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Subject: Harassment

XSashaX ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 4:55 PM

Again most of this stuff we can not comment really about without Bobby's confirmation about what she has gained or lost due to Stefyzz's actions - which personally if I was here I would keep them to myself and whomever has the power to do something about the situation.<<< WiNC, Bobbie invited public speculation of herself and her website herself.

Stormrage ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 5:04 PM

XSashaX.. ahh thank you :) WiNC yep I know.. considering I have 3 and will be opening one on my site soon. "Politness and professionalism should be in foremost with any deals with people". very very very true!

Blooddoll ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 5:09 PM

When I first started this post it was about the overall harassment not just the asia/jillian texture debate, at the time i was under the impression that issue had been solved and it was just a small piece of the whole picture. But now it seems to have become the main event because it never was resolved due to an accidental deleteing of emails (which happens to everyone). No matter what is decided about the texture, I hope everyone remembers the lagit textures that where purchased that there is proof of purchase of. The way stefyz removed Bobbies login/pass to her site so she could not have access to her more detailed proof of purchase. The posts on Bobbies gallery accusing her of being a theif, SPAMing the same email over and over to Bobbie, IM'ing people who have nothing to do with this at the time, the fact that Bobbies entire web site was removed based on stefyz word alone. Keep this in mind before purchasing anything from stefyzz. As far as my feelings on the texture, I see good points on both sides. And not having been able to examin the textures themselves in photoshop myself I will leave that up to rosity to descide. But then there is another issue that apparently I was delusional about. I had assumed that Bobbie was trying to sell Jillian here not just on her own website. which is why I can understand why rosity would say that it is not their issue. However, Personaly I feel that any community should step in and stop harassment between its own members, expecialy when one of them seems to be a repeat offender, and not just turn their nose away and say sorry it didnt all happen here so its not our problem. Thats one of the biggest issues with People today they dont want to get involved when they should, and want to jump on in when they shouldent. They dont want to get involved when the situation can actually effect their own lives or cause any inconvience. So anyways, Now im just rambling. So I think Ill stop because ive stoped making sence to even myself. Now I will sit and wait for the outcome of this all. And as long as every thing is done fairly and justly (by that I dont mean it has to totaly come in bobbies favor) and explinations are given for what ever dicision is made I will be happy. However if some half assed excuse is given and someone gets away with murder, Ill be pretty pissed. With that, the sun is out and its time to start a new project. Have a good day. Windy

WiNC ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 5:09 PM

XSashaX - then we can comment as much as we want :) lol As long as Bobby herself requested comment on the situation - and not others requested it for her. But again - I personally think I have said all I can say on the matter. In regards to stefyzz - well honestly I believe that the moderators should look at her track record and I personally believe if there is enough evidence they should suspend her from selling stuff on this site. They have a massive community - they also have a responablity to protect those people in thie community. However - at the same time - there is little that they can do if she hasn't done something on Renderosity - which again means Bobby has to deal with this herself. Though I have taken all stefyzz's stuff off my wish list - especially since I can't get others to buy it for me, which is probably the only way a poor person like me can ever afford to get her textures. It is a pitty that stefyzz has acted like this - because over all - she is probably one of the most talented texture creators in the community. But jsut because she is - and is a top seller - doesn't mean that she should be above the "law". And Harrassment - anywhere - for any reason - should be discourged. Now I'm off to university to continue my programming degree since if I don't - I won't be able to afford Poser 5 :P

Valandar ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 5:13 PM

sigh This sort of thing is what gives the R'osity marketplace a bad name... unfortunately for the rest of us. Heck, as a new merchant, I'd almost be flattered to be copied. ^_^

Remember, kids! Napalm is Nature's Toothpaste!

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 5:14 PM

Ok as for me learning texmaps see this is one i am working on and off as for my website if any one would look at it it is being redone and as been for some time now as i said in the post i did Above this is way out of hand now i have sent the texmaps to the right ppl 2 times now and i do ty all for your Support but this has to stop now it is being looked in to by me stefzz and the rosity ppl as for MY site Id also like to say that now that I know what warez is I dont support it and I wish I knew what that was before.But as I said before,a deal was made with the renter that once my poser stuff went up on the site,the other portion would be closed.This is not a warez issue.some ppl who have posted in here have read bits and Pieces this all started coz i bought things from her site "Lago,Gaia Lingerie Package1" as for Leo he was a gift to me but as for "Lago,Gaia Lingerie Package1"I bought all pics i did that had the Gaia Lingerie Package1 got took off of rosity after i showed proof that i bought them But i was given a very Nice and sweet Im sorry for that as for my texmaps that is not an Issue any more this is all over now and my site is being worked on and i am slowly putting it all back up Steffzz has stop e-mailing me and I ty all but this is done now and is over ty xoxoxoxo to all of you wish you all well Bobbie25

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WiNC ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 6:23 PM

Good to hear Bobby - and wish the best for you and all your endevours in the future. Regards and best wishes WiNC

Poppi ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 6:37 PM

Bobbie...i still know that you have a legal cause of action. it may be hard to nail steffyzzz, overseas, but, r'osity....and, more likely than not, your web host service...are here in the states. just a thought....a bit of the greenstuff can help soothe aggrevation to no end.

Disciple3d ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 6:52 PM

Tiny bubbles, in my wine. Makes me h appy, makes me feel fine.

If you want to up your content game, get schooled to be a pro with Sixus1 Mentoring today!

WiNC ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 7:32 PM

Poppi - before anyone starts looking at legal aspects of everything - one has to ask "is it worth it". There isn't just the risk of loosing and loosing money... there is also the time, effort and pain legal issues take. Especially if no evidence of true money lose can be proven. Example - if you are selling everyday and then this happens - it could be possible to argue that one had lost "this much" because that is how much history shows you would have made. However if you are like most people on the internet, and only selling one every ... month or week - proving any lose is almost impossible. Secondly proving hardship also is one of the hardest things to get a judge to back. Unless there is medical payments required for counciling etc - proving hardship is like trying to prove there is a god. Most judges however do not go on faith :) So honestly - yes there might look like some legal avenues that Bobby could take against her ISP, and even maybe Renderosity - however winning, and the hassle of those procedings would be very hard to justify against possible earnings. Personally - as Bobby has stated - she and everyone else is working out the misunderstanding... That is a good step. I do however believe that issues regarding stefyzz shouldn't be dropped. I don't personally want to see in a months time the same shit happening from her - she needs to learn that this type of behaviour (even if she says sorry) is not acceptable. The only people who can do that is Renderosity putting the squeeze on her.

Kendra ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 8:12 PM

Legal action really doesn't make sense in this situation. Personally, I hate seeing someone attempt to collect money when no real monetary loss has occured.

If the texture is unique, then Stefyzz owes Bobbie25 a public appology for the whole mess, the deletions, the questioning of reputation and the loss of her website for a time. And I feel that Renderosity should enforce this. A popular merchant needs Renderosity as much as Renderosity needs the popular merchant. No one should be able to hold any strings or demand any special treatment here. AND if this is happening from one person on a regular basis, Renderosity should put a stop to it.

Stefyzz has lost out on this already. I won't buy from her after learning of her restrictions w/regard to gifts and actions based on this. I wasn't aware of these things till now. I think many others have come to the same conculsions.
And, if the texture is unique, Bobbie25 will have had quite a bit of publicity when she finally releases the texture to the Marketplace. :)

...... Kendra

hmatienzo ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 8:45 PM

I'd be interested to in finding out whether a clause in the ReadMe like, You can't buy this as a gift, can be enforced in court. Why is buying texture different from buying a set of dishes as a gift, or a book... This is plain silly. I can understand trying to control warez by having a buyers list. On the other hand, more sales would be lost with a clause like that, too. Not all of us have credit cards and actually have to rely on sons and brothers to order, LOL! No gift, no sale. Thank you, Stef, but I will stick to vendors who are reasonable adults and don't throw temper tantrums all the time!

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

Entropic ( ) posted Sun, 14 July 2002 at 9:41 PM

See there? That was pretty easy to work out. Conclusions? 1. Stefy threw a tantrum, which she's apt to do. It sucks. If she threw the tantrum here, she should be suspended for a week to help her chill out and get her head together. If the entire tantrum was taken out elsewhere, Rosity's not obligated to do anything. 2. Rosity's not going to look at this in any way that reflects favoritism. I know a lot of folks out there like to think that there's a bias here, but, there's really not. Doesn't matter if you're a top selling merchant or if you just come by to dl free stuff, you break the rules and stuff happens. But if the rules of this site were violated elsewhere, it's not rosity's problem, and it shouldn't be. If that were the case, I'd have been toast months ago. =) 3. As for the warez issue, who knows? I think Bobbi should definitely reconsider her entire site, and be very careful about who and what gets to "rent space". Her TOS clauses also hint that certain things might not be on the up and up, but I won't condemn her unless I find some real evidence, and I'm not looking for any. Nonetheless, if there's a warez item posted at any site, there should be a zero tolerance for linking to rosity. I don't care if you're just hosting someone's item that you don't know and haven't seen. No links allowed. In the absence of an opinion from the admin, I'm willing to assume this is the case. 4. We're all one big happy family again, right? How about a hug? =) Paul

WiNC ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 1:13 AM

btsculpyot I have personally done a blur test - which shows very clearly where simularities are. The thing is there are also things that are not the same - personally I know how that could be fixed and one could use Asia to make Bobby's texture - however again it would take a number of hours to make it as good quality and as seemless as Bobby's texture is. And I would question - is it worth it? I'm sorry - but there are far better textures out there to steal - especially if one is going to alter it. I mean Asia has a lot of imperfections in the texture, and in the skin - might look realistic, but on Poser it still looks "bad" because of the way Poser uses the textures. So - presonally I can not say if Bobby did use Asia or not - but I can say that if she did - she could have picked better :)

Entropic ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 2:23 AM

This thread should be locked. Sorry. After a lot of consideration, this is not going anywhere, and none of us have the ability to demonstrate anything beyond what the administration is probably figuring out for themselves. In fact, I'm not even sure this is a Renderosity matter any more. We can all get together and crucify either Stefy or Bobby, but really what's the point? I think this issue is being resolved in other places, and we can't do anything but make it worse for all involved. Dissenting opinions? Paul

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:24 AM

Hello everybody, I've knew about this thread only now, I'm sorry for the delay. -Point 1: About the Blooddoll words: "NOW Steffyzz has accused Bobbie25 of stealing B-Gen Leo and the Gaia Lingerie Package1 Gaia Lingerie Package1. Yet here they are on her credit card statement that I have seen with my own eyes. 6/25/2002 2CHECKOUT.COM , 877-294-0273 , OH $35.00 6/27/2002 2CHECKOUT.COM , 877-294-0273 , OH $25.00 " They are not order numbers of 2checkout and less oders of my 2checkout account. When someone purchases at our store with 2checkourt system he/she receive both the 2checkout order number that it looks like: 15523 (id seller number) and the order number of the purchase 1546574 plus the order number for my store. The customer receive the number in this way: The following order was placed for .......: Order Number: 15523 - 1546574 ZetaStudios3D Order Number: 404 Total - $35.00 The order was billed to: ...... Then we send another mail that is the mail with the Purchase data that includes our ZS3D order number (included in the 2checkou mail as well), the username and the full real name of the buyer, which is the owner of the license. Blooddoll you should look into some 2checkout order before to post false statements. And when we've asked for 2 times to Bobbie 25 to send us the purchase data, we've received only the response she received the textures as a gift and it was not her fault his friend didn't know it was not allowed from the license. We've seen also from her gallery that she own also Iago. -Point2: "Kendra- then Stefyzz owes Bobbie25 a public appology for the whole mess, the deletions, the questioning of reputation and the loss of her website for a time" The site was distributing also for sale illegal "backup" copies of Courious Labs, Adobe, Metacreations, and several other sofwares, so the Copyright Enforcement Agents of these companies have tracked down the store owned by Bobbie25. I've received a copy of the ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT by the CL Copyright Enforcement Agent. Is Bobbie25 that owe to me and to CuriosLabs, Adobe, Metacreations etc... apologies. Also for sending us several offensive e-mails with words like bitch, fuck, ass, etc... -Point 3: The comparisons were made by Renderosity admins and also if we do not retain it necessary since everything is clear, we will post some Photoshop "difference" comparison. -Point 4: After all sayd we have no trust in this person for the extremely dishonest behaviour, and for damaging us, Curious Labs, Adobe, Metacreations, etc... Point 5: About the ZS3D product license: "3.PURCHASE DATA The Buyer have to store in a safe place all the datas and details of the purchase. This constituite the proof of the purchase and the ownership of the license to use the product. ZETASTUDIOS3D can request the purchase data under special circumstances if necessary." Obiouvsly the special circumstances only are warez cases like this, when dishonest persons want only to damage us. Point 6: use of the Jillian texture on Bobbie25 image gallery coomparison I would like to quote another time the words of Dann Farr president of Daz, since we feel closer more now then ever: "We put considerable resources into creating our products. The value of these products lies in the fact that they are time consuming, expensive and difficult to create. Our goal is to sell this work to others, allowing them to start their projects from where we left off, and allowing us to earn money to live on and to invest in future projects. The problem arises when someone starts from our work, bypassing the investment necessary to get to that point, and then distributes their work in ways that may compete with our own product. And thats as complicated as our motivation gets. We simply need to ensure that no one can use our work as an unfair advantage to compete with us. And without having to go into the infinite number ways someone can create and distribute derivative work, this explanation should also help to clarify which specific methods of producing and/or distributing your work are permitted. Some of these infringements are obvious, others are often undiscernable to people unfamiliar with the many professional tools and techniques available. Also, we are only interested in protecting our business, not pursuing vendettas. With almost all first time offenses, we are satisfied when the creator of the derivative work simply acknowledges the infringement, is willing to work with us, and removes the files in question from distribution. Furthermore, for such matters we try to conduct our business with offenders on an individual and private level. That being said, we do have copyright and the End User License Agreement backing us up on this, and when its not an option to protect our business in a friendly manner we will go to all lengths necessary to protect our copyright. Ultimately, however, the success or failure of this market revolves around community support. If any entity has to spend a large percentage of its resources protecting its products rather than developing products, that business will not survive in such a market. The fact that this community is made up mostly of people who look for ways to support each other and our market, rather than parasites who continuously look for loopholes that damage others, is what makes this such a strong and growing community. (Speaking generally and not reffering to anyone specifically.) We all benefit from such a community." Thank you for your kind attention, Sincerely, Stefania.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:25 AM

Purchase Number: 373 Placed: 6/24/2002 Products Purchased: Product: Type: Price: ------------------------------------------------------------------ BREATH GENERATION IAGO type: PC / MAC* $ 35,00 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Order: $ 35,00 Please save the purchase data above in a safe place, since they constituite the proof of your purchase.Thank you! Below you will find the download information for your purchase. These Link/URLs will be valid for only 24 hours from the time of this email. If for any reason one (1) of the two (2) max downloads allowed will stop during the download process, it will be considered expired. If the link is splitted in two (2) lines please select the entire url , copy and paste it in your web browser and press enter to start the download. Purchase Number: 458 Placed: 6/27/2002 Products Purchased: Product: Type: Price: ------------------------------------------------------------------ GAIA LINGERIE PACK 1 type: PC / MAC* $ 25,00 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Order: $ 25,00 Please save the purchase data above in a safe place, since they constituite the proof of your purchase.Thank you! Below you will find the download information for your purchase. These Link/URLs will be valid for 24 hours, 4 maximum started downloads from the time of this email. If for any reason one (1) of the four (4) max downloads allowed will stop during the download process, it will be considered expired. If the link is splitted in two (2) lines (one active and one not) please select the first active line and copy and paste it in your web broser window, then select the second line (not active) and copy and paste it in your browser window near to one already pasted. Please verify the link/url pasted in your browser window is identical to the one below. Press enter to start the download. as i have mailed this to you one time befor but you still say that i did not Bought them

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StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:52 AM

Bobbie25 About your purchases I'm sorry but we've asked you 2 times via e-mail to send us these informations and you've never sent them to us. We have NEVER received them! You've only answered with a rude e-mail containing the word bitch referred to me that you have received Leo as a gift. No information about your purchases data you have now posted above. If you should have promptly sent them to us we should NEVER and NEVER ask you to delete your images. We are sorry for this inconvenience but, I repeat if you should promptly have sent us your purchase data you've posted above we should NEVER and NEVER ask you to delete them, and sent you our apologies about it. Sincerely, Stefania.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:06 AM

i did send them to you with the same e-mail calling you a bitch

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Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:10 AM

Now i think it is time for us to talk like adults and I am sorry for calling you a bitch it was not right of me to do so BUT i think we both should take this to ims or e-mails coz this is now between you and i

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StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:13 AM

We are sorry but these are the e-mails you have sent me and there is no purchase data on them, no username and realname used to purchase and number of purchase: ----- Original Message ----- From: Bobbie Sweet To: ZetaStudios3D Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 5:28 PM Subject: Re: Illegal distribution and copyright infringment i bought your Gaia Lingerie Package1 go look you dum ass bitch ----- Original Message ----- From: Bobbie Sweet To: ZetaStudios3D Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 11:09 PM Subject: Re: Illegal distribution and copyright infringment ....As for Leo he was given to me as a gift after I bought some of your other things and it is not my fault that my friend did not read your license agreement and I will not ask him for proof of sale for Leo because that is rude .... ----- Original Message ----- From: Bobbie Sweet To: ZetaStudios3D Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 7:32 PM Subject: Re: Illegal distribution and copyright infringment ok bitch look in your dam records i bought lago and Gaia Lingerie Package1 on 6/25 or 26 or 27 and i have e-mailed about all of this and i have called my credit card and you are not a smart girl i would have to say and i will see your ass in court for sure now so bring it on I repeat , we are sorry for this but we've never received your purchase data. If you should have sent them to us we should NEVER and NEVER ask you to delete the images and sent you our apologies. Sincerely, Stefania.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:18 AM

lol were is the rest of that e-mail hun it had a lot more to it then that

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StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:25 AM

In the rest of the first e-mail regarding Leo there was nothing regarding to the purchase data, it was only referred to the Asia copyright infringment. Anyway this is the whole e-mail you've sent us: ----- Original Message ----- From: Bobbie Sweet To: ZetaStudios3D Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 11:09 PM Subject: Re: Illegal distribution and copyright infringment I want the number of youre attorney I have called mine and meet with him showing him youre Textures and mine and he said you dont have any clam and I have grounds to sue you for defamation and lose of sales. And he wants to call and talk to your Lawyer as soon as possible on this matter. As for the derogator comments they are to be taken off as soon as possible and replaced with a Written Apology. As for Leo he was given to me as a gift after I bought some of your other things and it is not my fault that my friend did not read your license agreement and I will not ask him for proof of sale for Leo because that is rude . As for you E-mailing me it is herasment if you e-mail me for any other risen then to give me the phone number of your lawyer. Barbara.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:33 AM

I'm sorry I didn't read you message above: "Now i think it is time for us to talk like adults and I am sorry for calling you a bitch it was not right of me to do so BUT i think we both should take this to ims or e-mails coz this is now between you and i" I agree with you and I accept your apologies. Thank you. Sincerely, Stefania.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:38 AM

yes lets play e-mail tag your it talk to you in a min

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WiNC ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:38 AM

Bobby did you sell CL, and other software on your site? If not - then why did Stefania manage to get your site closed down so easily?

XSashaX ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:45 AM


Huh...that was almost better than sex.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 6:49 AM

THIS IS NOW OVER HER AND I WILL talk about it in e-mail only like adults

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hmatienzo ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 7:33 AM

I, for one, am glad that this whole mess brings home one point... Buy from a merchant who will not force you to keep receipts for eternity, just in case she forgets you bought from her, or doesn't bother to read her email proper... or heaven forbid I might get a gift, however will I prove that? Can you all imagine having your gallery trolled because your username doesn't seem to match purchase records, and your name destroyed in the process? The warez that were maybe offered on Bobbie's site have nothing at all to do with the issue at hand, IMO, that's for the companies to figure out. Stick to vendors who treat you with respect.

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 7:38 AM

WiNC: About the fact Bobbie25 was selling CL and other, we've already sent to the Admins the copy of the CL ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, that was the reason why the store of the site was tracked down. We can't obiouvsly post it in public without their prior written permission. I can only post the Copyright Enforcement Agent comments under the DMCA about the Bobbie25 3D Underground site Disclaimer (Agent comments between the [ ]) : Disclaimer WARNING: The creators of this site take no responsibility or liability for anything that occusr as a result of reading or downloading information within this website.This website does not host any software!It merely indexes the content of other websites.Also note that 3D Under Ground's views and content in no way reflect the views or belies of the service provider,and the service provider is not responsible for any content on these pages. [I didn't realize that selling pirated software now constitutes "indexing" the content of other websites.] Copyright Status: 3D Under Ground retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free licence to publish and reproduce it's contents, and allows others to do so, for reference purposes only. These documents may be freely distributed and must only be used for non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes. Commercial use of the documents available on this server are protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws.Individual documents on this server may have different copyright conditions,and may be noted as such. [The "3D Under Ground" does NOT hold copyrights to Poser 4 (or any other software listed for sale on the site), much less do they have any right to publish or reproduce the software, for "reference purposes" or otherwise.] Disclaimer of Endorsement: Reference herin to any specific commercial produc, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or othrwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by 3D Under Ground. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of 3D Under Ground, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Disclaimer of Liability: With respect to documents available from this server, neither 3D Under Ground nor it's creators, make any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represent that it's use would not infringe privately owned rights. Notice: Information on this server resides on a computer system paid for by 3D Under Ground. The use of this system may be, and is, monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public laws 83-703 and 99-474. [A publicly accessible web site is not considered to be a "private server" and PL 83-703 and 99-474 have no applicability to access - at least according to the United States Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.] Also Note: For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any government, ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group, or were formerly a worker of one you CANNOT enter and view this web site, cannot acess any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. If you enter this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, and cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this web site. [Again, the "Bill Clinton says you can't see me or sue me" disclaimer has no applicability to a PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE web site. The presence of this disclaimer is generally considered to be both a "red flag" and a "welcome mat" for agencies such as ours.] By continuing to view and read the documents within this site, you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms stated above, and affirm that you are in compliance with all federal, state and local laws concerning the content of this site. Unless otherwise indicated, the information in this transmittal is CONFIDENTIAL and intended only for the recipient listed above. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply mail.

Bobbie25 ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 7:50 AM


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eirian ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 7:57 AM

Bobbie25 may or may not be trading in warez, and may or may not have used the Asia texture as a base for her own. I've seen no real evidence, either way, on any of those charges. What is not in question, or so it appears, is that SteffyZZ chose to troll Bobbie25's gallery as a method of confronting her (him?) about the allegedly stolen texture. For Heaven's sake, that's simply NOT acceptable behaviour from a merchant. It's not acceptable from anyone, and in most cases would be considered a banning offence by the admins. This was, and is, a private matter, and the Renderosity community should not have been involved at all.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 8:02 AM

Bobbie, I'm sorry but I was only replying to WiTC, I didn't wanted to upset you. Beeing you the owner of the site and beeing showed your picture and of ublefugly and your Stuff (textures, gallery etc..and the "Backup" CDs) and beeing your first and last name clearly written as the owner of the account (have you rented also your paycom account?) when someone was trying to purchase some Poser and Photoshop CD, and sent to the paycom purchasing page, we all have tought that it was you that was selling the illegal software CDs. I'm sorry if it was not so obiouvs that was not you. Sincerely, Stefania.

XSashaX ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 8:06 AM

Attached Link:

Well then, what about this? (referring to point 6 of steffys complaint)

You almost had me convinced of a wonderful new texture! Pretty disapointing, to say the least.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 8:12 AM

eirian: I didn't mean to offend anyone, and less Bobbie25. I was only trying to protect my work. I apologize with all should have feel offended by this, it was not our intention. Yes you are right this should have solved in a private form, and it was not me that started the forum thread. We've sent our apologies to Bobbie25 about the mistake we made since we didn't receive her purchase data. About the last message I was only repliyng to WiNC about his question. Didn't wanted to offend anyone. Evrything will be solved in private. I'm sorry again if someone should have feel offended. It was not my intention. Sincerely, Stefania.

SnowSultan ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 10:02 AM

Thank you for the link Sasha (and Stefy too), that comparison proves quite a bit in my opinion. The top of the lips and that one wild part of the eyebrow match up pretty darn well. Heh, you call a vendor a "dum ass bitch" and appear to try and sell an infringing texture and then you're surprised when the vendor fights back?! If Bobbie is proficient enough in English to use profanity and threaten to bring on the lawyers, she ought to have had suspicions when a site called "3D Underground" who's selling 'backup' CDs of Photoshop and Poser wanted to rent space from her (and no, I'm not accusing her of being a warez dealer too, but it just adds to the suspicions anyway). It would be nice if everyone who attacked Stefy here would apologize to her for all the slanderous comments, but I won't hold my breath. SnowS

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

umblefugly ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 11:17 AM

The picture in the link to SteffyZZs "comparison" is not Jillian that is Holly Wood and what the heck is she doing stealing pictures out of the Renderosity Gallery when those pictures are supposed to be protected by Renderosity and posting them without written consent from Bobbie? I would not in any way shape or for call that a comparison,that is outright BS.Holly Wood was only a post of a render and was NEVER offered up as a sale item. Please people,pay attention to what you read.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 11:32 AM

I've thought Bobbie would like to solve this in private. Anyway under that image she've written she've created that texture and was the same used in the Jillian images now deleted from her gallery. Anyway I don't wanted to "steal" the Bobbie25 image gallery posting the comparison, in the meantime the admins will post the actual comparisons.

umblefugly ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 11:39 AM

Then why havent you e-mailed her? If you want to talk to her then e-mail her shes been e-mailing you and you refuse to answer.I know coz im talking to her right now thru the yahoo voice chat.

StefyZZ ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 11:47 AM

I didn't refuse to answer. I've sent her our apologies for haven't receive her purchase data and our misunderstanding at that was all. I hope she have received them. Never received any reply.

Kendra ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 12:01 PM

then Stefyzz owes Bobbie25 a public appology for the whole mess, the deletions, the questioning of reputation and the loss of her website for a time"

The site was distributing also for sale illegal "backup" copies of Courious Labs, Adobe, Metacreations, and several other sofwares, so the Copyright Enforcement Agents of these companies have tracked down the store owned by Bobbie25.
I've received a copy of the ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT by the CL Copyright Enforcement Agent.

Is Bobbie25 that owe to me and to CuriosLabs, Adobe, Metacreations etc... apologies.
Also for sending us several offensive e-mails with words like bitch, fuck, ass, etc..."*

The backup cd's should be a separate issue.
No one has posted absolute proof, yet, of the textures. (the link above is not working)
There are lines of comunication that should be followed in a situation like this and trolling a persons gallery and posting public comments BEFORE such proof is posted, is not the way to go about it.

Looking at both textures, side by side, wasn't conclusive enough. A request should have been made to Renderosity (since that's where the texture was going to be sold) to compare both (OUTSIDE of Poser) BEFORE publicly condeming someone. (same reason I was non-committal in my own opinion)

If it can happen to one person it can happen to anyone on this site and that was my main point and reason for posting. If it's being handled properly now and everyone is behaving then good. But I do know that I wouldn't be very willing to be "nice" to someone who suddenly demanded I show proof of my purchase while trolling my gallery.
Something to think about.

...... Kendra

umblefugly ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 12:10 PM

Just to let everyone know,because of a f**k up on the hosts part at our site,products were made available to anyone and everyone.If you see Lightning FX,Melissa,Jillian or anyother item out there,it is stolen from us.TY

lcmankiller ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 1:58 PM

Wow! I am sooooo outta here! If there are people like stefyzz stalking the galleries of renderosity then I'm posting (and purchasing) elsewhere. Renderosity admin. please take heed, you've lost me as a contributor and customer because of this issue. And Stef, you're the talk of all the poser groups I'm on--your name has become an anathema among many in the poser community. I'm off to 3DCommune. But thanks for the morning soap opera! LC Mankiller

WiNC ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 2:54 PM

Well hold on - firstly I was informed that Stefyzz was informed about Bobby's texture by a friend. Most people can see a simularity and anyone who has their eyes on Asia (and would so much like to have the texture) can see the simularities very clearly. So I'm not sure Stefyzz "trolls". And in a way she has the right to monitor the use of her work, doesn't Microsoft force you to give them a activation code - which monitors who is using their product. What about 3dMax, or many other programs out there that force you to contact them before you use their product. Then there are those who do so without even letting you know, CuteFTP, Dreamweaver MX, just to name a few. Now Stefyzz goes around and sees if she can see her texture being used, if she does and that person isn't on their list then she will quesiton. Now, I am starting to wonder from the information I have seen here just who was the first person to become "unprofessional". I do believe that we have all jumped on Bobby's side because StefyZZ is a big top selling merchant, and also because StefyZZ in the past has causes some issues. However, even a stopped clock can be right twice a day... Now again I'm not sure if Bobby's texture was original Asia and some other texutres - all I can say is that playing with the pictures that were supplied by BloodDoll - I can make a very damn close copy of Bobby's texture from Asia - and that isn't without changing the eyebrows and other stuff. So the problem is - I can't believe Bobby that she didn't copy the texture, because I know it can be done. Now something else that totally puts Bobby's side of the story into question is this fact that she was selling Warez (There is no such thing as selling, or supplying Backup CDs - it is Warez!). And I'm sorry - ANYONE who had that disclaimer on their site knew too damn well what warez means. Take it from me - I have been there, done that! (Though NEVER had the indesanty to sell another persons work, not software, art, nothing!) Anyone who sells software should not be trusted - mainly because they are making money off other people, they are willing to break the law in some of the highest regards and are also willing to hurt the community by doing so. It is that simple, and the way Bobby has "denied" invovlment in this simply doesn't sit well with me. I'm sorry but personally, this "Rented" out space on my site stuff just is too much bullshit for me. I have been on Internet since it was just a few BBS's connected to each other, I have heard all the excuses in the universe. For someone to rent out space and not check what is on that space is just not heard of (even big companies that rent out space, check those sites from time to time). To see sellable items for CL and Photoshop and not questions brings into question your own intelligence Bobby. And yeah I'm being blantly truthful here, but to me it is bullshit. You were caught out - and instead of saying "Shit, oh well my fault" you started this campaign of lies to protect yourself and your interest. Now because it wasn't on Renderosity it has nothing to do with Renderosity, but because you were (at least) an accumplus to the selling of illegal software (which was charged to your account) I believe it is YOU who owes the community an apology for your actions and for the way this whole thing has worked out! I personally owned StefyZZ an apology - Mainly because it appears that a lot of the information that was supplied to us made you out to be the agressure and the one causing the problems. My one conversation with you has been extremely professional, and your conduct on here has also been professionally handled. I do thank you also for bringing to the attention of the selling of more legal software on the internet, and that you took action to close that down. This will be the last thing I will be saying on this topic - mainly because all I can see now is a warez person who got herself caught, and in my eyes, that is perfect justice. WiNC

umblefugly ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 3:36 PM

Can we all move on?

Hellmark ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 3:43 PM

WiNC, first off the site has nothing to do with this issue. SO WHY DO YOU KEEP BRINGING IT UP?! The only question here was if Bobbie copied the texture and called it as her own. That is something you only hit lightly on in your rant. Also, how can you even comment on a person you don't know or never talked to? I know bobbie, and she aint the type of person to do that. Not to cut her down or anything, I seriously doubt she knows how to do that (sorry bobbie). Plus as everyone else has been saying, this is a personal matter between Steffy and Bobbie, so drop it already.

c1rcle ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 3:58 PM

Harrassment is Harrassment & anyone who thinks they can get away with it is deluding themselves. To do it in public is rank stupidity. I see great things in your future Stefy just not many sales, you've ruined Bobbies reputation & I was going to say yours too but you don't have a reputation to ruin unless it's the reputation of being a bully. Yes that's what you look like to everyone now is a big bully who needs to be brought down a peg or 2 & the best way is to boycott your site & store items. looking up a bit I see at least 3 people who said they'll never be customers of yours either now or in the future & I join their ranks. my advice to you is have a long chat with bushi about how he treats his customers, he is the sort of vendor I would consider buying from again, his after sales service & even his before sales service is the best I've ever had, try taking a leaf out of his book you might like it. Rob

Staby ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 4:46 PM

Geez this was long to read! Sorry to see you trashed because you're trying to protect yor work Stefania. When after reading your post in the gallery I checked the link to Bobbie25 site and saw the textures sold there I was on the impression that it was another "mgarramone" case... The images were too short to sure, but after seeing bits of your new textures used in clones and the warez activities on that site my doubts were gone. All the persons that say that the warez activities on that site are unrelated to this subject should think that StefyZZ reaction was probably caused mainly by those illegal activities that reinforced her suspects. Maybe the reason that someone continues to bring up the issue of the warez is that they also feel insulted as I am by the lame explanations given for that. It took Snowsultan to post the screenshot, in which Bobbie was caught with the hands in the jar, to make her clean the site. I'm disconcerned to see how much people here think that pirating software is not a problem and are willing to protect a warez site and trashing an artist protecting her work instead. This kind of activities damages Stefy and all the artists/producers that create original content in the first place and then the honest costumers because those great product have to cost more to cover the investment of time and money. And to all that said that she had to handle the matter differently, well yes, but think about the money she had to invest to get the equipment to take those digital photographs she uses to create her textures, think about the money she spent to pay the models to take those photographs and think about the months she spent to painfully eliminate all the seams on the textures (I know, I saw the work in progress...)and you will understand why in these occasions (that involve warez activities) she rise some hell... Her products have been stolen and redistributed so much times in the past, even by big names in this community that have still a name only because she actually resolved those matters privately... I think I know were these persons that say that they are not going to purchase at your store are going to get your textures Stefy...

Caru ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 4:54 PM

I think I know were these persons that say that they are not going to purchase at your store are going to get your textures Stefy... Just read back this thread and count how many people you are practically calling thieves with this comment. Sometimes I almost wish my parents hadn't brought me up to be a polite and civil person so I could tell people like you what I think about your comments. How dare you?

Entropic ( ) posted Mon, 15 July 2002 at 5:33 PM

I think this thread should have been locked last night, for god's sake! Fine, you folks want to hang yourselves by raging about each other puffing your chests and bellowing like hormone charged orangutans? Do it somewhere else. I like this site, and this bullshit doesn't belong here. Let Stefania and Bobbie go beat each other with ball bats for all I care. Wtf does any of this have to do with our community? Stefy's not a part of it, and Bobby doesn't seem to care about it. Let em go fight on ESPN2 or the Playboy Channel or whatever.. The rest of you, stop being Lemmings. For god's sakes, maybe you do mean well, and I don't want to throw around insults, but do you really need to step in and defend someone based on some predisposition to ULTIMATE JUSTICE? Well, if so, get over it. Do you really think that those you soil yourselves in defending really appreciate it or even care? They don't. In fact, I'm betting they both want this whole thing to go away. Let it. Paul

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