way that CGTalk and DAZ3d display their galleries.    I don't think there was big fuss about that, mainly becasue that's the way it always was. 

However, they both actually resize the intermediate as a separate file rather than getting the browser to do it in order to save bandwidth.   Rosity's solution to this was cheap and nasty and something a personal website wouldn't even consider.

There seem to be two issues here:   (a)  people don't like change.  If we had always had an intermediate file, then there wouldn't be any issue.   and (b)  the cheap and nasty way they've done it.

However, the CSS fix works and it's a simple and elegant solution.  If rosity now go the CGTALK and DAZ route of having a third file, we're all (even the ones who are happy with the CSS tweak) going to have to hit an extra mouse click in order to see the original.

So yes, it was a shortsighted mistake to use a browser resize, but to those who aren't going to add the tweak out of principal, please don't make them consider having a third file, 'cause that's just going to screw those who are now happy with the tweak all over again and will still piss off the anti-extra click crowd..

Phillip Drawbridge

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 9:47 AM · edited Mon, 19 June 2006 at 9:52 AM

Quote - > Quote - Thanks PJ, works well. Could you possibly post your code for the forums as well? I missed it the first time around and would like the forums to be uniform with the galleries etc. You color scheme works well for me. Thanks.

No probs. I've reposted it here:

Please read the provisos.


Thaks man, I appreciate your efforts. That white backround was driving me crazy and we all know I'm not far from that to begin with :)

voodoo ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 11:30 AM

I don't have a solution, but just an observation: because of having to click twice, among many other dislikes of the redisign, I have found myself visiting the galleries much less often than before.  It doesn't look attactive at all, and seems to be a pain most of the time.  Sure, it's a subjective opinion, but just had to write.



cliff-dweller ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 11:48 AM

drawbridgep wrote:

Quote - Not sure if it's been mentioned, but having a thumbnail, an intermediate and the full size image are exactly the same way that CGTalk and DAZ3d display their galleries.    I don't think there was big fuss about that, mainly becasue that's the way it always was. 

Rendorosity has had over 1.2 million images posted by members...DAZ or CGTalk a tiny fraction of that total. There are many reasons why Renderosity had become the place to showcase artwork online, but none of those reasons include the resizing of artists' work. The ease of use the old gallery format had made browsing the galleries a fun and efficient process. Adding extra clicks to accomplish what could be done so easily before just makes no sense. The reality is that many viewers will never click through to the artist's original composition, and that means that the current set-up hinders the achievement of the gallery's showcase artwork!

We're not simply against any change, and very few people have suggested bringing back the old setup. My initial reaction to the new layout was very positive, but when I found that the artwork (as many people view it) was an altered version, that fact trumped everything's just wrong for a site dedicated to artwork to do such a thing.

Check out my full gallery at Cliff-Dweller Artworks

tainted_heart ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 5:14 PM

Quote - There seem to be two issues here:   (a)  people don't like change.  If we had always had an intermediate file, then there wouldn't be any issue.   and (b)  the cheap and nasty way they've done it.

It's not about resistance to change. The title of this thread is "Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea" and the focus in the thread has primarily been the poor quality of the resized images. The complaint about the intermediate image has been fueled by the concern that many people will see the jagged, poor quality intermediate image and not realizing the "jaggies" won't be in the full size image, they won't bother to zoom the image.


It's all fun and games...
Until the flying monkeys attack!!! 

StaceyG ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 7:29 PM

Please see the new announcement thread I posted this evening regarding this issue:)

hewee ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 7:39 PM

Be nice if we can click on the thumbnail and if we then click on the image we have setup in the new setting you say we will have and I will pick full screen. That after seeing the full image it close when we click on it. No you have to click a thumbnail and it opens in a new window and then you have to click again to see the full image and that window open off set you you have to move it over to see it right. Then after seeing it you can close it. But you still have the other image to close before going back to the thumbnail page. Are you going to have it so it is like it used to be where we can just click on a thumbnail one to open the full image and then click on it again to close it?

StaceyG ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 7:51 PM

I'm not sure what you are saying, can you please clarify? Sorry

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 9:06 PM

Think he's talking about one click open, and then one click on the image to close it and go back to the gallery....{pre-conversion gallery}


Renderosity Community Admin

StaceyG ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 9:11 PM

You can still choose this in MY OPTIONS for the gallery:)

hewee ( ) posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 9:52 PM

Yes one click to open a full image and then one click to close the full image like we had before the upgrade. I do not see that option now. In the My Option there is the "When browsing, open images in a new window" but it opens the thumbnail in a resized image and you have to click again to see the full size image and it opens up a full size scree that is off set. So I have to click on the menu bar to have it fill the screen. I can click anyplace on the full image to close it. But I have to click the X to close out the resized image. Like this thumbnail here from the link when clicked on opens this and it is not the full image that we used to get before the upgrade when we clicked on a thumbnail. Then you click on this image again to get the full image here. Then I have to click and click and click more to get around now when before the upgrade it was all so easy and simple and you had one click on a thumnail to open a full image and then one more click on the full image to close it. The full image page used to open like any web page and was not a resized pop-up window that is off-set and the right of it off my screen like it is now.

PJF ( ) posted Wed, 21 June 2006 at 3:22 PM

Well, it's all over bar the shouting. The image resizing issue is resolved pretty much to everyone's satisfaction. A fine result for common sense.

As far as I can tell, the new gallery features work fine with my altered CSS. The resized images display properly (resized); the full-sized images display properly (full). Plus the artist notes are still in the middle instead of off to the side. Yay. I'll leave it in there and report any problems.

And those with the code change don't have to wait days for the conversions to work their way backwards. ;-)


modus0 ( ) posted Wed, 21 June 2006 at 3:45 PM

Actually, looks like the new code is buggy, as it doesn't resize the rest of the page so that the image fits properly within it.

Using the "view full-size regardless" option now causes the image to overlap the menu bar on the right, which severely detracts from the viewing experience.


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.

modus0 ( ) posted Wed, 21 June 2006 at 4:16 PM

Addendum to previous:

Seems to be a Firefox problem, williamsn is looking into it.


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.

bonestructure ( ) posted Wed, 21 June 2006 at 7:47 PM

I still have no idea of why anyone thought it was necessary to resize the images and make things more complicated than they need to be. Images open in a new window anyway, so why was it necessary to nprevent them from opening full sized? This was causing someone a problem? I simply don't see any reasoning behind it.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

hewee ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 12:04 AM


I change my setting to "Display images full-size regardless of artist preference" but when you click on the thumbnail is shows the full image a long with the rest of the web page just like it has this pass week but it is full size. Only thing is you can not see the right side of the image that goes into the side frame and it put a white layer over top.

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 12:11 AM

bone, I think they wanted to resize 'em on account of folks with dial-up connexions. I don't have any figures, but I estimate 30-40% of their clients are on dial-up.

Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 12:13 AM · edited Thu, 22 June 2006 at 12:13 AM

Quote - I change my setting to "Display images full-size regardless of artist preference" but when you click on the thumbnail is shows the full image a long with the rest of the web page just like it has this pass week but it is full size. Only thing is you can not see the right side of the image that goes into the side frame and it put a white layer over top.

Several members have reported issues like this..the Admins and Programmers are aware of this and will try and figure out what the problem is just as soon as they can get to it 😄


Renderosity Community Admin

hewee ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 12:34 AM

Well it looks like what I posted in my above post has just been fixed. Thanks :)

bonestructure ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 6:43 AM

Well that's funny, cause, you see, I have a dial up connection and I have no problems with images opening to full sized.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

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